'^•1 ____:.. a. 24 - THE HERALD. FH,, AuB. 14, 1961 fj’. I I Cloudy today M anchester, Conn. and Sunday Saturday, Aug. 15, 1981 AND SPECIAL values; — See page 2 U t m l h 25 C e n ts CWf'lllll.- % O F F % ( y ^ TO O' 20 20% •BSiKi.-: SELECT GROUP ENTIRE Sfl Health ca^e talks •GARDEN HOSES A SPRINKLERS •PATIO 8UMMBI PUflNm ifli •GARDEN CHEMICALS A SPRAYERS •REDWOOD T A K ii A SEAT9IG 6ET8 •NYLON4JNE TRIMMERS •ELI •POWER MOWERS A RIDE^N MOWERS* •GARDBl A S » iH OMMeLLAS down to the wire w wtmm >iiw iwtiiiiw <iiiwnr > M»n» in»*i II wii wam t t •8A R M QRILLS.'^ttDiAi A *001600110 HtK»M!ArewaAiine$rmmotm$KUicmoim^ •PICNIC JUGS, C H O lil A INSUUttD OAOi* EAST HARTFORD (UPI) - ’The four District 1199 Thursday and a total of 12,845. including out­ Negotiators for the ytate and 7,000 night sought to talk to onduty fellow patients. •TOROCordltM Nyton TitimMr.Our Rag. 9i 4 3 .6 6 •TORCHES A PATK> C rnlQ O E LU C A N O tlS health care workers met in a employees about the union on the State officials earlier this week marathon bargaining session Friday hospital’s patient wards. halted all but emergency or court- •TOR021” PowarMo«NK,OiirRag.2«4A4............ • 1 9 4 . •FURNITURE PADS, CO VttS A RE-Wltt lOlS in their effort to avert a threatened ’file union has supported a federal ordered admissions to the in­ Job action or illegal strike next fact-finder’s recommendations, stitutions and ordered ad­ Not sR HifM Ift a6 stoPit. SMm slock onljfj sony no lolnohoofes* fNoi In IRoRmn Hsnof. week. which indude 17 percent wage in­ ministrators to discharge or Bargaining teams for the state creases over two years and creation transfer residents and patients or Department of Administrative Ser­ of a fund to adjust salaries for past make plans to do so. vices and District 1199 of the New sex discrimination. The Connecticut Association for England Health Care Workers A walkout would affect in­ Retarded CitiZens has reached SAVE *20 TO *110 OFFISH Union met at 11 a.m. for what the stitutions run by the Mental Retar­ agreement with the union to allow union said would be the final dation, Mental Health and Children the group to bring in volunteers to negotiating session. and Youth Services departments, help out in the institutions in the *FAMOUS44AME MAJOR APPLIANCES •COHJHi TV’S The two sides remained behind with 5,736 inpatients or residents event of a strike. closed doors 11 hours later, but RADIOS *STEREOS •TAPE RECORDERS •CAL0ATCjNfM there was no word if any progress HERE ARE SO M E EXAMPLES FR O M OUR HUQB SUMCT bad been made. “We don’t have anything to say •aENERAL ELECrmC 144b. •M A a r OlagomI XL-100 Color . about the actual negotiations Soviet plans WMlMr,OiirOcla.‘ Ml.n............. *287 MwolaTV,OarCM 4. * m i n ............. M S 7 ij555wll«8. themselves,” said state spokesman Thomas Barnett. "The state is •QENERML ELECTRIC DRYER •MVI1T IJT MSpO^VR nWIRMm . _ _ _ •IWITMAOPiy^ OMrOri«.‘ »«.ra....................... *223 Color TV, Oar Ortg* 44440............ ...*3 S 8 prepared, to continue as long as the * w union is prepared to continue and •MAOIC CHEF TouehContral’ «2EWTM 14" DIaganal ‘Rowola . we’re looking for a settlement.’’ MiefDW«wO«WI,ONrOrit.'3IMr ...*2v9 C onirar Color TV, Oar (Mg.* 4 1 l.ro ... *44S ’The union represents 7,000 nurses, said 'normar i f f •KrrCHENAID'bniNfM'Sum-ln . •PHILCO 28" Diagonal Conaoia . •RANVa RIIUI . physicians and other workers who (HiiM DMNMaiNr,OurOrt(.*4IM7 ............. *387 caiarTv,OMroiii.*s4a.i«.;.........*466 staff 35 institutions for children, the 1S .70 creased alert on our part at his junc­ •QENERAL ELECTRIC i r Diagonal . retarded and mentally ill. WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - Sum­ •KINQSPOINTAMlFMPliana .... moned by Leonid BreZhnev, ture.” Color TV, Oar Oflg.* STI.ro ............ *309 CaaaaHaRaeonlair,OarOilg.*110ja..*10r caoiitaafi*Liia,aag.*m Ta... ..;*74' District 1199 President Jerome s t Brown said the union members will Poland’s top leadership flew to the In the Baltic port of Gdansk, ship — — * — — — — m.- ^ -.m— .. a - -■ — — - - - - ■ ■ 0 4 .-^ ^ M horns and factory sirens filled the ifiw^HwiiA hhrii ^nops siocs soiyi Sony, no PSRicnooRSa ooRis in onpRiOi MBiOayooswo osgaonss oopso nos>, i nMTV ^M^^P^OMOr ifnNR vote Stonday.on the state’s final Soviet Crimea for talks Friday as offer to be made in Friday’s session. Polish workers triumphantly air with a strident wail to mark the He said a Job action will be staged celebrated the first anniversary of first anniversary of the summer Tuesday if the package is rejected. the strikes that gave birth to the in­ strikes that thrust Poland into an or­ Gov. William O’Neill and Sandra dependent Solidarity labor union. bit apart from the rest of the 25% OFFsar/ I COLEMAN aAeoil^ Biloon, the state’s personnel chief, In Moscow, diplomatic sources satellites of the East Bloc. 40% OFFsa*; have sent out loud and clear war­ said the iteyiets gave the West for­ The sirens screamed for - one minute at noon, celebrating the day ALL SUNGLASSES AUBACKYANO £SS.*‘"*„..»JS |^ nings; rUjleAting that Connecticut mal notice of large-scale military law prohibits strikes by state maneuvers to begin around Poland Lech Walesa climbed over a fence u v m GAMES employees. Sept. 4. Notification, compulsory un­ at the Lenin Shipyard to coordinate vill der the 1975 Helsinki Accords, the strike that ended Aug. 31 with Oar Rag. 414 la l u r Ms. Biloon sent all employees a memo that said the failure to report meant the maneuvers would involve the historic agreement recognizing Choose from Foster Qrsm, Fordsn In- 2.76»38.87 Solidarity as a trade union indepen­ Irlgue. motel Styles tor men & women. darOrtg*4jOOMa4Ja COLEMAN D a rU M w e t to work and carry out respon­ more than 25,(MX) troops. However, Secretary of State dent of the Communist Party. Stm lima to an|oy your Itworlta sibilities “may result in legal and-or disciplinary action.’’ Alexander Haig said in Washington While the celebrations were un­ SUNDOWN backyard laarn gama. Chooaa S ir .... .:.25.33 derway, Communist party chief <«•«%( IIIN badminton, voHoyball, bocca, ’file memo also said the state he saw no reason to be alarmed by 20% O FFaj»/ Jorta* , oroqust and mora. SStaSStSW Ra*" would bua workers through picket the maneuvers. Stanislaw Kania and Prime Minister neuaWNaawiaata ....M i lines, and maintains the right to “These (maneuvers) are thus far Wojciech JaruZelski flew to the SUNTAN PROOUCTS •HMMMiA fO f tXAmiMM: Real swingers deny all use of sick leave. normal,” Haig said in an interiew on Soviet Crimea for a “short working Also Friday, the state dropped ABC’s “Good Morning America" visit" with Soviet President I. O . ^S^^TS^.?T....9.vr Melissa Cuzio, 8, of 15 West St., Kim Gazd- criminal trespass charges against show. “’They (the Soviets) have Brezhnev. 6 103 .9 9 COLWANiGaLOwiii A group of youngsters enjoys the summer Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei 0urlleo.1jata4aa zicki, 7, of 6 West St.. Heather Forshler, 9. of four off-duty Norwich State Hospital gone through the proper notification •BadmbilaNlVMMME deys by mounting the swings at the West Gromyko met the Polish leaders Choose from Coppertone, Eclipse CemlM,0ar04g.'l4Jt. 8.88 29 West St^, Joey Qoodrow, 4, of 15 West St. employees who refused to leave the procedures ... and this is essentially Tehitlan Sun, HtweUan Tropic i morel SS5'..-.....13A4' Side Playground. Patty Canlpbell, 11, of 11 normal, and is not a source of in- when they landed near BreZhnev's H O kIt a aliinooka ptue leal t m t West St., helps the swingers (left to right) and Jakcle Cuzio, 5, of 15 West St. hospital grounds. Black Sea retreat at Simferopol, 650 NMAHMneaiaa, •lock only; waty. ne mnotioefco. k Nsl «• sGm M ellfM. 1 • «lMhe8l|i;RM9;iie« miles south of Moscow. It was the second time since March that Kania and JaruZelski have been called to meet Brezhnev MTERMATIC 24Hour New CHINON ’BeNMnl’ PROCTOR ‘SiMdmala* about the Polish crisis. Automatic Timer C o m ^ :SSmoi Cameni Peaple wha live in glass tawers.... Our WNliRetnRetraeUMe Lens that all parties had. ageed not to R a g .a ja .............. Our 10,344 windows. Co. of Pittsburgh, subcontractor for ment. 7.70 8 g .1 4 Ja ..;........1 ta 7 8 BOSTON (UPI) — A six-year It specifically charged charged “publicly disclose the terms of the Automatically contnila lights & Ri«.mw........... W court buttle over the John Hancock No one was huTt by the falling pan­ the curtain wall; and Libbey-Gwens- m Feahm adluaURiast^Miisbis eok*06k eenbei settlement.” IndeX •pplianoas pea aal|K!tiMl timas. BrtOht viewfhider 41124 _ w ith pro- es, which shattered into tiny pieces Ford Co.‘of Toledo, Ohio, which I.M. Pel negligence in the design Protacts your homo whiloyou'ia and^nngatorbwadanogaatry.qrM torbfaai Tower’s notorious. popping glass Hancock Public Information grammed thunar to ihOOO aac. M»7Q Alae haa snsRciMn eruraa imy Mr before reaching the sidewalk below, designed and made the panes. and supervision of the construction; Business............................ 21 awoyl *£0111 windows ended Friday when tte in­ Gilbane with failing to cdnstruct a Manager Richard Bevilacqua said surance coinpany made an out-of- but the streets around the tower Also named in the shit were the Churches ......................... 18 fr^ e n tly had to be closed. Aetna Casualty and Surety 0>. of sound and weather-tight wall; and he could not give any information court settlement.
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