E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 No. 164 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was However, not everyone who was enti- She told me: ‘‘I am being punished called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tled to these checks received them. for who I married. My husband and I pore (Mr. CUELLAR). The Senate wrongfully included a pro- work and we pay our taxes. Why are we f vision in the CARES Act that pre- being treated like second-class citi- vented families with only one Amer- zens?’’ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ican citizen parent and another who is Her words resonate, because she is TEMPORE a tax-paying immigrant with an ITIN right. She is being treated like a sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- from receiving this financial assist- ond-class citizen. fore the House the following commu- ance. I ask you, during a period of unprece- nication from the Speaker: Let me repeat this. Citizens of the dented challenges, when Americans are WASHINGTON, DC, United States are being prevented from facing more than one crisis, when we September 22, 2020. receiving stimulus checks because of are depending on essential workers I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY whom they love. more than ever, is it right for our CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on This blatant discrimination must be country to treat people differently this day. corrected. We need to help people like based on the immigration status of NANCY PELOSI, Lacey, an amazing, hardworking cit- their loved ones? Speaker of the House of Representatives. izen who works for the State govern- As a country, I believe we can and f ment and isn’t able to receive a stim- should do better. There is no scenario MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ulus check. Lacey and her spouse have in which citizens should be denied the been together for 14 years and were help they are entitled to. Likewise, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- married in 2010. They have raised six tax-paying immigrants who are paying ant to the order of the House of Janu- beautiful children, all of whom are U.S. their fair share should not be denied ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- citizens. assistance, left out on their own. nize Members from lists submitted by For the past 7 years, Lacey has I am pleased that the HEROES Act, the majority and minority leaders for worked at the Illinois Veterans Home which the House passed more than 100 morning-hour debate. in Quincy, Illinois. She works long days ago, rectifies this issue and makes The Chair will alternate recognition hours to make sure her veteran resi- all tax-paying individuals eligible for a between the parties, with time equally dents are safe, healthy, and happy, and check. allocated between the parties and each in March, this job made her an essen- While I believe all taxpayers should Member other than the majority and tial, frontline worker. receive a stimulus check regardless of minority leaders and the minority Lacey loves her job and loves her their citizenship status, at the very whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no residents like they are her own family. least, we need to ensure that all U.S. event shall debate continue beyond Since the onset of COVID, she has con- citizens receive a check regardless of 10:50 a.m. tinued her hard work and dedication to who their spouses are, and underscore f her job. Lacey has picked up overtime the necessity of including a fix that INEQUALITIES IN COVID–19 shifts to cover for coworkers who are corrects this provision retroactively sick and has worked hard to ensure the ASSISTANCE DISTRIBUTION and for any additional stimulus checks standards of care at the facility remain provided moving forward. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The high. She is a United States citizen We must stand with mixed-status Chair recognizes the gentleman from who works every day to care for our families and continue to fight for them Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. Nation’s veterans. and their rights. Now, more than ever, Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Despite her service to our country we need to provide for people who are today to highlight the inequalities that and the fact that she and her children suffering due to this pandemic. persist in COVID–19 assistance dis- are American citizens, her family did I urge my colleagues to join me in tribution. not receive a check, all because her taking swift action to resolve this Back in March, House Democrats rec- spouse is an immigrant using an ITIN issue. ognized the global health crisis was and they file their taxes jointly. f causing an economic crisis. As Ameri- She has done everything in her power cans struggled, we provided them with to speak out and advocate for herself FINDINGS OF THE CHINA TASK stimulus checks to help them make and has connected with others like her FORCE ends meet during these uncertain in the Facebook group Mixed-Status The SPEAKER pro tempore. The times. Families United. Chair recognizes the gentleman from b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4643 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Sep 23, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22SE7.000 H22SEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H4644 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 22, 2020 Pennsylvania (Mr. JOYCE) for 5 min- coronavirus pandemic requires action. For months, I had dreaded the mo- utes. The Chinese Government’s persecution ment when it would be all gone; but Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Mr. of Uighurs requires action. The Chinese looking at myself in the mirror that Speaker, after too long, Americans are Government’s monopoly of the medical night, I felt relief, peace, and accept- waking up to the dangers of the Chi- supply chain requires action. The Chi- ance. It was a moment of grace, and I nese Communist Party. As we combat nese Government’s attempts to control thank God for that. the economic and the health ramifica- the world’s network requires action. In a matter of weeks, I would lose my tions of the coronavirus, it has never Despite the challenges that we are eyelashes, eyebrows, and the rest of my been more important that we take on facing at home, the American people hair and be diagnosed with alopecia this hostile regime. must stand together against the Chi- universalis, one of three forms of alo- It has been my honor to serve on the nese Communist Party. Our national pecia. China Task Force and help expose the security should never be a partisan I am still coming to terms with my threats that the Chinese Communist issue. The health of the American peo- new alopecia reality and the impact of Party poses to our national security ple should never be a partisan issue. By my traumatic hair loss. Every day, and to the American people. working together, we can strengthen thanks to the support of my family, Just yesterday, Congressman MI- our defenses, defend human rights, spur my staff, the broader alopecia commu- CHAEL MCCAUL released the House For- innovation, and equip Americans to nity, and others who have experienced eign Affairs Committee’s report into lead the way in global innovation. hair loss, I am making progress. the origins of the coronavirus pan- Moving forward, it is imperative that I am making progress despite the demic. Their evidence clearly confirms America continues to strengthen our hateful comments, the cruel and con- that the Chinese Communists covered supply chain, to pursue fair trade deals stant online harassment about my up the coronavirus, enabling a local with China, and, ultimately, to hold baldness, the intrusive and ignorant outbreak to become a pandemic. the Chinese Communist Party account- questions on the elevators, the unsolic- The Chinese Communist Party knew able for its actions. ited advice, and the stares, lots of that the coronavirus could be spread by Once again, it has been my privilege stares. human-to-human transmission, and yet to serve the American people as a No doubt about it, a bald woman en- this regime hid findings from global member of the China Task Force. I tering a room or entering the floor of leaders, public health experts, and even thank Leader MCCARTHY for the oppor- the U.S. House of Representatives the World Health Organization. tunity to serve, and I am grateful to makes people uncomfortable. Visually, Leaders in the Chinese Communist Chairman MICHAEL MCCAUL for his it challenges every antiquated cultural Party knew that this virus could be leadership. norm about what is professional, what This is a long road, but it is worth catastrophic, and yet they deliberately is pretty, what is feminine. the fight. And as I always believe, chose to cover up their missteps rather But in the loss, the hurt, and the America will win that fight. than sound an alarm and warn the ache of it all, I have never lost sight of world that this virus was being un- f the following: I am Sandy and Martin’s leashed. ALOPECIA AREATA AWARENESS daughter; I am Conan’s wife; I am Their lies cost American livelihoods.
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