PerspectivesPerspectives Uddanam nephropathy in India: a challenge for epidemiologists Praveen Gadde,a Suresh Sanikommu,a Ramesh Manumanthua & Anitha Akkaloorib Uddanam is a lush green region with rich Research along with Harvard University, across disciplines and countries is needed coconut and cashew plantations in Sri- King George Hospital, Andhra University, to accelerate knowledge dissemination, kakulam district, Andhra Pradesh state, Dr NTR University of Health Sciences guide the research agenda and help estab- India. An unknown number of people living and others are looking into the possible lish its causes. However, it is challenging in this area have a chronic kidney disease causes of the disease. These institutes have for India to engage in sustained research, of unknown etiology, a disease that mostly sampled patients’ blood and urine, tested given constrained resource, research ca- affects farmers and agricultural workers.1 soil, water and food, and surveyed and pabilities and national policy initiatives. This condition was discussed and named mapped the population of the affected WHO could support these efforts by con- Uddanam nephropathy at the 2013 Inter- region. Several hypotheses, such as high tributing to reshaping the research agenda national Congress of Nephrology held in levels of silica in water, prolonged dehydra- and calling for collaboration between Hong Kong, China.2 tion, heat stress nephropathy, nonsteroidal clinicians, researchers, epidemiologists, An increased prevalence of chronic anti-inflammatory drug use, gene muta- toxicologists, agriculture scientists, social kidney disease has been observed in sev- tions, high pesticide use, heavy metals scientists, hydrologists and governmental eral geographical areas across the world in water and others have been suggested and nongovernmental organizations, in- over the past two decades.1 These endemic as possible causes. However, until now cluding those who work for the Epidemic nephropathies include: mesoamerican none of these can explain why the disease Intelligence Service. Local and national nephropathy in the central American is so rampant in Uddanam (T Raviraju, governments should strengthen the imple- countries; Balkan endemic nephropathy Dr, NTR University of health sciences, mentation of available interventions for in the Balkan states; aristolochic acid personal communication, August 2017). early detection and management of chron- nephropathy in Belgium, China and other Lessons learnt from other regional ne- ic kidney disease of unknown etiology. countries that use herbal medicines; Sri phropathies could facilitate more focused They should also prioritize the provision Lanka nephropathy in Sri Lanka; and research. For instance, the Sri Lankan of safe drinking water and food in affected Uddanam endemic nephropathy in India. nephropathy study1 is notable for its areas and promote sustainable agricultural As the etiology of these nephropathies is methodological thoroughness. This study practices based on current knowledge and not clear, the term chronic kidney dis- involved the use of global positioning evidence until researchers have established ease of unknown etiology has been used devices and various epidemiologic tools, the exact cause of this chronic disease. for these nephropathies since the early such as stratified random and hot spot Paramedical personnel trained in renal 2000s.3Although chronic kidney disease sampling. The researchers used sensitive care, as well as social workers, should also has been recognized as a public health analytic techniques to measure inorganic provide social and psychological support problem, Uddanam endemic nephropathy, and organic chemicals including persistent to patients, families and communities. All compared to the other nephropathies of organic pollutants in a variety of biological these interventions should be regularly unknown etiology, is the least understood samples to delineate differences between evaluated to assess their impact and adapt and the least publicized.1 endemic and non-endemic regions.1 The them if needed. Unpublished cross-sectional esti- cause was found to be the mixing of brack- If policy-makers do not undertake mates from Uddanam suggest that the ish waters with sub-standard fertilizers such steps until a cause is established, prevalence of chronic kidney disease of and agrochemicals. In 2014, in collabora- people of Uddanam are potentially more unknown etiology is between 40% and tion with the World Health Organization at risk of acquiring the disease and patients 60% (T Raviraju, Dr, NTR University of (WHO) Sri Lanka Country Office, the already having chronic kidney disease of health sciences, personal communication, Government of Sri Lanka set up a presi- unknown etiology will be at risk of death. August 2017). This range is nearly three dential task force to provide oversight and The experience of Sri Lanka shows that times higher than the national prevalence coordinate the efforts of various sectors, the scientific community needs to col- of 17.2%.1,4 As of 2015, it was estimated agencies and ministries towards the pre- lect data in a comprehensive manner and that more than 4500 people had died from vention and treatment of chronic kidney analyse these thoroughly to increase the chronic kidney disease in the last ten years diseases.7 Prevention is carried out by chances of finding the cause of Uddanam and around 34 000 people had kidney providing clean drinking water, promot- nephropathy. ■ diseases in Uddanam.1,5 ing organic farming of native Sri Lankan Many scientific communities are rice and banning certain agrochemicals. Acknowledgements exploring the causes of chronic kidney These measures reduced kidney disease We thank Ravi Raju T, Dr NTR University disease of unknown etiology in Uddanam and related deaths.3,8,9 of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, India. region.6 Various institutes and organiza- Uddanam nephropathy is a public tions such as the Indian Council of Medical health issue in India and sharing expertise Competing interests: None declared. a Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. b Department of Public Health Dentistry, Mallareddy Dental College for Women, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Correspondence to Praveen Gadde (email: [email protected]). (Submitted: 4 May 2017 – Revised version received: 19 August 2017 – Accepted: 14 September 2017 – Published online: 3 October 2017 ) 848 Bull World Health Organ 2017;95:848–849 | doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.17.196758 Perspectives Praveen Gadde et al. 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