1973 35YEARS 200 8 VOL. 35, No. 38 SERVING ANTHONY, VINTON, CANUTILLO, EAST MONTANA, HORIZON, SOCORRO, CLINT, FABENS, SAN ELIZARIO AND TORNILLO SEPTEMBER 18, 2008 NEWSBRIEFS San Elizario makes a splash for Obesity Awareness Month Cleaning up By Cynthia P. Marentes The Town of Anthony was awarded a grant Special to the Courier in the amount of $28,000 from the Rio Grande Council of Governments through To provide a refreshing alternative to pro- the Solid Waste Grant Program. The state moting the importance of a healthy and physi- money is from the Texas Commission on cal lifestyle, Borrego Elementary in the San Environmental Quality and is earmarked Elizario Independent School District re-created for cleaning up areas of illegal dumping a beach scene in the school’s cafeteria and of- within the town. Anthony will start the fered students, staff and parents a healthy pic- cleanup project this Saturday, Aug. 20 and nic lunch on Tuesday, Sept. 9. The event was will get help from Anthony ISD students. organized by the Borrego School Health Ad- From Sept. 22 through 26 Federal Correc- visory Committee (SHAC) in conjunction with tion Institution at La Tuna will supply per- Obesity Awareness Month. sonnel and support the cleanup. The grant Counselor Maria Baxley stated that mem- money will be used to purchase supplies bers of the SHAC wanted to create an event such as gloves, trash bags, pitchforks, that would promote the idea that eating can be shovels, and trash rolloffs from El Paso both a healthy and fun activity that all the fam- Disposal. Also it will pay for installing a ily can enjoy. “With high incidents of obesity fence along Stateline Road to protect the all throughout the United States but especially area from future dumping. A program to among the Hispanic population it is important inform and educate the public on illegal that we educate the community about how to dumping and will also be part of the eat healthy,” Baxley said. Many parents accepted project, including t-shirts for volunteers. the school’s invitation to join their children for Any and all residents of Anthony, Texas lunch that day. Baxley stated that having a high and New Mexico are invited to join in turnout of parents at the beach picnic demon- helping us make our communities free of strates that families are motivated and support- illegal dumping. ive of the school’s efforts to encourage healthy — Contributed by Mayor Art Franco diets and physical activity for students. In fact, a group of about six parents led by Clint ISD volunteers Parent Liaison Claudia Castro volunteered their talents to transforming the Borrego cafeteria Volunteers and nominations for open po- into a sunny beach. “It took us about a week to sitions on the Clint ISD District Site Based plan and organize everything and then we Decision Making Committee are now be- worked two days straight cutting the edges and ing taken for the 2008-2009 School year. laying out the paper used for the beach and One representative from each attendance sand,” Castro said. Castro along with Princi- zone in the district is needed for parents pal Ernesto Seigel and the SHAC decided to of enrolled students. Business members incorporate the beach theme primarily to get are needed to represent the Clint and Mon- students excited about Borrego’s Obesity tana areas of the District. Community Awareness Month project but also to bring the members are needed to represent the Ho- beach to many other San Elizario students who rizon and Montana areas of the District. If had never seen it firsthand. Coach Hill helped you would be willing to serve, or you would to make the student’s picnic at the beach a little like to nominate an individual to serve, more realistic by rigging up an ambient ma- please contact Hilda James, at 926-4051. — Photo courtesy San Elizario ISD A DAY AT THE BEACH — Jackie Mendoza, Borrego Elementary Cafeteria Manager, set chine playing the sounds of the beach over the the tone for students by donning beach wear to kick off Obesity Awareness Month. The Blood drive campus cafeteria was decorated in a beach theme for the event. See OBESITY, Page 8 UTEP and New Mexico State University will partner once again with United Blood Services for the annual I-10 Coalition Blood Drive. Donations will be accepted Socorro schools take time to honor soldiers, remember 9-11 daily through Friday, Sept. 19, in front of 11 and serving this country they the Undergraduate Learning Center and in By Irma Flores know what a great country the US parking lot IC-10, west of the Union Build- Special to the Courier is,” said Chavira who spent 10 ing. The university that collects the most years in the Navy. “Our job is to donations will be recognized during the Schools in the Socorro Indepen- teach future generations about the UTEP-NMSU football game on Saturday, dent School District commemo- history of the US and what our Sept. 20, in the Sun Bowl Stadium. rated the 7th anniversary of 9-11. country stands for.” As high school students stood in At Montwood High School, stu- New officers silence to remember the heroes of dents arrived early to honor those Thirteen graduates — ten men and three that day, younger students were who died on September 11. Stu- women — will participate in a graduation introduced to the men and women dent Council members handed out ceremony on Friday, Sept.19, 2008 from who serve to protect them. US Flags, and students and staff the Basic Detention Officer Course. The At Americas High School, the heard from El Paso Police Assi- State of Texas requires 96 hours of train- annual memorial event was held stant Chief Eric Shelton and Cus- ing for new officers. The El Paso County inside the school’s rotunda. With toms Border Protection Supervisory Sheriff’s Office requires 280 hours or NJROTC cadets at attention, stu- Officer Robert Pon about the after- seven weeks of training. All graduates dent officers led the school in a math of 9-11. The ceremony also from the Basic Detention Officer Course moment of silence. Members of featured the ringing of eight bells, are assigned to either the Downtown NJROTC participated in a ringing seven to mark the anniversary and of the military ceremonial bell in one representing the victims who See BRIEFS, Page 3 memory of those who died on Sep- lost their lives that day. Hosted by tember 11th. the Montwood/El Dorado At Jane A. Hambric School, fol- NJROTC, the event concluded lowing a presentation of colors by with Cadet Victoria Ramirez sing- An autobiography, like charity, covers a Boy Scout Troop 37, students ing “Amazing Grace.” multitude of sins. heard from Ensign Ruben Chavira. “Today’s event is to remember — Quips & Quotes — Photo courtesy Socorro ISD MUCHAS GRACIAS — Rojas students thank SSG Dennis Allen and “I am proud to be an American PVT Jesus Solis for their service to the country. and by talking to students about 9- See SOCORRO, Page 8 Page 2 WEST TEXAS COUNTY COURIER September 18, 2008 archives: www.wtxcc.com Por la Gente By State Rep. Chente Quintanilla LOW INCOME Houses For Sale Beware of Medicare scams Carlos E. Aguilar • No Down Hola mi At the state level, Commissioner created a great deal of confusion for Broker • Low Interest gente. I have Geeslin has taken steps to make per- many seniors; some were even asked (915) 269-1251 • Financing Available written sev- manent the temporary rules of last to sign a form which unknowingly au- eral articles November. Agents with temporary li- thorized a change in plans. Houses available in Horizon, San Elizario and Fabens asking se- censes are prohibited from selling While these new laws go a long niors to be careful when considering Medicare Advantage Plans; only li- way in protecting seniors, it is im- the purchase of Medicare Advantage censed insurance agents may sell the portant for everyone who is consider- Plans over regular Medicare cover- plans. There is a possibility that ing their Medicare options to be a age. I have nothing against the plans; agents who know about violations careful and smart consumer. As I only the way many agents go about and do not report them will be sub- have suggested many times: Town of Anthony selling them to vulnerable seniors. ject to sanctions as well. That part • Arrange for the agent to visit your Just prior to deciding on the sub- may or may not be approved. home to explain the plan and have a PUBLIC NOTICE ject for this weeks article, my office At the national level, two very im- family member or friend present; received a phone call describing an portant amendments to federal law • Never sign an application at a A PUBLIC HEARING will be held at 7:00 p.m. on improper sales attempt by someone were passed in House Resolution group meeting or breakfast; Tuesday, September 23, 2008 during the Regular who may not have even been a li- 6331. Agents now are prohibited • Ask the agent to present an in- Town Council Meeting at Anthony Town Hall, 401 Wild- censed insurance agent. The sales from making unsolicited calls to surance license and an id; document cat Dr., Anthony, Texas. Purpose of the public hearing is pitch was improper because the in- prospects; either by door to door sales both; to allow any interested person to appear and testify at the dividual who called my office can or by telemarketing (unless respond- • Don’t sign an application until the only change coverage between No- ing to a request by the prospect).
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