Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 91.205 § 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with areas which are intermittently under standard category U.S. airworthi- water. ness certificates: Instrument and (13) An approved safety belt with an equipment requirements. approved metal-to-metal latching de- (a) General. Except as provided in vice for each occupant 2 years of age or paragraphs (c)(3) and (e) of this section, older. no person may operate a powered civil (14) For small civil airplanes manu- aircraft with a standard category U.S. factured after July 18, 1978, an ap- airworthiness certificate in any oper- proved shoulder harness for each front ation described in paragraphs (b) seat. The shoulder harness must be de- through (f) of this section unless that signed to protect the occupant from se- aircraft contains the instruments and rious head injury when the occupant equipment specified in those para- experiences the ultimate inertia forces graphs (or FAA-approved equivalents) specified in § 23.561(b)(2) of this chapter. for that type of operation, and those Each shoulder harness installed at a instruments and items of equipment flight crewmember station must per- are in operable condition. mit the crewmember, when seated and (b) Visual-flight rules (day). For VFR with the safety belt and shoulder har- flight during the day, the following in- ness fastened, to perform all functions struments and equipment are required: necessary for flight operations. For (1) Airspeed indicator. purposes of this paragraph— (2) Altimeter. (i) The date of manufacture of an air- (3) Magnetic direction indicator. plane is the date the inspection accept- ance records reflect that the airplane is (4) Tachometer for each engine. complete and meets the FAA-approved (5) Oil pressure gauge for each engine type design data; and using pressure system. (ii) A front seat is a seat located at a (6) Temperature gauge for each liq- flight crewmember station or any seat uid-cooled engine. located alongside such a seat. (7) Oil temperature gauge for each (15) An emergency locator trans- air-cooled engine. mitter, if required by § 91.207. (8) Manifold pressure gauge for each (16) For normal, utility, and acro- altitude engine. batic category airplanes with a seating (9) Fuel gauge indicating the quan- configuration, excluding pilot seats, of tity of fuel in each tank. 9 or less, manufactured after December (10) Landing gear position indicator, 12, 1986, a shoulder harness for— if the aircraft has a retractable landing (i) Each front seat that meets the re- gear. quirements of § 23.785 (g) and (h) of this (11) For small civil airplanes certifi- chapter in effect on December 12, 1985; cated after March 11, 1996, in accord- (ii) Each additional seat that meets ance with part 23 of this chapter, an the requirements of § 23.785(g) of this approved aviation red or aviation white chapter in effect on December 12, 1985. anticollision light system. In the event (17) For rotorcraft manufactured of failure of any light of the anti- after September 16, 1992, a shoulder collision light system, operation of the harness for each seat that meets the aircraft may continue to a location requirements of § 27.2 or § 29.2 of this where repairs or replacement can be chapter in effect on September 16, 1991. made. (c) Visual flight rules (night). For VFR (12) If the aircraft is operated for hire flight at night, the following instru- over water and beyond power-off glid- ments and equipment are required: ing distance from shore, approved flo- (1) Instruments and equipment speci- tation gear readily available to each fied in paragraph (b) of this section. occupant and, unless the aircraft is op- (2) Approved position lights. erating under part 121 of this sub- (3) An approved aviation red or avia- chapter, at least one pyrotechnic sig- tion white anticollision light system naling device. As used in this section, on all U.S.-registered civil aircraft. ‘‘shore’’ means that area of the land ad- Anticollision light systems initially in- jacent to the water which is above the stalled after August 11, 1971, on aircraft high water mark and excludes land for which a type certificate was issued 739 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:09 Mar 07, 2011 Jkt 223044 PO 00000 Frm 00749 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223044.XXX 223044 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR § 91.205 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–11 Edition) or applied for before August 11, 1971, (8) Gyroscopic pitch and bank indi- must at least meet the anticollision cator (artificial horizon). light standards of part 23, 25, 27, or 29 (9) Gyroscopic direction indicator (di- of this chapter, as applicable, that were rectional gyro or equivalent). in effect on August 10, 1971, except that (e) Flight at and above 24,000 feet MSL the color may be either aviation red or (FL 240). If VOR navigation equipment aviation white. In the event of failure is required under paragraph (d)(2) of of any light of the anticollision light this section, no person may operate a system, operations with the aircraft U.S.-registered civil aircraft within the may be continued to a stop where re- 50 states and the District of Columbia pairs or replacement can be made. at or above FL 240 unless that aircraft (4) If the aircraft is operated for hire, is equipped with approved DME or a one electric landing light. suitable RNAV system. When the DME (5) An adequate source of electrical or RNAV system required by this para- energy for all installed electrical and graph fails at and above FL 240, the radio equipment. pilot in command of the aircraft must (6) One spare set of fuses, or three notify ATC immediately, and then may spare fuses of each kind required, that continue operations at and above FL are accessible to the pilot in flight. 240 to the next airport of intended (d) Instrument flight rules. For IFR landing where repairs or replacement flight, the following instruments and of the equipment can be made. equipment are required: (f) Category II operations. The require- (1) Instruments and equipment speci- ments for Category II operations are fied in paragraph (b) of this section, the instruments and equipment speci- and, for night flight, instruments and fied in— equipment specified in paragraph (c) of (1) Paragraph (d) of this section; and this section. (2) Appendix A to this part. (2) Two-way radio communication (g) Category III operations. The instru- and navigation equipment suitable for ments and equipment required for Cat- the route to be flown. egory III operations are specified in (3) Gyroscopic rate-of-turn indicator, paragraph (d) of this section. except on the following aircraft: (h) Night vision goggle operations. For (i) Airplanes with a third attitude in- night vision goggle operations, the fol- strument system usable through flight lowing instruments and equipment attitudes of 360 degrees of pitch and must be installed in the aircraft, func- roll and installed in accordance with tioning in a normal manner, and ap- the instrument requirements pre- proved for use by the FAA: scribed in § 121.305(j) of this chapter; (1) Instruments and equipment speci- and fied in paragraph (b) of this section, in- (ii) Rotorcraft with a third attitude struments and equipment specified in instrument system usable through paragraph (c) of this section; flight attitudes of ±80 degrees of pitch (2) Night vision goggles; and ±120 degrees of roll and installed in (3) Interior and exterior aircraft accordance with § 29.1303(g) of this lighting system required for night vi- chapter. sion goggle operations; (4) Slip-skid indicator. (4) Two-way radio communications (5) Sensitive altimeter adjustable for system; barometric pressure. (5) Gyroscopic pitch and bank indi- (6) A clock displaying hours, min- cator (artificial horizon); utes, and seconds with a sweep-second (6) Generator or alternator of ade- pointer or digital presentation. quate capacity for the required instru- (7) Generator or alternator of ade- ments and equipment; and quate capacity. (7) Radar altimeter. 740 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:09 Mar 07, 2011 Jkt 223044 PO 00000 Frm 00750 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223044.XXX 223044 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR Federal Aviation Administration, DOT § 91.207 (i) Exclusions. Paragraphs (f) and (g) be replaced (or recharged, if the bat- of this section do not apply to oper- teries are rechargeable)— ations conducted by a holder of a cer- (1) When the transmitter has been in tificate issued under part 121 or part use for more than 1 cumulative hour; 135 of this chapter. or [Doc. No. 18334, 54 FR 34292, Aug. 18, 1989, as (2) When 50 percent of their useful amended by Amdt. 91–220, 55 FR 43310, Oct. life (or, for rechargeable batteries, 50 26, 1990; Amdt. 91–223, 56 FR 41052, Aug. 16, percent of their useful life of charge) 1991; Amdt. 91–231, 57 FR 42672, Sept. 15, 1992; has expired, as established by the Amdt. 91–248, 61 FR 5171, Feb. 9, 1996; Amdt. transmitter manufacturer under its ap- 91–251, 61 FR 34560, July 2, 1996; Amdt. 91–285, proval. 69 FR 77599, Dec. 27, 2004; Amdt. 91–296, 72 FR 31679, June 7, 2007; Amdt. 91–309, 74 FR 42563, The new expiration date for replacing Aug. 21, 2009] (or recharging) the battery must be legibly marked on the outside of the § 91.207 Emergency locator transmit- transmitter and entered in the aircraft ters. maintenance record. Paragraph (c)(2) (a) Except as provided in paragraphs of this section does not apply to bat- (e) and (f) of this section, no person teries (such as water-activated bat- may operate a U.S.-registered civil air- teries) that are essentially unaffected plane unless— during probable storage intervals.
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