H7766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 15, 1998 CONGRATULATING MARK The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there record for the most home runs in a sea- MC GWIRE FOR BREAKING THE objection to the request of the gen- son, and among other things, serving MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL SIN- tleman from Florida? as a true role model for young people. GLE-SEASON HOME RUN RECORD There was no objection. But not only is he a role model for Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- young people, but it has been well stat- self such time as I may consume. mous consent that the Committee on ed in the media that he gives some- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased this after- where in the area of $1 million per year Government Reform and Oversight be noon to congratulate my colleague, the discharged from further consideration to lift up children and to make their gentleman from Missouri (Mr. TALENT), of the resolution (H. Res. 520) congratu- lives better, and for this we applaud for introducing this resolution. him. lating Mark McGwire of the St. Louis On September 8, 1998, Mark McGwire Cardinals for breaking the Major As baseball regains its popularity broke the Major League baseball and more young people flock to ball League Baseball single-season home record for home runs in a single season run record, and ask for its immediate fields across America, it is important and joins such immortals as Babe Ruth that our major league players set an consideration in the House. and Roger Maris as legends of our na- Mr. Speaker, I further ask unani- example of hard work, sacrifice, dig- tional past time. But, Mr. Speaker, nity and respect for oneself and one's mous consent that the debate on the when America watched Mark McGwire resolution be confined to 40 minutes, other players. Mark McGwire exempli- pursue, and then break, Roger Maris's fies all of these. equally divided between myself and the single-season home run record, we wit- gentleman from Maryland, (Mr. Parents can speak of McGwire as not nessed far more than a spectacular ath- only a great ball player, but as a good CUMMINGS). letic achievement and a sportsmanship man. After breaking Roger Maris's The Clerk read the title of the resolu- achievement. In the apt words of the tion. record, McGwire took time to acknowl- gentleman's resolution, the gentleman edge the Maris family who were sitting The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there from Missouri, he stated, ``Mark objection to the request of the gen- in the stands and hugged and lifted up McGwire conducted himself with un- his own son on the baseball field. Those tleman from Florida? common grace, class, and dignity.'' At two things, I think, sent a true mes- There was no objection. all times he was, as the resolution goes sage to all of us in America, and that is The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- on to say, a first-rate role model for to never forget from whence we came lows: the young people of our Nation. and never forget those who came before H. RES. 520 But it is not just the young people us. Those were moments that all Amer- Whereas the game of baseball is America's who can learn from this athlete's ex- national pastime; ample. Everyone can and should learn icans could be proud of. McGwire's contributions to baseball Whereas one of the grandest records in by his achievements and the manner in have been memorialized in the Na- baseball, and indeed in all sport, is the which he conducted himself. record for the most home runs hit in a single More memorable than the home run tional Baseball Hall of Fame in Coop- Major League Baseball season; that he hit that night was the grace erstown, New York. The ball that Whereas during the 1998 Major League with which he conducted himself, the McGwire hit his season record 62nd Baseball season, Mark McGwire of the St. home run, his bat and his St. Louis Louis Cardinals and other fine players have joy with which he greeted his young son as he crossed home plate, the great Cardinals uniform are on display for challenged the Major League Baseball single- current and future generations to see. season home run record, bringing great ex- respect he showed for the Maris family, citement to the 1998 Major League Baseball and the friendship that he and Sammy Fathers and sons and daughters who season and capturing the imagination of the Sosa, who is also challenging the home journey to Cooperstown will be able to people of the United States and baseball fans run record, demonstrated that night share a historic moment, a moment around the world; and so many millions of Americans that will be further commemorated Whereas Mark McGwire of the St. Louis witnessed. with this resolution in his honor. What Cardinals has been subjected to intense pres- It is, therefore, appropriate that Con- he has done has left a spark in all sure and media scrutiny, but has conducted gress commend and recognize Mark Americans and has left a very, very, himself with uncommon grace, class, and very important memory so that we dignity, and has been a first-rate role model McGwire for breaking this record and for the young people of St. Louis, the State for the manner in which he did it. might cherish it for our entire life- of Missouri, and the United States; and Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of times. Whereas on September 8, 1998, Mark my time. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals hit his Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my time. 62nd home run of the 1998 Major League myself such time as I may consume. Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I yield 21¤2 Baseball season, breaking the Major League Mr. Speaker, I also want to commend minutes to the gentleman from Mis- Baseball single-season home run record: the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. TAL- souri (Mr. TALENT), the author of this Now, therefore, be it ENT) for introducing this very, very im- resolution. Resolved, That the House of Representa- Mr. TALENT. Mr. Speaker, I thank tives congratulates and commends Mark portant resolution. Today we honor 2 McGwire of the St. Louis CardinalsÐ true sportsmen, Mark McGwire and the gentleman for yielding me this (1) for breaking the Major League Baseball Sammy Sosa. Last week Mark time. single-season home run record; McGwire tied, and then broke, Roger Mr. Speaker, I admire and appreciate (2) for bringing great excitement to the Maris's 61st single-season home run the gentleman's eloquence and that of 1998 Major League Baseball season; and record, making him the new major the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. (3) for being an inspiration to the youth of league leader, with 62 home runs. On CUMMINGS), and I do not know that America and the world and baseball fans ev- Sunday, Sammy Sosa hit his 62nd there is a lot I can add. I just think erywhere. home run, matching McGwire and help- that this resolution is important for a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ing to propel his team to victory in a number of reasons. They have com- ant to the unanimous consent request, crucial game against the Brewers. mented, and I think it bears repeating, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. MICA) Last year, this Congress honored the on the class that Mark McGwire had and the gentleman from Maryland, lifetime achievements of another great throughout this whole season as he (Mr. CUMMINGS), each will control 20 baseball player: Jackie Robinson. Mr. chased this record. He showed the af- minutes. Robinson would be proud to see how fection that he has in his heart for his The Chair recognizes the gentleman McGwire and Sosa have embraced and son; he showed the regard that he has from Florida (Mr. MICA). supported each other in the race to for his competitor, Sammy Sosa; and GENERAL LEAVE break Maris's record. McGwire and that was returned time and time again. Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Sosa are making history, and they are I really appreciate the gentleman from mous consent that all Members may doing it with respect for each other and Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) remark be- have 5 legislative days within which to with dignity and integrity. cause that showed how far baseball has revise and extend their remarks on Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 520 come from the days of Jackie Robin- House Resolution 520. honors Mark McGwire for breaking the son. Mark McGwire showed the respect September 15, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7767 that he has for baseball and for the runs to be hit. We really do not know about what it would be like to be the ``King of way that he treated the Maris family, yet what the new home run record will Swing.'' But what truly touched me about and I think all of those things justify be. We do not know who will hold that Tuesday night was the way the entire country this resolution. title and that record. What we do know came together in the last days and weeks I had a personal reason as well for fil- is that Mark McGwire has at all times leading up to this very special event. ing it. I was able to share that evening conducted himself both as a gentleman When Mark MGwire belted number 62 into with my 8-year-old son, and to share and as a true sportsman.
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