BROADCASTING Datacasting Web over DTV Broadcasting and the Internet: convergence through new applications Photo 43693 Web over DTV is a convenient and Two media go new ways ing). But digital TV networks are also together able to transmit information and data cost-effective solution for distributing from the Internet together with their pro- Telecommunication and digital broad- grams (FIG 1). Internet resources to TV viewers, for casting are growing closer. Internet pro- viders are gearing up to distribute digital Web over DTV is a versatile solution example, and enabling TV providers broadcast programs (Internet broadcast- for adding data to digital TV programs. to integrate extra services into their FIG 1 Convergence of the Internet and broadcasting: the two media promise to match very well programs [*]. This article describes a number of new services and applica- Data and Computer tions that will make a major contribu- streaming media (surfer) rnet tion to the success of digital TV (DTV). P) Internet on TV ) Radio and Web over DTV TV set TV program (viewer) Audio, video and data 24 News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 170 (2001/I) The success of DTV will not only be Combination of t-commerce and Seeing that terrestrial digital television advanced by the improved quality of digi- e-commerce (DVB-T) and digital radio broadcasting tal transmission but also by new services Extra information may be sent in parallel (DAB) are also suitable for mobile appli- and applications. with topical programs or commercial cations, the services and information spots. Interested viewers can call this can also be accessed from vehicles and information by a keystroke without long public transportation. Numerous new applications loading times. Access to the Internet is only required for online orders. The Reception of streaming media from Internet-based techniques and contents user may navigate through the selected the Internet linked to digital TV in various information through what is called local Animated Internet video and audio pro- applications: interactivity. grams can be broadcast in addition to static content. In this way Internet radio Digital broadcasting networks as a Distribution of video and computer and TV stations can be received by radio secondary distributor for Internet games and TV sets. Localized advertising and content Games for consoles and computers enjoy information can be enriched by short Digital broadcasting networks offer increasing popularity. Why not send video clips added as Internet streaming. channels for distributing Internet these games via DTV? Distribution chan- content. In this way viewers can be nels can be optimized in combination Corporate networks with DVB reached who are not connected to the with chargeable access codes or cards. Corporations with many subsidiaries and Internet. According to an online study by offices in a region or city can use digital public broadcasters in Germany, these Localized advertising broadcast networks to supply informa- are as many as 70% of the TV audience. The possibility of inserting data services tion and updates (catalogs, price lists, between the play-out center and the etc) to their various sites. Broadcasting Web-based program transmitter system also allows implemen- information tation of local and regional advertising. Broadcasters themselves can use their TV broadcasters could broadcast Web- Advertising can be adapted to customers infrastructure to distribute inhouse infor- based information together with their and local factors. Local data service stu- mation and communicate with all their programs, e.g. electronic TV journals. dios dynamically produce current infor- sites. The components of digital broad- An electronic guide for the programs mation and content. casting systems can thus also be con- of several broadcasters could also be trolled and monitored like in a local net- transmitted. Broadcasters can add their Localized information work (see article on page 27). own Web sites to their communication Traffic reports, breaking news, local infor- offering. mation, etc can be inserted into over- regional broadcasting. FIG 2 Broadcasting is more effective than the Internet for distributing broadcast content User 1 User 1 Individual access Content broadcasting Content of broaadcast nature User n DVB transsmitterr With bottlenecks Without bottlenecks User n 25 News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 170 (2001/I) BROADCASTING Datacasting In future also over DAB Local content In Web over DTV Rohde&Schwarz offers a powerful and future-oriented system for datacasting that will be continually IP insertion improved and produce solutions for other broadcasting techniques like DAB. Local content DVB transmitter Torsten Jäkel B T Play-out IP o c center insertion Local DVB transmitter data service studio IP insertion DVB transmitter FIG 3 Local and regional data services using DVB-T No backward channel required ized communication (poll service) to the fore. The content and services offered More information and data sheets at A backward channel, like in Internet- and thus the kind of utilization (broad- www.rohde-schwarz.com or enter 170/07 based applications, is not absolutely nec- casting versus individual point-to-point on reader service card essary. If the emitted content is of a communication) are decisive for the suc- broadcasting nature and the terminal cess of the system, not the technical equipment has sufficient memory for possibilities. storing the received content, such sys- tems for transmitting Internet informa- tion can be optimally used (push service, Regionalized services DTV Web Carousel Software for cyclic broadcasting of Internet resources FIG 2). •Broadcasting of any Internet • Provision of data in IP format • Protected unidirectional proto- content • Internet /Intranet as the only plat - col for data transmission • Convenient administration of form of DTV Web Carousel • Runs on any standard PC with content to be broadcast • Modular scalable architecture Windows NT Regionalized applications can be imple- • Easy content compilatio n A backward channel can of course mented particularly in terrestrial broad- be integrated in these systems, e.g. casting (DVB-T) or Web over DTV in existing solutions like the telephone or cable television networks (DVB-C) (FIG 3). mobile radio network. But new methods The systems for adding the data need Web over DTV Internet data distribution system like backward channels via terrestrial not necessarily be in a central studio Web over DTV is the realization of an • DTV Web CarouselTM • DTV Web Proxy interactive Internet-based service that is a tool for cyclical transmission of DTV Web Proxy stores the Web covers the sending, controlling and Internet resources. With the DTV contents received via DVB locally management of as well as access to Web CarouselTM server service on the computer of the subscriber Internet data. selected site contents can be down- where they can be called by loaded automatically and transmit- means of a standard browser. • DTV IP Inserter ted via DVB to stationary and mo- links (DVB-RCS) can also be used. Such a anymore. They can be installed direct inserts Internet data in the IP Internet bile subscribers. format into the DVB MPEG-2 data stream by way of multiprotocol en- capsulation. IP Unicast and Multi- cast services with static and live da- backward channel links a terminal to the at transmitter sites and CATV headends ta can be inserted. central control element of a service, the or may even be part of local transmis- data server. The actual insertion of data sion equipment. In this case the Internet content (IP insertion) is independent of is used to distribute and feed the con- this. tent. Since the sites can very easily be REFERENCE [*] Web over DTV – Cost-attractive service reached by the Internet, a powerful and through DVB: Transmission of extra data in Providing a backward channel does integrated distribution structure results Web format. News from Rohde&Schwarz not mean pushing use of the broad- for services and content. (2000) No. 166, pp 18–19 casting architecture for highly individual- 26 News from Rohde&Schwarz Number 170 (2001/I).
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