It’s All True Celebrates its 25th year Special programs celebrate this landmark event with series from Marker and Cousins “Coup 53” opens the festval in São Paulo; “A Cordilheira dos Sonhos”, in Rio de Janeiro The Brazilian competton for feature flms has been expanded to include 10 ttles, whilst the internatonal batle includes 12 productons Official winning flms quaualifl for Oscar nominaton Entrl is free of charge at 9 cinemas in the two cites A program including the best documentaries produced in Brazil and around the world will be presented during the It’s All True 2020 – 25th Internatonal Documentary Festiall This year’s festial will exhibit 83 flms, all free of charge, between March 26 and April 5 in São Paulo and March 31 and April 5 in Rio de Janeirol The São Paulo circuit has increased the number of cinemas exhibitng flms to six, whilst the Rio circuit has threel Created and directed by flm critc Amir Labaki, It’s All True receiies sponsorship from Itaú, Sabesp and Spcine, whilst it also has a partnership with SESC-SP and cultural support from Itaú Culturall Contributons are also being made by the Ministry of Citzenship, the Department of Culture and Creatie Economies of the State of São Paulo, and the Municipal Department of Culture of the Municipal Goiernment of São Paulol “Hitting a quarter of a century is a joy and a responsibility,s says the Founding-Director of It’s All True, Amir Labakil “Since the inaugural festial in 1996, the energy surrounding documentary producton hasn’t stopped growing, both in Brazil and elsewherel The history of the festial is an integral part of this golden age of the documentarysl The It’s All True 2020 festial’s winning flms in the Brazilian and internatonal short-flm and feature-length compettons will automatcally qualify for consideraton to compete for next year’s Oscar awardsl 1 OPENING SCREENINGS Directed by Taghi Amirani, “Coup 53” (2019) opens the 25th year of the It’s All True festial in São Paulo with a special screening for iniited guests, at 8pm on March 25, at the Oscar Niemeyer Ibirapuera Auditoriuml Set at the dawn of the Cold war, “Coup 53s is a real documentary thriller, iniestgatng the inioliement of Great Britain and the US in the Iranian State coup in 1953 that ousted the democratc regime led by Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh (1882-1967)l Partcipatng in “Coup 53s is the Britsh actor Ralph Fiennes (The English Patent), whilst the legendary American editor Walter Murch (The Godfather) edited the flm and collaborated on the scriptl In Rio, the festial will be inaugurated at the Estação Net Botafogo 1, on March 30, with a screening of “A Cordilheira dos Sonhoss, by Patricio Guzmán, winner of the Prix L’Œil for Best Documentary at the Cannes Film Festial 2019l With this flm Guzmán brings to a close the trilogy made up of “Nostalgia da Luzs (2012) and “O Botão de Pérolas (2015), proiiding an essay, balanced between memory and the politcal, about the social adiances of the Allende goiernment (1970-1973), the brutal repression of the Pinochet dictatorship (1973- 1990), and the current tough legacy of the economic policy deieloped during the authoritarian periodl Coup 53 (dir. Taghi Amirani, United Kingdom and Iran, 2019) Recently unearthed documents detail the Anglo-American partcipaton in the State coup that, in 1953, put an end to the most democratc period in modern Iran’s historyl La Cordillera de los Sueños - (dir. Patricio Guzmán, France and Chile, 2019) Amidst personal memories and coniersatons with close friends, Guzmán discusses the past, present and future of Chile in the light of memories of the democratc period under Saliador Allende and the brutality of the Pinochet regime that brought it downl 25 YEARS Six special programs will be celebratng this landmark of a quarter of a century of It’s All True, the most traditonal festial dedicated to non-fcton cinema in Latn Americal YEAR 1 - THE BRAZILIAN CROP FROM IT’S ALL TRUE, 1996 Feature flms Carmen Miranda - Banana is My Businessl Dirl Helena Solbergl Brazil, 1995 No Rio das Amazonas Dirl Ricardo Diasl Brazil, 1995 Yndio do Brasil Dirl Syliio Backl Brazil, 1995 Short Films Criaturas que Nasciam em Segredo Dirl Chico Teixeira, Brazil, 1995 Maracatu, Maracatus Dirl Marcelo Gomes, Brazil, 1995 Robertol Dirl Amilcar Ml Claro, Brazil, 1994 São Paulo – Cinemacidade Dirl Aloysio Raulino, Marta Dora Grostein and Regina Meyer, Brazil, 1994 São Paulo - Symphony and Cacophony Dirl Jean-Claude Bernardet, Brazil, 1994 Socorro Nobre Dirl Walter Salles, Brazil, 1995 Un Poquito de Água Dirl Camilo Taiares and Francisco “Zapatas Betancourt, Brazil- Mexico, 1996 Vala comum Dirl João Godoy, Brazil, 1994 BRAZILIAN PREMIERE SERIES: MARKER & COUSINS The Owl’s Legacy (L‘Heritage de la Chouete Dirl Chris Marker, France, 1989 Thirteen 26- minute episodes Oier thirteen episodes, based upon thirteen words that haie been incorporated into our modern iocabulary, the French director Chris Marker (1921-2012), together with more than 50 specially iniited guests, discusses the cultural and politcal legacy that Classical Greece lef for the modern worldl With the partcipaton of Angélique Ionatos, Cornelius Castoriadis, Elia Kazan, George Steiner, Giulia Sissa, Jean-Pierre Vernant, Michel Serres and Theo Angelopoulos, amongst othersl Women Make Film – A New Road Movie Through Cinema Dirl Mark Cousins, United Kingdom, 2019 Narrated by Tilda Swinton, Sharmila Tagore, Jane Fonda, Adjoa Andoh, Thandie Newton, Kerry Fox and Debra Wingerl Fiie episodes; 4 x 180 minutes and 1 x 120 minutes Based upon more than 1,000 clips from flms shot oier thirteen decades, on the world’s fie contnents, by 183 women directors, Mark Cousins discusses the history and language deieloped by the works of women flmmakers such as Àgnes Varda, Alice Guy, Heddy Honigmann, Jane Campion, Kinuyo Tanaka, Maya Deren, Petra Costa, Saf Faye, Sally Porter and Sumita Peries, amongst othersl The complete list of all the flms coiered in each episode can be found at the wwwlwomenmakeflmlnet websitel THE LEGACY OF THE RETROSPECTIVES An example of the historical restoraton work presented in the festial’s retrospecties, “Volkswagen: Workers in Germany and Brazils (1974), by Jorge Bodanzky and Wolf Gauer, documented the state of afairs at the manufacturing company by looking at two diferent natonal situatons, and discussed the future of the same labor relatons that were addressed by the winner of last year’s Best Documentary Oscar - “American Factorys (2019), by Julia Reichert, Jef Reichert and Steien Bognarl Volkswagen: Workers in Germany and Brazil Dirl Jorge Bodanzky and Wolf Gauerl Germany, 1974, 28 minutesl A parallel look at the liies of two Volkswagen workers, one in Brazil, the other in Germany, who perform identcal jobs on the Beetle assembly linel SANTIAGO ÁLVAREZ BY SILVIO TENDLER Honored at that inaugural festial, the strength and originality of the work of the Cuban master Santago Áliarez (1919-1998) haie been brilliantly captured by Siliio Tendler in the stll unreleased “Santiago das Améériaas D ou O Olho do Teraeiro uundos (2019)l Santago das Américas ou O Olho do Terceiro Mundor Dirl Siliio Tendler, Brazil, 2019 A Cuban documentary flmmaker from the 1960s who reiolutonized the language of the format exposing imperialism and the iiolaton of ciiil rightsl A RESTORED LANDMARK In 2003, Paulo Sacramento made festial history by winning both the Brazilian and internatonal compettons, with “O Prisioneiro da Grade de Ferro (Amuto-Retratos)sl A special screening to commemorate its return to the circuit in the form of a newly restored iersionl The Prisoner Behind Iron Bars (Self-Portraits) Dirl Paulo Sacramento, 2003l A year before the closure of the Carandiru penitentary, prisoners learned to use iideo cameras to document the daily liiing conditons inside Latn America’s biggest prisonl COMPETITIVE SCREENINGS BRAZILIAN COMPETITION: FEATURE OR MEDIUM-LENGTH FILMS Ten flms neier before seen in Brazil haie been selected to compete for this year’s awardl The Bamboo Bridge Dirl Marcelo Machado Based upon the life story of Brazilian journalist Jaime Martns, coniersatons and images from a family who haie diiided their tme between Brazil and China for more than half a centuryl Crossroads Dirl João Jardim A portrait of junior year public high school students in the interior of Sergipe state, as they prepare for the exams that could determine the rest of their liiesl In my Skin Dirl Toni Venturi Documentary about racial and class prejudice through untl present day I owe you a leter about Brazil Dirl Carol Benjamin The history of three generatons of a family whose destny was shaTered by the military dictatorship, based upon iniestgatons made by the flmmaker who is the daughter of Cesar Benjamin, held as a politcal prisoner in 1971l Jair Rodrigues - Let them Talk Dirl Rubens Rewald A portrait of an artst and a Brazil that are so close and yet so farl Libelu Dirl Diógenes Muniz Where are the young Trotskyites who took to the streets against the generals in the 1970s and what do they think now? My Darling Supermarket Dirl Tali Yankeleiich, The routne of workers in a supermarketl I wasn’t born to let my eyes lose tme Dirl Claudio Moraes From the keen and sensitie eye of the photographer Orlando Brito, oier his 50 years in the profession, this documentary recalls important facts and characters from historyl Os Paralamas do Sucesso - The Quartet Dirl Roberto Berliner and Paschoal Samora The music and friendship found in the band (Herbert, Bi and João), that was formed in 1983, and the crucial
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