Luke Strosnider 4040 N

Luke Strosnider 4040 N

LUKE STROSNIDER 4040 N. CLARENDON AVENUE #3S, CHICAGO, IL 60613 lukeadelph a!"#a l.$%# & 31'.(0'.0'1) ***.luke+,-%+. de-.$%# EDUCATION VISUAL STUDIES WORKSHOP, ROCHESTER, NY /a+,e- %0 1 .e A-,s, V sual S,ud es 2'00(3 PHOTOGRAPHIC CENTER NORTHWEST, SEATTLE, WA Ce-, 4$a,e, 1 .e A-, 5h%,%"-aph6 2'0043 THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, DC 7a$hel%- %0 A-,s, H +,%-6 218883 7a$hel%- %0 A-,s, A#e- $a. S,ud es 218883 TEACHING EXPERIENCE: ART, MEDIA, PHOTO, DESIGN, & PUBLISHING LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO, SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION, CHICAGO, IL (2010 - PRESENT) Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, CO// '(: & ;e< De+ ". a.d U+a< l ,6 Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, CO// '01 & /ed a =e%-6 a.d C- , $ +# Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, CO// '(4 & I.,-%du$, %. ,o C .e#a Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, CO// 430 & D " ,al De+ ". ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE, ELGIN, IL (2013) Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, AR> 1'0 & I.,-%du$, %. ,o 7la$k a.d ;h ,e 5h%,%"-aph6 HAROLD WASHINGTON COLLEGE, CITY COLLEGES OF CHICAGO, CHICAGO, IL (2013) Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, 1INE AR> 108 & H +,%-6 %0 C .e#a Ad9u.$, 5-%0e++%-, HU/ANI>IES 1'3 & A-, & Ideas EVANSTON ART CENTER, EVANSTON, IL (2009 - PRESENT) I.+,-u$,%-, I.,-%du$, %. ,o D " ,al 5h%,%"-aph6 I.+,-u$,%-, I.,e-#ed a,e D " ,al 5h%,%"-aph6 I.+,-u$,%-, 1%- ,he L%@e %0 5h%,%"-aph6 25h%,%"-aph6 H +,%-6 a.d App-e$ a, %.3 I.+,-u$,%-, 5h%,%<%%k 5u<l sh ." LILLSTREET ART CENTER, CHICAGO, IL (2009 - 2010) I.+,-u$,%-, I.,-%du$, %. ,o D " ,al 5h%,%"-aph6 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (SUNY), COLLEGE AT ROCKPORT, NY (2006-2007) I.+,-u$,%-, I.,-%du$, %. ,o 7la$k a.d ;h ,e 5h%,%"-aph6 VISUAL STUDIES WORKSHOP, ROCHESTER, NY (2006) I.+,-u$,%-, 5 .h%le 5h%,%"-aph6 ;%-ksh%p SELECTED EXHIBITIONS '014 I W#$% Y&' W%()( H()(, L ll+,-ee, Galle-6 A..eA, Ch $a"%, IL 2Solo Exhibition3 F(*+')(, A)+#$+ P)&-(.+/ SP W(*+%() R(0&)+$ (2008-2013), Ce.,e- 0%- 7%%k A-,s, Ne* B%-k, NY I2,#( P%&+&3&&4 L#3)*)5 *+ P%#6*,(60%#a P%&+& A)+ C(2+() &&4 F*#), 5h ladelph a, 5A W#+% M5 O7n H*88(), Cuh. 1 .e A-,s Galle-6 a, Oh o S,a,e U. @e-+ ,6, /a- %., OH 2Two-person Exhibition3 '013 I W#$% Y&' W%()( H()(, D%h. R. G-ad6 Galle-6, El" . C%##u. ,6 C%lle"e, El" ., IL 2Solo Exhibition3 U29&6,#2: I8*:($ 2Du-%-E Se,h Cu-$ %3, C%.,e#p%-a-6 A-,s Ce.e,e-, Ne* O-lea.s, LA Mi,7($+ C&2+(80&)*)5 2Du-%-+E Ca-e. I-@ .e & Na,asha E"a.3, L ll+,-ee, Galle-6, Ch $a"%, IL F*.'6+5 E;%#3#+#&2, E@a.+,%. A-, Ce.,e-, E@a.+,%., IL '01' S8*6l P)($$/ E;%#3#+#&n &9 A)+#$+ &&4$ *2, Pub6#.*+#&2$, D%h.+%. Galle-6, 7e,hel U. @e-+ ,6, S,. 5aul, /N V*$+ V#$+*$/ L*2,$.*0( #n N(7 M(,#*, C6<e-A-,s Galle-6 a, A,la., $ ;ha-0, 7%+,%., /A A6'82# N(7 W&)4 E;%#3#+#&2, 5h%,%"-aph $ Ce.,e-, N%-,h*e+,, Sea,,le, ;A '011 E<()5+%#2: #n T#8(, Ce.,e- 0%- 7%%k A-,s, Ne* B%-k, NY F*.'6+5 E;%#3#+#&2, E@a.+,%. A-, Ce.,e-, E@a.+,%., IL '010 E<()5+%#2: #n T#8(, V sual S,ud es ;%-ksh%p, Ro$he+,e-, NY A,,#+#&2$, /%.+,e- Isla.d 7a+e#e.,, 7-%%kl6., NY '008 W(*+%() R(0&)+$, AHN|VHS, 5h ladelph a, 5A S52+*;, 5h%,%"-aph $ Re+%u-$e Ce.,e-, 7%+,%., /A F($+#<al &9 24 >#2:$, 5- ., L%G Galle-6, Ro$he+,e-, NY '00( R(/M(83(), Ro$he+,e- C%.,e#p%-a-6 A-, Ce.,e-, Ro$he+,e-, NY H&8(, 5- ., L%G Galle-6, Ro$he+,e-, NY N&7 &n V#(7/ S(0+(83() 1+%–30t%, V sual S,ud es ;%-ksh%p, Ro$he+,e-, NY A.+#&2@I2+()*.+#&2/ &&4@A)+$ C&29()(2.(, C%lu#< a C%lle"e, Ch $a"%, IL F'+')( A)+(8#, Hall*alls C%.,e#p%-a-6 A-,s Ce.,e-, 7uHal%, NY P#2%&6( I2<#+*+#&2*6, Ge.e+ee Ce.,e- 0%- ,he A-,s, Ro$he+,e-, NY '006 (+7((n W#$,&m *2, M*,2($$, >%*e- 1 .e A-,s Ce.,e-, 7-%$kp%-,, NY A2$(l A,*8$ A N(7 L*2,$.*0($, 5- ., L%G Galle-6, Ro$he+,e-, NY C&2<():(, S5AS Galle-6, Ro$he+,e- I.+, ,u,e %0 >e$h.%l%"6, Ro$he+,e-, NY '004 M&8(2+$ S((2, Gl%<e Galle-6, Sea,,le, ;A M&8(2+$ S((2, 5h%,%"-aph $ Ce.,e- N%-,h*e+,, Sea,,le, ;A PUBLICATIONS, ARTIST BOOKS, & PORTFOLIOS '013 I Wish You Where Here, A.$h%-less 5-ess, >%-%.,%, ON, Ca.ada Cahiers intempestifs #27, published by Cahiers Intempestifs, France '010 W(*+%() R(0&)+$ P&)+9&6#&, S5 ;ea,he- S,a, %., L%." Isla.d C ,6, NY '008 P)#2+()B$ *6l 0&(+)5 3)&*,$#,( 2* ,h Da@ d G-u<e-3, Ce.,e- 0%- 7%%k A-,s a, C%lu#< a C%lle"e '006 Ansel Adams | New Landscapes, V sual S,ud es ;%-ksh%p 5-ess, Ro$he+,e-, NY I9 5 S(a 2* ,h Da@ d G-u<e-3, >e#pe+, 7%%k+ BIBLIOGRAPHY & PRESS '013 CDEA 7#+% A6'82# L'4( S+)&$2#,()F, 5CNW.%-", '3, '013 '011 CE<()5+%#2: #n T#8(F <6 Ella 7%6e-, Ro$he+,e- ;%#a. /a"aI .e, De$e#<e- '010 & '011 '008 CW(*+%() R(0&)+$F <6 Ro<e-,a 1all%., 5h ladelph a ;eekl6, Au"u+, 1), '008 Photo !ditin" and Presentation <6 D%u"las H%llele6, RI> Ca-6 G-aph $ A-,s 5-ess, '008 C &$+&n C53()*)+$ F($+#<al 2009: I2+()<#(7 7#+% 9&'2,() G(&):( F#G(6,F, Hu<A-,s.$%#, Ap- l '1, '008 CP%&+&:)*0%5 R(9&.'$(,F <6 /a-k 1ee.e6, 7%+,%. Gl%<e, Ap- l 3, '008 CD#:#+al 6*2:'*:( *+ +%( PRCF <6 E@a. D. Ga-Ia, 7%+,%. 5h%e. A, /a-$h 11, '008 Di"iPhoto M*:*H#2( 2>a *a.3, /a6 '008 '00( CR(<#(7 &9 A2$(l A,*8$ A N(7 L*2,$.*0($F, %0 A-, +,+J 7%%ks, /a-$h '00( Li"ht and Lens$ Photo"raph% in the Di"ital A"e <6 Ro<e-, H -+$h, 1%$al 5-ess, '00( LIBRARIES & COLLECTIONS G(&):( E*$+8*n H&'$(, R#.%*), *2, R&2*5 M(2$.%(l L#3)*)5, Ro$he+,e-, NY L#3)*)5 &9 C&2:)($$, 5- .,s a.d 5h%,%"-aphs, ;ash .",%., DC C(2+() 9&) C)(*+#<( P%&+&:)*0%5, Sa.,a 1e, NM C6(<(6*2, I2$+#+'+( &9 A)+, [email protected], OH U2#<()$#+5 &9 +%( A)+$, 5h ladelph a, 5A P)*++ I2$+#+'+(, 7-%%kl6., NY S+*+( U2#<()$#+5 &9 N(7 Y&)4, 7uHal%, NY >( (#2(4#( R*)( &&4 C&66(.+#&n, Bale U. @e-+ ,6, Ne* Ha@e., C> R*)( &&4$ C&66(.+#&n, 7-%*. U. @e-+ ,6, 5-%@ de.$e, RI P%&+&:)*0%#c C(2+() N&)+%7($+, Sea,,le, ;A LECTURES & PRESENTATIONS '013 CI W#$% Y&u W%()( H()(F, Ge%-"e Ea+,#a. H%u+e, Ro$he+,e-, NY CI W#$% Y&u W%()( H()(F, p-e+e.,a, %. a, S%$ e,6 %0 5h%,%"-aph $ Edu$a, %. / d*e+, Re" C%.0e-.$e, L .$%l., NE '011 P*2(l ,#$.'$$#&n &n CE<()5+%#2: #n T#8(F, Ce.,e- 0%- 7%%k A-,s, Ne* B%-k, NY '010 CD#:#+al @ A2*6&:F, p-e+e.,a, %. ,o Ro$he+,e- I.+, ,u,e %0 >e$h.%l%"6Js KI.,-%du$, %. ,o D " ,al I#a"e-6L $%u-+e '008 C 6&::#2: *2, (5&2,/ On6#2( Pub6#$%#2: 9&) A)+#$+$F, A-, +,s 7%%k ;%-ksh%p, U. @e-+ ,6 %0 Ro$he+,e- '00( CN&7 &n V#(7F, p-e+e.,a, %. ,o SUNY C%lle"e a, 7-%$kp%-, K7la$k a.d ;h ,e 5h%,%L $%u-+e AWARDS & GRANTS RECEIVED '008 A)+#$+ #n R($#,(2.(, V sual S,ud es ;%-ksh%p '00( S+',(2+ S.%&6*)$%#0, S%$ e,6 0%- 5h%,%"-aph $ Edu$a, %. I2,#<#,ual A)+#$+ G)*2+, Ed#u.d Op, $s, I.$. SELECTED PUBLISHED ESSAYS, EXHIBITION REVIEWS, & BOOK REVIEWS '011 CL#:%+ +& S(( +%( (:#22#2:F, Afterimage, Issue 38.3 (Review of “Our Origins at the !useum of "ontemporar# $hotograph#, "hi%ago, &'( CN&+%#2: (.&8($ S&8(+%#2:F, Afterimage, Issue 3).: (Review of “)ithout *ou & am +othing, Art an- &ts Audien%e at the !useum of "ontemporar# Art, "hi%ago, &'( '010 C>( E2, &9 *n E)a, N&+ +%( E2, &9 +%( W&)6,F, Afterimage Online (A %ommnetar# on the last roll of .o-a%hrome.( K>( M(+a-E;0()#(2.( &9 E))*+a E,#+#&2$ I &&4$ &n &&4$B S(+ OneF, 0ournal of Artists 1oo2s, Issue '( (Exploring a %ompelling series of photoboo2 reprints/( K *)3*)a C)*2(/ C%*66(2:#2: V#$#&2F, Afterimage, Issue 3(.4 (Review of this in3uential photographer's %areer retrospe%tive at the "hi%ago "ultural "enter, "hi%ago, &L) J>( E,:( &9 I2+(2+F, $hotograph# 5 "ulture, /a-$h '010 (Review of “The E-ge of &ntent at the !useum of "ontemporar# $hotograph#, "hi%ago, &L) '008 JN(7 T&0&:)*0%#.$J *2, CN*+')( *$ A)+#G.(J , Ro%hester "&TY +ewspaper, Dul6 1, '008 2Review of these two simultaneous exhibitions at 7eorge Eastman 8ouse, Ro%hester, +Y ) CH#$ Pup#6$B N*+')(F, Afterimage, Issue 36.6 2Review of an exhibtion b# 0ohn $fahl an- his students at Ro%hester "ontemporar#, Ro%hester, +Y ) CA T)#3'+( +& L#:%+ I+$(69F, Ro%hester "&TY +ewspaper, Ap- l 1:, '008 2Review of An-# Lo%24s “Or%har- $ar2 exhibition at 7eorge Eastman 8ouse, Ro%hester, +Y ) CD)*7n I2F, Afterimage, Issue 36.: 2Review of “!anga9 0apanese &mages at Louisiana !useum of !o-ern Art, 8umlebae2, :enmar2( CC#+5 &9 L#:%+ *2, L(2$($F, Afterimage, Issue 36.4 2Report from the goings-on at $aris $hoto 2008, $aris, >ran%e ) KP*60*36( V#$#&2$F, Afterimage, Issue 36.4 2Review of “!i#a2o &shiuchi, $hotographs 1976-;<<C at >OA!, Amster-am, +etherlan-s( '00) CD*8#(n H#)$+ *+ +%( R#-4$8'$('8F, Amster-am Spo2e, N%@e#<e- '0, '00) 2Review of “>or the Love of 7o- at RiD2smuseum, Amster-am, +etherlan-s( CM(,#a N&+(,/ T*4( Y&') T#8( 35 Ola9') E6#*$$&2F, Afterimage, Issue 3:.4 '00( CM(,#a N&+(,/ K;7 35 W#66#*m E::6($+&2F, Afterimage, Issue 34.6 CA N(7 L#:%+F, Afterimage, Issue 34.4 2Review of “0ames :eavin at 0en 1e2man 7aller#, +ew *or2 "it#, +*( CM(,#a N&+(,/ >( On:&#2: M&8(2+ 35 G(&L)(5 D5()F, Afterimage, Issue 34.4 '006 CW%5 L&&4 *+ A2#8*6$MJ, Ro%hester "&TY +ewspaper, N%@e#<e- 1, '006 2Review of a group exhibition at 7eorge Eastman 8ouse, Ro%hester, +*( CM(,#a N&+(,/ N#*:*)a 35 A6(c S&+%F, Afterimage, Issue 33.: COb#+'*)5/ N*m N'2( P*#4 (1932–2006)F, Afterimage, Issue 33.: CM(,#a N&+(,/ I2$+*2+ L#:%+ 35 A2,)(5 T*)4&<$45F, Afterimage, Issue 34.6 COb#+'*)5/ G&),&n P*)4$ (1912–2006)F, Afterimage, Issue 34.6 CM(,#a N&+(,/ (#2: >()( 35 D)O *))5 G&6,$+(#2F, Afterimage, Issue 33.4 .

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