• • < NO. VOL. XIV. MASON, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY. JANUAKY 10, 1889. Oo to Stroud & Co.'fl for furniture. Fine After January.7th, 1889, Pratt & Child Circuit Court rroeeediugs. SAVE MONEY! assgrtraent and low prices. * will sell groceries for cash only. Come and The circuit court for Ingham county published ovory Thursday see what cash will do. Produce the same hj The democratic state convention for convened at the court house. Mason, on Our plan of makinj; it an inducenaent for as cash. * WUITMQBE & CO., nominating a justice of the supreme court Monday last, Judge Erastus Peck presid• subscribers to the Democrat to pay in The following oSicers of the Baptist and two regent to the university, will be ing. Below we give ii synopsis ot the advance, thereby saving 25 cents from the Sunday school, for the ensuing year, were held at Grand Rapids, Feb. 28. business thus far transacted : PX3ICBS : regular subscription price, has proven so elected on Sunday last: Year, $1.50 ; Six monlha, 75 conta : Three A. 0. DuBois assisted in the rendition ol The People vs. .John Bishop—larceny. satisfactory that ive have decided to con• Superintendent—A.J. Uall. monthi.40 centa. Assistant Superintendent—J. W, Clark. Trial by jury and pronounced not guilty. tinue it. Queen Esther at WilllauiHton, last Friday Secretary and Truaauror—Ivittio Kendricks. The People vs. Jo.seph Washington, Al• It is because we need the money, and be• evening', and Selah H. Worden assisted Organist—H. B. Longyear, Asaistant Organist—Minnie Stanton. Our advortlsluK rates are JlOO per column per un- exander Talbot and Robert Wauhington, both Friday and Saturday evenings. Clioristor—W. D. Lougyear. We are too busy In- ouni. BnslDeHs iiolicea five cents per line for each cause we feel that the subscriber who regu• Coniuiilteu to draft constitution auil by.laws—Ituv, nsortion. Ivlitorlal notices Hi cmitN. the throe colored men who were oh.arged larly pays us. In cash, for a year in advance, The court room never presented a more E. B. Moody, Sliss Clara Locko aud \V. 1). Longvear. Business cards .?I.OU iier line per year. with robbery nt Lansing, A motion to ^ voicmg to -write ads.V Marriaiji., lilrth and death notices inserted free. is entitled to a little better rates than those tidy appearance than at the opening of Dhltaary ceinTuunts, re.elutions, cards of thanks, etc. Representative Fitch informs us that it quash the information wus granted and i) but liave plenty of *lll hereaficT bo clwrfc'ed for at the rate of tlve cents who have the use of their money until the court on Monday last, and the new officials will bo necessary for persons who desire to per line. they were immediately rearrested on war i end of tho year, that we have decided to CorreHpondcncucontttlniDf; local news, ia aollcitud succeeded in their efforts to keep everything receive the appointment of notary public, rants issued by .Justice Hammond, and time to attend to tha from all partM of the coanty. continue this offer. in order. Anonvnious communlcationa not inserted under to make written application to the governor, were recommitted to jail to await examina any clrcunistances. Now bear these facts in mind : wants of our custom- Cull at Huntington's before buying your and for the accommodation of persons de tion on Monday next. The subscription price of the Democrat foot wear. * siring to make such application, he will The People vs. Edward T. Horning— ^5 ers. Our ne-w Wail JOB PRINTING! remains as it has always been—$1.50 per forward blanks to this office where they can E. B. Bolton, a former Mason boy, but false pretenses. Continued by consent until Our nmterial is new aud of the latest stylos andw year, s\s months 75 cents, three months 40 (<^ Paper is beginning to be had by calling for them. Kuaranteu aulisfacliou, l)oth in prices and now of Gaylord,, passed through this city next term and rerognizance respited. quality of work. cents. Saturday, enroute for St. Louis, Mo., with The People vs. Wm. Telford—violation arrive. If you are a new subscriber, or an old After January 7th, 1889, Pratt & Child eight carload — over -1,000 bushels—of Business Directory. of liquor law. Continued by consent until one whose subscription is paid to date, one will sell groceries for cash only. Come and Call and see us, potatoes. ATTOBNl-YS. next term. dollar and twenty.five cents in money, will see what cash will do. Produce the same A mysterious trail of blood leading from The People vs. Norman Lucas—false Yours, (Jio. JI. HusTisuTON. Oeo. 1. my. pay for the Demoorat a whole year. as cash. * DNTINOTOM & DAY, Attorneya andOounaelors tho capitol to tho tair grounds at Lansing pretenses. Arraigned and plea of not H at Law. OUlco over First National Bunk If you are six months in arrears, and B. N. Campbell, who resides north east FOED & KIRBY. Maaon, Mich. '^'''^ was discovered Tuesday morning, but ths guilty entered. pay us SI.25, you will be entitled to credit of Dansville, started to leave Mason last T.UAMPBELt, Attorney at Law. Conveyancing JoHHiaZ says careful inquiry failed to dis The People vs.DennisOcoback—larceny. und coilectiona a speciality. Mason, Mich. for but ten months, being at the rate of Saturday evening, driving a span of colts, J cover the cause. His recognizance of $500 declared forfeited, I lOBice U|p Staira, iiver hcMociiAT otllcii. $1.50 per year. which became unmanageable and he was E.S.Avniv. Edwin N. UROW.X. the defendant failing to appear for trial as On the other hand, if you owe for six Prof. Eugene Smith of Hillsdale, would thrown out on Maple street, between C and VEKV S BROWN, Attorneys and Counselois a per conditions of said bond. A Law. Cilice over t^trineroMlMJv,JLiajiii. months, by paying 75 cents—the amount be pletwed to meet all. desiring instruction D. He was taken to the American House Laura L. Burns vs. .Jolin J. Tuttle and and a physician called, but he was soon PHYS1C1AN8. duo, then $1.25 more would entitle you to in dancing, at armory hall this evening at Perry Holmes—ejectment. Continued able to proceed on his journey, his iujuries U. CULVIill, 31. p.. Physician aud Surgeon credit for a whole year. seven o'clock. A social hop will be given . Offlc.over Welib'eOlothingStore,Ma.ou,M. until next term. S This offer is made for the sole purpose of at nine o'clock. being slight. OOTOIl A. II. CAMI'BELL,Physician, Surgeon Lawrence Hendrick ys. New England .c^: OinceorerH.M.Wlliiam'adruKStore.Mason. inducing prompt, advance payment, and is A majority of the Lansin:' city council The Centennial Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, 5 Mutual Accident A.ssocialioli of Bo.^ion— opea to all subscriber.-i, old and new alike, B.DODttE.M.D,, Homa'pathist. Olllcein Par- voted against the proposition to redistrict of wliicli we made mention last week, case. Order for security for costs entered, , row block. Residence corner A aail Oak dts, and the noore who can take advantage of it the city into eight wards, Monday evening It seems was reasonably prompt in filling Adelbert Winslow vs. Almira 'vVinslow. A. LOCICIJ, M.D., Homeopathist. Office over the better it will please us. thus ibr the present disposing of the redis Thomas Walker's order, but the package D IIuatirii,:tou's slioe store. Order for security for coat.s entered. Respectliilly Yours, tricting question. was not properly directed, and therefore AUCTIONEER. Daniel Edwards vs. L. S. & M. S. liy Co. D. P. Wuitmore &, Co. lais.sent. Hence the supposition that they mi roIlN 111.11 ELBERGEIt.Anctionoer. Propertysold There will be money to sell by the Star Stay of proceedings until and ineluding at reasoinible rali-s. .MuMou, Mich, jl-SS were not dealing squarely with him. We Building Association next Tuesday even first day of next term, to allow phiintiff are very glad to learn that the delay was UNDERTAKING. inir. There are 9-t shares of stock for sale to settle bill of excepiions". caused by a mistake only. P STROUD, UoJortaker. first door west of tho For information inquire of A. J. Hall See notice of stray cow. Henry W. Peabody et al. vs. Arthur 0- Doiocn.vT olHce, Mason, Mich. Two llrst-claHs S financial secretary. boa'raes and bt'tter facilitlci tlnin ever before. Sllf Look at those SI.00 gent's slippers at Bement. Time allowing plaintiff to settle Wanted—a good quantity of snow. Huntington's. * DENTISTS. The Grand Ledge Ijid6;p«i(Ze?i^ truthfully bill of e.\:ception3 extended to and includ• Two suits of rooms to rent. Inquire of P. VANBDBEN.DEiTTIST. Ofllcein Darrow remarks that any business lhat pays a man From the reports that have reached us ing first day of next term. block,3Iasol.,Mlch. Coe & Clark. * A for devoting his time lo will pay him to call we conclude "V. J. Tefft made a decided Isaac B. Willetts vs. Geo. A. .Murray— No use of going lo a warmer climate to public attention to by some judicious, per• hit" with his lecture—"Some Phases of appeal. Judgment rendered. SURVEYING. spend the winter. sistent advertising. the Mind"—delivered at Eden on Friday The People vs. John E. Brown—perjury. P. DRAKE, Deputy Cennty Surveyor, asou Mich. Praia work a specialty. C. W. Barber held tho iiuiiiber that drew evening last. We understand Mr. Teflt Case on trial. Fresli MM fmrn. A. The officers of the iNfiiiAM Cooxty loc I'cT ;vh --d Charley Monroe's .stove la.st week.
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