Nanometrology: enabling applications of nanotechnology C M Sotomayor Torres * , T Kehoe, N Kehagias, V Reboud, D Dudek *ICREA Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures Group Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology (CIN2-CSIC) Barcelona SPAIN Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 1 Collaborators & Support J Bryner, J Vollman, J Dual, C Mechanics, ETH, Zurich S Landis, CEA, LETI , Grenoble C Gourgon, LTM-CNRS Grenoble S Arpiannen, J Ahopelto, VTT Espoo, Finland W Khunsin, S G Romanov, A Amann, E P O’Reilly, G Kocher R Zentel, U Mainz S Pullteap and H C Seat, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 2 Outline 1. Introduction 2. Nanometrology for Nanoimprint lithoggpyraphy: a. Sub-wavelength diffraction b. Photoacoustic metrology 3. Nanometrology for Self-assembly a. Opposite partners/ elements b. Rotational diffraction 4. Conclusions Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 3 Nanometrology and Nanotechnology • Critical to enable the industrial uptake of nanotechnology • Necessary to measure: – Product characteristics , device performance, toxicology (potential public health risks), product lifetime, security • Requirements for manufacturable technology – Standardisation, regulation – repeatable and universal – Easy to operate – Developpgqed in coordination with manufacturing techniques • Integrated, in-line, real-time, advanced process control • Relevant measurands Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 4 Nanometrology Challenges • Miniaturisation – things are getting smaller • Heterogeneous integration – things are getting more complex –3rd Dimension increasingly used – Dimensions and material properties • Insufficient standardisation of techniques or reference samp l es • Existing methods are slow, often destructive and not optimised for 3D Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 5 Metrology challenges for Nanofabrication • Critical dimension measurement < 50 nm Intel SRAM Sem icon duc tor lithograp hy no de 32 nm (2011) 45nm Critical dimensions and physical properties • 3D Structure Complex: Typical of heterogeneous integration, interconnects S. Landis et al, Nanotechnology (2006) Ye et al, Langmuiir 22 7378 B.Chao, Proc SPIE 6921 (2008) (2006).3D Photonic crystal in Si • In-situ,,, inline, real-time Advanced Process Control of systematic drift and process behaviour Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 6 Metrology techniques for nanoscale – limitations • SEM For height, slope, profile, requires destructive cross -section. 1m • AFM Difficult to access sidewalls, corners, A.E. Vladar et al, Proc SPIE 69220H reltillatively s low • TEM Resolution ~ 0.1 nm. Destructive, slow • X-ray Imaging Requires synchrotron x-ray B.C. Park et al, Proc. SPIE 651819 source • Optical Scatterometry Requirement of wavelength, polarization or angle variability. Win tec h Nano-ThlTechnology Ltd C. David et al, Proc. MNE 2008 Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 7 Nanoimprint Lithography (NIL) Stamp (Si, Quartz, etc) Advantages Resist (polymer, monomer) • Resolution (sub 10 nm) Substrate • Fast (sec/cycle) • Low cost ($0.2M vs $25M) • Simple Imprint • Flexible (UV, heat) (Pressure +heat or UV light) Applications • Semiconductors Release (cool down ) • Optics • Bio • Organic electronics RIE of residual layer • Sensors Hig h resoluti on ClComplex patterns FtilFunctional didevices N.Kehagias, Nanotechnology 18 (2007) V.Reboud, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 47 (2008) Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 8 Sub-wavelength diffraction metrology • Test structures of blazed gratings asymmetric diffraction pattern • Individual lines < diffraction limit. Groups of lines > diffraction limit • Sub-wavelength features in grating eg Line-width, height, defects, sidewall angle, curvature. Linewidths: 50, 100, 150, … 350nm • Defects affect relative intensity of diffraction orders in far-field • Suitable for transparent or opaque structures • Non-destructive, Fast collection of data -2 -1 0 +1 +2 Gap 58 nm on Intensity Line 53 nm 1 m Diffracti T. Kehoe et al, Proc. SPIE 69210F, 2008 Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 9 Modelling of Sub-wavelength diffraction • Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis Height 4.5 4.0 (()RCWA) nn 3.5 • Finite difference time domain 3.0 2.5 (FDTD) 2.0 e diffractio e ficiency ff +first/-first vv 1.5 e 1.0 +first/+second 500nm Relati 0.5 0.0 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 FDTD vs. RCWA normalised to first line height/ um order 25 FDTD Width units) 20 RCWA 6.0 +first/-first 15 5.0 +first/+second 4.0 y (arbitrary (arbitrary 10 action cc rr 3.0 5 2.0 efficien 1.0 fficiency fficiency 0 difflative EE ee -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 R 0.0 Diffracted Orders 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Line width increase / um Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 10 Sub-wavelength diffraction measurement system • In-line design Laser • Sub-wavelength diffraction metrology with surface imaging by microscope optics Sample CCD A – • Enables centring of the laser spot y on the gratings diffraction z x Microscope pattern objective CCD B – image of surface 250 +1 200 itrary units 150 bb -1 100 -2 +2 50 tensity / ar nn I 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 25 m Pixels Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 11 Sub-wavelength – Detection of defects • Defect detection 1.2 Measured (+1/-1) = 2.85 – missing 50 nm & 100 nm lines Simulated (+1/-1) = 2.68 au 1 • Agreement between simulated and 0.8 measured diffraction efficiencies 0.6 Efficiency / / Efficiency nn 1.2 No Defect (RHS/LHS) = 2.59 0.4 1 Defect (RHS/LHS) = 1.44 0.8 0.2 Diffractio 0.6 Simulated /au efficiency nn 0 0.4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0.2 Diffractio Diffraction Order 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Diffraction Orders 1.2 No defect (RHS/LHS) 1 = 3.53 1 m y / au y / Defect (RHS/LHS) = Measured cc 080.8 2112.11 0.6 0.4 0.2 Diffraction eficien 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Diffraction Order T. Kehoe, Microelec. Eng. 86 (2009) 100 nm 50 nm Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 12 Sub-wavelength – Detection of defects • Grating stamps made with average line-width from 193 – Gap 58 nm 214 nm Line 53 st nd nm • Measured and modelled diffraction efficiencies (1 & 2 1 m order) decrease with increasing line-width, by approximately 5% per 5 nm •+1/+ 2 re la tive diffrac tion e ffic iency decreases a t approximately 4% per 5 nm -2 Simulated ono -1 Simulated 1.1 3 +1 Simulated +1/+2 +2 Simulated Simulated -2 Measured -1 Measured +1/+2 n Efficiency Efficiency n D iffracti oo 2 +1M1 Measure d y MdMeasured +2 Measured 1 fficienc d Diffracti d 1 Relative zz EE dd 0.9 195 200 205 210 215 Normali 0 rm alize Average Linewidth / nm 195 200 205 210 215 oo Average Linewidth / nm N T. Kehoe, NNT 08 conference, Kyoto, Japan Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 13 Diffraction from 3D Structures • Polymer relaxes and partially reflows, creating rounded line profiles • Measured diffracted order intensities before and after reflowing of the lines Comparison of measured and simulated diffraction intensities for imprinted lines and reflowed lines T. Kehoe, NNT 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 14 Key steps for NIL – Polymer physical properties 1. Stamp fabrication Imprint (Pressure +heat or UV light) 2. Imprinting process: Temp, Pressure, UV Glass transition temperature, Viscosity 3. Demoulding: Mechanical strength Young´ s modldulus, PiPoisson ’s ra tio Release (cool down ) Adhesion / anti-sticking coating surface energy 4. Etching : Poly me r etch r esi stan ce RIE of residual layer At nanoscale values may change Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 15 Photoacoustic Metrology • Thickness measurements, resolution ~10 nm • Acoustic scattering from interfaces changes surface reflectivity • Acoustic speed Physical parameters – Modulus, Poisson’s • Pump-PbLProbe Laser, 70f70 fs, = 810 nm, Time reso lu tion 0. 1 ps Propagating Partial Reflection from acoustic waves interfaces Pump: 70fs laser pulse Probe: Optical reflectivityyg change at surface Laser absorppgtion / generation of thermal stress – acoustic Al Polymer Si wave Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 16 One-dimensional photoacoustic model • Finite Element Simulation, including viscoelastic damping • Measurement R + Thickness (Ellipsometry) + Optical / Physical properties (absorption, density) Thermomechanical model S laser power σexcit stress, T temperature, ε strain z depth attenuation F sensitivity t time ΔR reflectivity change Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 17 Photoacoustic Metrology of Nanoimprint Polymers • Nanoimprint polymers 336 nm PMMA 13 – 586 nm thick layers • Damping in polymer not excessive • Good acoustic impedence ty change difference Strong signal ii • Top interface: Al/polymer R Reflectiv • Bottom interface: polymer/Si • FilmThickness compared to Time / ps ellipsometry and profilometry • Physical parameters calculated using Finite Element model ess / nm cp E nn (m/s) (GPa) kg/m3) Thick mr-I PMMA 2603 3.2 0.4 1012 mr-NIL 6000 2504 2.95 0.4 1008 time of flight J. Bryner, 2007 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2007 p 1409 Time / ps Trends in Nanotechnology, 10th September 2010, Braga, Portugal 18 Nanoscale Effects • Acoustic speed and Young’s modulus increase below 80 nm • Acoustic speed (cp) increases by 12% • Young’s modulus (E) increases
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