This article was downloaded by: [McGill University Library] On: 16 March 2015, At: 05:14 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 6 Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tnah12 I.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator,’ commander C. F. Oldham, R.N.—Series II., No. 19. Report upon the Mollusca dredged in the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea during the season 1893–94 Edgar A. Smith Published online: 02 Oct 2009. To cite this article: Edgar A. Smith (1895) I.—Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer ‘Investigator,’ commander C. F. Oldham, R.N.—Series II., No. 19. Report upon the Mollusca dredged in the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea during the season 1893–94, Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Series 6, 16:91, 1-19, DOI: 10.1080/00222939508680220 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222939508680220 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/page/ terms-and-conditions Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 05:14 16 March 2015 THE ANNALS A~D MAGAZINE OF NATURAL HISTORY. [SIXTH SERIES.] " .................. per litora spargite museum, Naiades, et cirettm rib-cos eonsidite fontee : Polliee virgineo teneros hie carl)fie flores : Floribus et pictum, dirge, replete eanistrum. At vos, o Nymphm Craterldes, ire sub undas ; Ire, reeurwto vari~ta cor~llia trnneo Vellite museasis e rupibus, et mihi couchas Ferte, nero pelagi, et pingui eonehylia sueco." N. Parthen~i Gian~ettaaii Eel. 1. No. 91. JULY 1895. I.--Natural History Notes from It. M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer ~Invest~qator~' Uommander C. F. Old]tam~ R.N.-- Series II.~ No. 19. Report upon t/re kIollusca dredged in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea during the Season 1893-94. By EDGAR A. S~ITH. [Plates I. & II.] Tills collection contains several very remarkable new forms~ among which the two species of the new genus Pontiothauma are worthy of special notice. The Calliostoma~ the Den- talium~ the two new forms of Cr!tptodon are also species of considerable interest. The occurrence of the characteristically Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 05:14 16 March 2015 Japanese ]~anella perca in the Indian Ocean is remarkabl% and the discovery of a British Lucina and an Atlantic _Poromya in ~hese southern latitudes is of still greater interest. Another instance of wide distribution is that of the SoIenomya patagoniea. In my former paper I also described a Lucina which was hardly separable from a species occurring in the Straits of Magellan. Ann. & Mag. 5\ Hist. Set. 6. Vol. xvi. 1 Mr. E. A. Smith on Molluseafrom the PONTIOTHAUMA.~, gen. nov. Testa fusiform~s, baud umbilieata, autiee rostrata, oblique plleata, spiraliter lirata et sulcata ; apertura antiee breviter canalieulata ; columella simplex, baud plicata ; labrum tenue, postico late sed haud profunde sinuatum ; opereulum nullum. Animal e~ecum, rostro magno, late expanse instruetum; radala nulla. The examination of the soft parts of this remarkable mollusk has kindly been undertaken by Mr. S. Pace, and the results of his investigation will be published subsequently. From a preliminary examination he is inclined to believe that its relationship will prove to be with the Pleurotomatid~e. The enormously expanded rostrum, and the absence of eyes, radul% and operculum~ at once separate this genus from any which it approaches in shell-characters. Conchologically it bears some resemblance to the plicate forms of S[pho (S.fusi- formis, &e.). Pont[othauma rafrabfle. (P1. I. fig. 1.) Testa fusiformis, turrita, alba, epidermide plus minus induta ; spira elongata, aeuminata ; anfraetus 10 ?, superstitientes septem eon- vexi, regulariter lente aecrescentes, oblique et flexuoso eostati (eostis supra et infra evaneseentibus), spiraliter fortiter et con- fertim lirati, ultimus subtumidus, testis obliquis gracilioribus e~ minus prominentibus instruct,us, antiee breviter rostratus; aper- tura elongata, antiee in canalem brevem produeta, longit, totius paulo minor, intus alba; cohmella ree~iuseula; labrum haud inerassatum, prope suturam late, sed baud profunde siuuatum, in medio prominens, areuatum. Longit. 136 millim., diam. 52 ; apertura 65 longa, 27 lata. Hab. Off the Malabar coast, lat. 10 ° 71 50 '~ N.~ long. 74 ° 421 30 '~ E, in 1250 fathoms. When viewed from behind this remarkable shell bears a Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 05:14 16 March 2015 strong resemblance to an elongate specimen of the common whelk~ Buccfnura undatum. It has all the aspect of a northern tbrm, and one can scarcely credit the fact of its living so far south as the Indian Ocean. Only a single specimen was obtained. Pontfothauma abyssicola. (P1. I. fig. 2.) Testa elongata, turrita, solidiuseula, imperforata, alba, epidermide tenui pallide olivaeeo-viridi induta; anfractus sex, superne exea- * ~rd~rm~ marine ; mad 8a~ga, a wonder. Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. 3 vat,i, oblique et nodose plicati, ad latera levissime eonvexi, sutura obliqua sejuncti, striis spiralibus ineisis nunaerosis, liueisque increment,i tenuibus ob]iquis fiexuosis sculpii, ultimus medioe~'iter convexus, undique transversim striatus, striis circa basin latis, sulciformibus; apertara oblonga, alba, longit, totius ~ paulo minor, il)ferne brevissime et latissime caaalieulata, subrecurva; labrum tenue, in exeavationem infra sut,uram ]eviter sinuat,um, infra arcuatum ; columella alba, caliosa, in medio paulo arcuata, inferne oblique torta ; opereulum nullum. Longit. 50 miliim., diam. 24 ; apertura 22 longa, 10 lat,a. tt~,b. Station 134, off Kistna, Bay of Bengal, in 753 fathoms. The depression or concavity at the upper part of the whorls produces a marginate appearance at the suture, and upon the margination the lines of growth are slightly puckered. The spiral strim are somewhat deep and have rather a regular look to the naked eye. The nodose p]icat[ons at the arJgulatioa above do not extend far downwards, but soon become obso- lete, so that the lower part of the whorls has a nearly even surface. Like the type of the genus, Shis species has neither radula nor operculum. It differs, however, m possessing eyes. Until the soft parts have been more fully examined, its position in the genus Pontiothauma must be considered uncertain. Pleurotoma vagata. (P1. I. fig. 3.) Testa fusiformis, turrit,a, alba, epidermide tenuissima induta, incvement,i lineis flexuosis st,riata; spira elongata, acuminata; anfractus 12, superne excavati, in medio carina quadrata t,uber- etdata inst,ructi, superne infra suturam carino-marginati, undique spiraliter striat,i, infra medium llris spiralibus 1-2 cinet,i, ultimus transversim striatus e~ liratus, ant,ice elongat,o-rost,rat,us ; aper- turn cure canali longit, totius ~ haud requans, intus alba, liris intraat,ibus eirciter deeem armata; labrum t,eaue, subprofunde ineisum ; columella rectiuseula, levit,er obliqua ; canalis elongatus, angustus, subrecurvus. Downloaded by [McGill University Library] at 05:14 16 March 2015 Longit,. 65 millim., diam. 23 ; apertura cure canali 28 longa, in medio 7 lata. Hab. Station 172, off Trincomalee, Ceylon, in 200-350 fathoms. This species belongs to that group of Pleurotoma wlfieh includes -P. K~enerl, Doumet, P. carinata, Gray, and a few others which are characterized by a tuberculated keel upon the middle of the whorls. h single specimen only was obi;ained. 4 Mr. E. A. Smith o1~ Molll~scaJ~om the PleurotomaTrces~iqnis. (P1. I. fig. 4.) Testa fusiformis, turrita, alba, epidermide tenui flavescente induta ; anfractus 11-12 ?, regulariter lente crescentes, superne ad suturam fortiter carinati, in medio prominentes, serie nodularum sub- acutarum instructi, infra nodulas liuea filiformi (in anfr. superi- ~)ribus obsoleta), et supra nodulas lineis duabus gracillimis cineti, ultimus infra medium angustatus, brevirostratus, infra nodulas cireiter quatuor aliisque tenuioribus circa caudam ornatus; apertura alba, eum canali ]ongit. totius ] ~equans ; labrum tenue, ad nodulas mcdioeriter profunde et latissime sinuatum, infra sinum prominens, arcuate productum; columella supra medium leviter incurvata,
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