THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1920 —-o-.— TUESDAY APRIL 22 2003 «— TECH. Raleigh,N’orth Carolina Transportation WORLD . department seeks Reconstruction of Iraq begins student input Retired U.S.Army Lt.Gen.Jay Garnerarrived in Iraq on Mondaytoserve asthe head oftheOffice ofRe In conjunction with a pedestrian at one end of construction and Humanitarian Assistance. the Transportation your trip or both,” said Upon his arrival,Garnervisited a hospital and a Department’s long— McCalip. power plant in Baghdad. Garner said his priori- “We’re going to work on tywas to restore basic services such as water and e term plans, a survey lectricity”as soon as we can." trying to develop better Garnerwas shown around in darkness,as Bagh- is being distributed to traffic option between dad’s‘electricitywascutoffduring the U.S.airstrike students to garner 5. During his tours, 2,000 Shi’ite Muslims be- Gorman Street and Pullen gan to protest the United States due to accusa- feedback. Road and Western Boule— tions againstthe U.S.troopsfor arresting one ofth vard and Hillsborough eir leaders, Muhammad al-Fartusi. Anna Edens Street, but for us to just News Editor make it better for cars and U.S. delegation will buses, we may preclude discuss nuclear weapons Few departments on cam— some sites and make pus carry a burden quite with North Korea pedestrian crossings like the N.C. State Trans— worse. We don’t want to Thedelegation led bythe assistant secretary ofsta te for East Asian affairs, James Kelly, depart- portation Department. do that, so that’s why we’re ed Washington, D.C.for Beijing on Monday. The department is ex— conducting the survey,” The United States hopesto persuade North Ko- Students could see a tuition increase instead'ofthe requested tuition freeze. StaffPhoto byAust/n Dowd pected to provide parking said McCalip. rea to halt its production ofnuclearweapons,whil e North Korea wants to be certain that the Unit— spaces and effective means In addition, another ed States does not plan to attack. of transportation all over purpose for the survey is China will betaking part in the talks,but both co campus, but as soon as to “find out short—term untries havedifferentoutlookson the rolethatChi Tuitionfreeze abolished na will have in theirdiscussions.The United States parking lots become full, improvements we can wantsChina to be active in thetalks,but North Ko- conStruction begins or a make and help prioritize rea wants them to keep a strictly host role. ticket is administered, improvements and be complaints about trans- proactive about finding in General Assembly NATION portation begin to fly. funding. Also, if funding The transportation de- since the N.C. General Assembly tion they desire. I don’t want to have comes open, we know the The N. C. General Assembly partment is looking to be— Scott Peterson charged has decided to abolish the current to drop out of school because of number—one areas that struck down a tuition freeze gin a long-term plan for need attention,” said Mc- for killing wife and proposed by the UNC Board tuition freeze. For some students, money.” especially non—North Carolina “All Things Transporta— Calip. ofGovernors. residents, this may mean the dif— For the 2002—03 academic year, tion” at NCSU in the fall, Transportation is also unborn child but before that project On Monday, prosecutors charged Peterson with t , ference of attending NCSU or the UNC Board ofGovernors chose looking ahead to next se- wo accounts ofmurder ofhis wife, Laci,and un- Anthony Exum not. to enact a system—wise tuition raise goes into effect, the de— mester when the depart~ born son, Conner. Senior Stafl’Reporter ofeight percent for in-state students partment is searching for ment will hold campus— Laci,who disappeared lastChristmas Eve,was fo short—term ways to im- und headless on the rocks of the San Francis- “I come from a lower—income and 12 percent for out-of—state stu- wide meetings for stu- co Bay a day after herson washed up on shores af College students have to worry family, so I rely on loans to stay at dents, and there was a campus-ini— prove transportation on dents. ew miles away. She was eight months preg- about numerous things —— their NCSU,” says Cory Livengood, a tiated tuition raise of $300 for campus. “The Coliseum Deck nant at the time of her disappearance. The department has Afterthe DNA tests verified thatthe two bod- future, their grades and, of course, freshman in communications. “The NCSU. expansion will open in ies found on April 13 and 14 belonged to Con- money. The last factor has been increase in tuition is going to make For the 2003—04 fiscal year, the compiled a survey for stu- August, and we already nerand Laci.Petersonwas instantly arrestedon Fri weighing on N.C. State students’ it even harder for me and other stu— dents to provide feedback know there is a problem "day in San Diego. While waiting to be ar- about various aspects of raigned onTuesday,Peterson will remain in theSta minds more lately than usual dents like me to afford the educa— See TUITION page3 " at the intersection of nislaus CountyJail.Acomplaintthatwasfiled state transportation, including Cates [Avenue] and 5 that Laci was murdered between Decem— questions for pedestrians, Pullen [Road], but we ber 23 and 24 at her home. Reed begins second year leading UAB bicyclists, Wolfline riders can’t go forward because and those who park on it is city property,” said Supreme Court to reexam- James Reed presents his plans the student body who came out and campus. McCalip. ine Miranda Rights for nextyear, when he will voted in force —— 21 percent overall Slade McCalip, assistant “We’re doing data col— director for planning and The SupremeCourtwill examinethe phrase”you h serve a second term as came out andvoted, which is a great lections now, coming up ave the rightto remain silent"and discern ifpo— thing,” said Reed. operations, is leading the with alternatives, and lice are able to use physical evidence againsta”cri president ofthe Union survey in conjunction minal”without this proper warning. “My position is the only one that’s we’re going to‘test them In a 2000 case,Samue| Patene interrupted a po- Activities Board. elected, but there is a gamut of po- with the civil engineering in July. We will present lice officer reading Patene his rights.Laterwhen as sitions open to be filled within department. improvements during ked ifhe had a gun, Patene answered yes. Police Anna Edens Student input is critical searched for the pistol, found it and attempt- UAB,” Reed noted, adding that ap— meetings in the fall, and ed to use it against Patene The federal ap- News Editor plications for UAB were placed on to the surveybecause “stu- we will ask input as to peals court stated that they cannot use the pis— its Web site earlier this week. dents are our biggest what is needed for North, tol in court; however, Bush's administration not- clients on campus, and ed that Patenedismissed thefederal agentwho w James Reed, a master’s student in Technician sat down to speak with Central and Centennial" as reading his rights,therefore making the ille- textile engineering, enters the po- Reed about his plans for next year we’re trying to find out Campus[es],” said Mc- gal pistol eligible for use in the trial. sition of Union Activities Board and the progress he has made so far. what they want us to im- Calip. “Because of the president with as much knowl- to go through is put on the back prove and keep,” said Mc— pressing issues we have on STATE edge as any candidate can have for Technician: Since you are incum- burner and I can start right from Calip. “We’ve already sent intersections, we thought it out by e—mail to faculty House produces early the job. After all, he spent the past bent in this position, how do you the forefront working with my plat— it was important to do school year serving as president, think that will affect the way you forms, including the large concerts. and staff, but it’s real hard North and Central Cam- budget and the experience he brings was start implementing changes for the to get information to the puses as soon as possible.” By guiding the House into producing a budg- student body.” et in April forthe firsttime in 20 years,co-speak— just one of the factors that led to coming year? Technician: The large concerts have The survey will run ers Richard Morgan and Jim Blackhave shown tha his capturing 57.6 percent of the Reed: I see incumbencyboth on the certainly been a concern for stu- The department is most throughApril 30, and is ac— tthis session may not beas unproductive as many student body vote in the general good and bad -— the bad was shown dents. When do you see those be— interested in student in- ' cessible through the trans— people have predicted. coming a put about pedestrian portation Although the House is split 50-50 be- elections. to me during elections. But, I truly reality? departmentWeb . tween Democratsand Republicans,the co-speak— “I just want to thank everyone that believe that as far as the learning transportation on cam~ site atwww.mcsuedu/trans— ers have managed to agree on proposed sched- helped me with my campaign and curve that a new person would have See UAB page 2 pus because“everybody is portation. uledtax breaks,thusaidingthe speed ofthe budg— et being passed.
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