find not once during that time has he THE NEW WAITER. A Bow of Corn failed to win the great championship Irish Champions. Talk series with Yale. This is a record which has never been beaten either by Colored Ribbon a Harvard twlrler or by a twirler on CftN'fOOWMME A JOB StQ? dthletes Who the other member of Uphold any the Big Four. I WAS BROUGHT [Original.] About to one season on a cham- A girl with an umbrella in her hand the Emerald Isle Merely play wm a <- Glory of pionship team is esteemed by all col- RlSTCPOHQ and a reticule on her arm waB vainly Here and at Home. lege athletes one of the highest honors, endeavoring to tie her shoe on a crowd- but to constitute more than half the ed sidewalk. Pitchers Irish athletes are sensa- winning strength of a nine, as Clark- m “Will you permit me?’’ performing tional feats these days both here in son has done for the last four years, is A young man spoke the words in a errrsw America and in the “old country” as something unparalleled in baseball his- TO well modulated voice and with a def- well. Thomas F. the all around tory. erential tone. Then, without waiting Kiely, PcRESTAUR champion of who is now in Walter Clarkson, the Clarkson prepared for Harvard at for a reply, he dropped on one knee on Ireland, America, is a wonderful of “ the Cambridge Latin school, where he the sloppy stone, regardless of the mud example Harvard what the Emerald Isle can produce in Phenom,” early gave promise of that exceptional Hi ®r the crease in his trousers, and en- ability which later was to distinguish deavored to tie the shoestring. Alas, it Who Will Enter Amer- him on the crimson nine. In the inter- was broken in the middle! scholastic world, then, as in the inter- If an untied shoestring in the street ican — His League collegiate world today, he was consid- is a misfortune, a broken shoestring is Notable Record—Wick- ered the star of stars, and when he en- a tragedy. The girl, seeing the state i tered Harvard in the fall of 1900 great of the case, would have Seen appalled Nationals. things were prophesied concerning but for that reliance on the sterner sex er, Chicago him. natural to women. She waited for him Walter Clarkson of Harvard, Mike Besides being a wonderful twirler, to get over the difficulty without in Lynch of Brown university and Crow- Clarkson is a heavy hitter and a ground the least concerning herself about it ley of Georgetown university are the covering fielder of exceptional ability The gallant fellow looked at the bro- latest college recruits in the profession- as well. When he doesn't pitch, he al- ken string, thought rapidly, then plung- al baseball ranks. ways plays center field, and scarcely ed his hands into each of his dozen Clarkson has been one of the most an undergraduate can recall his mak- pockets. From one of them he drew a talked of ball players in the country ing an error in either place. corn colored ribbon that had bound to- For a light and slender man he wields gether packages of cigars; then, get- an unusually ponderous and heavy bat, ting rid of the broken shoestring, he but he always manages to get it around laced the shoe with the ribbon. in time. He is one of the heaviest hit- “There,” he said, rising and standing ters on the team and cracks out two with lifted hat; “that will serve till you baggers and triples frequently. reach home.” The Harvard boxman is a very heavy The girl gave him a smile and a player and handles himself with grace “Thank you!” and went on her way. and never seems to be feazed by any Grafton Hatch watched her retreat- circumstances Into which he may hap- ing figure till it had passed out of pen to be thrown. sight He was not conscious of the impression she bad made on him; it Several I.-I.-I. (Iowa, Indiana, Illi- simply occurred to him that he would nois) league managers are beginning to like to meet her again, and when it had realize that, fast as the Three I. ball occurred to him once it occurred to was last season, they must do some him again and again. Indeed he kept strengthening if they keep up the pace on thinking so till at last it became set by the winning teams this year. a mania with him. Springfield and Cedar Bapids are prov- Months passed before he was re- ing particularly fast, Belden Hill of ycssir! warded by another sight of the charm- Cedar Bapids having the best infield illWAlTER er. It was springtime, and he was that has been seen since the circuit riding in an open electric car. A car was formed. Hill has had the reputa- coming from the opposite direction tion of getting more out of a cheap sped past him, and he had such a bunch of men than any other manager, vision as one may gain from a flash of but this year he admits he has spent lightning on a dark night. It was the more money for players, and he is set-' girl whose shoe he had laced, and in ting a pace hard to follow. Donnelly, a buttonhole of her corsage was the at Springfield, has no limit on the bow of corn colored ribbon he had money he can spend, and the result is used for a shoestring. a good team there, though dope on his The fire smoldering in Grafton men before the season opened indi- Hatch’s bosom at seeing thla evidence cated that he might have been gold of the impression he had made burst bricked. into a flame. But the pleasure he took JOHN J. DAIiY, TEE CHAMPION IBIBH McFarland’s Decatur team has not in the discovery was marred by the CEOSS COUNTRY BUNNEB. yet hit a gait that will win a fair thought that living as he did in a great the way of athletes, and many people share of games. Though the pitching city the chances were that he might believe that he will win the all around staff is good the base running and never meet the girl again, or, if he championship of the United States at team work are not of a high order, and did, possibly under circumstances pro- the St. Louis exposition. the hitting has been erratic. The man- hibitory to his having a word with John J. Daly is another famous the agement goes on the theory that her. The distressing complication well Irishman. He may visit this country in men will round to as the season ad- nigh threw him into a fever. He sig- the fall. vances and is not worrying, and the naled the conductor to stop the car, Daly, hailing from Dowras, County fans are withholding judgment. with a view to following the one just Galway, is perhaps the best cross back that [FATHEAD passed, but on looking saw country runner Ireland has ever pro- Pitcher Wicker of the Chicago Na- it was already far in the distance and duced. He first attracted attention in, tionals should receive a slice of large realized the impossibility of catching 1901. Since then he has acquired a the credit which must be awarded to WALTER CLARKSON, THE HARVARD it reputation by leaps and bounds, as his TWIRLER. Selee's Cubs for their brilliant show- Hatch spent a great deal of time try- records show. His maiden efforts in in the race. of late, owing to his signing to play ing pennant ing to conjure up a method of com- athletics were in the broad Jump, but Wicker last with the New York American league performed splendidly municating with the girl who wore his he soon discovered his abilities as a team. year, and this season he is eclipsing colors, but could think of none ex- runner and confined all his attention to- his Clarkson has demonstrated that he is all other feats. He is almost in- cept a personal advertisement, and this branch of sports. He has not only vincible when in form. he from this he shrank. aft- the equal of his famous brother In the Becently Nevertheless, beaten all the best runners in Ireland, box, and the magnates have had their shut out the New York Nationals in a er a long period of distress he tried it, but has held his own with England’s but whether ad. never met the eyes on him for some time. His broth- twelve inning game with but a single his best men. In an eight mile race in er, John Clarkson, joined the Chicago hit. That is a sensational exploit, to girl’s eyes or she did not care to reply, England he finished second to Scbrubb, National league team at the close of say the least. “Iron Man” McGinnity he did not hear from her. Great Britain’s most famous distance the summer Hatch During following runner, and was only beaten a few visited the seashore. There were a yards. He has won in all four cross number of resorts scattered the along country championships of Ireland—the and the where Hatch was coast, place four miles flat once, three miles once, was from the one stopping separated two miles once, one mile twice, inter- on north an adjoining it the by inlet. national mile and four miles once.
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