ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: GOA 1. Goa Institute Of Management PGDM(FT) 120 120 Ribandar, Tiswadi, North Goa, Goa- 403 006 PGDM (PT) 60 60 Dr. Ranjan Ghosh Web : www.gim.ac.in PRIVATE / 1993 Errors and omissions, if any may immediately be brought to the notice of the Advisor [PC], AICTE on 011-23724160 1 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: MAHARASHTRA 1. 431/27-83/MCP/(M)94 PGDM 60 60 Vaikunth Mehta National Institute Of Co- Operative University Road, Pune - 411 007 Shri B.P.Prasad Tel. No. (0) (020)-25537974/78 Fax. No. –020-25537726 E-Mail:[email protected] Web : www.vamnicom.org PRIVATE / 1994 2. 431-27/118/MCP(M)/95 MMS 120 120 PGDM(FT) 120 120 N.L. Dalmia Institute Of Management Studies & MMM (PT) 90 90 Research MFM (PT) 90 90 "Srishti", Sector-1 P.O.Mira Road MHRDM-PT 60 60 Thane 401 104 Prof. P.L.Arya Tel. No. (0) (022)-28454949 Fax. No. –022-28454007 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.aldalmiamgmt.org PRIVATE / 1995 3. 431-27-21/MCP(M)/94 MBA 90 120 MCM 53 60 Maharashtra Academy Of Engg. & Edu. Research PGDM (PT) 50 50 MIT School Of Management S.No.124, Kothrud Paud Road Pune 411 038 Prof. D.P.Apte Tel. No. (0) (020)-25431795 Fax. No. –020-25442770 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.mitsom.org PRIVATE/1994 4. PG/MS/MBA/2005/001 PGDM 120 120 PGDM (Fin.) 60 120 Centre For Advanced Education PGDM(IT) 60 60 Institute Of Management Technology, PGDM(HR) 60 60 35 Km Milestone, Mouza Dorli, Katol Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra Dr. Anwar Ali Tel. No. (0) (0712)-2593140 Fax. No. –0712-2805000 Web : www.imt..edu PRIVATE / 2005 1 Errors and omissions, if any may immediately be brought to the notice of the Advisor [PC], AICTE on 011-23724160 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: MAHARASHTRA 5. MITCON Institute of Management PGDM (Bio-Tech Mgmt. 60 60 Sy. No.33/1, Opp. Chhatarpati Shivaji Sports PGDM Agri Buss Mgmt. 60 60 Complex, Balewadi, Pune, Maharashtra-411 045 PGDM (PM) 60 60 Dr.V.G.Vedak. PGDM (BA. 60 60 Tel. No. (0) (020)-27293723 Fax. No. –020-27293723/25 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.mima.edu.in 6. File No. 07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/ 001 PGDM 60 60 Asian Institute Of Communication And Research (AICAR) Aicar Business School Village – Damat, P.O. Neral- Tal.: Karjat Dist.: Raigad- 410 101, Maharashtra Phone: 02148 + 202687-90 Fax: F-02148 + 236713 Email: [email protected] Web: www.aicar.net NAME:DR.S.A.KULKARNI 7. File No. 07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/ 002 PGDM (IB) 60 60 Audyogik Shikshan Mandal, PGDM (BA) 60 60 Institute of International Business & Research, PGDM (BM) 60 60 Purnanagar Complex, Pune-411019 MAHARASHTRA. Phone: (020)27492541/27492540 Fax: F-(020)27417753 Email: [email protected] Web : www.iibr.org 8. File No. 06/07/MS/PGDM/2006 / 009 PGDM 60 120 ALARD CHARITABLE TRUST PGCM 60 00* Alard School of Business Management, Pune, PGDM (Mkt) 00 60 MAHARASHTRA PGDM(PT) 00 60 Phone: (020)222934188 * on request Fax: F-(020)222934188 Email: [email protected] Web: www.alardinstitutes.org Name:Dr.Shyamkant V. Shrigiriwar 9. F. No. 06/07/MS/PGDM/2007/ 005 _III PGDM 60 Pending Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, PGCM 60 Jaywant Institute of Business Studies, S.No. 82/2 Pune Mumbai Bypass Highway Tathawade Pune 33, Maharashtra – 411033 Director: Dr.Dr. G.A. Nikam Phone No. 020- 22932681 Fax No. 020-22933424 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.jspm.edu.in DR.RAJASHREE .A. SHINDE 2 Errors and omissions, if any may immediately be brought to the notice of the Advisor [PC], AICTE on 011-23724160 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: MAHARASHTRA 10. F.No.07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/007_VI PGDM (CM) 60 60 Foundation Of Liberal And Management Education Society’s, Flame School of Communication, Gat No.1270, at: Lavale, Tal: Mulshi, Dist: Pune Prof. Achyut Vaze Tel. No. (0) (020)-65614480 Fax. No. –020-66401802 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.flame.edu.in 11. F.No.07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/007_VI PGDM 60 60 Foundation Of Liberal And Management Education Society’s, Flame School of Business, Gat No.1270, at: Lavale, Tal: Mulshi, Dist: Pune Prof. Indira Parikh Tel. No. 39826114 Fax 39826124 E-mail: [email protected] Web : www.flame.edu.in 12. F. No. 07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/01 PGDM 60 90 Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s, Sinhgad Business School (Autonomous) Plot no.15 Sy. No. Erandvane Anusaya Khilare Marg near Hotel Kalinga Pune-411004 Director: Dr. Anil Keskar Phone No. 020-25432947 Fax No. 020-25458520 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.sinhgad.edu 13. File No. 07/08/MS/PGDM /2007 /02 PGDM 120 120 PGDM (IT & Mkt.) 120 120 Sri. Balaji Society, PGDM (PM & HRD) 60 60 Balaji Institute Of Modern Management (BIMM), S. PGDM (Executive) 60 60 No. 55/2-7, tathawade, Opp. Wakad Police Station, Off Mumbai Bangalore Bypass, Pune – 411033 Phone: 020-66741249 Fax: F-020-66741242 Email: [email protected] Web: www.bimmpune.com Dr. A.P.Ghosh Web : www.bimm.pune.com 3 Errors and omissions, if any may immediately be brought to the notice of the Advisor [PC], AICTE on 011-23724160 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: MAHARASHTRA 14. File No. 07/08/MS/PGDM /2007 / 03 PGDM (Mkt) 60 60 PGDM (Fin.) 60 60 Sri. Balaji Society, PGDM (IB) 60 60 Balaji Institute For International Business (BIIB), S. No. 55/2-7, tathawade, Opp. Wakad Police Station, Off Mumbai Bangalore Bypass, Pune – 411033 Phone: 020-66741080 Fax: F-020-66741082 Email: [email protected] Web: www.biipune.com Dr.S.M.Inamdar 15. F. No. 07/08/MS/PGDM/2007/01 PGDM 120 120 Chetana Public Trust PGDM (RM.) 30 30 Chetana’s Institute Of Management & Research, PGDM (Mkt) 60 60 Survey No. 341, Govt. Colony, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400051 Dr. S.A.Kulkarni Phone: 64520803/04/06 Fax: F-26423392 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cimr.in 16. MS-06/MCP/M/98 M. M. S. 180 180 PGDM (Bio-Tech.) 60 60 Mahatma Education Society PGDM (IB) 60 60 Pillai Institute Of Management Studies & Research PGDM (B&F) 60 60 Dr. K.M. Vasudevan Pillai's Campus, Section-16. New Panvel Raigad, New Panvel Raigad-410 206, Maharashtra Dr. R.Chandran. Tel. No. (0) (022)-274561001 Fax. No. –022-27483208 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.pimsr.ac.in 17. 431/27-83/MCP-(M)94 PGDM 60 Pending Saraswati Education Society Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute Of Management Studies & Research Chandhai, Karjat. Raigad-410201 Maharashtra Dr. R.S.Reddy Tel. No. (0) (02148)-320782 Fax.02148-320782 E-Mail: [email protected] Web : www.tasgaonkartech.com 4 Errors and omissions, if any may immediately be brought to the notice of the Advisor [PC], AICTE on 011-23724160 ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION STATUS OF AICTE APPROVED PGDM (GOVT./GOVT. AIDED/UNIVERSITY/SELF FINANCING) INSTITUTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010 SI Name & Address of Institutions/ Course(s) Existing Approved Yr of Establishment Intake Intake /Category 2008-2009 2009-2010 REGION: WESTERN STATE: MAHARASHTRA 18. 06/01/MS/PGDM/2006/00A_VII PGDM 60 60 All India Institute of Local Self Government, Chanakya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sthanikraj Bhavan, CBD,. Barfiwala Marg, Andheri (West) Mumbai-400058 MAHARASHTRA Dr. Prakash Mathure Phone: 020-22932217/18/19 Fax: F-22932217 Email: [email protected] Web: www.indiraedu.com 19. F. No. 07/08/MS/MBA/010 PGDM (MKT. + IB) 60 60 PGDM (HR+ IB) 60 60 Suryadatta Educational Foundation, PGDM (FIN. + MKT.) 60 60 Suryadatta Institute Of Management And Mass PGDM (MKT. + IT) 60 60 Communication, PGDM (IB + IT) 60 60 BLDG NO 1 S NO. 342 PATIL Nagar,BAVDHAN BK, Pune – 411 030 (MS) Phone: 020-24330425 Fax: F-24330400 Email: [email protected] Web: www.simmc.org NAME:PROF.BRIG.VIVEK S.TOLEY 20. F. No. 08/01/MHA/PGDM/2008/031 PGDM 60 60 SAIBALAJI EDUCATION SOCIETY International Institute Of Management Human Resource Development (IIMHRD For Women), Survey No #54 (1+2/1) 1A/1 Dattawadi (Nere) , Kasarsai Road, Near IT Park,Hinjewadi Pune- 411033 Director: Dr. Prakash Deshpande Phone No.
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