SMFI Singapore-MIT Alliance . JVl::1JL\aleeU faeturingE.lgineering, and the Singapore Mar· Raffles Design Institute :Uon and trail itime Academy. .I The Raffle De· : olutions prov www.sp.edu.sg "" ,. ~ .: \ ; 51go nstitlte "'" "-",.,.~, "'"."""'''''1'10'' in Singap , .. - "..,: ""\ ~ was establi hed FOtU1ded in 1964 as a membership societ); PSB Academy ~ ,:~ ~ - .. I J},ft{ in .990 as .an e.du­ SIM Group now comnrises four core servi I PSR Academy.. (a . t A . ~l'" catlOnal lllsntu- SIM Universi~ (UniSIM) is Singapore's first ., ~ m.~mber of TUV -Ilf '~~~'~...~ ~ tion d~dicat.ed to vate university dedicated to p'O iding upg ."........--0._ ....:;.-__ ~ SUD Gi"oup) has 41- ~.\';' ,/ the plofes lOnal ing opportunities for adult learners and h ~ --- -_-.,""".. been leading and , ,,.:-.~ ,I.' , design disci- ClUTent enrolment of about 6,5UO s ude;lts. : ;, ~ educating Singa· -.N',.NN"'I'N.".,..,..NI''''''.,J pJines of Fash. Global Education offers high quality acade ··;.;....~ ........f'·i,:-' "';;';";: 1,:.flfir.~';4 ~ pore's workforce ion. Lllte ior. Digital Media, Product and Jew· programmes through its parmerships witt • =~,.\ ,I for the past 43 ellery De ign and Visual Communication tablishcd international tmive sities and il , .-.;,:;. , years. The Acad· (Grapl ic Design). The curricultun is designed tunons from tile US. UK, Australia and Swit ~--.-,.,,,.,.,,.,,.,., emy is one of ·0 be an incubation hub to develop creative pro­ land. S]}I MembeLhip proVides an effec Singapore's largest education and training in­ fessionals and entreprenems. State-of· the-art nexus fo I embel'S to network and exchangl stitutions, with over 30.000 individuals attend­ technology applicatio 18 and exposurp. to work sights and idea through work hops, tall,s ing its courses annually. PSB Academy part· witj indll:'try professionals align mdent company visits. ners some the finest universities from Aus­ with current indu try practice. sim.edu.sgisimlpub/gen!sim..j)ub,.gen !wme. tralia, UK and the US to offer inte nationally . !CWlf.rafjles·design.institute.edu.sg recognised qualifications. The range of corpo­ Tema:ek Polytechnic rate executive programmes has also been the University of Nevada, las Vegas' Establi hed in choice from many MNCs, government agencies W.illiam F. Harrah College of Hotel Ap_ il 1990. Tem·- The Singapore experience and companies, both in Singapore and the reo Administration (USA) ase].; Polytechnic. gion. PSB Academy was one of the first few (TP) is a signifj· providers to e:;rn the Singapore Qua ity Class Offering adiverse and distinctive mix of educational services in a UNL ha_ set up cantcontribmorto Fr-:_!, ~"'~~"ri=~~~ (SQC) award for Private Education Organisa· its :1rst intel'lla- : the field of para. .,--T- cosmopolitan and comfortable environment, is acountry less than aflying tions (PEOs). It is also CaseTrust accredited tional campus in pl'Ofes. iOllal edu· and 1809001:2000 certified. S:ngapore. The' cation in Singa­ time of six hours away from us in India, says RAI UMRAOPATI RAY www.psb·academy.edll.sg Wil:im 1 F. Ha:" . pore. Sjmaled in J'N"I'NNUNnOI' rah College of '. the eaut of the islmrd. TP currently offer 4,) j S. P. Jain Centre of Management Hotel AdminL·· time tlu'ee-year diploma cour es in the area Singapore's cosmopolitan ethos, hilin· , prenp.l1rship in. $. P Jain Insti· tratiO:l at UNLV , , applied sciences. business, desi)5n, engineer ~ual basic education system, global connectiv· , Singapore, SMA tute of Man· has consistemly .r"'N'UUNIVI'~N"'I'I''''' 11lunanilies and social sciences, and informa ~ ity, international education options, pedagogi· conducts gradu· agement, a been one of the and IT to 2J'otmd 15,00U stUdents. it also ~al ~ 0: approach, industry·relevant education an,d ate research leading busi­ top ranked ho'pitality prugrilmme in the over 40 part·time cou! ses up to the i\dvan 1 safe and friendlv environment has made the ~ and educational ness school United Stilt",. TmV Singapore offers Bache· Diploma level. TP has also coUaborated with :ountry a compelling destination for interna· , programmes in from India, has :., lors and Executive Masters courses :n Hospi Sentosa Le:sltre Group to establish the Tour tional students 'to live. learn and play. Located ~ advanced engi- set up its third tality. ranagement. as well as professional and Academy ~ Sento a. in the heart of South·East Asia, the Lion City's ~ neering. Exist· campus in Sin­ certificate courses tailore'l to meet the needs of www.tp.e.du.sgl \fast range of educational options provides 'Nt-nrn,/,..,.NNt-NUr' ing pro· gapore. The B· indusll"): The chool also offe.s student a \'0.' world·class education at affordable costs. So, if grammes with school offers a full time MBA a part-time Ex· rietrof o\er ea internshj program". includ· Tourism Academy @Sentosa you are interested in pursuing an education NUS and NTU include Advanced Materials for ecutive MBA and several other executive train· ing L.a Vegas based internships. Locr.tcd on thE lbroad, why not head to Singapore? Here is a Micro· and Nano·Systems, Chemical andPhar· ing progralilllles from this campus. The Singa· WWlO.lln lv.edu.sg ~ sort island thumbnail sketch of some of the country's ed· . maceutical Engineering, Computational Engl­ pore campus complements it.- fir t two cam­ ~ Sel:tosa, ucational institutions neering, Computation and Systems Biology, puses in India and Dubai to prOVide partici· Tisch School of the Arts (Tisch) (USA) ; Touri. ACe and :Yla.llufacturing Systems and Technology. pants with a uniq re learning experjence Tisch :rom. ew York University established it f my pro\'ide5 National University of Singapore -MIT web.mit.edu!sma/ through the pooling of learning from all three flrst-eve:' branch .campus in Singapo[t! in 2007. ~ right setti. g ~lIian(e campuses. The Tisch School of the Arts A ia campus of· ~ learning and Singapore Polytechnic www.spjain.org fers an inren. '\,P three-year Ma teL in Fine· :,. I «. _. > ~ tion - eli rhe Massacbusetts Institute of Technology Singapore Polytechnic. the natio l'S first edu­ A:t in film production. Tili is the fIrst time J''''''''''~~''''''''/'",,,, ""...,-,,,.,,,, rooms whe. ec ~MIT) (USA) bas collaborated with NUS and cational fnstitution of it" kind, was set up 'n TMIS .NYU is oilering a degree independently out· venlional tea Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to 1954 to train technologists and professionals to The Tourism Management Institute of Singa· sid" New York and it 's envisaged that the cam­ ing is conducled. and husines. olltlet in S form the Singapore·MIT Alliance (SMA). SMA support the industr' alisation and economic de· pore ('fM1S) was officially launched on No· pus will enrol some 250 student- iII Sin apore. rosa whic' become practical training grot has set a new standard for global engineering velopment of Singapore. Since then, its dovel­ vember 16, 2000. It was previously the Centre The cour es will be [aughT by Tisch's faculty at for students to apply what they have learned education and research and boosted techno- opment has paralleled the progress of modern for Tourism·Related Studies (CTRS), estab· New Yurk in residence 0 . the S:ncapore cam- www.iouri.smacadem}:edu.sg.
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