Sunday, August 28, I960 _________________,_________TO R R A NCE PRESf Automobile* for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Salo 200 Au+omobilts for Salo 200 200 AutomobiUi for Sale 200 Automobile* for Sale 200 Automobiles for Salo Automobiles for $ ! 106 Reiman Right MANHATTAN Newcastle MOTORS, Inc. Pre-Labor Day % Used Cars 2301 NO PAYMENTS TIL WOW! Sepulvedo Blvd. NOVEMBER Manhattan Beach (on approved credit) Announces the STOP - LOOK - COMPARE WHAT A DEAL! INCOMPARABLE Our Prices and Terms Cannot Be Beat 1960 '55 FORD Singer-Gazelle Fordor Sedan Has radio and heater.$ 575Fine car inside and out. Hurry! Sedan Including heater and whitewall tirei Up to 50% '56 OLDS LIST PRICE, $2361 Holiday Coupe Super "88." Hydrflmat'ic, power steering and brakes, OUR PRICE White. A bargain. radio and heater. Beautiful cnr. Trade Now $ '57 Buick... _..:.......... $1395 1668" Roadmaiter Riviera Coupe. '1350 Save UP TO '55 Ford.. ..............$895 on 1960 Rambler Executive Cars ... Convertible. Looks new.. '56 OLDS Singer-Gazelle '54 Cadillac ... .........$1195 4-Door Sedan YOU GET YOUR BEST DEAL at Convertible Hardtop Coupe. Air conditioninq, radio, heater, hydramrttic, power '59 M. G. A.............. $1895 steering and brakes. HUNT RAMBLER Including heater and Wire wheels, AM-FM radio. wrjitewall tire* J1149 BECAUSE OUR SELLING COST '56 Metropolitan ........ .$795 LIST PRICE, $2611 Loob III* 1959. PER CAR IS LESS ... YOU CAN DRIVE A '55 BUICK OUR PRICE '57 Morris... ........... .$595 Hardtop Coupe RAMBLER FOR AS LITTLE AS ?-Door Sedan. Real buy. Dynaflow, radio, heater, power steering CLEAN-UP-SALE NOW ON '59 Fiat.. ...............$895 and brakes. ALL 1960 RAMBLERS MUST GO Sedan at half new-car price. ' $ '56 Olds... .............$1195 695 97 New Ramblers to Choose From S 89 Super 88 Holiday Coup*. WE ARE REALLY DEALING USED CARS '56 Lincoln.............. $1495 '54 STUDEBAKER MONTH '40 MO Roadster, white...... Premier Hardtop. Sport Coupe THAT'S WHY WE SELL MORE CARS 39 40 Metro, black 1 white........ ISM Here's a honey. Loads of extras. Ideal car for the 'M Singer Conv., green.......... ISM Sale Positively Ends Sunday '5» Singer Conv., white........T.C.I*. /ife. You Can Afford a Luxurious Hunt Rambler... Go to 'S? Chev. Blscayne 4-Door...... ^M $99 S« De Seto Waoon ............T.O.P. 39 Hlllman Husky............... 11M '5* Hlllman Canv., Mack......T.O.P. '5» BMW ....................... tM SPORTS CAR CENTRE HUNT "RAMBLER" SALES '59 MG Roadster ....... WM H CHEVROLET '$9 Volvo 3 Door, beige .......T.O.F>. 505 and 700 Pacific Coast Highway Sport Coupe 402-5OO WEST OPEN SUNDAYS •it Hlllman 4-Door Sedan ...... Hi Hermosa Beach Powerglide, radio & heater. Very clean inside & out. 'SI DKW Camptr ...... 14M ANAHflM ST. WILMINGTON TE 5-6646 '58 Borgward .... * * New Car Dealer for '$> Renault 4-Door Sedan .... lift Austin -Austin Healey - Sprite - Morris 1065 'SI Volvo J Door Sedan, red ... 14*5 M.I. - Fiat - Lancia - Alfa Romeo 51 Hlllman Estate Wagon ...... 10M fR 4-0921 FR 6-3939 SP 2-1748 'M Volvo J Door Sedan ......... IMS 'SI Volvo 1 Door Sedan ........ IJtS '56 OLDS '57 MG Roadtter, white......... 1«M DON TURPIN MOTORS 4-Door Sedan '$7 Sunbeam Rapier H/T........ * Power steering and brakes, hydramatic, radio and '5T Borgward l.Door l»a., grey. tM heater. What a buy. '57 Ford 1-Dr. led. Cutt. X» 10*S FIAT VOLVO '57 Velkiwaoen S Roof, brown.. 11M AS LOWDW AS 1961 . NOW 57 Karmln Ghla Coup* H/T.... UM *1079 '54 Bulck. Super Rlv. Ceuw ... fM $ '56 Willys Jeep ............... *M 34 '54 Bulck J-Door Riviera Special, $1995 pink and black ............. tM '60 PONTIAC '54 Dodge Royal H/T........... TM Catalina Hardtop '54 DKW J.Door Sedan, Mwt... *M '54 Mercury H/T Monterev, Hydramatic, radio, heater, power steering and power ....................... *M brakes. Showroom fresh. MAKE YOUR '54 Ford Victoria Falrten* *M TAKE OVER PAYMENTS '54 Ford Town Sedan Falrlane 4-Door ..................... TM 54 Hlllman Husky ........... MB This Price Includes 54 Olds Convertible Super M. ll*t "Free Money '59 CHEVROLET '55 Chevrolet 4-Door Del Rev. OWN DEAL! white, red . ...... radio with this ad Fiesta" Hardtop Coupe '55 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan tIM Low, low pricei . Bonus TRUE ECONOMY Powerqlide, radio, heater, etc. Sharp as a tacit. Low '5.1 Pontlac 140 3 Door ....... trade-ins PLUS extra lavings SPORJS CAR mileage. Want 100% Financing? 55 Chevrolet Special Coup* 7454 Bel Air ....... ... cf up fo $200. __ QUALITY 5» Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan «>« 7«B Want Low, Low Prices 55 Ford Falrlane »-Doer SMton. $2199 green ....................... Buy Now Save Want Cash Back?* '55 DeSoto Sportsman H/T. * (On Trade-in) power ............... DON TURPIN MOTORS 55 Ferd Zodiac ................ Want 3-Yr. Car Protection? Fiat Volvo Alfa Romeo Lancia FRANRREIMAN 55 Ford T-BIrd H/T, full power . ................ Sales and Service U Ford Convertible T-BIrd. 946 North Avalon TE 5-6685 full power Incl. windows '55 Mercury Special Coup* Wilmington Open Eves. & Sunday Everything & Anything Goes Monterey, red ..... ...» '55 Mercury Special C*up*» KAZAN Monterey, black .. .. 412 W. Anaheim, Wilmington '55 Pontlac 7-Door Hardtop RAMBLER NOW!! 170, black .......... TE 5-3141 Open Evenings & Sundays To Clear Out All I960 Models '54 Bulck Special NT........ CLOSE-OUT 54 MO TF .............. '60 RAMBLERS '54 Hlllman J Door H/T..... Buy a New 'S3 Hitmen 4-Door ........ '57 Chevrolet S3 Hlllman 4 Door ........ rt Air *pt. Co* A bouty. RENAULT Down '53 Dodge Club Caup* V.I. $295 Dn. green ................. 1960 Clean-Out Payment? '53 Mercury 4-Doer ....... 'Dauphine 1 S3 MG Roadster, yellow... IMS '60 Cadillac AND GET fonv A rtnl hi/y Sale 53 MG Roadster, black ........ $795 Dn. 53 Chevrolet Convertible ....... 51 Hlllman Convertible, 6 Months PRICES SLASHED red .......... '59 Cadillac '57 Goliath Station Wagon ...... f"»*v/l|» On« <ffir\»r, Free Driving On All 'SO Mercury 4-Do«r, whit*...... $695 Dn. AM. Mercurys, Comets, Lincoln Authorized Rambler GAS - OIL and English Fords Headquart'ers Monthly I C,OI9 S. Western Avt. LUBE Example: PLUS 4 MONTHS UNCONDITIONAL Payments? MANHATTAN Gardena Guarantee CHEVROLET FA 1-5500 ACT NOW-OP^ER LIMITED New I960 I960 FV,n!;*~ : --*villt MERCURY MOTORS, Inc. Tal'e Over Payments $I795 2-DOOR You toll ui what you want, then let us handle it. M»i factory air ronditfcttwr, brfl "Complete S*rvic« rt4\n. h««f*rt, power *te»rlng. wlrv DRIVE-AWAY PRICE $2352 6-PASSENGER dow». tettv premium w/w flr«t, "HEATEff, TURN After Salt" told n«w t/y ui 30 d«vi *oo. P»v SIGNALS, fTC." MOO pickup payment and take over payments Include tax. license and $189 DOWN bank charges Carry* full new car ««rvlc0 4 guarantee. BOB BHAV- $9 PER WEEK Cabrillo Motors GLEDHILL CHEVROLET 2301 CR, Ml Pacific Coe»t Highway. Harmosa. P Bill 1850 So. Pacific Ave. 405 E. ANAHEIM ST. TE 4-3491 Sepulveda Blvd. 1 MODEL A roadster. Cfwry body, WILMINGTON rx»w Murcury en«lne. AM new rub­ Creighton Manhattan Beach ber. FA 1-3*07 San Pedro TE 3-3577 2699'Pacific Coast Hwy. fa«t results «f low cost, Torrance California*! "Easiest Trading" Dealer FR 2-1141 Pr«t» want ad. OA I-ISIS. Hermosi FR 6-7929 24 hr. Classified Ad Service - Tor ranee Press Exclusive.
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