1943 Ration Calendar F U I!: f. OIL coupono ~ expire Sept. 30; TI/tE8 mUd be In.peeled by BePt. 30: MEAT .temp. Mild le. Y. ancl Z Incl A Incl B meat .tampa In Book a expire Oct. I: PROCESSED 1'0008 atempi 1.1. V and W ex­ pire Ocl. 20; SUGAR .tamp a and 110m. clnnl", THE DAILY' IOWAN lowa--GODi.bUlH mllcL ltamp. 16. 16 tltPlre OC!, 31; FUEL OIL per. 1 COUponl. ·U··... exptre .len. 3. '44. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper mE CENTS Tal "IIO<lIATID paa .. IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1943 oa AnOelA.,.. I'D VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 4 Capture of Air Bases Affords YUGOSLAVS CRACK NAZI DEFENSES British T. eke Thirteen. Airfields 'Greater Access to Axis Targets By WES GALLAGHER At Foggia in 25 -Mile Thrust ALLTFlD HEADQllAH!I'RRRIN NOH'J'JI AFRlCA (AP)­ Too great Italian air baRI' of I~og'gia and its 13 lal'g~ly undam· mged field were capttlt'ed Mondoy in It Rwift, 25.mile Bl'itish ar· fIlored Illnge which increased the perillo German defenseR of ~aplC!!, through which 1111' Alt1el'ican Fifth army advAnced two YUGOSLAVIA Endangering Nazis at Naples 10 five mileR . Last night, Hitler"N Balkon Hat lliteR lay at the mercy of allied I air fJeets which can Htl'ike fr'om Fogg-ia at Munich. the heart of ~aziiRm i at Vienna, a key Getman aircraft center i and at the capitals of Hungary, Rumania !lnd Bulgaria. Conquered Greece, Position of Marshall Nazis' Upper Dnieper Defenses Yugoslavia and Albania nlf!o caml' under the shadow of allied air . power, liS well as all uorthl'l'n and central Italy and southeast Germany. Causes as Reds Driye Ahead Britons of the Fi [tIl 11I'my on thc extrcmc left advanced ~wo Stir in Capita/ .Weaken miles ill bitter hand-to·hand WASHINGTON (AP) - The recent news reports (by Inter­ fi~hting in the mountains north· national News service) that White Enemy, Badly Mauled and Disorganized, Falls weRt of Salerno !lnd last night White House and the war depart­ ment manifested deep concern yes­ House advisonl are plannin, a re­ Back Into White RUllia; Punuen Wheeler Urges they conld Jo.ok dowll on the rail or,anization of army production Gnd roaci junction of Nocera, terday over political implications that would put General SomerveJl Take Another 1,000 Villages southeast of Vesuvius and 19 air­ read into reports that Gen. Geor,e In control of a $22,000.000.000 line miles from Naples. C. Marshall is to get a new com­ spending program next year. By JAMES Me LONG Americans inland on the rlght mand. , Jenale Block N. dn ay (AP)-Red arrni pUNuing badly flank of Naples advanced two to From neither was there a denial L NO W five miles and captured Lioni and that Marshall, the army chief of Newsman Deser'Ib.I­ maul d and disorganized nemy into Whit Bu ia captur d rno Castelnuovo. Lloni is 46 miles east statt, is to be made global com- than 1,000 "mag _ y . terday, putting tlle Gom I.Vit k railway father Draft of Naples On the railway crOSSing mander of American and British \vithin artillery rang and threat niug tlle arly colJap of PI'­ Haly to BarL Castelnuovo is 57 forces in the field. On that point, miles east of Naples. President Roosevelt told a news many's upper Dni p r line, fo. ow ill I d arly tod y. The historic city of Melfi, 75 YUGOSl.AV ARMY activities have turned the northern ltaly-Yuro­ conference that he could say Italian A • ovi t bull tin id ennan troop f8\Jjng ba k on Vit b k Drive Draft Dodgers, nothing about Marshall's status miles east of Naples, also fell. It slavlan area shown In the above map Into a hornet's nest lor the were blowing up bridg and dynamiting in lallation 8 thp Slackers Into Open, is 34 miles south or Foggia on an harassed Nazi forces ,arrlsoned there. Yuroslav troops are reported now or until the time was ripe. But the displeasure over some flu ,ian cI d in on that upper Whit R ian city, k y to inland railway. 10 have penetrated Trieste, Itallan Adriatic ' port, and to have berun Montana Senator Asks .hellinr Flume. Yuroslavs baUlln, Germans alonr a 50-mile Iront, of the reports having to do with Journey Poland and the Baltic tatl'S. The Red vanguard wa. tx>1i v('(l to The Germans on Corsica were­ the asserted motives for a change retreatin, to San Stefano bl\l Ljubljana-Blstrlca, are believed to have captured Idrla. Montenerran ... ¥ ... b only 10 mile away. wASHINGTON (AP)-Senator partlots, meanWhile, are reported to have seized UcinJ, Adriatic port was made plain. and evacuated Aleria, 40 miles F. D. R. Reads Editorial By EDWARD KENNEDY Two hnnclr d mile to the outh the Bu ians r ach d 8 point Wheeler (D-Mont) challenged the far to the south. Many acts of sabotare, Including destruction of rail­ Bouth of Bastla, a French com­ 1. Mr. Roosevelt read to his WITH THE ALLIES AT TA­ only 11 mils outside om I, junction of fi\' railway, on tho senate yesterday to drive "draft way laclllties, are takln, place In Banja Luka area. munique said. Mines and demo­ conference, and in effect endorsed, RANTO, Italy (Delayed) (AP)- heel. of a" disorganizt'd enemy," the oviet commnniqne id. dodgers and slackers" from their litions slowed the mopup, but an editorial in the New York B tw n Clom I and Vit bRk otber nnlts forc d thl' German, to Herald Tribune which spoke of the A trip of several hundred miles "hiding places in government and the French declared they were abandon "one po. ition aft r "m i x t u r e of unauthenticated from Salerno to the Adriatic industry" by blocking the induc­ infllctlnr severe losses and cap­ another," the eommnni(IUe said, turlnr prisoners. 1 'news,' rumor, guesswork and In- coastal area shows southern Italy tion of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers, Allies Sink Seven Jap Ships in the rae toward 10gil v nd Foggia was a prize of equal or nuendo" revolving around Mar- to be disorganized, somewhat bat­ Orsha. Tn one eCtor ou thi scheduled to start Friday. even greater importance than shall as a brilliant example of tered and facina serious tood and Nazis Seize Unless stopped. he declared, "how to obstrucl the conduct of a transportation problems. front an ntire Nazi I'1!gim nt Naples because of its airfields. was nanked and routed, "the bureaucrats" in control of the The swift advance of the mo­ In .Surprise Raid: on 'Wewak war." I saw no evidence of starvation, loverrunent, will "drive American 2. Mem\:vlrs of the house military however, nor even any serious Fartber lOuth tbe IbosJans bile British column prevented the said their troops had lanounded children into the streets while enemy from destroying or damag­ committee, . addressing the house, cases ot malnutrition. Isle of Corfu single men-mind you-remain at Destroy 60 Planes quote,d Marshall as appealing for The population is friendly-all KJ'emenchur, below Kiev, pln­ ing the airfields, which, however. communique sa i d. stl'iking at nlnr axl remnant. to the e&ll their desks in unessential jobs." have been battered frequently by an end to talk about political in- too friendly In fact and ths ma­ In Heavy Air Attack; Drysdale mission. terference with the high command jority feeling that they are [Jow on bank of tbe DnJeper and eltber As the senate went throu&:h the allied bombers. The airfields will Adriatic H~rbor City first day of debate on Wheeler'S In the Solomons, the Japanese 'which he told them, they added, is the allied side and entitled to draw kWinr or capturinr them. need little work to become suit­ Three Raiders Lost airfol"ce continued active in the Of Split Also Falls bill, expected to continue at least able tor Flying Fortresses, Liber­ 'not true and is "doing great harm the full benefits from this happy Russian armies drawn up on the ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN vicinity of American - occupied to the war state of affairs is maldng the occu­ through tomorrow, Senator Byrd ators and Marauders. et1ort." east bank oppo Ite Kiev also con­ To German Forces (D-Va) armounced that the joint Vella Lavella. An enemy force of The house talks tollowed early pation problems more rather than "It is obvious that the allied ad­ THE SOUTHWEST PAC I F I C, solidated their positions. said the committee on reduction of non­ Wednesday (AP) - A surprise 18 dive bombers and 20. fighters ,morning conversations by mem- less diffiCUlt. bulletin, recorded by the Soviet LONDON (AP)- The Germans vance in the east has made peri­ was intercepted and driven oft by essential fed era I expenditures heavy' air attack, lasting an hour bers Of the military committe~ Few IlaUroadl R_nninr monitor. announced yesterday thot their lous the German position in the American ,fighter p~trols Which, with Marshall and with Secretary Railroads are not runnin, except 'IIould launch an investigation and a half, On the Japanese ship­ Berlin broadcasu lUll said the BOutbern Europ an force, already "within the next few days" look­ Naples ar~a," an allied spokesman ping roadstead and airdromes at without loss to themsellles, shot or War Stimson. Apparently thet for a f.ew stretches which the allied said. pointing out Ulat Fog&:ia lies down one Japanese iflllter.
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