Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More Information

Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521813948 - Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More information Index Abraham, Julie, 162–163 anatomy, of queerness/homosexuality in Ackerley, J. R., 41, 159 literature see physical description, of Acocella, Joan, 232 queerness/homosexuality in literature Adams, James Eli, 71 Anders, John P., 150 “adventure,” in The Ambassadors, 113–116 Anderson, Margaret, 189, 201 aestheticism, 29–30 Anderson, Sherwood in The Ambassadors, 119–120 comments on Hemingway, 174, 181, 201 in “The Author of ‘Beltraffio,’ ” 64–66 critics’ effect on, 181 in OneofOurs, 156 meaning/use of term “queer” by, 5, 11–13 in The Professor’s House, 169 portrayedin The Torrents of Spring, 177–178, in The Tragic Muse, 54 182 Alcott, Bronson, 87 reading of James, 176 Ambassadors, The (James), 102–133 as Van Wyck Brooks’s mediator to James, “adventure” in, 113–116 197–199 aestheticism in, 119–120 on voice quality of homosexuality, 41 artistic creativity in, 104 writings of: Dark Laughter, 177; “Hands,” 39, autoeroticism in, 131 198; “The Man Who Became a Woman,” balcony scenes, 130–131, 230 193; Memoirs, 11, 13; Winesburg, Ohio, 5, camp dialogue, 106, 125–126 11–13 comparison with The Sun Also Rises, 190 appearance, of queerness/homosexuality in heterosexuality in, 104–106, 111, 118, 125–126 literature see physical description, of idleness in, 120, 128 queerness/homosexuality in literature impliedqueerness in, 116–119, 122–125, 130 A rebours (Huysmans), 183 andJames biography, 115, 123–124, 127 artistic creativity Lambinet scene, 3–4 in The Ambassadors, 104 marriage in, 104, 111, 118, 120–122, 125–126 in The Europeans, 48–49 masculinity in, 108–113, 126–127, 129–130, in Roderick Hudson, 31 133 in The Tragic Muse, 54 meaning/use of term “queer” in, 103 see also aestheticism national-cultural identity in, 119–120 Auden, W. H., 8 resistance to sexual identification, 104, 114, 116 Auerbach, Nina, 72 sensualism in, 132 author–audience relations, 179–181, 207–210 andshift in Anglo-American discourseof “The Author of ‘Beltraffio’ ” (James) sexuality, 111–112 aestheticism in, 64–66 women in, 106–108, 130 revision of, 223 ambiguity andSymonds, 62–67 in The Turn of the Screw, 80–84 The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (Stein), 201, in The Wings of the Dove, 82 206, 212, 235 American Portraits (Bradford), 197 autoeroticism, in The Ambassadors, 131 Amini, Hossein, 82 The Awakening (Chopin), 44 259 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521813948 - Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More information 260 Index Bakewell, Michael, 227 Artists,” My Antonia´ , OneofOurs, Baldwin, James, 225 O Pioneers!, The Professor’s House Banta, Martha, 110 Chauncey, George, 7 Barlowe, Jamie, 238 Chopin, Kate, 44 Barnes, Djuna, 8 ClevelandStreet brothel affair, 90 Beardsley, Aubrey, 147 Cohen, Ed, 90 beauty, appreciation of see aestheticism Colby, Frank Moore, 95 Bech, Henning, 15, 47, 50 Conrad, Joseph, 5, 80, 95 Benjamin, Walter, 35 Craft, Christopher, 112 Bersani, Leo, 2, 6–7, 210 Creech, James, 64, 223 Bertolini, Vincent J., 132 Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, 55 Bertram Cope’s Year (Fuller), 110 Cunningham, Michael, 235 “Better End, The” (Wilkinson), 19–20, 217 Curzon, George, 59 Billy Budd (Melville), 5 Blair, Sara, 75, 221 Danson, Lawrence, 152 Blanchard, Mary Warner, 40, 227 Dean, Tim, 215–216 The Blind Bow-Boy (Van Vechten), 75, 224 degeneracy, association with gender and sexual Boone, Joseph Allen, 203, 234–235 deviance, 30–31 Bora, Renu, 102, 229 Degeneration (Nordau), 30–31, 142 Bradford, Gamaliel, 197 Dellamora, Richard, 90 Brenkman, John, 14 Democratic Vistas (Whitman), 30 Brideshead Revisited (Waugh), 11, 75–76, 224 De Montesquiou, Robert, 60 Brooks, Peter, 105, 124 Derrick, Scott, 46–47 Brooks, Van Wyck Dickens, Charles, 5 Anderson’s mediation between James and, Dickinson, Emily, 113 197–200 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes, 62, 100 breakdown of, 176, 200 Distinguished Air (McAlmon), 8 comments on James, 186, 195–196 Doan, Laura, 134–135 comments on Symonds, 199 Dodgson, Charles, 100 The Pilgrimage of Henry James, 175–176, Douglas, Alfred, 59, 90 195–197, 200 drag queens, 38 Buchele, Nicolas, 125 Drake, Robert, 23, 27, 45 Butler, Judith, 1, 181, 232 Du Maurier, George, 140, 151 Dupee, F. W., 11 Calamus (Whitman), 13 Calloway, Stephen, 183 Edel, Leon, 92 camp, 47–48, 50, 52, 67, 70, 106, 125–126, 212, Edelman, Lee, 70 223 effeminacy, 30, 40–41, 70–71, 77, 98–100, 119, Capote, Truman, 82 142, 148, 159, 170, 182 Caramello, Charles, 182, 206–207, 212, 235 Elfenbein, Andrew, 184 Carpenter, Edward, 94 Eliot, T. S., 185–186 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), 100 Elkins, Marilyn, 238 Cather, Willa Ellis, Havelock, 192 gender style of, 134–136 Ellmann, Richard, 56, 69 meaning/use of term “queer” by, 3 Ender, Evelyne, 237 reading James, 136, 142, 232 En route (Huysmans), 183 reading Stevenson, 140–141 Ethan Frome (Wharton), 5–6 reading Wilde, 136, 142–144, 171–172 The Europeans (James) writings of: aestheticism in, 141–142; female early mode of camp, 47–48 masculinity in, 137–138; handfetish in, heterosexuality in, 47–48, 52–53 146–149, 167–169; heterosexuality in, 139; idleness in, 48 male characters in, 138–139; marriages in, national-cultural identity in, 49–50 139; masculinity in, 136; Death Comes for nudity, representation of, in, 48–49 the Archbishop, 148; “Neighbour Rosicky,” 146–147; “Paul’s Case,” 147, 149–150; The Felman, Shoshana, 88 Song of the Lark, 38; see also “Flavia andher Felski, Rita, 2–3 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521813948 - Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More information Index 261 female masculinity, 137–138 Harpham, Geoffrey Galt, 73–74 feminine versus masculine prose, 29–31, 200–201 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 30 femininity, 38 Heath Anthology of American Literature, 204 of Cather, 136 Hemingway, Ernest in Cather’s writings, 138–139, 144–149 andAnderson, 174, 176, 178, 181–182, 201 see also effeminacy, women association between “impotence” and Fiedler, Leslie, 108, 118 “inability to write,” 186–187, 238 Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 181, 195–196, 200, 203 centennial celebration of birth, 203 Fitzgerald, Zelda, 202 continuedpopularity of, 204 flamboyancy critics’ effect on, 179–180, 201–202, 209 in Roderick Hudson, 37–38 description of Gide, 182, 236 of Wilde, 37 hypermasculinity of, 202–203 “Flavia andHer Artists” (Cather), 144–149 andJames, 173–174, 186, 190–191 impliedqueerness in, 146–149 labeledas homosexual, 175 masculinity andfemininity in, 144–149 meaning/use of term “queer” by, 9 Fone, Byrne, 37–38 opinion of Wescott, 189 Ford, Ford Madox, 72, 185 public image of, 174–175 Forster, E. M., 61 sentimentality, 178–179 on The Ambassadors, 108 writings of: Green Hills of Africa, 11, 174, 177; on James’s gestures to men, 123 A Moveable Feast, 173, 175–178, 182, 190; on marriage in fiction, 47 The Torrents of Spring, 173, 176–178; True at Maurice, 75, 92, 124, 170, 224 First Light, 241; see also The Sun Also Rises meaning/use of term “queer” by, 11 “Henry James,” essay in Four in America (Stein), andsexual identity, 31, 124 205, 207, 210, 211 on The Turn of the Screw, 84 heterosexuality Foucault, Michel, 28, 92 in The Ambassadors, 104–106, 111, 118, 125–126 Freedman, Jonathan, 43, 62, 117 in The Europeans, 48, 52–53 Freudian view of homosexuality, 116–117, in The Professor’s House, 168–169, 171 193 in writings of Cather generally, 139 Frost, Robert, 5 Heyns, Michiel W., 102 Fuller, Henry Blake, 41, 110 Hochstein, David, 156 Fussell, Paul, 158 homosexuality in English schools, 100 Garber, Marjorie, 2 Freudian view of, 116–117, 193 Gass, William, 216 andgenius, 184 gay see homosexuality; queer impliedin writings: The Ambassadors, 116–119, The Gay Canon (Drake), 23, 27 122–125, 130; “Flavia andHer Artists,” Geismar, Maxwell, 104, 108, 116 146–149; OneofOurs, 157; James’s genius, andhomosexuality, 184 association with, 58–62 Gide, Andre,´ 159, 182, 236, 241 see also physical description, of Goldberg, Jonathan, 146, 165, 168 queerness/homosexuality in literature; Gosse, Edmund, 61, 63, 66–67, 97, 188, queer 222 Hoopes, James, 199 gothic mode, 79–81 Hopkins, GerardManley, 97 Gower, Ronald, 60 Horne, Philip, 82, 123, 124, 227 Graham, Wendy, 60 The House of Mirth (Wharton), 44 Grant, Madison, 177 Howells, William Dean, 47–48, 86, 97 Gray, John, 67 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 68, 183 The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald), 200 Grosskurth, Phyllis, 222 idleness, 30–31 Gunter, Susan, 123 in The Ambassadors, 120, 128 in The Europeans, 48 Habegger, Alfred, 7 in O Pioneers!, 152 Halberstam, Judith, 137 in Roderick Hudson, 35 Hall, Radclyffe, 10–11 in The Tragic Muse, 56 Halperin, DavidM., 1 The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde), 68, 74 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521813948 - Henry James and Queer Modernity Eric Haralson Index More information 262 Index The Innocents (film), 92 Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget), 60, 221 Isherwood, Christopher, 21 Leeming, David, 20 lesbianism James, Henry attributedto historical figures, 192 allegedimpotence of, 191, 194–196 andCather, 134–135 association with homosexuality, 58–62 andHemingway-Stein relationship, 184, 192 attitude toward marriage, 115 “male Lesbians” (Gide), 241 clothing of, 77 Levin, Jonathan, 230 gestures towardmen, 123–124, 217 Lind, Earl, 40 Hemingway comparedto, 173 Lindemann, Marilee, 2–3, 162 influence on authors, 186 Litvak, Joseph, 61 love letters of, 123, 197 Lockwood, Frank, 59 meaning/use of term “queer” by, 5, 9–10 Love! Valour! Compassion! (McNally),

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