June 12, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 9 12509 years of his life he has spent in service to oth- has shown tremendous loyalty to his church, Partners Aid Research Centre to improve de- ers. serving as the pastor of Mt. Hebron to this livery of HIV and TB care in South Africa. f day. Under Reverend Roberson’s leadership, Madam Speaker, I am proud to recognize Mt. Hebron has expanded and strengthened my good friend Mr. Richard E. Witten for a IN MEMORY OF HAZEL HARVEY greatly and now has over 1,000 families as successful career in finance and unparalleled PEACE members. Along with his service to Mt. He- devotion to charitable causes. I urge my col- bron, Reverend Roberson also has served his leagues to join me in honoring his tremendous HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS country, serving in the United States Army accomplishments. OF TEXAS during World War II. In commemoration of f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reverend Roberson’s great work, he received HONORING THE REVEREND EL- Thursday, June 12, 2008 an NAACP Leadership Award in 2005, and I believe that he deserves recognition from all BERT R. CURVEY ON FATHER’S Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise of us. DAY today to remember Hazel Harvey Peace and Reverend Roberson has long been a valued her extraordinary career in educating and en- member of community, and rightly so. On this HON. AL GREEN riching the lives of many African-American occasion of Father’s Day, I would like to rec- OF TEXAS children and adults in Forth Worth, Texas. ognize Reverend Roberson for all of his ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born August 4, 1907, Ms. Peace served the complishments and urge people across Amer- Thursday, June 12, 2008 African-American community for 46 years as ica to look to leaders such as Reverend teacher, debate team coach, counselor, Dean Roberson as role models for their work in in- Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, of Girls and Vice Principal of I.M. Terrell High spiring and engaging our youth to live produc- this Father’s Day, I would like to honor a man School. After retiring from this historically rec- tive, positive lives. who exemplifies what it means to be an excel- ognized institution, she spent an additional 9 f lent father—a man who is a community leader, years as Coordinator of Financial Aid and was an upstanding and moral man, and a positive subsequently promoted to Director of Student CONGRATULATING MR. RICHARD role model for our youth. The Reverend Elbert Affairs at Bishop College in Dallas. She is E. WITTEN R. Curvey, who lives in my congressional dis- credited with having increased recruitment ef- trict, has done great things, and I am proud to forts for scores of African-American students HON. NITA M. LOWEY express my congratulations to him for all he to colleges and universities around the coun- OF NEW YORK has done for our community. try. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Reverend Curvey is a veritable fixture of the In addition, Hazel Harvey Peace became Sunny Side community of Houston. He has Thursday, June 12, 2008 the woman for whom the children’s section of been the pastor of the Sunny Side Missionary Fort Worth’s main public library is named. Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today Baptist Church since 1960 and has overseen Most recently, the University of North Texas to recognize the accomplishments of Mr. Rich- strengthening of the congregation over the honored her with the Hazel Harvey Peace ard E. Witten and to congratulate him on re- years. Reverend Curvey has made a point Professorship. This professorship has the dis- ceiving the Anne Frank Distinguished Advo- over his lifetime of improving the lives of our tinction as the first such honor to be named cate Award. Mr. Witten’s deep commitment to young people. He taught for years at Harper for an African-American woman at a 4-year, education and the Jewish experience is unpar- Junion High and Clinton Park Elementary, State-funded institution in Texas. alleled. where he served as a tremendous role model Ms. Peace passed away Sunday, June 8, A graduate of Columbia College and Har- for his students. He continued in the Houston 2008, at the age of 100 years and leaves gen- vard Law School, Richard began his career Independent School District for decades, erations of students who will gather to cele- practicing corporate securities law in New eventually becoming Assistant Superintendent. brate her life and legacy. She will always be York City. In 1981, he began working at Gold- Reverend Curvey’s work in helping our youth remembered as an educator who had a pas- man Sachs and Co. where he rose to Partner through avenues ranging from academic to re- sion to inspire and a zest to mentor students and Managing Director from 1990 to 2002. ligious is truly a shining example to behold. through her dedication to education. Her life- Currently the Senior Managing Director of The Reverend Curvey has long been a valued long commitment and impact has touched Orienta Group, an investment and advisory member of community, and rightly so. On this thousands across the State of Texas as well firm, Richard also serves on the Board of Di- occasion of Father’s Day, I would like to rec- as those across this vast Nation. We are truly rectors of Jets.com, a jet charter company ognize Reverend Curvey for all of his accom- indebted to her legacy. with offices in New York City, Boston and plishments and urge people across America to f Phoenix. look to leaders such as Reverend Curvey as Richard contributes to and advocates on be- role models for their work in inspiring and en- HONORING THE REVEREND half of a number of charitable causes, several gaging our youth to live productive, positive JOHNNIE JEFFERSON ROBERSON of which are educational institutions. He is a lives. ON FATHER’S DAY Vice Chairman of the Columbia University f Board of Trustees and a member of the Board HON. AL GREEN of the Columbia Investment Management HONORING OFFICER ERIK D. HITE OF TUCSON, ARIZONA, POLICE OF TEXAS Company. He is the Chairman Emeritus of the DEPARTMENT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Board Visitors of Columbia College, a Trustee of the National Museum of Jewish History in Thursday, June 12, 2008 Philadelphia, and a member of the Executive HON. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam Speaker, Committee of Gilda’s Club of Westchester. OF ARIZONA this Father’s Day, I would like to honor a man Mr. Witten has balanced his distinguished IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who exemplifies what it means to be an excel- career and philanthropic work with an equally lent father—a man who is a community leader, impressive family life. He and his wife, Lisa, Thursday, June 12, 2008 an upstanding and moral man, and a positive live in Mamaroneck, New York. They have Ms. GIFFORDS. Madam Speaker, I am role model for our youth. The Reverend three children, Anne, Alex and Jeffrey. A gifted honored to acknowledge today the exceptional Johnnie Jefferson Roberson, who lives in my writer, Richard recently published his first life and public service of Erik D. Hite, an offi- congressional district, has done great things, novel, Divided Loyalties, a historically accurate cer with the Tucson Police Department who and I am proud to express my congratulations depiction of his father-in-law’s experience dur- was tragically killed in the line of duty on June to him for all he has done for our community. ing the Second World War. 1st, 2008. Earlier this year, Reverend Roberson Additionally, through their private foundation, Officer Hite was known as ‘‘a cop’s cop.’’ marked the semi-centennial of the Mt. Hebron Richard and his wife have also provided the He was dedicated, loyal and brave—every- Missionary Baptist Church, of which he was a primary funding for iTeach, a program devel- thing we expect from a law enforcement offi- founder and organizer. Reverend Roberson oped by Massachusetts General Hospital and cer. He took a solemn oath to protect and VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:16 Jan 21, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E12JN8.000 E12JN8 WReier-Aviles on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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