J)YJ.\ WESTWOOD ONE \YI..(( RADIONETWORKS 9540 Washington Boulevard • Culver City, California 90232-1985 • (213) 840-4000 Casey's Top 40 Show #90--45 for broadcast the weekend of November 10-11, 1990 lncue: "And now the Westwood One ... " Seg 1 - 9:31 Side l #40- Wiggle It, Two In A #39- Romeo, Dino Commercials: Outcue: " ... from Black & Decker." Local Break 2:00 J lncue: Jingle In Seg 2 - 10:43 Side 1 Content: #38- One And Only Man, Steve Winwood -----!Pd'rf-~'O"meth+n-g-1¾ d On The Way ... , Phil Collins Commercials: :30 M&M's Combos - :30 AT&T/CCS Outcue: " ... they're no AT&T." Local Break 1:00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 3 - 7:47 Side 2 Content: #36- Think, Information Society #35- Miles Away, Winger :30 Gen. Foods lnt'I Coffees :30 Certs/Pressed Outcue: " ...two mints in one." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 4 - 10:24 Side 2 Content: #34- Say A Prayer, Breathe ~------::--::--::-::~------- --~ R~&~D~~T~l,raat't'~s wwrrnrFrr-em~~s~A~r=e~F~o-r,- ~1 TWick-&-Frim'rd Commercials: :30 Flintstones Vitamins :30 Gateway Ed. Tools Outcue: " ... 1-800-ADC-DEFG." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 5 - 6:23 Side 3 Content: #33- Everybody Everybo,_cht...Sl-a-c"8rc5o~x---------­ ----Q;)JJllll£lLCC.Lals.;;____ -. aerus Army :30 M&M's Combos :60 Scores Plus Outcue: " ... just 95 cents a minute." Local Break 1:00 I *** Casey's Top 40 continues on next page *** J)YL\ WESTWOOD ONE 'YL(f RADIO NETWORKS 9540 Washington Boulevard• Culver City, California 90232-1985 • /213) 840-4000 Casey's Top 40 Show #90-45 tor broadcast the weekend·ofNovember 10-11, 1990 lncue: Jingle In Seg 6 - 4:58 Side 3 Content: Outcue: ~JnusiG-eectf r ocal ID ~------.·nsert Local ID over :05 jingle bed lncue: Jingle In Seg 7 - 10~04 Side3 Content: #31- Close To You, Maxi Priest ---- #30- Joey, Concrete Blonde ~ '0 :30 Gen. Foods lnt'I Coffees :30 Sears Jewelry Sale Outcue: ne." Local Break 2:00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 8 - 8:47 Side 4 Content: #29- Knockin' Boots, Candyman #28- Lyin' To Myself, David Cassi.cv- ---------~ Comme_rcial~--- :3"tf· 0• Black & Decker -----=:..;.== :30 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Outcue: " ... is gonna move ya." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 9 - 10:55 Side 4 Content: #27- Miracle, Jon Bon Jovi #26- He · e A Wheel, H1,roa n League :30 Flintstones Vitamins ----- :30 Certs/Pressed Outcue: " ... is better than one." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 10 - 8:52 Side 5 Content: #25- My Love Is A Fire, Donny Osmond z____ #24- High E!1QU.9h,.Dam-A-¥a:nkees------- ---eommerci~ US Army :30 M&M's Combos Outcue: " ...that's twice as good." Local Break 1 :00 I *** Casey's Top 40 continues on next page *** J)YJ..\ WESTWOOD ONE \Yft(( RADIO NETWORKS 9540 Washington Boulevard • Culver City, California 90232-1985 • (213) 840-4000 Casey's Top 40 Show #90-45 for broadcastfhe weekend of November 10-11, 1990 lncue: Jingle In Seg 11 - 10:29 Side 5 Content: #23- Feels Good, Tony! Toni! Toni! #22- Hippychick, Soho Commercials: :30 Gen. Foods lnt'I Coffees :60 Jolly Time Popcorn :30 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Outcue: " ... that's gonna move ya." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 12 - 3:43 Side 6 -----Content: #21- Cherry Pie, Wa1arcrrrt-----------------­ Outcue: Jingle segues to next segment Insert Local ID over :05 jingle bed lncue: Seg 13-12:20 Side 6 #20- Freedom!, George Michael R&D- 18 And Life, Skid Row :60 Tennis Magazine "... 800-633-3400." Local Break 2:00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 14 - 4:49 Side 6 Content: #19- Suicide Blonde, INXS ommercials: Outcue: " ... twice as good." Local Break 1:00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 15 -8:55 Side 7 Content: - he Way You Do The Things '1)~40 #17- Unchained Melody, The Righteous Broth;--e_rs______ _ Commercials: :30 US Army :30 Certs/Pressed Outcue: " ... two mints in one." Local Break 1 :00 I *** Casey's Top 40 continues on next page *** J)YJ..\ WESTWOOD ONE 'YL(f RADIO NETWORKS 9540 Washington Boulevard• Culver City, California 90232·1985 • (213) 840--4000 Casey's Top 40 Show #9().-45 for broadcasttheweekend of November 10-11, 1990 Seg 16 - 8:36 ~In . Side 7 #16- roove Is In The Heart, ~eee-Lite · --------­ #15- Im ulsive, Wilson Phillip~ Commercials: :30 e.o. Food J:1¥!-Coffees :30 AT&T/CCS Outcue: " ... they're not AT&T." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: ....-- ·-Jinnle-.lo Seg 17 - 11:08 ,,,,, ,. -· ~ -- -........., Side 8 ,...Content: #14- Because,J Love You, Stevie B /,.. #13- Stranded,~--~eart _,,_,.... Commercials: :30 Black 8i. ecker :60 Jolly Time -op.._£or~ ------ ./ :30 Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Outcue: " ... is gonna move ya." Local B{eak 1 :oo lncue: ---.i,~ r1~ Content: #12- From A DIStaAGe,... ette----------~ Midler --- Outcue: Jingle segues to next segment Insert Local ID over :05 jingle bed lncue: Jingle In Seg 19 - 11:34 Side 8 Content: #11- Can't Stop, After 7 R&D- Don't Close Your Eyes, Kix Comm~n~.ials:--- - -··:·3o US Army --------- :30 Certs/Pressed Outcue: " ... two mints in one." Local Break 2:00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 20 ~ 10:58 Side 9 10- So Close, Daryl Hall & John Oates # 9- Something To Believe In, Poison :30 AT&T/CCS :30 M&M's Combos Outcue: " ... that's twice as good." Local Break 1 :00 I *** Casey's Top 40 continues on next page *** J)Y/.\ WESTWOOD ONE 'YL(f RADIO NETWORKS 9540 Washington Boulevard• Culver City, California 90232-1985 • (213) 840-4000 Casey's Top 40 Show #90-45 for broadcast the weekend of November 10-11, 1990 ln~ •-:fingle ln- Seg 21 - 11 :04 Side9 ~ntent: #8- Giving You The Ben · Of The Doubt, Pebbles #7- Black Cat, Janet Jackson Commercials: :30 Black & Decker :30 Gen. Foods lnt'I Coffees Outcue: " ... Mom I'm home." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 22 - 9:29 Side 10 _____..L' l'm Your Baby Tonight, Whitney Houston #5- Pra , . Hammer :30 Flintstones itam+A -►---------- :30 Gateway Ed. Tools --- Outcue: 11 ... 1-800-ABC-DEFG. II Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 23 - 9:56 Side 10 Content: #4- More Than Words Can Say, Alias #3-Love Takes Time, · I+ CaFCy------- --- - - Comme :30 US Army :30 M&M's Combos :60 Scores Plus Outcue: " ... just 95 cents a minute." Local Break 1 :00 I lncue: Jingle In Seg 24 - 9:42 Side 11 Content: #2- I Don't Have The Heart, James Ingram #1- Ice Ice Baby, Vanilla Ice Outcue: " ... right where it is." Theme bed out Total time including focal breaks: 4:00:11 3 NEW PROMOS FOLLOW SEGMENT 24 ON DISC 5 (I) WESTWOOD ONE RADIO NETWORKS l S!TllllTE DEllVIRY SCHEDULE \ FOR THE WEEK OF: NOVEMBER 5, 1990 START END START END TIME TIME TIME TIME PROGRAM LENGTH DAY DATE (PT) (PT) PROGRAM LENGTH DAY DATE (PT) (PT) MTV Music News - Monday 10 MON 11/5 02:30 02:40 Future Hits 60 THU 11/8 19:00 20:00 MTV Music News - Monday 10 MON 11/5 05:30 05:40 MTV Music News - Friday 10 THU 11/8 23:30 23:40 BBC Classic Tracks 60 MON 11/5 08:00 09:00 Announcements/WW1 Demos SO MON 11/5 12:00 12:30 MTV Music News - Friday 10 FRI 11/9 02:30 02:40 American Dance Traxx 180-MON 11/5 16:30 19:30 MTV Music News - Friday 10 FRI ·11/9 05:30 05:40 Lost Lennon Tapes 60 MON 11/5 19:30 20:30 OnThe Radio 60 FRI 11/9 09:00 10:00 MTV Music News - Tuesday 10 MON 11/5 23:30 23:40 Superstar Concert Series 120 FRI 11/9 10:00 12:00 Future Hits 60 FRI 11/9 14:00 15:00 MTV Music News - Tuesday 10 TUE 11/6 02:30 02:40 Future Hits 60 FRI 11/9 19:00 20:00 MTV Music News - Tuesday 10 TUE 11/6 05:30 05:40 The Countdown 120 TUE 11/6 09:00 11:00 Scott Shannon's Top 30 180 SAT 11/10 03:00 06:00 *Casey's Biggest Hits 40 TUE 11/6 11:00 12:00 Scott Shannon's Top 30 180 SAT 11/10 07:00 10:00 MTV Music News - Wednesday 10 TUE 11/6 23:30 23:40 Casey Kasem's Top 40 240 SAT 11/10 10:30 14:30 MTV Music News - Wednesday 10 WED 11/7 02:30 02:40 Bartley's R&R Oldies 300 SAT 11/10 16:00 21:00 MTV Music News - Wednesday 10 WED 11/7 05:30 05:40 Transponder 15, 07 & 08 only On A Country Road 180 WED 11/7 09:00 12:00 Bartley's R&R Oldies WC Replay 180 "SAT 11/10 21:00 00:00 Dick Bartley Promo Feed 10 WED 11/7 12:30 12:40 Transponder 15, 07 & 08 only Encore 120 WED 11/7 13:00 15:20 •Off The Record Special 60 WED 11/7 17:30 18:30 Pirate Radio USA 300 SAT 11/10 16:00 21:00 Encore 120 WED 11/7 19:30 21:30 Transponder 3, 05 & 06 only MTV Music News - Thursday 10 WED 11/7 23:30 23:40 Pirate Radio USA WC Replay 180 SAT 11/10 21:00 00:00 Transponder 3, 05 & 06 only Encore 120 THU 11/8 00:15 02:15 MTV Music News - Thursday 10 THU 11/8 02:30 02:40 Jazz Show w/ David Sanborn 120 SUN 11/11 05:00 07:00 MTV Music News - Thursday 10 THU 11/8 05:30 05:40 Future Hits 60 SUN 11/11 07:00 08:00 "New Gold On CD 35 THU 11/8 09:00 10:00 Jazz Show w/ David Sanborn 120 SUN 11/11 09:00 11:00 *Dr.
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