Europäisches Patentamt (19) European Patent Office & Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 954 558 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: C10L 1/14 (2006.01) C10L 1/10 (2006.01) 14.06.2006 Bulletin 2006/24 C10L 1/02 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 97954909.4 (86) International application number: PCT/US1997/022046 (22) Date of filing: 08.12.1997 (87) International publication number: WO 1998/026028 (18.06.1998 Gazette 1998/24) (54) FUEL COMPOSITIONS EXHIBITING IMPROVED FUEL STABILITY VERBESSERTE BRENNSTOFFESTABILITÄT AUFWEISENDE BRENNSTOFFEZUSAMMENSETZUNGEN COMPOSITIONS DE CARBURANT CARACTERISEES PAR UNE STABILITE AMELIOREE DUDIT CARBURANT (84) Designated Contracting States: (56) References cited: DE FR GB IT NL WO-A-95/23836 WO-A-95/33022 WO-A-96/40844 DE-C- 508 917 (30) Priority: 09.12.1996 US 763696 US-A- 4 390 344 US-A- 4 397 655 US-A- 4 929 252 (43) Date of publication of application: 10.11.1999 Bulletin 1999/45 • DATABASE WPI Section Ch, Week 7626 Derwent Publications Ltd., London, GB; Class E11, AN (73) Proprietor: ORR, William C. 76-48473X XP002065173 & JP 51 052 403 A Denver, (ADACHI M) , 10 May 1976 Colorado 80210 (US) Remarks: (72) Inventor: ORR, William C. The file contains technical information submitted after Denver, the application was filed and not included in this Colorado 80210 (US) specification (74) Representative: Weydert, Robert Dennemeyer & Associates Sàrl P.O. Box 1502 1015 Luxembourg (LU) Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 954 558 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 954 558 B1 2 Description Application # 91306278.2 Karas. Thus, it would be rea- sonable to expect fuels containing lower dialkyl carbon- Field of the Invention ates to store and perform optimally only when in moder- ately strong or strongly alkaline environments, i.e., pH’s [0001] The present invention relates to enhanced 5 exceeding 11 or more. Fuels having pH’s lower than 11, structured fuel compositions for use in jet, turbine, diesel, e.g. moderately alkaline, neutral and acidic would be ex- gasoline, and other combustion systems. More particu- pected to be problematic. larly, the present invention relates to fuel compositions [0005] In addition, conventional thinking and regulato- using viscous hydrocarbons, which are substantially neu- ry standards encourage the utilization of more refined tral pH, and which employ a silicon based combustion 10 less viscous base fuel hydrocarbons. The longer chain catalyst. or more complex hydrocarbons, e.g., heavy oils, heavy fuel oils, diesels, etc., are typically not preferred as fuels Background of the Invention due to handling, emission and combustion concerns. [0006] A primary object of the present invention is the [0002] International patent applications Nos. 15 development and utilization of fuels having enhanced PCT/US95/02691, PCT/US95/06758, and PCT/US96/ combustion structure which have increased stability. A 09653, disclose fuel compositions and combustion tech- further object of the present invention is the development niques for achieving vapor phase combustion based on of enhanced combustion structures in which the base an enhanced combustion structure ("ECS"). This en- fuel may be more viscous, or not as highly refined, as hanced combustion structure includes a combustible me- 20 now required to meet minimum fuel standards. A further tallic and free radical generating oxygenated compound. object is the employment of a co-metallic catalyst, which It has been found that such free radical generating oxy- further enhances the combustion structure of the DMC genates include C2 - C12 aldehydes, aldehydic acids, and metal/non-metals component, further improving C2 -C12 ethers, C1 - C 15 alcohols, C2 - C 12 oxides, thermal efficiency, fuel economy, power and emissions. C3 - C 15 ketones, ketonic acids, C3 - C15 esters, oth- 25 [0007] In accordance therewith, the substantially non- roesters, C3 - C12 diesters, C5 -C12 phenols, C5 - C20 alkaline fuel compositions of the present invention exhib- glycol ethers, C2 - C12 glycols, C3 - C20 alkyl carbon- its improved stability, with no apparent hydrolysis after ates, C3 - C20 dialkyl carbonates, C3 - C20 di-carbon- storage for six months or more. In addition, the presence ates, C1 to C20 organic and inorganic peroxides, hy- of lower dialkyl carbonates and metals in the fuel com- droperoxides, carboxylic acids, amines, nitrates, di-ni- 30 positions of the present invention allows for the use of trates, oxalates, phenols, acetic acids, boric acids, or- highly viscous base fuels. thoborates, hydroxyacids, orthoacids, anhydrides, ace- [0008] The improved fuels described herein contain a tates, acetyls, formic acids, nitrates, di-nitrates, nitro- base hydrocarbon fuel or propellant (including hydrogen) ethers, which can meet minimum burning velocity (BV) co-fuel, as provided in the PCT applications referenced and latent heats of vaporization (LHV) requirements of 35 above. Such co-fuels may be viscous, moderately vis- aforementioned PCT Applications. Specific compounds cous, or highly viscous (e.g. having viscosities outside can be found in detail in Organic Chemistry 6th Ed, industry standards). Said viscous fuels are combined T.W.G. Solomons, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., (1995), with high energy non-lead metallic or non-metallics (pre- Physical Chemistry, 5th Ed, P.W. Atkins, Oxford Univer- sented below), together with symmetrical dialkyl carbon- sity Press, U.K. (1994), Physical Organic Chemistry, 2 40 ates, e.g., dimethyl or diethyl carbonate, and preferably Ed, N.S. Issacs, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. (1995) and a silicon co-metallic combustion catalyst. When the fuel Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry, 14th Ed, J.A. Dean, Mc- compositions of the present invention are then construct- Graw-Hill, N.Y. (1992), and their minimum BV/LHV re- ed to a weakly alkaline (7.5 to 11.0 pH), substantially quirements in aforementioned PCT Applications, which neutral (6.5 to 7.5 pH), or acidic (4.5 to 6.5 pH), whether are herein by incorporated by reference. 45 or not water is present, they exhibit improved stability [0003] Said enhanced combustion structure oxygen- with no substantial hydrolytic propensity. ates, when in combination with a combustible non-lead metal or non-metal (as set forth below), exhibit high heats Detailed Description of the Present Invention of enthalpy capable, of improved combustion, thermal efficiency, fuel economy, and power. Of particularly in- 50 [0009] The improved fuel composition of the present terest to this invention are the enhanced combustion stru- invention includes an alkyl carbonate (dimethyl and/or ture oxygenates of symmetrical dialkyl carbonates, es- diethyl carbonate) a metal or non-metallic compound, pecially dimethyl and diethyl carbonates. more fully described below, and optionally a silicon cat- [0004] However, it has been reported symmetrical di- alyst, co-fuel(propellant), and/or oxidizer. So long as the alkyl carbonates, such as dimethyl carbonate can be 55 composition is not strongly alkaline, i.e., has a pH of from problematical fuel additives due to their potential insta- 3.0 to about 10.5, hydrolysis of the fuel composition is bility in fuel compositions, which can result in undesired avoided. A desirable pH range of the fuel composition of hydrolysis in acidic and aqueous environments. See EPO the present invention is from approximately 4.5 to ap- 2 3 EP 0 954 558 B1 4 proximately 10.5, with a more desirable pH range of from components, dialkyl carbonates, and metallic(s) to approximately 4.5 to approximately 9.5. An even more achieve requisite pH. However, individual circumstances desireable pH range is from approximately 4.5 to 9.0. will dictate proper approach and additive acids are con- Another highly preferred pH range is from approximately templated. 5.5. to 8.0. A preferred pH range is from approximately 5 [0016] Naturally, acidic metals of this invention may be 4.5 to approximately 6.5. The most preferred pH range used individually and/or in conjunction with one or more for the fuel composition of the present invention is from other metallics to reduce pH. Non-limiting examples of approximately 6.3 to approximately 6.8. such acidic metallics include binary, ternary and higher [0010] When the pH of the fuel composition of the metallic acid salts, hydroxy acids, etc. Other non-limiting present invention is less than 11.0, preferably 10.5 or 10 compounds are set forth below and include for example, below, 9.5 or below, and more preferably 8.5 or below, oxamic acid, lithium acetate acid, lithium salt acetic acid, the fuel, whether anhydrous or hydrous, may be stored propanoic acid lithium salt, cyclohexanebutyric acid lith- at ambient temperature for up to 6 six months without ium salt, aminobenzole acid lithium salt, borate ester, substantial apparent hydrolysis. dimethyl borate, di- n-butyl borate, dicyclohexyl borate, [0011] For example, Fuel A containing 5% by volume 15 didodecylborate, di-p-cresyl borates, boric acids, orthob- dimethyl carbonate, 95% by volume unleaded regular orates, henylboronic acid, diphenylboronic acid, o-tolyl- grade commercially available 87 octane (R+M)/2, 1/8 boronic acid, p-tolylboronic acid, m- tolylboronic acid, cy- gram Mn/gal of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tri- lohexylboronic acid, cylohexenylboronic acid, cy- carbonyl, a pH of 7.0, and 5% by volume of water, was clopentylboronic acid, methylphenylboronic acid, meth- stored for six months, the fuel exhibited no apparent hy- 20 ylcylohexyl- boronic acid, methylcyclopentylboronic acid, drolysis.
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