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Icones, Maps, Chromosome numbers, Anatomy and morphology, Palynology, Keys. BRUNTON, D.F. & D.M. BRITTON, 1998. Isoetes microvela (Isoetaceae), a new quillwort from the coastal plain of the southeastern United States. Rhodora 100 (903): 261- 275 (1998) - illus. BRUNTON, D.F. & D.M. BRITTON, 1999. Isoetes x echtuckerii. Maritime quillwort, Isoetes maritima (Isoetaceae), in the Yukon Territory. Canad. Field-Nat. 113 (4): 641-645 (1999) - Maps, Chromosome numbers, Anatomy and morphology, Palynology, Reproductive biology. BRUNTON, D.F. & D.M. BRITTON, 1999. Rush quillwort (Isoetes junciformis, sp. nov.), a new pteridophyte from southern Georgia. Amer. Fern J. 89 (3): 187-197 (1999) - illus. Icones, Chromosome numbers, Anatomy and morphology. BRUNTON, D.F. & D.M. BRITTON, Taylor, W.C. 1994. Isoetes hyemalis, sp. nov. Isoetaceae: a new quillwort from the southeastern United States. Castanea 59 (1): 12-21 (1994) - illus. Icones, Maps, Chromosome numbers, Anatomy and morphology, Palynology BRUNTON, D.F., & D.M. BRITTON, 1991. Isoetes x hickeyi (Isoetaceae: Pteridophyta) in Canada. Fern Gaz. (UK) 14 (1): 17-23 (1991) - illus. BRUNTON, D.F., & W.C.
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