*,.0 drrr SALE PROGLAMATION - GUM - E-4Ection ^- coffitl-trltrur oF lNDlA, MlNlsrRY oF FINANCE' \gi. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES DEBTS RECOVERY TRIBUN AL.z. AT HYDERABAD 1s' Fooor, Triveni Complex, Abids, HYDERABAD - 500 001' Pn. 040-24756467 . Date: ur(wo\ RP No.1l83/2018 "h I pRpaLAMAneryarIALEYugs{=.Ruig;ags.g4ALgr.ggsqryq291F?VW=o Syndicate Bank, CH/Applicant VS Sri Sai CorPoration & Others. CDslOefendants WHEREAS a Recovery Certificate bearing RP No.118312018 dated 28.09.2018 was issued by the Honible Presiding Offic_er, Debts Recovery Tribunalll, Financial Hyderabad, undLr Sec.19(22) of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and lnstitutions Act, 1 993. WHEREAS the undersigned initiated recovery proceedings in RP No. 1183 of 2018 for recovery of ts,l}}6j 'esaid -,terert, etc.$ecitieO in tn- Recovery Certificate aforesaid and the Second and Third Schedules"o"is, to the lncome tax Act, 1961, from the Certificaterte Debtors And whereas the undersigned has ordered the sale of the mortgaged/attached property mentioned in the schedule annexed hereto in satisfaction of Recovery Certificate. And whereas on the 22.02.2021 (the date fixed for sale), there will be due there a sum of plus interest as ordered from the date of Recovery Certificate plus cost. NOTICE is hereby given that in the absence of any order of postponement, the said property' shall be sold on 22.02.2021 by e-auction and the bidding shall take place thiough "Online Electronic Bidding" through the website irttos: / /drt.auctiontioer.net of the Service Provider 'M/s Auction Tiger", Hyderab"d, Contact Person:Mr. Gyan Prakash & Contact No : 9265562818 Mai! id. telan gan a@a uctionti ger. net For more details contact Dr. A S Farida (Assistant General Manager), Canara Bank, ARM -2 Branch, Secunderabad, Contact No.9445059208 for query, lnspection of ,ffipropertyperusalofcopiesofthetitledeedsandlatestEncumbranceCertificate diligence and satisfy themselves about title of the property under Auction SSle,31q '!);-ll:r, ' fi,1 {ryY/u!) \{t ,r'l*3 lffi1r- t/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The sare wiil be of the immovabre property 2. The reserve as mentioned in the orice o"ro* *ii.i properties schedure. ?: shart',.ot be sord r;;'d6"b;b^l toi N; is Lot No.1_ if'r,1 i':;1:6'oro,- Lot No 4 - 4i,oo,ooot-, 3. iitne properties will be put for auction on 4. No Between 11:00AM officer or other person, having to 03:30pM shalt"'#?';r:r"J any,,duty to p"rr-, in however, either oii".irv'oi'iniii"itrv connection with this sare interest olo r"r1"qri= o, in the orooerty sold. The attempt to acquire any the rr[ .nirr"o" lil;"#il the conditions secono sin"brt"'to-tn" r..#" rrr.n.t,-i66il..io prescribed in proceedings Rules tn" income tax certificate 1.962, the rules ,.0. there under. 5. Bidders are advised to jo tniJrgi,'iii,"-_website detailed terms rriips:ZZart.auctiontiser.net an-d cond-itio,. olil"tion sare, prolJoui" for before submittino and apprication form etc... their Bids for t;ki;;prrt in the b. The particutars sare proceedings. Joeciti;l; il";nnE*"0 scneoule"_rl"ir,-n the information nir!'0""n stated to ine best of oi tne unoersigr"i';t unoersignld"snarr any [r9 not be answerabre for error, mis-statement or omission in this pro"faritLn' 7. The highest bidder shall be declareJ !o be'tne purciiaser ot the property provided always that he is legally qualified to bid proviJuJ and rrrtn", that the bid by him is not less than ths reserye price. lt shall oe in inl oiscretion of the"r,irlrt unJersigned to decline acceptance of the highest bid when tne price offered appears so clearly inadequate so as to make it inadvisable to do so. 8. The EMD o/o to the extent of 10 reserve price shall be deposited by the bidder by 17.02.2021 either by RTS/NEFTiFunds Transfer to credit of Account No.30153170000147 and IFSC Code: SyNB0003015 of canara Bank, ARM - 2 Branch, or b! Demand DrafUPay order in favour of "Registrar, DRT-2. Hyderabad,. o The successful bidder shall have to pay ?$% of the purchase consideration after adjustment ot 1o% EMD on being knocked down by next day i.e by 3.00 PM in the said account as per details mentioned in Para I above. lf the next day is l'{oliday or $unday, then on next working day. Balance 75%, of the purchasg,,cpnsi*eration , is to be re,fnitted within 't5,deys from the date of auction, 10. ln addition to the above, the purchaser shall also deposit poundage fee with Registrar DRT-2 Hyderabad @ 2% up to Rs. 1000/- and @ 1 Yo of the excess of the said amount of Rs. 1000/- through DD in favour of "Registrar DRT-2 Hyderabad". 11. ln case of default of payment within the prescribed period, the deposit, after defraying the expenses of the sale, may, if the undersigned thinks fit, shall be forfeited to the Government and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claims to the property or to any part of the sum for which it may subsequently be sold. The property shall be resold, after the issue of fresh proclamation of sale. 12. Purchaser bidding for the property shall ensure to abide by the prevailing applicable lawS. The prOperty is being sOld on :"AS iS where iS" and "AS iS what iS" ConditiOn. The bidders should make their own enquiries regarding ownership, encumbrances, charges or statutory dues such as taxes etc.. with respect to the property. lt shall be deemed that the bidders have done their own due diligence before submitting the 13. is being sold on "As is where is & As is what is basis" . 14 gqed reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids if found postpone the auction at any time without assigning any reason . Description of lmmovable Propertv put for sale Lot No.1 All that the Flat No.5O2 in 5th Floor, having a plinth area of 19OO square feet (lncluding common areas) and car parking area, together with undivided share of land to an extent of 56.0 Square yards (allotted under LAVENDER BLoCK oR BLOCK F, as per approved plan) in the LAVENDER Block of GARDENIA TOWERS, constructed at to an Survey Nos. 69 (P), 70(P) & 71 (P) of Pet Basheerabad Village and Survey Nos. 337lA, 34O, 341/A, 344/AA, 344 (P), 122 (P) of Jeedimetla Village, under Quthbullapur Mandal and Municipality, Ranga Reddy District., A.P., and bounded by NORTH Open to Sky, Lifts and Flat No.503, SOUTH Open to Sky,Lifts and Flat No.501 EAST Corridor, WEST Open to Sky Lot No, 2 All that the Flat No.504 in 5th Floor, having a plinth area of 2100 square feet (including common areas) and car parking area, together with undivided share of land to an extent of 62.0 Square yards (allotted under LAVENDER BLOCK OR BLOCK F, as per approved plan) in the LAVENDER Block of GARDENIA TOWERS, constructed at to an Survey Nos. 69 (P), 70(P) & 71 (P) of Pet Basheerabad Village and Survey Nos. 337lA, 34O, 347/A, 344/AA, 344 (P), 122 (P) of Jeedimetla Village, under Quthbullapur Mandal and Municipality, Ranga Reddy District., A'P., and bounded by: NORTH : Open to Sky, SOUTH : Open to Sky, Staircase and Flat No.505 EAST : Open to Sky, WEST : Corridor Lot No. 3 All that the Flat No.6O2 in 6th Floor, having a plinth area of 1900 square feet (including common areas) and car parking area, together with undivided share of land to an extent of 56.0 Square yards (allotted under LOTUS BLoCK oR BLOCK E, as per approved plan) in the LOTUS Block of GARDENIA TOWERS, constructed at to an Survey Nos. 69 (P), 70(P) & 71 (P) of Pet Basheerabad Village and Survey Nos. 337/A, 34O, 341/A, 344/AA, 344 (P), r22 (P) of leedimetla Village, under Quthbullapur Mandal and Municipality, Ranga Reddy District., A.P., and bounded by NORTH Open to Sky, Lifts and Flat No.603, SOUTH Open to Sky, and Flat No.601 EAST Corridor, WEST Open to Sky Lot No. 4 All that the Flat No.702 in 7th Floor, having a plinth area of 1900 square feet (including common areas) and car parking area, together with undivided share of land to an extent of 56.0 Square yards (allotted under LOTUS BLoCK OR BLOCK E. as per approved plan) in the LOTUS Block of GARDENIA TOWERS, constructed at to an Survey Nos. 69 (P), 70(P) & 71 (P) of Pet Basheerabad Village and Survey Nos. A, 340, 341/A, 344/AA, 344 (P), 122 (P) of Jeedimetla Village, under pur Mandal and Municipality, Ranga Reddy District., A.P., and bounded by to Sky, Lifts and Flat No.703, SOUTH : Open to Sky and Flat No.701 , WEST : Open to Sky 1_- Lot No. 5 All that the Flat No.706 in 7th Floor, having a plinth area of 1900 square feet (including common areas) and car parking area, together with undivided share of land to an extent of 56.0 Square yards (allotted under LOTUS BLOCK OR BLOCK E, as per approved plan) in the LOTUS Block of GARDENIA TOWERS, constructed at to an Survey Nos. 69 (P), 70(P) & 71 (P) of Pet Basheerabad Village and Survey Nos. 3371A, 340, 341/A, 344/AA, 344 (P), 122 (P) of Jeedimetla Village, under euthbullapur Mandat and Municipality, Ranga Reddy District., Telangana State., and bounded by : NORTH Open to Sky, and Flat No.705, SOUTH Open to Sky, Lifts and Flat No.707 EAST Open to Sky, WEST Corridor DETAILS OF E.AUCTION LOT Date of Last date Time of Reserve EMD Bid Auction for Bids Auction Price Amount increment Submission amount Lot No.
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