Russian popular scientific Общероссийский magazine ‘RADIOFRONT’ СОNTENT научно-популярный № 03 (219), June 2018 журнал «РАДИОФРОНТ» EDITORIAL.............................................2 № 03 (219), июнь 2018 Registered by the Federal Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of NEWS SHORTLY..................................4 Зарегистрирован Федеральной службой Communications, Information Technologies RSCC ON THE 2018 NAB SHOW по надзору в сфере связи, информа- and Mass Communications, a certificate ционных технологий и массовых комму- of registration of PI No. FS-77-770736 of IN LAS VEGAS.........................................8 никаций, свидетельство о регистрации August 21, 2017 THE MAIN INTERVIEW ПИ №ФС 77 – 70736 от 21.08.2017 Matthias Schepp: The magazine has been published ‘GERMAN.ECONOMY.INVESTS.IN.RUSSIA.. Журнал издается с 1930 года. since 1930. From 1941 to 2017, С 1941 по 2017 год не выходил LIKE.IN.NO.OTHER.COUNTRY’ it did appear for reasons beyond ....................10 по независящим от редакции our control. Resumed in 2017. INTERNATIONAL TEAM причинам. Возобновлен в 2017 году. Founder and publisher of RUSSIA AND URUGUAY: OOO ‘Radiofront’ Учредитель и издатель INNOVATIVE DIALOGUE ООО «Радиофронт» Editorial office OF FRIENDSHIP....................................13 Russian Federation, Адрес редакции 127521, Moscow, Staromaryinskoe KALEIDOSCOPE...................................14 Российская Федерация, shossee 23-101 127521, Москва, e-mail: [email protected] CEBIT-2018 Старомарьинское шоссе, 23-101 NEW PACE OF INNOVATION: e-mail: [email protected] Editor in Chief Alexei Turbin CEBIT-2018 Главный редактор Marius.Felzmann:.‘ONE.THING.THAT’S. Алексей Турбин Deputy Editor-in-Chief DIFFERENT.ABOUT.THE.NEW.CEBIT.IS. Alexey Lebedev THAT.IT.CONSISTS.OF.FOUR.DISTINCT.YET. Заместитель главного редактора INTERCONNECTED.PARTS:.D!CONOMY,.. Алексей Лебедев Contributors D!TEC,.D!TALK.AND.D!CAMPUS’................18 Svetlana Seliverstova, Над номером работали Elena Sokolova, Svetlana.Fedoseeva,.. Светлана Селиверстова Tatyana Valeeva, Deutsche.Messe.RUS,.Director.General:.. Елена Соколова Dmitry Kozhevnikov, ‘WE.ARE.GLAD.TO.PROMOTE.. Татьяна Валеева Oleg Deyneko, SUCCESSFUL.BUSINESS.TIES’...................22 Дмитрий Кожевников Natalia Mozhaeva Олег Дейнеко DATA MANAGEMENT AT CEBIT: Наталья Можаева Pictures by MANAGING.THE.FUEL.OF.THE.DIGITAL. Alexei Turbin, REVOLUTION.............................................24 Фото в номере Nikolai Valuev, Юрий Ридякин, Алексей Турбин, Valery Stolnikov, GLOBAL RULES Николай Валуев, Валерий TASS, Стольников, Фотохроника ТАСС, Press service of the President of the DIGITAL AGENDA IN THE Пресс-служба Президента РФ, Russian Federation, GLOBALISATION ERA..........................26 «Объединенная промышленная United Industrial Edition, редакция», личные архивы personal archives D-RUSSIA Издание подготовлено при участии The publication was prepared with the SOFTWARE IMPORT SUBSTITUTION ООО «Объединенная participation of LLC ‘United Industrial IN RUSSIA: WHERE WE ARE промышленная редакция» Edition‘ www.promweekly.ru AND WHAT’S NEXT..............................28 www.promweekly.ru General Director HISTORICAL DETAILS Генеральный директор Valery Stolnikov Валерий Стольников GADGETS ‘MADE IN USSR‘................32 Printed in the printing house of Отпечатано в типографии OOO ‘Viva-Star’ SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ООО «Вива-Стар» 107023, Moscow, ul. Electrozavodskaya, 107023, г. Москва, house 20, building 3 DIGITAL.ECONOMY.CONCEPT. ул. Электрозаводская, д. 20, стр. 3 IN.RUSSIA.AND.THE.EU:.. At reprint of materials the reference to COMPATIBILITY.ANALYSIS.........................36 При перепечатке материалов the edition is obligatory ссылка на издание обязательна DESIGN,.CONSTRUCTION.AND.TESTING.. Circulation 5000 copies. OF.INNOVATIVE.UNTERRUPTIBLE.. Тираж 5000 экз. POWER.SUPPLY.UNITS..............................42 Distributed for free Распространяется бесплатно SUMMARIES.......................................48 2 RADIOFRONT 03 (219), June 2018 | Special project, October 2018 EDITORIAL Integration of their contributions into the global digi- tal evolution is exactly the desire of these brave women and men at exhibition stands who booked their tickets not to Moscow or St. Petersburg, but to Hanover. And they certainly will not regret it: after all, CEBIT is worth such a sacrifice! ‘RADIOFRONT‘ also refused to be present at the inevitable triumph of the Russian national team in the qualifying group of the World Cup – for the first time our almost 90 years old magazine appears in ВЫСОКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ИЗ ГЕРМАНИИ – English to present the accomplishments of Russian ДЛЯ РОССИЙСКОГО РЫНКА И СОВМЕСТНОГО БИЗНЕСА developers to the exacting Hanoverian public. We are pleased to publish interviews of CEBIT organiz- ers from the Deutsche Messe Marius Felzmann and Svetlana Fedoseeva, as well as of the head of the HIGH TECHNOLOGIES FROM GERMANY – Needless to say: all CEBIT-2018 participants are German-Russian Chamber of Commerce Matthias FOR THE RUSSIAN MARKET AND JOINT BUSINESS supposed to be heroes! Not only because they dared to Schepp who looks into the practice of Russian start- present their achievements in digital innovations to the ups and innovations in general as well as into pros- discerning Hanover public: willy-nilly they will miss the pects of bilateral trade and economic cooperation. first days of the Soccer World Cup held this year in 11 And generally speaking this all is about integration – cities of the Russian Federation! the subject, in which Mr.Cacau has been so successful! On the eve of this major event in sports calendar of 2018, ‘RADIOFRONT‘ met at the German Embassy in Moscow a unique football player and personality. A native Достижения индустрии 4.0: глобальные аспекты of Sao Paulo, Claudemir Jerônimo Barreto, better known Industry Achievements 4.0: Global Aspects as Cacau, is the Integration Commissioner of the Ger- man Football Association (Intergationsbeauftragter des Deutschen Fußball-Bundes). The brilliant striker, German champion-2007 with VfB Stuttgart, who played after nat- uralization 23 matches for the German national team, is now responsible for the solution of various problems for- eign players are facing in German soccer clubs. In this regard, it seems to me that integration is one of the key words describing precisely and without aggression the clever answer to many challenges of our turbulent and technically progressive age. Without Промышленный интернет по-немецки any doubt, effective integration of the digital economy German Industrial Internet achievements into everyday life is no less important than the comprehensive and effective entry of any per- son into the innovative living environment. And no less important than even soccer. By the way, Claudemir Jerônimo Barreto, dubbed by enthusiastic fans Helmut, is known as one of the fastest scorers in the history of world cups. Going into the substitute in the opening match of the World Cup- 2010 in South Africa, he scored already in the 110th second! Russian CEBIT participants would be rather na- ïve expecting a similar rapid success in Hanover. But 36 their efforts would definitely bring closer the blessed moment when the most representative world show of electronic achievements known as CEBIT and the FIFA World Cup would be one event putting aside the almost 4 Shakespearean question, where to go – to Moscow or 14 28 to Hanover. And this e-Mundial would be played by pa- triotic and unpretentious robots – and not capricious Электронное сердце индустриальной революции 1983, Reykjavik. RADIOFRONT as part of the Black Sea millionaires, who need integration. The electronic heart of the industrial revolution Shipping Company soccer team before the game against the now famous Team Iceland (score – 2:6…) 12+ 4 | RADIOFRONT 03 (219), June 2018 NEWS SHORTLY | 5 ANSAT EVALUATION FLIGHTS CREATIVE INDUSTRIAL CLUSTER INAUGURATION KORSAR DRONE AT VICTORY PARADE Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, Deputy Rostec State Corpo- Governor of the Tula Region, Sergey ration-affiliated Roselec- Chemezov, General Director of Rostec tronics Holding exhibited State Corporation and investor Mikhail Korsar drone for the first Shelkov attended the inauguration of time at the Victory Pa- an innovative industrial cluster on the rade on May 9, 2018. Kor- Oktava acoustic plant site in Tula. It sar is designed for terrain was meant to attract young people reconnaissance, patrol and observation flights as from all over Russia by offering vari- well as aerial photography of the terrain within the Representatives of the PRC ous industry-specific vocational programs, help in starting high-tech 120 km radius range. Civil Aviation Administration undertakings and become a modern urban leisure facility. The newest drone is equipped with a piston engine (CAAC) visited a Kazan Helicopter The project’s first stage included opening a Higher Technical School, which and can accelerate up to 150 km/h. Korsar weighs 200 Plant (KVZ) affiliated to the Rus- would provide education for industrial production specialists, a Science and Tech- kg, its wingspan is 6.5 m, and fuselage length is 4.2 m. sian Helicopters Holding. The visit nology Library, a multimedia Machine Museum and an innovative Fablab MAKER The Korsar unmanned aircraft is part of the Korsar UAV took place under the procedure laboratory furnished with 3D printers, laser, milling and turning machines. complex comprising several airborne devices and a com- of Russian Ansat type certificate Tula-based Oktava company was chosen as the cluster basis
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