U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Pfineviile District Rureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region October 1992 _ Lower Crooked Wild and Scenic River (Chimney Rock Segment) Management Plan As the Nation’s principal cansewaticr; ageency, the Department of the !nterior has responsibilrtq for m-3st of ozr nationally owned p&c lands and natural mmrc~s. This incbdes fostemg the wisest use af our land and water resources. prctectizg our fish and widl;fe, preservi!:g t!x en~ironmen!a! andcultural valuesofournatisnal parksand historical pinces. andprovidmg fcrthe enjcymentofiife thwgh outducr recreation. The Department assesses our energy and rc,ine:al rescums and works to assure that tfxir devo!opment is in the besti:?ti;restofa!i oslrpefple The Departmen:alsohasa rriajcrresponsiOiJityforA,merican India:! reservatbn communliiesandf~f peopia wha ke in Is1ar.d Territories under lJ.S. administration. BLM-OR-PT-93-02-1792 Decision Record and Lower Crooked (Chimney Rock Segment) Wild and Scenic River Management Plan Prineville, Oregon USDI, Bureau of Land Management USDI, Bureau of Reclamation Decision: It is the decision of the Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Reclamation to adopt the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 5) and its associated management plan as described in the Draft Lower Crooked (Chimney Rock Segment) Wild and Scenic River Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (LChWJEA -July 1992). This decision incorporates by reference all management actions under the Preferred Alternative and Management Actions Com.mon to AU Attemakives (MAC’I’AA’s). Some management actions were slightly modified to reflect new information and public comments received during the public review period of the Draft LCMF/EA. This decision also incorporates by reference mitigating measures identified in the Draft LCM?,!EA. Rationale: The Preferred Alternative and MACTAA’s were chosen as the best management alternati\~e scenario because together they offer the widest range of beneficial uses of the environment without degradation and pro\:ide the greatest o\Terall protection and enhancement of the river corridors outstandingly remarkable and significant resource values. All management actions are in conformLance with the Brothers/LaPine and Prineville Reservoir Resource Management Plans, and satisfy requirements of the Omnibus Oregon Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1983 and the National Environmental Policy Act. Monitoring: Monitoring and evaluation of the river management plan has been addressed in Chapter 3 of the accompanyjng document. This monitoring plan is incorporated by reference into this decision, Finding of No Significant Impact: The Bureau of Land Management (Prineville District) and Bureau of Reclamation (Pacific Northwest Region) have analyzed various alternatives for managing the Lower Crooked (Chimney Jiock Segment) Wild and Scenic River corridor. The alternatives and associated analysis are described in the Draft LCMP/EA; which was made available for public revierv on July 17, 1992. This document is available for reiriew at the BLM, J’rineville District Office. The options for management direction identified in the Draft LCr\iJI’/EA, hereby incorporated by reference, \sill assure that no significant impacts lvill occur to the human environment. L!nder the five alternatix;es analyzed, significant impacts on quality of the human emrironment will not occur based on, but not limited to, the following considerations: Analysis indicated no significant impacts on society as a whole, the affected region, the affected interests, or the locality. Public health or safetv will not be significantly affected. The lands within the legal river corridor bou.ndary will remain in federal ownership under all alternatives. This \vill ensure protection of riparian resources (floodplain/ wetland). The alternatives are not a part of any other action having the potential for cumulatively significant impacts to the important and relevant (ACEC) resource values in the planning area. Cultural resources on, or eligible for, the National Register of Historic Places will not be adversely affected, nor would Native American religious sites. The alternatives will not significantly affect endangered or threatened species or their habitat determined to be critical under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The alternatiiw do not violate federal, state, or local legal requirements for environmental protection, or are there any known inconsistencies with officially approved or adopted federal, -state, tribal, or local resource plans, policies or programs. Adverse impacts identified are minimal. Continued resource monitoring will ensure that no significant adverse impacts occur. As needed, appropriate management actions tsill be instituted to protect outstandingly remarkable values (scenery, recreation, and fish), important natural and cultural resources, and impacts to threatened or endangered species habitat. On the basis of the information contained in the Draft LChJP/EA and all other information available as summarized above, it is the determination of the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation that none of the five alternatives constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. Therefore, an envi.ronmental impact statement i.s unnecessary and will not be prepared. I recommend adoption of the Lower Crooked (Chi.m.ney Rock Segment) Wild and Scenic Ri\:er Management Plan/EA. Edward F. Peraultu atdoor Recreation Planner Bureau of Land Management Management Approval: I approve the Lower Crooked (Chi.mney Rock Segment) Wild and Scenic River Management Plan/ EA d.ecisions as recommended. This document meets the requiremertt for agency decision making as provided in 40 CFR 1505. Deschut&s Resource ‘Area Manag& Bureau of Land Management &L3E- John W. Keys III Regional Director Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region Appeals Process Within 30 days of the receipt of this decision, you hate the right to protest to the i’rineville District Mmager and thereafter appeal to the Board of Land Appeals, Office of the Secretary, in accordance with the regulations of 43 Code of Federal Regulations 4.+0x)0. The Protest to the District Manager must be filed in writingm thePrinevillrDistrictOffi~e~~ftheBureat~ofLandM~nagement.Ifno~rotestsorappealsarefiled, tt;is decision ivill become effective and be implemented in 30 days. LEGEND “. ..-. U.S. DE!=ARTMENT OF THE lNTERlOR ! Public Lands (Admin. by BLMI _ ,. ., ..“. Bureau of Land Management .-_._ ,, Oregon :,. __-,,, j State Lands Lower Crooked I< -,- “.S Bureau of Reclamation I Reclamation Zone (Chimney Rock Segment) ill Wild and Scenic River I ..----!’ Private Lands MAP 2 I n---- Wild and Scenic River Boundarv I. Introduction . ........ 1 A. Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1 B. Purpose and Need ...........................................................................................................................1 C. River Description and Historical Perspective .............................................................................2 D. Public Involvement .........................................................................................................................3 E. Issue Summary.. ...............................................................................................................................4 F. Alternative Summary.. ....................................................................................................................5 F. Related Federal, State, and Local Planning and Management Responsibilities.. .................. .6 II. Management Plan . e . ..j..............I.......................................................t........... 13 A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................13 B. Outstandingly Remarkable Values .............................................................................................13 C. Management Goals .......................................................................................................................15 D. Desired Future Conditions ..........................................................................................................15 E. Management Actions ....................................................................................................................16 III. Implementation/Monitoring . Y . 31 A. Roles and Interagency Relationships .........................................................................................31 B. Cost Estimates ................................................................................................................................ 34 C. Monitoring Plan ............................................................................................................................36 List of Tables l-lower Crooked River Acreage by O\vnership . 3 Appendices A-Plarming Participants ....................................................................................................................45 B-References ........................................................................................................................................47 C-Glossary ...........................................................................................................................................49
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