Trade Programme Division Economic Development and Employment Division Agriculture, Fisheries and Food TRADE MATTERS Trade Related § Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS The viability of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Ghana to address priority endemic diseases in the West Africa sub-region 2007 Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5 65760 Eschborn Internet: http://www.gtz.de Trade Programme Sectoral Project Trade Policy, Trade and Investment Promotion Sectoral Project Agricultural Trade T +49 61 96 79-0 Internet: http://www.gtz.de/trade Contact persons: Regine Qualmann, Thomas Michel Author: Jonathan Harper – GFA Martha Gyansa-Lutterodt – Ghana National Drugs Programme Disclaimer: This study has been commissioned by BMZ and GTZ, Germany. The views expressed in this study are those of the authors only and should not be attributed to BMZ and GTZ. TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 1 INTRODUCTION 5 1.1 Report Purpose 5 1.2 Report in the Context of GTZ Support (and other donor initiatives that address the same area) 5 1.3 Methodology for the Ghana Pharmaceutical Sector Assessment 6 1.4 Issues Examined 7 2 GHANA PROFILE 8 2.1 Demographics 8 2.2 Economic and Political Overview of the ECOWAS / West Africa Sub- Region 9 3 THE PRIORITY ENDEMIC DISEASE SITUATION IN GHANA AND RELEVANT DRUG TREATMENT PROTOCOLS 11 3.1 HIV/AIDS 11 3.2 Malaria 13 3.3 Tuberculosis 15 3.4 Neglected Tropical Diseases 17 4 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: TRIPS, COMPULSORY AND VOLUNTARY LICENSING 18 4.1 Overview of IPR Issues for Ghana and West Africa 18 4.2 Licensing Agreements – Voluntary and Compulsory Licensing 19 4.3 Case Studies of Voluntary and Compulsory Licensing in Africa 20 4.4 Related IPR Issues – Scope of Patents and Protection of Pharmaceutical Test Data 22 4.5 The Situation in Ghana with Respect to Pharmaceutical IPR 22 5 PARALLEL PHARMACEUTICAL TRADE 24 6 PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR POLICY AND MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW 25 6.1 National Health and Drug Policy 25 6.2 Public Health Sector Human Resource Development Plan 27 6.3 Drug Procurement and Supply Management 28 6.4 ARV Prices 29 6.5 Pharmaceutical Distribution 30 6.6 Pharmaceutical Retail 31 6.7 Health Insurance, Drug Financing and Pricing 31 6.8 Pharmaceutical Regulation 34 6.9 Civil Society and NGO Pharmaceutical Sector Technical Support Activity in Ghana 39 7 ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING CAPABILITY IN GHANA AND IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WEST AFRICA SUB-REGION 41 7.1 The Ghana (and Sub-Region) Pharmaceutical Market 41 7.2 Overview of the Ghana Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry 42 7.3 Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Coordination - Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Ghana (PMAG) 43 7.4 Assessment of Local Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practice 44 7.5 Local Pharmaceutical Industry Barriers and Constraints 45 7.6 Incentives for Local Pharmaceutical Production, Access to Credit and Investment Attraction 46 7.7 Herbal Medicines: The Opportunity For Development of Local Research & Development and Production 48 7.8 The Potential for Local Production of Medical Devices That Address the Priority Endemic Diseases 50 8 PHARMACEUTICAL REGULATION AND MANUFACTURING COORDINATION IN THE ECOWAS SUB-REGION 51 8.1 Coordination and Harmonisation of Pharmaceutical Regulation in the Sub-Region 51 8.2 Coordination of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Based in the Sub-Region 53 9 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 54 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 58 ANNEXES ANNEX 1: LIST OF GHANA INTERVIEWEES 77 ANNEX 2: PROFILES OF THE PRINCIPLE PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING COMPANIES IN GHANA 78 ACRONYMS ACT Artemesinin-based Combination Therapy ADR Adverse Drug Reaction API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient ASNAPP Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products ART Anti Retroviral Therapy ARV Anti Retroviral drug AU African Union BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BP British Pharmacopoeia CIM Centre for International Migration CL Compulsory Licensing COA Certificate of Analysis CSRPM Ghana Council for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine CTD Common Technical Document DC Developing Country DFID UK Department for International Development DOT Directly Observed Therapy DRA Drug Regulatory Authority ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States eCTD Electronic Common Technical Document EDL Essential Drugs List EMEA European Medicines Agency EPI Extended Programme of Immunisation FDA US Food and Drug Administration FDB Food and Drugs Board (of Ghana) FP Finished medicinal Product GCG Global Cooperation Group of ICH GDP Good Distribution Practice GDP Gross Domestic Product GHS Ghana Health Service GIPC Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Office of the President GLP Good Laboratory Practice GMP Good Manufacturing Practice GNDP Ghana National Drugs Policy GTZ German Agency for Technical Cooperation HAN Health Access Network HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography ICB International Competitive Bidding ICH International Conference on Harmonisation (of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use) IDA International Dispensing Association InWEnt Capacity Building International IP International Pharmacopoeia IPR Intellectual Property Rights IR Infra Red ISO International Standards Organisation ITN Insecticide Treated Net KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology LDC Least Developed Country MA Marketing Authorisation MAA Marketing Authorisation Application 1 MCC Medicines Control Council of South Africa MHRA UK Medicines and Health Product Regulatory Authority MOH Ministry of Health MRP Mutual Recognition Procedure MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres NCB National Competitive Bidding NDP National Drug Policy NGO Non Governmental Organisation NHIS National Health Insurance Scheme NTD Neglected Tropical Disease NEPAD The New Partnership for Africa’s Development NHP National Health Policy OPIC US Overseas Private Investment Corporation OTC Over the Counter Product PED Priority Endemic Disease PEPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief PLWHAs People Living with HIV/AIDS PMAG Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association of Ghana PMS Post Marketing Surveillance POM Prescription only Medicine PPME Department of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Ghana MoH PPP Public Private Partnership PPT Parallel Pharmaceutical Trade PSF Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QCL Quality Control Laboratory R&D Research and Development RHI Regional Harmonisation Initiative RPA Retail Pharmacists Association SADC Southern African Development Community SME Small and Medium sized Enterprise SP Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine STG Standard Treatment Guideline SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TB Tuberculosis TGF The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria TRIPS Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation USAID US Agency for International Development USD US dollar USP United States Pharmacopoeia VL Voluntary Licensing WAHO West Africa Health Organisation WAPMA West Africa Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association WTO World Trade Organisation 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Major tensions and reiterating vicious cycles exist concerning the issue of developing local pharmaceutical production in the context of addressing Priority Endemic Diseases in Developing (DC) and Least Developed (LDC) countries: the tensions of (i) globalisation and localisation (buying or making) and (ii) public health goals and profits; and two vicious cycles exist that need breaking in Africa as a whole: (i) the poverty-sickness cycle, and (ii) the dependency cycle. As the recent Ghana National Health Policy states, the priority should be on creating ‘Wealth through Health’. There are a number of Ghana-specific and sub-region ‘Access to Drug initiatives’ operating that address communicable and non-communicable disease problems, but it is beyond the scope of this report to examine these initiatives, how they are coordinated at a national and sub-region level and how they contribute toward an overall public health strategy. In the context of the aforementioned tensions and vicious cycles, this report examines the viability of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Ghana to address Priority Endemic Diseases in Ghana specifically and with reference to the West Africa sub-region as a whole. This report also examines the operating environment of the local pharmaceutical manufacturing industry including some issues that have West Africa (ECOWAS) sub-region relevance, particularly pharmaceutical regulation. Severe difficulties with financing and implementing development projects in the African pharmaceutical industry undermine sustainable development across Africa. However, Ghana has a well established and developing pharmaceutical manufacturing base and this report provides profiles of six of the major Ghana pharmaceutical manufacturers. The profiles provide some interesting contrasts in manufacturing strategy against the background of many common constraints for local pharmaceutical manufacturing development in Ghana. In the absence of accurate pharmaceutical market statistics, it is estimated that the Ghana pharmaceutical market (both for non prescription – OTC and prescription medicines) is made up of approximately 30% locally produced and 70% imported products that originate mainly from India and China, the latter arguably being of better quality and certainly
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