DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT 15 A VIOLATION OF FED£RALLAW TO USE THIS PRDD~~N A MANN£R INCONSISTfNT WITH ITS LA8£lING. Techniul .Mis,"nc. ;n Ipplying T- - lOt mtcroorgenism cont,oI It deSCfiMtd in the folkJwing is IV.iIabIe upon fequest 'Nhen • dnc,iption of IhtI T-S-7 problem is provided. COOLING TOWERS: I-S-7 .. UIOd 10 prDt..,t coollne t_ wood .goi.,.t 10ft or ourf ... rot _ In'ornol '" dry roO. It .. owIied by Ipt.ying Ot pointing. ~ eonll;nmg 3.0 to 4.2% T- S-7 In WIt .. onto the eloon _ surf.eos. T'" .moun•• ppt;ed .houId provide 3.8 to •.11b I 5- 7 INDUSTRIAL MICROBICIDE per .000 ft' 01 _ surf.e•. SOli or surf.eo '0' CoIn Iiso be k>hibi.od by poriodic Ihock doNs 01 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: T - 5 - 7 to the recircu ...ing cooling wlter a' the 10\IIIIf basin or cold 2·(Thiocy.nomo.hyt.hiolbenro.hia.oio ""'" ......................... woll. Tho dosage should provNle 7.5 Ib 01 I-S-Z pot 1000 gol 01 - INERT INGREDIENTS IConllins Potroleum Di." •• 'HI '" ............................. waler and the bteedoH should be Itopped '01 4 to 6 ht aft.f 1, ..,,.,...,. •. The ahoc:k .,..lmenl should be 11'1 This produc' _oghs 1.84 POUndS pot gollon. repeated every four months. CODLING WAUR: 1-5-1 iI ulod '0 cont.oI .,..... ".etl"'. and 'ungl in industrial recire.ting cooling WI'" •.".ema. B.,or. 1, ..lment .. begun, "- 'PI.,.,. should De cle.nod .horoughly to .ern.... old .1goI growth. rnicrotHulogM:lI _ ••nd o'her dopooill. T... KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN systo", should,,"'n be dll". Ihrlhod. r.\;Ilod Mlh WI'or. ond ,.u'od ";th.n mill_ 013.6 to 22.2".. ___ ~I II o. 1-J - 1 pl' .000 got w.ter in .... ..".om. S~t_.;o,. DANGER 01 '.2to 7.2no. per .000 got should be mode ovory "05deyo. d~ngon.mountol_.nd .. verity of microbiological fOlltlng. ~======================~ DR.LLlNG flUIDS: To inh;b;. b.ctorl.l.nd fung.1 doer.d.tlon ol.ho !luots or muds uood in .... drill- ,\. PRECAuTIONARY STATEMENTS ing of weAs. I-S-Z is tncorpor.led in , .... drilling fklid II cancent,.· ';0", of 0.3 to •. 5% b.ood on lho '0111 wo' wo;gh. 01 t ... 'hrid. l. , HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS PETROLEUM S£CONDARY R£COVERY: "[-5-1 .. UIOd to con· DANGER: ConOlive. Causes irrev8f5ible -ve de""lje. Causes skin demaga. This product trol ."Iflle.reduclng bIC,.,II. IlIm.-formln, blct.,.. and fungi In oil-field ....r. potymer, Of ""''I' cause allergic ...in reac.ions. 00 no. gel in -ves. on "'in. or on clo.hing. Wei. goggles o. ,.,.,.... , lloods. _tor·cj;SPOSO'"YO'omo ••nd other .....;etd WI'OI lyot.,.,. •• douga,.teo 011.2 to 22.2 !I o. 01 1-5-Z pi' tOOO got 01 ","or .ru.od. Adcr;1Iono ohouId be IKe IhieId Ind rubber gloves wilen handUng. HI.mlul or I.tal il swallowed. / ""de continuously or jnt.rminenttv by fnNOI of • metering pump I' the •• befOl1l FIRST AID: If in ...... lIush wi.h plenty 01 wI'er. Ge. medicllanen.ion. If on .lcin. wash wi.h f,. we'. "~au ~ ,ftar ioiec1ion pumps and iniKtion we. hNderw. Conllnuovt. FHCI M.thod: When tvalem ill noticMbly . plenty oI_p and we.er. Ge. medicalan.n.ion. "$0<'8"_<1. d.ink promp'ly a Ia.ge quan.ity looled. odd 3.6 to 22.2 n o. 1-5-1 pot 1000 go! 01 WIt. con- of milk. egg whi.es. g .....in loIu.ion or. il .,,- a •• no. Ivailable. d.ink Ia.ge qu.n.i.ies 01 tinuously until _od dogrM 01 control to ec......,. T"'n I,... ";t~ 1.2 '0 7.2 II or we.er. Avoid alcohol. Ge. medical anen.ion. 1-1-2 pot .000 got 01 wo'" contlnuoutly. or .. ...sod to ......1aIn Not. to physic;'n: P.obable mucONl demage may con.raindica'e gas•• ic lavage. cont,oI. In'lrmlHlnt or 51uI Method: When Iyttem it notiCelbty fouled. or 10 rnllnUlin control, tdd ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This pesticide is 'oxic '0 lish. Do no. use in ollshore or 3.6'022.2" o. "[-5-2 pot .000 gol of ....... lOt 4.0'1v pot cIoy.nd 110 4 times J* week, Of ., needed to maintain control.. .'uarine d.iIIi.og operations. 00 no. discha.ge in.o lakes. I're.ms. ponds. Of public wa.ers CUTTINO FLU.DS: 1-5-Z .. ulod to Inhibit "..,t...... ncI lun... unless in accordenc. wi.h I NPOES Permit for guidance. conlac•• he .egional ollice 01.1Ie dogr.d.IIDn 01 _ ••• ·bolod .nd w •••r·.oIuble or ornuloil;eblo cvn;ng II"",,, ond tooIonto UIOd In Environmental P.o.ection Agency. ""'lIlworkmg Opoflliono. II should be .ddod '0 tho cunmg fhrid .t • "" thot will provide IlOO to .500 .. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS: 00 no. use or a.or...... heel or open llame. po,," pe, milhan T - 5- 7 lwo;ghl/_;gh.,.ltor l;noIdiution ,.;.h _t... \ I 5-2 c.n be .-.ftor diu •.", or to tho conconltllO bofOtl d;tu. , ';on. To provon. fungol growth on .... insid. w .... o ••ho dolulod moll_Ina ftuId ••"' ............... her COllCon"""'" 01 I - 5 - 7 ••• _. for IIHo oppIicat ..... H iI STORAGE & DISPOSAL recommended Ihlt f ~ " ~ I be oddod '0 tho drIu.od IIuid o. h .. Oo·no. contamina •• w.'er. lood. 01 lead by I.orage or disposel. prepartKI '0 oroYidl • toocentrl'ion of XQ) to 7500 Plrt. pet million. STORAGE: 00 nol 'Opoll '0 eol.ema lemper.tures. 00 no.... ck mora lhan live drums high. Drums should be opened in wen·ven.ila.ed a.ta,. l ..king or dameged drums lhould be placed in overpeck drums 'Of disposel. Spilit .hould be .bsorbed in NWdu,1 or ..nd .nd disPOMd 01 in • unililry landlill. keep container ern."" when nOI in us •. v. • ••-1· "--,'1'\ PESTICIDE DISPOSA'" ""Iie. WIJ'•• "pecu.tIf hI'lIdoul. Improper disposel 01 ,x· __ t_~_ •• •• _ petlicidt. 101''1' mi........ 01 ~ .. 4I. ~11I>n f/Ide,., Lew. lI.heta WI"" caMO. M.nufactured by: be disPOMd 01 by UN K";'tinG '0 .-ins"uc'~. conllel your Sill •• P.'ickl. Of En­ BUCKMAN LABORATORIES, INC. virOtllY*lIal Con •• 01 Agency. CIt .he H.,.,dou, W,," .tpr_lIIlivt .1 you. EPA Regional 1256 NORTH McLEAN BOULEVARD tor guidlnca. • •• •• •• ~ Offici HDIf!US. n; 38108 ~ CONTAIN!" DISPOSAL: ~ rtrte lor:~lI. -0- 011., 'or NCycing CIt _oneil· EPA REG. NO. 1448-158 EPA EST. NO. 1IonIne. CIt punctu••• nd ~~in;t ....1IICY MliII.·tt by Olher proc:eduNl..,prCMcl by ... end locIIeuthori..... • • • • • ••• •• NET CONTENTS L--- L ..J NOTE: Chan~e~ '" htht·ltn~ fotmulOj dl(fcran~ in suhstCince (rom thitl a('("£Opted in connectIOn v.,lth this registration must be­ subnut1~"'d tu io/Ind 3ccrpted by the Reglstr&tlon DIvision prior If) use of the label in ("ommeter. In an~' cotrpspondence- on this product always refer to the above U.S. EPA registration number. On th(.> basis ~f information rurnis~d by the registrant, the ahove natne'd pesticide is hereby RegistNed/Reregistered under thC" FedNallnsecticidc. Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. A copy of the labehng acccpll"d in connection with this Registration/Reregistration is returned herev.'ith. R(>gislrallon is in no walo' to be construed as an Indorse1Tl("nt or app'oval 0( this product by thiS Age-nq,', In order to protect health and the environment, lhe Admi.nlstrator. on his l1"Iotlon. may at any time suspt"nd or cancel the rlf"glstration of a pr-st­ icide 10 accordance with thp Act. The acceptance of any name in connection with the registration of II product under this Act is not to be construed as giving the rev,lstrant a right to excluS1ve use of the name or 10 its use If 1t has be-~n cov~r("d b~' others. ':.:l:~~ j-l':..J'J .-:t. "< C()r.~j.i~_:"'CJli~lly rll::Jist"'r(: !!. ilCCG1(~.-1:""'\. I,·.. .:tt. rl}}-.'J\ f: ... Ct.:...Gfi :,,1(-; (~) (l.) ! rlJ\·l .....;,.~ t!.;Jt ~''':.l.: ~::!'L· ~i!r ! !"'~)Ou.Ct.:..... t.C ~L:Lr.,i t ~~U<.::~ aate. :!. ACt..: tL(: l':llabt.:' "LI';" Ht..Sistratioli ho. 14~E-1SL" t:.; jGur la.!H J Lc:"a·" IOU rL!(·i.SC t.hL procuct for 5tlll'nent. 3. St:l:mit five (5) COl-i,,'; of your linal printed laL,liny belor" yot. r(,,:~t...as(! the; product for sidrm.e:nt. R(;fer to the A-79 tllclv~ur(.. for a f\;rtiH. r cc,Fcri l,tion of final pr inted lal.."ling. If these condi tions are not complied wi th, th., regi&t.!atl.on WIll iK suLJect to canc~·llat1.oll in accordance wi th FIFRA S.,ctiOfl 6(,,). Ycu, release fer shi.t.Gent of tht; proauct constitutE::s accel:tahcE:: of th£:f,;f2 cono1ti<"l1s. A !.tarnp""i copy of t.hc label is enclosed for your records. ( .. / J/~ y'n H. !."'''' ;::oduct Mandg~r (31) AntillicrotJial Program Lrar.ch REqi~t.ration (jivisiol. (TS-767C)' i.nclvsurt..:£ o ATTACHMENT IS APPLlCA8LE: SIGNATURE OF APPROVfNG OFFICIAL lDATIE EPA' .... 1570-6 II ... 5·76 ~".YIOU' EDITION MAY _E UIED UNTIL 'U~~LY I' 1;","AUITIEO• • 52370. I .Lee.LL-12.JCENOO.12/5/88.1 /19/8!hCT.VO.CT , Ace:?";:" ~~j '~----------~D~I~R~E~CT~IO~N~S~ R wi::l COl:; . :~:;:; IT IS A VIOLATION OF FF.DEIIAlLAW TO USE THIS 1'1101 1:1 CP.\ w.~!':r e:.~:,d: WITH ITS LABELING.
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