Lung Carcinoma in a Clouded Leopard(N,。 F,Li、

Lung Carcinoma in a Clouded Leopard(N,。 F,Li、

Japanese SooietySociety of Zoo and Wildlife MedioineMedicine LUNG CARCINOMA IN WILD FELIDAE 「〕Patho 星ogy [ Case report LUng Carcinoma in a Clouded Leopard(N ,。 f,li、 , eb 。1。 sa ) ) ) Tokuma YANAID 、 Takako TOMITAD 、 HirokiSAKAI1 , KoichiISOWA1 ) } ) ) Hiroshi TAKEDA2 、 Yukihiko YAMAMOTO2 、 Hiroshi HORI2 and Toshiaki MASEGII 1 Department of Veterinary Pa hology Faculty Agricul ) ! , of ヒure , Gifu Univeでsity ,Gifu 50111 2)Yokohama Municipal Nogeyama Zoo, Yokohalna 220, Japan (1995 .10.30 received , /995 .12.26 accepted ) ウ ン ピ ョ ウ(N ・。 fetis・ neb ・1。sa )1こ おけ る肺 癌 の 1例 1 〕 1) 1 ) 一1 ) 柳井 徳磨 , 富 田 貴 子 , 酒井 洋樹 , 磯和 弘 田 2 2) 2) ’} 竹 洋 山本 裕彦 ,堀 浩 , 棚木 利昭 − 1>岐 阜 大学農 学部 家 畜病 理 学教 室 〒 501 ll [「皮阜.市 柳 戸 ユ 1 . 2)横 浜 市 i?lff毛 山動物 園 〒 220 横 浜 市西 区 老松 or 6310 − − ABSTRACT . A rare case of lung carcinoma originating from the left cranial lobe in an over 12 year old male clouded leopard was studied . Grossly, a large nodule ,85 × 55× 601nm , in the left cranial lobe, and several small metastatic nodules were observed in the left lung. Dissemination in the left pleura and distinct metastasis in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and spleen were observed . Microscopically, the pulm (mary masses cQnsisted of infiltrative growth of lung carcinQnla . The turnor cells were round to cuboidal with high cell atypia and showed irregular glandular patterns, Mitotic figures were commoIl 、 The tumor cells were positive for keratin and cy 亡⊂lkeratin AE l. Metastasis was observed in the pleura, tracheobronchial lymph nodes , spleen and adrenals . . The present case was classif [ed as a bronchiolar alveo [ar carcinoma , undifferentiated type . Key wQrds l bronchiolar alveolar carcinoma , clouded Ieopard, lung. 一._一...._ 一一 ’ Jp 冂 ,J .Zoo Wiid.Med .ヱr1丿 t 45 ・48 ,ヱ996 Pulmonary primary neoP !asms are fairly c 〔)mmon in red in October l992 because of depression, anorexia humans but rare in allirnals, and are of considerable and respiratory rate increases. He became less active interest from the viewpoint of comparative oncology and died while in a coma orl 29 November 1992. The − and evaluation of environmental air pollution. In ani animal was purchased as an adult from a commercial − mals , lung carcinoma has been occasionaUy observed in supplier and was maintained singly for breeding pur dogs and catsD , but few cases have been reported in poses alone , Necropsy was performed irnrnediately −5 ) wild Felidae2 . Although pulmonary adenoma has after death by veterinary staffs at the Yokohama ; been reported previously3, there have been nQ known Municipal Nogeyama Zoo. Organs and tissues were reports of lung carcinorna 至n the clouded leopard c llected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin [ (八eofeltS nebulosa ), and sent to Gifu university for histDpathologic diagno・ We describe a necropsy case of lung carcinoma in an sis. The tissues were then embeddeed in paraffin, cut − − ・ 一 over 12 year old rnale clouded leopard that was refer in 5 μ m sections , and stained with hematoxylin and 一一45 −一 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine TokumaYANAI et al. Fig.1 Bronchiolar- alveelar carcinoma in the left cra- Fig.2. Hjgher magnification of the tumor. The cancer cells show round, nuclei with nial Lobe. Small acinar structures with micropapil- irregularly-shaped lae. The tumor coexists with severe anthracosis prominent nucleoli , and abundant, slightly acido- Carrow heads). HE stain. x120, philic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures are common (arrow} . HE stain × 440. eosin<HE) . Selected sections of the pulmonary mass the entire cranial part of the cranial lobe, and several were also stained with periodic acid-Schiff(PAS) or small nodules, up to 5mm in diameter, were observed Alcian blue. Deparaffinized sections of the tumor were in the left lung. Cross-sections of the largest nodule in prepared for immunohistochemical evaluation by the the left cranial lobe revealed grayish-yellow solid Iabeled streptavidin-biotin(LSAB) method(Dako tumor with central necrosis with multifocal hemorrhage Corp. , Santa Barbara, CA) according to specific pro- and calcification. The nodule was surrounded by a tocols. The primary antibodies against the following thick fibrous capsule. The lungs were dark in color and antigens were usedi epithelial membrane antigen rough on the surface, and atrophic due to compression (EMA) (monoclonal, Dako Corp.), carcinoembryonic by large amounts of thoracic fluid. Tracheobronchial antigen(CEA) (polyclonal, Dako Corp,), Iysozyme lymph nodes were markedly enlarged and grayish-yel- (polyclonal, Dako Corp.), keratin(polyclonal, Dako low in color. Several white nodules, 10mm in size, Corp.> . Negative and substitution serurn controls and were also observed in the spleen. positive tissue controls were employed. The specimens Microscopically, the pulmonary mass consisted of were counterstained with Mayer's hematoxylin. infiltrative growth of lung carcinoma . The tumor cells 'nouri- At necropsy, the caclaver was a rather well were cuboidal to columnar in shape with high cell atypia shed one but his hair coat in the neck region was thin. and showed irregular glandular patterns with small, The body weight at necropsy was 17,5 kg. The thor- irregular papillae projecting into lumen(Figs.1 and 2) . acic cavity contained approximately 2,OOO ml of bloody They had large, round or irregularly-shaped nuelei fiuid. Several disseminated grayish-white nodules, with prominent nucleoli and abundant, slightly acido- from 5 to 10 mm in diameter, had implanted on the left philic cytoplasm, Mitotic figures were common pleural surface, including the diaphragm. A large egg (Fig.2). The cytoplasm of tumor cells was faintly -shaped solid nodule, 85× 55x60 mm in size, involving positive for Alcian blue staining or PAS reaction. Some --46-- NII-Electronic Library Service Japanese SooietySociety of Zoo and Wildlife MedioineMedicine LUNG CARCINOMA IN WILD FELIDAE − of the tumor cell nests showed solid pattern or rather high, the present tumor may be of undifferentiat ・ ’ .− ・ squalnous metaplasia , Many tumor cells had permeat ed type . The occurrerlce of bronchiolaralveolar car ’ ed into lymphatic or blood vessels . The left crania1 cinorna israther freqtlent in dogs and cats (77 and 72% , 加 mor mass was surrounded by a thick fibrous capsule respectively ),with fewer cases of bronchogenic car − and bentral necrosis with many foci of calcification . cinoma and epidermoid carcinoma (Squamous cell car . − Stromalfibrousreaction was more noticeable in the cinoma );this is in sharp contrast to human lung car area of widespread invasion in the pleura. Considerable cinoma , in which the vast malority are bronchogenic ・ 1・7) anthracosis admixed with tumor cell nests was promi carcinomas (90 to 95%) , The present tumor seems to nent (Fig .1), closely resernble to,those of domestic cats in ,6 ,s) − There was a spread of tumor cells in the alveoli morphology1 . Cats are notoriously stoic , not show } around the masses , and many small metastatic tumor ing clinical signs until the lesion is very extensive6 . In foci were seen even in areas which appeared normal dogs and cats , the undifferentiated type of bronchiolar − under gross examinatiQn . Metastatic deposits of lung alveolar carcinQma is far mQre invasive with a greater carcinorna were also observed in the tracheobronch まal tendency to metastasize than the differentiated type, /,61S〕 lymph nodes , spleen , adrenals and pleura. There.was and the affected animal has a poorer prognosis . It is no essential difference between primary and rnetastatic important to distinguish between differentiated and . .− lesions. undifferent 至ated bronchio至ar alveolar carcinornas , − Immunohistochemically, tumor cells reacted posi especially in the cat , which has a high incidence of the . 〕 tively with keratin and cyt okeratin AE 1, which undifferentiated typel . showed that the turnor was of epithelial origin . Other Major rlsk factors for the development of human lUng antibodies did not show cross reactions in the tissue of cancer are cigarette smoking , occupationai hazards, the clouded leopard, e ,9 .inhalation of asbestos and other dusts, and rad 正o ・ − ) Besides lurlg carcinoma , secondary or age related active gasses7 . Since zoo animals usually live Iong in . changes were observed in several organs , In the lung, close proxinlity with the residences of humans , sharing secondary pneulnonia and serofibrDus pleuritis were almost the same environment , they may be useful − − observed , and moderate amounts of brown colored models for evaluation of environmental hazards, in ・ material , perhaps a kind of dust, were deposited dif cluding air pollution by various chernicals . fusely. Some pulmonary arteries contained numerous 要 約 thronlboses, some of which had calcified . In the pan − crea $, amyloid was deposited irl the islets, which was 12歳 以上 の ウ ン ピ ョ ウ 雄 の 左肺 前葉 に 認 め られ た希な clearly red stain . the の 1 る に は に 85 × 55 × demonstrated by Congo In heart, 肺癌 例 を報告す 。 肉眼的 , 左肺 前葉 moderate ・ degreesof myocardial degenerationand fi 60 mm 大 の 腫瘤が認 め られ , さ らに 左肺 に は 数個 の 小 結節 brosis were observed . 状転移巣 が み られた。左胸.腔 に は播種性転移 巣 が ,気管気 . Based on gross and histologic feattlres, the present 管支 リ ン パ 節 お よ び脾臓 に は 明 らか な 結節状 転移巣 が認 め case was classified as a −alveolar carcinoma た に brQnchiolar られ 。組織学 的 は, 肺 の 腫瘤 で は肺癌 の 浸潤性増殖が derivedfrom thecranial part of thecranial lobeinthe み ら れ た 。 腫瘍細胞 は 円形か ら立方状で 高い 細胞異形を 示 left lung is − ,which the most cornmon type of lungcar し , 不規則 な 腺管様構 造 を 示 し た 。細胞分裂像 は 豊 富 で あ っ ・6) cinoma in domestic dogs and catsi . As the degree of た e 腫瘍細胞 はケラチ ン とサ イ トケ ラ チ ン AE 1 に 陽性 を anaplasia lndicated by irregular cell s 正ze frequent ン パ , , 示 し た 。 癌 の 転移 は 壁 側胸膜 , 気管気管支 リ 節,脾臓 mitotic flgures and abundant fibrous stroma , was お よ び副腎に み られ た 。本腫 瘍は 細気管支肺胞上 皮型腺癌, .−47 −.一 一 . NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleo tronio Library Service JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society ofZooof Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Tokuma YANAI et al,.Hubbard khlla-Wttaansnk.

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