CLEAN AIR IS VITAL FOR WELLNESS, PROSPERITY PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL VP U Myint Swe instructs flawless commemo- Embassy of Sweden celebrates National Day in ration of national heroes on 72nd Martyrs’ Day Nay Pyi Taw PAGE-4 PAGE-3 Vol. VI, No. 51, 5th Waxing of Nayon 1381 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 7 June 2019 State Counsellor explains Myanmar’s reforms at National University of Public Service, Hungary TATE COUNSELLOR Daw promoting interaction between eon hosted by Mr. Zsolt Németh, SAung San Suu Kyi arrived at the peoples of both countries. Chairman of the Foreign Rela- the National University of Public Following this, the State tions Committee of the National Service in Hungary at 10 a.m. Counsellor answered questions Assembly. local standard time yesterday, raised by the students and then From there, the State Coun- where she was welcomed by handed over souvenirs to the sellor attended the opening cer- Rector Dr. Andras Koltay and rector. emony of the Hungary-Myan- officials. Next, the State Counsellor mar Business Forum held at the The State Counsellor then travelled to the Hungarian Par- Marriott Hotel in Budapest and addressed an audience consist- liament Building where she met delivered a speech. ing of the rector, professors, staff with Mrs. Márta Mátrai, First Next, the State Counsellor and students of the university. Officer of the National Assembly. met with the Myanmar Ambas- She talked at length on Myan- During the meeting, they sador, embassy staff and Myan- mar’s democratic transition exchanged similar experiences mar scholars pursuing education process, efforts towards internal Myanmar and Hungary went in Hungary at the Kempinski peace and national reconcilia- through in their respective dem- Hotel. tion, endeavours for implement- ocratic transitions, discussed Union Ministers U Thaung ing peace, stability and develop- promoting cooperation between Tun and U Kyaw Tin, Ambassa- ment in Rakhine State, initiating the parliaments of both countries dor U Myo Aye and officials also education reforms, bilateral and developing their skills. attended the meeting and the cooperation between Myanmar Afterwards, the State Coun- economic forum. —MNA and Hungary on education, and sellor was treated to a lunch- (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo) State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi gives the lecture on Myanmar’s democratic transition period experience at National University of Public Service in Hungary yesterday, talking at length on Myanmar’s democratic transition process and efforts for overcoming challenges. PHOTO: MNA INSIDE TODAY PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT NATIONAL NATIONAL 12th regular session 12th regular session Bagan-NyaungU Second consignment of of Pyithu Hluttaw of Amyotha Hluttaw Archaeological zone to get steel rails for Yangon- concludes concludes smoke-free area Mandalay Railway upgrade arrives in Yangon PAGE-2 PAGE-2 PAGE-4 PAGE-6 7 JUNE 2019 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Pyithu Hluttaw 12th regular session of 2nd Pyithu Hluttaw concludes THE 12th regular session of the books and documents than ion Minister. Second Pyithu Hluttaw conclud- Sarpay Beikman’s book shops. The Union Minister said ed yesterday following its 16-day Sarpay Beiman’s book shops in his previous answer, he also meeting. have a miscellaneous collection mentioned that the ratified le- At the meeting, Union Min- of different subjects including gal books and documents are ister for Information Dr. Pe My- legal books and documents. But, also available at 417 libraries int replied the questions raised some private book shops have of the Information and Public by MP U Mya Sein of Dagon mainly offered legal books and Relations Department and also Myothit (Seikkan) constituency documents and they also pub- encouraged the private libraries if the laws prescribed by the Py- lish books on legal. This was a to collect the legal books and idaungsu Hluttaw are published reason why private book shops documents and pledged to ren- sufficiently to the people or not. has offered a larger selection of der assistance to them. The Union Minister said legal books and documents than In response to the question U Htay Oo of Yangon Region Sarpay Beikman book shops, raised by U Mya Sein of Dagon constituency-2 asked an aster- he said. Myothit (Seikkan) constituency, isk-marked question if there Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. PHOTO: MNA He continued to say that the Union Minister said the legal was a plan to portray the re- in his answer to MP U Saw books and documents annually cently ratified laws in the annu- raised by U Htay Oo, he an- Pe Myint. The published laws, Sein Tun, he replied that the prescribed by the Pyidaungsu al publication law manual and swered that Union-level insti- and rules and regulations man- ministry was on a tight budget Hluttaw are available at the he replied the question at the tutions and ministries which uals are available at the Sarpay and could not afford to publish Sarpay Beikman book shops in 12th-day meeting of the fourth drew the laws and rules and Beikman bookshops in Yangon, the books free of charge for the Yangon, Mandalay and Nay Pyi regular session of the Amyo- regulations published and dis- Mandalay and Nay Pyi Taw, he public at that moment as the Taw. Meanwhile, the books and tha Hluttaw on 22 February, tributed them with the own plan. said. ministry was carrying out its documents are also published in 2017. Similarly, U Saw Sein Tun Besides, Ministry of In- The MP raised the ques- tasks depending on its budget the government gazette which of Kayah State constitution-4 formation also publishes the tion making reference to the allocation. Therefore, only if the are also available at the Saypay asked the ministry if it had a ratified laws, and rules and newspapers published in 2016, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw allocated Beikman book shops. He contin- plan to publish the ratified laws, regulations in the Government therefore, the ratified legal doc- a separate budget to the min- ued to say there are 470 kinds of rules and regulations free for Gazette, he said. uments in 2019 did not include istry, the ministry would fulfil legal books published by Sarpay the public and the ministry also In his answer, he also re- in his reference, said the Union the need. Beikman, Pyithu Hluttaw Office, answered the question at the plied that the ministry is pro- Minister. However, the ratified legal Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Attor- Hluttaw on 29th January, 2018. viding publishing services at Some pointed out that pri- books and documents are avail- ney-General Office and private He continued to say that reasonable prices for publishing vate book shops have offered able at the ministry’s website publishing houses. when he replied the question the legal documents, said Dr. a larger collection of the legal www.moi.gov.mm, said the Un- SEE PAGE-11 Amyotha Hluttaw Amyotha Hluttaw concludes 12th regular session AMYOTHA Hluttaw concluded people and Hindus in Mauntaw the report on motions and ques- its 12th regular session yesterday and how measures were taken tions submitted by the Hluttaw’s following the 16-day meeting in to prevent terrorist attacks by Government Guarantees, Pledg- Nay Pyi Taw. ARSA. es and Undertakings Vetting In the 16th-day meeting, as- Deputy Minister for Social Committee from the first meet- terisk-marked questions were Welfare, Relief and Resettle- ing to 11th meeting of the second answered and three reports ment U Soe Aung replied the Amyotha Hluttaw. were clarified by MPs and Speak- questions. Amyotha Hluttaw held 16 er of Amyotha Hluttaw Mahn Similarly, Deputy Minister meetings in its 12th regular ses- Win Khaing Than reviewed the for Education U Win Maw Tun sion from 29 April to 6 June, and undertakings during the 12th answered questions related with during the period, MPs raised regular session. new school buildings in Kyaw- 117 asterisk-mark questions and U Shan Aw of Chin State taw, Rakhine State, upgrading a 153 questions and Union-level constitutency 2 asked if a road school in Bhamo, Kachin State, dignitaries answered the ques- linking Dinlopa Village and a new school building in Thaton, tions. Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than. PHOTO: MNA Dongva Village in Haka, Chin Mon State. In the 12th regular session, State, would be upgrade, and In response to the ques- cal year. Afterwards, Daw Kye- Amyotha Hlutaw approved Deputy Minister for Border tions, Deputy Minister for Ed- Similarly, Daw Khin Swe in Ngaik Man, member of the a motion tabled by U Maung Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut re- ucation U Win Maw Tun said Lwin of the Chin State constit- Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Commit- Maung Ohn of Ayeyawady Re- plied the up-gradation of the road that promoting the daily-waged uency-9 asked there was a plan tee, read out the committee’s gion’s constituency 5 urging the would be considered depending staff to permanent staff would be to allocate the excess land to report on the Myanma Commu- Union Government to draw up on budget allocations starting considered only after amending local people after making survey nications Corporation Bill. laws, rules and directives to take from the 2020-2021 budget of the the organizational set-up of the to the land allocated to hotels At yesterday meeting, two precautionary measures in an Chin State. Basic Education Department. and guest houses in Kanpatlat, decisions came at the meeting attempt to protect the natural Daw Ei Ei Pyone of the Ay- Regarding the hostels for Chin State. Union Minister for to seek approval for the contro- environment, resources and eyawady Region constituency-8 the faculties, the ministry has Hotels and Tourism answered versial points of the Myanma interests of coastal states and asked possibilities for promoting provided the faculties with build- the question.
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