L I T ERARY CROSSWO RD PUZZ LE TheThe Kite Kite Runner Runner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Acr s osAcross DowDownn 2. Rahim Khan gave Amir a[n] __________ for his birthday. 1. The name of Hassan’s son 2. Rahim Khan gave Amir a[n] __________ for his birthday. 1. The name of Hassan’s son. 8. Zaman8. Zaman is the is __________ the __________ director director who who sold sold children children into into 3. 3.Baba Baba says says that, that, “there “there is only is onlyone sin.” one Whatsin.” Whatis it? is it? slavery.slavery. 4. In the cemetery, Amir throws what at Hassan? 12. Baba refuses __________ when he is sick. 5. 4.Assef In carries the cemetery, brass __________. Amir throws what at Hassan? 12. Baba14. Sorayarefuses and __________ Amir learn when that they he is are sick. unable to have 6. 5.What Assef does carries Amir dobrass while __________. Sohrab is in the hospital? __________. 7. Farid is Amir’s __________ in Afghanistan. 14. Soraya15. Amir and first Amir meets learn Soraya that theyat a __________are unable to __________. have __________. 9. 6.Amir What first doessees his Amir father do __________while Sohrab after is in Hassan the hospital? and Ali 15. Amir (twofirst words)meets Soraya at a __________ __________. 7.leave. Farid is Amir’s __________ in Afghanistan. (two17. words)Ali and Hassan leave after Amir accuses Hassan of stealing 10. Sohrab uses a __________ to injure his captor. a __________. 11. 9.Two Amir __________ first sees are his stoned father to __________death during afterthe soccer Hassan and Ali leave. 17. Ali18. and Who Hassan returned, leave after after many Amir years, accuses to see Hassan Hassan’s of stealingson turn a 10.“half-time Sohrab show.” uses a __________ to injure his captor. __________.four? 13. Hassan and Ali are of what ethnic descent? 19. The kite strings are coated in __________. 14. 11.Amir’s Two mother __________ died in are__________. stoned to death during the soccer “half- 18. Who21. Hassanreturned, receives after manysurgery years, for his to __________. see Hassan’s son turn four? 16. Khantime describes show.” the situation in Afghanistan after the 23. As an adult, Amir discovers that Hassan is his half __________ took over. 19. The kite__________. strings are coated in __________. 17. 13.Amir Hassan stays atand __________ Ali are of whathouse ethnic when hedescent? returns to 21. Hassan25. Farid receives calls thesurgery Taliban for the his “__________ __________. Patrol.” Afghanistan. 26. The __________ invasion brought “the death of the 20. 14.The Amir’s name ofmother the man died in inthe __________. black sunglasses. 23. As anAfghanistan adult, Amir [Amir] discovers knew.” that Hassan is his half __________. 22. 16.Amir Khan refers describes to America the as situation “a __________, in Afghanistan roaring afteralong, the 25. Farid29. Sohrabcalls the is Taliban__________ the “__________ after he comes Patrol.” to America. unmindful of the past.” 30. Hassan has “the look of the __________” while being 24. Children__________ call Ali __________took over. because of his limp. 26. The __________attacked by Assef. invasion brought “the death of the Afghanistan 27. 17.Sohrab Amir does stays this at at __________ the end of the house novel. when he returns to [Amir]31. Rahim knew.” Khan summoned Amir to Pakistan to __________ 28. BabaAfghanistan. and Amir are smuggled out of Afghanistan in a[n] for his and Baba’s sins. __________ truck. 29. Sohrab32. Amir is __________ studies __________ after he at comes college. to America. 20. The name of the man in the black sunglasses 30. Hassan has “the look of the __________” while being attacked 22. Amir refers to America as “a __________, roaring along, un- by Assef. mindful of the past.” 31. Rahim Khan summoned Amir to Pakistan to __________ for his 24. Children call Ali __________ because of his limp. and Baba’s sins. 27. Sohrab does this at the end of the novel. 32. Amir studies __________ at college. 28. Baba and Amir are smuggled out of Afghanistan in a[n] __________ truck. www.prestwickhouse.com LI TERARY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer Key Across The Kite Runner 2. Rahim Khan gave Amir a[n] 21. Hassan receives surgery for his __________ for his birthday. __________. [HARELIP] 1 2 3 [NOTEBOOK] 23. As an adult , Amir discov- S N O T E B O O K 8. Zaman is the __________ ers that Hassan is his half 4 5 6 7 P O K H P D director who sold children into __________. [BROTHER] 8 slavery. [ORPHANAGE] 25. Farid calls the Taliban the O R P H A N A G E E R R 9 10 12. Baba refuses __________ when “__________ Patrol.” [BEARD] M R U F C A I S 11 12 13 he is sick. [CHEMOTHERAPY] 26. The __________ invasion A E A C H E M O T H E R A P Y V L 14. Soraya and Amir learn that they brought “the death of the D G B K A Y E I Afghanistan [Amir] knew.” are unable to have __________. 14 [CHILDREN] [RUSSIAN] U R L Z C H I L D R E N 15 16 17 15. Amir first meets Soraya at a 29. Sohrab is __________ after he F L E A M A R K E T W A T C H G __________ __________. comes to America. [SILENT] 18 19 20 T N S A N U B A R I G L A S S (two words) 30. Hassan has “the look of the 21 22 [FLEAMARKET] __________” while being E A L H A R E L I P S H 23 24 17. Ali and Hassan leave after Amir attacked by Assef. [LAMB] B R O T H E R I B I I D S O 25 accuses Hassan of stealing a 31. Rahim Khan summoned Amir E E B E A R D V B E T __________. [WATCH] to Pakistan to __________ for 26 27 28 R U S S I A N A B S E I F F 18. Who returned, after many his and Baba’s sins. [ATONE] years, to see Hassan’s son turn 32. Amir studies __________ at S M N A R R U 29 30 31 four? [SANUBAR] college. [ENGLISH] S I L E N T L A M B A T O N E 19. The kite strings are coated in L U H L __________. [GLASS] 32 E N G L I S H Down 1. The name of Hassan’s son 7. Farid is Amir’s __________ in Across13. Hassan and Ali are of what ethnic 22. AmirD oreferswn to America as “a 2. Rahim Khan gave Amir a[n] __________ for his birthday. 1. The name of Hassan’s son. [SOHRAB] [SOHRAB] Afghanistan. [DRIVER] [NOTEBOOK]descent? [HAZARA] __________,3. Baba says roaring that, “there along, is only one sin.” What is it? [THEFT] 8. Zaman is the __________ director who sold children into unmindful4. In the of cemetery, the past.” Amir [RIVER] throws what at Hassan? 3. Baba says that, “there is only 9. Amir first sees his father slavery.14. Amir’s [ORPHANAGE] mother died in [POMEGRANATES] one sin.” What is it? [THEFT] __________ after Hassan and 12. Baba refuses__________. __________ [CHILDBIRTH] when he is sick. 24. Children5. Assef call carries Ali __________ brass __________. [KNUCKLES] [CHEMOTHERAPY] 6. What does Amir do while Sohrab is in the hospital? [PRAY] 4. In the cemetery, Amir throws Ali leave. [CRY] 14. Soraya16. Khanand Amir describes learn that the they situation are unable in to have because7. Farid of his is Amir’s limp. __________ [BABALU] in Afghanistan. [DRIVER] __________. [CHILDREN] 9. Amir first sees his father __________ after Hassan and Ali what at Hassan? [POMEGRAN- 10. Sohrab uses a __________ to 15. Amir firstAfghanistan meets Soraya after at a the__________ __________ __________. 27. Sohrableave. does [CRY]this at the end of the ATES] (two words)took [FLEAMARKET]over. [TALIBAN] novel.10. [SMILE]Sohrab uses a __________ to injure his captor. injure his captor. [SLINGSHOT] 17. Ali and Hassan leave after Amir accuses Hassan of stealing [SLINGSHOT] 5. Assef carries brass __________. 11. Two __________ are stoned to a __________.17. Amir stays [WATCH] at __________ house 28. Baba11. and Two Amir __________ are smuggled are stoned to death during the soccer 18. Who returned, after many years, to see Hassan’s son turn “half-time show.” [ADULTERERS] [KNUCKLES] death during the soccer “half- four? [SANUBAR]when he returns to Afghanistan. out 13.of AfghanistanHassan and Ali in are a[n] of what ethnic descent? [HAZARA] 19. The kite strings are coated in __________. [GLASS] 14. Amir’s mother died in __________. [CHILDBIRTH] 6. What does Amir do while Sohr- time show.” [ADULTERERS] 21. Hassan [WAHIDS]receives surgery for his __________. [HARELIP] __________16. Khan describes truck. [FUEL] the situation in Afghanistan after the ab is in the hospital? [PRAY] 23. As 20.an adult, The nameAmir discovers of the man that Hassanin the isblack his half __________ took over. [TALIBAN] __________. [BROTHER] 17. Amir stays at __________ house when he returns to 25. Farid callssunglasses the Taliban [ASSEF] the “__________ Patrol.” [BEARD] Afghanistan. [WAHIDS] 26. The __________ invasion brought “the death of the 20. The name of the man in the black sunglasses. [ASSEF] Afghanistan [Amir] knew.” [RUSSIAN] 22.
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