SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 DD)R[&KDVH DD5\HUV DD&KHOWHQKDP D /DZQGDOH DD2OQH\ D :D\QH-XQFWLRQ & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR (/:(/: (/:(/: (/:(/: (/:(/: (/: VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ ( & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ D :D\QH-XQFWLRQ '' ' '' '' ' DD2OQH\' '' '' '' ' D /DZQGDOH '' ' '' '' ' 72)2;&+$6 DD&KHOWHQKDP' '' '' '' ' DD5\HUV' '' '' '' ' DD)R[&KDVH $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule service information operate onaspecialschedule.PleasechecktheSEPTAwebsitefor updated Severe WeatherSchedule: shown herearesubjecttochangewithoutnotice failure tomakeconnectionsorforshortageofequipment.Theschedules experience ordamageresultingfromerrorsintimetables,delayed trains, Disclaimer: Labor Day,ThanksgivingChristmasDay(SpecialSchedule) Regional RailMajorHolidays: be designatedasyourQuietRideCar 7:00 p.m.)with3ormorecarsopenforpassengerservice.Thefirst carwill QuietRide Car: Guide orthewebsiteforcompletefareinformation Fare paymentoptions: Schedule Times: CYN CLM CHW BMR AIR © SEPTA9/21 * AllConnectingServicesareSEPTABus,TrolleyorHighSpeedRail 3149 ConventionBlvd 215-580-6565 PENN MEDICINESTATION 30th &MarketSts 30th STREETSTATION 16th St&JFKBlvd SUBURBAN STATION Market Stbetween10th&12thSts JEFFERSON STATION 927 W.BerksSt 215-580-5440 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 2129 WindrimAve WAYNE JUNCTION 5411 N.MascherSt OLNEY 105 DevereauxAve LAWNDALE 589 HasbrookAve CHELTENHAM 701 CottmanAve RYERS 440 RhawnSt FOX CHASE BRS =Broad-RidgeSpur BSL =BroadStreetLine MFL =Market-FrankfordLine unless otherwisenoted STATION LOCATIONS Cynwyd Claymont Chestnut HillWest Bryn Mawr Airport SEPTA 215-722-3681 Availableonallweekdaytrains(Monday-Friday4:00a.m. Indicatewhentrainsdepartthestation 215-745-1974 does notassumeresponsibilityforinconvenience, 215-580-6892 cash,tickets,passes.PleasechecktheSEPTAFare DESTINATION CODES DESTINATION NWK MHK MED MAL ELW Duringextremeweatherconditions,Trainsmay TRAVEL TIPS TRAVEL NewYear’sDay,MemorialJuly4th, Newark DE Newark Marcus Hook Marcus Media Malvern Elwyn Amtrak, NJTAtlanticCityRailLine 44, 49,62,78,124,125,LUCY, MFL, 9,10,11,13,30,31,34,36, 78, 124,125 27, 31,32,33,34,36,38,44,48,62, MFL, BSL,2,4,10,11,13,16,17, 47m, 48,61,62,78,NJT MFL, BRS,17,23,33,38,44,45,47, CONNECTING SERVICES* 2, 23,53,75 18, 24,28 40, LUCY WIL TTC THO PAO 70, 77 8 Wilmington Trenton TC Thorndale Paoli T.T.6 FOX-14 Bus REGIONAL RAIL REGIONAL • PennMedicineStation • 30thStreetStation • SuburbanStation • JeffersonStation • TempleUniversity • WayneJunction • Olney • Lawndale • Cheltenham • Ryers • FoxChase Effective September5,2021 To/From CenterCityPhiladelphia LINE FOX CHASE TDD/TTY: 215-580-7853 Customer Service:215-580-7800 MONDAYS through FRIDAYS (Except MAJOR HOLIDAYS) )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV$SSO\ĺ DDD)R[&KDVH DD5\HUV DDD&KHOWHQKDP D /DZQGDOH DD2OQH\ DD:D\QH-XQFWLRQ & DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ ' & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ ' & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ ' 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & DD3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ ²² ² 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR %05$,5 $,50$/ $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5 $,5$,5 $,5² VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ¬ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV$SSO\ĺ 30 30 30 30 & DD3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ ² & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ DD:D\QH-XQFWLRQ '' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' DD2OQH\ '' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' D /DZQGDOH '' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' 72)2;&+$6( DDD&KHOWHQKDP '' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' DD5\HUV '' ''' ' '' '' '' '' '' ' ' DDD)R[&KDVH $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule SAFETY TIPS • NEVER pass between cars when a train is moving • NEVER attempt to board a moving train • ALWAYS wait for the train to come to a complete stop BEFORE exiting • NEVER ride in the vestibule or on the steps of a moving train STATION AMENITIES è SEPTA Parking available • NEVER lean against the train doors é Accessible Station G Ticket Office (hours vary, please check the SEPTA website for details) Ticket Offices at 30th St, Suburban & Jefferson Stations open 7 days a week SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 DD)R[&KDVH DD5\HUV DD&KHOWHQKDP D /DZQGDOH DD2OQH\ D :D\QH-XQFWLRQ & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ 72&(17(5&,7< & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR (/:(/: (/:(/: (/:(/: (/:(/: (/: VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ ( & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ D :D\QH-XQFWLRQ '' ' '' '' ' DD2OQH\' ''' '' '' D /DZQGDOH '' ' '' '' ' 72)2;&+$6 DD&KHOWHQKDP' ''' '' '' DD5\HUV' ''' '' '' DD)R[&KDVH $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers, but may depart ahead of schedule service information operate onaspecialschedule.PleasechecktheSEPTAwebsitefor updated Severe WeatherSchedule: shown herearesubjecttochangewithoutnotice failure tomakeconnectionsorforshortageofequipment.Theschedules experience ordamageresultingfromerrorsintimetables,delayed trains, Disclaimer: Labor Day,ThanksgivingChristmasDay(SpecialSchedule) Regional RailMajorHolidays: be designatedasyourQuietRideCar 7:00 p.m.)with3ormorecarsopenforpassengerservice.Thefirst carwill QuietRide Car: Guide orthewebsiteforcompletefareinformation Fare paymentoptions: Schedule Times: CYN CLM CHW BMR AIR © SEPTA9/21 * AllConnectingServicesareSEPTABus,TrolleyorHighSpeedRail 3149 ConventionBlvd 215-580-6565 PENN MEDICINESTATION 30th &MarketSts 30th STREETSTATION 16th St&JFKBlvd SUBURBAN STATION Market Stbetween10th&12thSts JEFFERSON STATION 927 W.BerksSt 215-580-5440 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 2129 WindrimAve WAYNE JUNCTION 5411 N.MascherSt OLNEY 105 DevereauxAve LAWNDALE 589 HasbrookAve CHELTENHAM 701 CottmanAve RYERS 440 RhawnSt FOX CHASE BRS =Broad-RidgeSpur BSL =BroadStreetLine MFL =Market-FrankfordLine unless otherwisenoted STATION LOCATIONS Cynwyd Claymont Chestnut HillWest Bryn Mawr Airport SEPTA 215-722-3681 Availableonallweekdaytrains(Monday-Friday4:00a.m. Indicatewhentrainsdepartthestation 215-745-1974 does notassumeresponsibilityforinconvenience, 215-580-6892 cash,tickets,passes.PleasechecktheSEPTAFare DESTINATION CODES DESTINATION NWK MHK MED MAL ELW Duringextremeweatherconditions,Trainsmay TRAVEL TIPS TRAVEL NewYear’sDay,MemorialJuly4th, Newark DE Newark Marcus Hook Marcus Media Malvern Elwyn Amtrak, NJTAtlanticCityRailLine 44, 49,62,78,124,125,LUCY, MFL, 9,10,11,13,30,31,34,36, 78, 124,125 27, 31,32,33,34,36,38,44,48,62, MFL, BSL,2,4,10,11,13,16,17, 47m, 48,61,62,78,NJT MFL, BRS,17,23,33,38,44,45,47, CONNECTING SERVICES* 2, 23,53,75 18, 24,28 40, LUCY WIL TTC THO PAO 70, 77 8 Wilmington Trenton TC Thorndale Paoli T.T.6 FOX-14 Bus REGIONAL RAIL REGIONAL • PennMedicineStation • 30thStreetStation • SuburbanStation • JeffersonStation • TempleUniversity • WayneJunction • Olney • Lawndale • Cheltenham • Ryers • FoxChase Effective September5,2021 To/From CenterCityPhiladelphia LINE FOX CHASE TDD/TTY: 215-580-7853 Customer Service:215-580-7800.

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