a l l i e s p r o g r e s s V NEW PUSH PICARDY NEW OFFB SEVBlj|PH TfflS YEAR The Allied which nn piw n con mfyi was opened e^^slte Amiens today, is the peventh drive of the year, -llii first drive was launched by llw Germans, the last two bjr, iB»e Allies. The in'? dates and follow: German lives: Paris, Aug. 8—Dispatches March 21- Icardy. TO AlUES IN NEW OFFiSffi April iders. Trom the front late this after­ May 27- _ie-Marne front. Federal Trade Commission Recommends That Big Fme be noon say that the French and June [oyon-Montdldler front. ALLIES CAPTURE British have advanced five miles July 15—iHanie-Ohanipagne Huge Drive Begun under Field Marshal Hrig of British SEVERAL THOUSANDS Checked by Public Monopoly of Stockyards, Refrigera­ front. With the British JUfVtj in and that the prisoners taken to­ AlUed drives: Forces on Picardy Front, with Object of Safegnar£ng France, Aug. 8— (8.80 p. n .) tor Cars, Storage Houses, Etc. — President Releases July 18— ^Alsne-Mame front. — The Briti^ and French have tal a German division. (A Ger­ . .August 8-i-Picardy front. advanced five kllometcn, man division is estimated at Amiens and Checking Further German Attack— Enemy (slightly more than tluee Long Report, Which Charges “ Conspiracy” — Packers’ miles), in their new Offensive about 12,000). on the Picardy front. Believed to Have been Surprised— Activity Continues Several thousands of prisoai* Operations International in Scope 237 ON iW 1 1 ^ ers have been counted. ANOTHER U. S. VESSEL North of Vesle River I Washington, Aug. 8.— Bitterly as­ 100 ON THE NAOINE sailing the great packing firms of tails of the various agreements and SUNK BY U-BOAT on the heels of the mighty, success* Swift, Armour, Morris, Cudahy and combinations, the practices of the With the French and British still hammering the Germans ful offensive on the Alsne-Marnn Wilson for creating a “ structure of combination and their social and eco­ OFF CAPE HATTERAS south of the Aisne river and the British bitiri^^ deeply into the front and the fresh blow fell befo^n conspiracy, control, monopoly and nomic effects as well as the remedy Casualties Included 133 Kill­ German front in Flanders, the Allies opened a terrific new drive the Germans could recover their breath. ^ restraint,’’ the Federal Trade Com­ proposed as before set forth. today east and southeast of Amie^ns on the Picardy plains Merak, 8,023 Tons, “ SheUed, Tor­ mission, In a report to President Wil­ ed in Action, 2 3 Dead The assault was launched ov6r a vdde front by the British The text of the communique foh* Packers Activities International. pedoed and Sunk” Southeast of lows: son, recommends that immediate fourth army and the French first army at dawn, with Field Mar­ “ Out of the mass of information Point, Navy Department Announc­ steps be taken to give the govern­ Otherwise shal Sir Douglas Haig, the British commander-in-chief, directing "At 5 o’clock this morning. In ment a monopoly over such portion in our hands,’’ says the letter of the es— Crew Understood to Have conjunction with the British, we et^ commission to the president, one fact been Saved—Chasers and De­ the operations tacked southeast of Amiens. The of their business as "will restore Initial official dispatches from British great headquarters stands out with all possible empha­ stroyers In Pursuit. attack is developing under favorable competition.’’ and the communique issued by the French War Office at noon said sis. The small dominant group of conditions.” This report has been in the hands 82 BADLY WOUNDED that the attack was progressing under favorable conditions of the President since July 5, but, American meat packers are now in­ Washington, Aug. 8— The Ger­ U. S. Guns Expected. because of the serious charges made ternational in their activities, while Germans Caught Unawares? man submarine, which on Monday With the American Army on the in connection with it, and the rad­ remaining American In their Identity. Bridgeport Ccrrporal among Dead in It is believed that the Germans were again taken by surprise destroyed the Diamond Shoals, Cape Aisne-Vesle Front, Aug. 7.— (9 p: i..? 1 ical recommendations therein con­ Blame which now attaches to them First List Out Today— New Eng­ in this second great Allied counter offensive of the year. Hatteras, lightship, claimed another m.)— Beating off repeated counter tained, it was not made public un­ for their practices abroad as well as land Figumd Bather Heavily. They were certainly caught napping when Marshal Foch at home. Inevitably will attach to victim on Tuesday. The Navy De­ assaults and inflicting heavy til today. Publication today was launched, the first drive with French and American forces on the upon the enemy, the ^m vicei futhorlied-dlrectly by the President. our country if the practices continue. partment today announced that on Marne on July 18. forced crossings of the Veet^ Pmdkers la Abeolute Control. “ The purely domestic problems in i| p. m., the Ameri- lult opposite Aniien^ IbUowed a series of ;s h ^ local ^ Ifcrak, 3,023 tons, Wasfaihgto^ Aug. 8. betwen Flsmsiuid^,^ pt.Jleel^rlii9 producers, their in e rtin g magnitude, their^ itarm ittd conBumera are at J moaupoi from aisropiaBe ac­ Whether or not Americans tib thking an important ptart in Internatlonkl activity. ind destroyers Vesle were wiped out ^ jiuaiV tu v cident, live accideht and other the new offensive had not been ^aids known at the time this Was This urgently argues fOr a solution are fh pursuit of the raider. the hot and accurate l i f t or the , tkrouth Railroad Adminis­ causes, 62 woaaded severely -and 22 written. But as Americans wenf knoi^ to be 'holding a segment which will increase and not diminish American artillery. tration. all rolling stock used for the wounded, dejgree undetermined. of the battle line southeast of it is fair to assume that the high regajd in which this people American engineers dilttliicuifhe^- transportation of meat animals and The marine lists contained 108 they co-operated in this new blow. is held in international comity.’’ themselves by working under a ter« that such ownership be declared a names, divided as follows: Two kill­ rifle fire from German guns, throW'* government monopoly. ed in action, one died from wounds, at dawn, in front of Amiens, the war iug bridges across the river for the Would Seize Stockyards. 20 severely wounded in action, one To Forestall Foe Thrust. U. S. TAKES LAND. IN mil NEW milVE office announced. Infantry to cross upon. Second— That the government ac­ slightly wounded . in action, 74 The extension of the offensive zone When Field Marshal Haig, the The American attack was launched, quire, through the RailroSd Admin­ wounded in action, degree undeter­ from the AIsne-Marne field to Pi­ Owner Demands Twice the Value Brltls'ife commander-in-chief, reported at 4.30 yesterday afternoon, follqwiBffi istration the principal and necessary mined and ten missing in action. cardy, shows that the Allies are de­ With Dire Results. the launching of the new offensive it four hours of artillery prCparationf stockyards of the country, to be Fighting with Brittshi Before The New England army casualty termined to give the Germans no was stated that the attacks were pro­ The assault centered between- Fis* treated as freight depots and to be rest and are taking precautions to list included: gressing' satisfactorily over a wide mes and Bazoches. operated under such conditions as Bridgeport, Aug. 8.— Newton M. Killed in Action. forestall any counter offensive that Amiens— Participating front. Our right wing crossed the Verie will insure open, competitive mar­ Schwab, agent of the Department of Corporal Jacob Steinkamp, 76 the German high command might be This is the second big Allied drive in considerable streng;th, the ma­ kets, with uniform charges for all Labor, at noon today seized two White St., Bridgeport, Conn. planning. Units Unknown of the year, the first being opened chine gunners doing much hteve-hf.^. services performed, and the acquisi­ acres of land owned by R. M. Judson, Wounded, (Degree Undetermined.) In the battle which began on by the Franco-Americans on the the enemy? ^ tion of establishment of such addi­ wealthy land owner of this city, Private Clarence W. Rosene, Fab- March 21 the Germans advanced to Marne. The left wing was. held up tional yards from time to time as which was needed in connection yans. Conn. a point about nine miles from Ami­ (American troops are stationed on Bazoches by heavy fire from tht the future development onivestock with the housing proposition being OBJECT OF DRIVE ARMY LIST NO. 2. ens, extending their line in the form the Picardy front.) man artillery and machine guns. production in the United States may financed by the government for Killed In Action. of a wedge with the apex lying just The text of the war office statement require. This to Include the cus­ homes for munitions workers here. Sergeant Fred J. J. Gershefskl, 91 Enemy Counter Attacks. Warren street, Meriden, Conn. east of the city. reads: tomary adjunct of stock yards. Mr. Judson is in a sanitarium and Meant to Weaken Enemy, Who Ha^ By 10 o’clock the Germans hfd or­ been 'Threatening Position for Private Patsy Carusono, Westport, Since then, Imwever, the Germans ganized a counter attack. The at­ Third— That the government ac­ his agents demanded twice the value Conn. have been fbreed back, and when the British Report. Some Time— German Forces Out­ Private Mario Jeanett, 1561 e- tacking waves, which chairgM' quire, through the Railroad Admin- of the two acres which was includ­ fighting was renewed today in Pif "At dawn this morning the Brit­ ■ istration, all privately owned refrig­ ed in the layout for the 600 new numbered.
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