EDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 20 7S*. 1934 NUMBER 68 ' ^NlTtO •* Washington, Thursday, April 7 , 7955 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE 5. Effective as of the beginning of the CONTENTS first pay period following April 9, 1955, PERSONNEL paragraph (a) is amended by the addi­ Agricultural Marketing Service Pa&e tion of the following post: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Rules and regulations: Artibonite Valley (including Bois Dehors), School lunch program, 1955__ 2185 H aiti. P art 6— E x c eptio n s P rom t h e Agriculture Department C o m petitiv e S ervice 6. Effective as of the beginning of the See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ C iv il. SERVICE COMMISSION first pay period following December 4, ice. 1954, paragraph (b) is amended by the Atomic Energy Commission Effective upon publication in the F ed­ addition of the following posts: Proposed rule making: eral R egister, paragraph (c) of § 6.145 Boudenib, Morocco. Procedure on applications for is revoked. Guercif, Morocco. determination of reasonable (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 S tat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, Tiznit, Morocco. royalty fee, Just compensa­ 633; E. O. 10440, 18 P. R. 1823, 3 CFR, 1953 7. Effective as of the beginning of the tion, or grant of award for Supp.) first pay period following March 12,1955, patents, inventions or dis­ U n ited S tates C iv il S erv- paragraph (b) is amended by the addi­ coveries__________________ 2193 vice C o m m issio n , tion of the following posts: [seal] W m . C. H u l l , Civil Aeronautics Administra­ Executive Assistant. Irbid, Jordan. tion Karak, Jordan. [F. R. Doc. 55-2852; Filed, Apr. 6, 1955; Notices: 8:50 a. m.] 8. Effective as of the beginning of the Organization and functions; first pay period following April 9, 1955, miscellaneous amendments_ 2202 paragraph (c) is amended by the addi­ Rules and regulations: tion of the following posts: Standard instrument approach procedure alterations_______ 2187 'Chapter III— Foreign and Territorial Aden, Aden. Dakar, French West Africa. Compensation Civil Service Commission Santiago, Panama. Rules and regulations: [Dept. Reg. 108.253] 9. Effective as of the beginning of the Competitive service, exceptions from; Civil Service Commis­ P art 325—Additional C ompensation in first pay period following December 4, sion_______:______________ 2185 F oreign A reas 1954, paragraph (d) is amended by the addition of the following post: Commerce Department designation o p differential posts Croix Chapeau, France. See Civil Aeronautics Administra­ tion; Foreign Commerce Bureau. Section 325.11 Designation of differen­ (Sec. 102, P art I, E. O. 10,000, 13 F. R. 5453, tial posts is amended as follows, effective 3 CFR, 1948 Supp.) Federal Communications Com­ on the dates indicated; mission 1. Effective as of the beginning of the For the Secretary of State. Notices : first pay period following April 9, 1955, L o t W . H enderson, Hearings, etc.: paragraph (a) is amended by the dele­ Deputy Under Secretary Chamberlin, Howard A., and tion of the following posts: For Administration. Fred P. Muller__________ 2213 Bois Dehors, Haiti. Didriksen, Roald W., et al— 2212 M arch 31, 1955. Dakar, French West Africa. Granite State Broadcasting Rum Jungle, Australia. [F. R. Doc. 55-2853; Filed, Apr. 6, 1955; Co., Inc. (WDNH)________ 2213 8:51 a. m.] Ohio Bell Telephone Co___ 2211 2. Effective as of the beginning of the Spartan Radiocasting Co. first pay period following April 9, 1955, (WSPA-TV)____________ 2211 paragraph (b) is amended by the dele­ TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Wisconsin Telephone Co____ 2211 tion of the following post; Proposed rule making: Aden, Aden. Chapter II— Agricultural Marketing Charges for U. S. Government Service (School Lunch Program), telegraph communications__ 2202 3. Effective as of the beginning of the Department of Agriculture Revised Tentative Allocation first pay period following April 9, 1955, Plan for Class B FM Broad­ paragraph (c) is amended by the dele­ P art 210—R egulations and P rocedure tion of the following post: cast Stations (2 docu­ APPENDIX— SECOND APPORTIONMENT OF FOOD ments)__:____________ 2194,2195 Los Mochis, Mexico. ASSISTANCE FUNDS PURSUANT TO NATIONAL Television auxiliary broadcast SCHOOL LUNCH ACT; FISCAL TEAR 1955 stations__________________ 2201 4. Effective as of the beginning of the Television broadcast stations : first pay period following April 9, 1955, The funds available for purposes of Operation of co-channel am­ paragraph (d) is amended by the dele­ the National School Lunch Act (60 Stat. plifying transmitters in tion of the following post: 230, 66 Stat. 591) for food assistance for conJunction with main Guaymas, Mexico. (Continued on next page) transmitter_____________ 2195 2185 2186 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Interior Departmentv PaS® Title 14 Page FEDERALlpEGISTER Chapter Hr V l»3* See Land Management Bureau. Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 609__ 2187 Title 15 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, sion and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: Chapter m : by the Federal Register Division, National Applications for relief: Part 3 7 3 - 2192 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Part 3 8 0 - 2192 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Rice and products from Ar­ thority contained in the Federal Register Act, kansas, Louisiana, and Title 31 approved July 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as Texas to North Carolina_2216 Chapter I: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Rubber, synthetic, from Loui­ Part 129___ 2192 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ siana and Texas to Wauke­ Title 47 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by gan, 111_________________ 2216 Chapter I: the President. Distribution is made only by Soybean oil from Springfield the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Part 1________ ;____________ 2193 m en t P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. and Taylorsville, HI., to Part 2 (proposed) (2 docu­ The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Canada _______ _______ 2216 ments)________ 2194,2195 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Labor Department Part 3 (proposed) (7 docu­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in See Wage and Hour Division. ments) _______________ 2194-2199 advance. The charge for individual copies Part 4 (proposed)___________ 2201 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Land Management Bureau the size of the issue. Remit check or money Part 12___________ 2193 order, made payable to the Superintendent Notices: Part 64 (proposed)__________ 2202 of Documents, directly to the Government Alaska; shorespace restoration P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. order___________________ 2210 The regulatory material appearing herein Washington; proposed with­ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R egulations, drawal and reservation of are reapportioned as follows in order to which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant effect a further apportionment of sup­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as lands____________________ 2210 plemental funds pursuant to section 4 am ended A ugust 5, 1953. The Code o f F ed­ Post Office Department of the act: eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Notices: pocket supplements vary. Establishment of regional head­ With- State held for There are no restrictions on the re­ quarters at Atlanta, Ga____ 2205 State Total Agency private publication of material appearing in the Regional real estate managers; schools F ederal R egister, o r th e C ode o f F ederal redelegation of authority with R egulations. respect to leases____________ 2206 Alabama____________ $2, 431,762 $2, 371,810 $59,952 Alaska____ ;_________ 32,386 32,386 Small Business Administration Arizona-.___ ______ _ 427,858 407,064 20,794 Arkansas____________ ; 1, 529,116 1, 499,382 29,734 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Notices: California_______ I 3, 188,392 3, 188,392 Florida Wood Co-operative; Colorado____________ J 562,657 516,139 46,518 (For use during 1955) Connecticut —______ 584,301 584,301 withdrawal of request to op­ Delaware,___ -------- 84,121 78,308 5,813 erate as small business enter­ District of Columbia___ 181,763 181.763 The following Supplements are now Florida_____________ ; 1, 450,895 1, 385,913 64,982 available: prise production pool, and Georgia___________ 2, 347,873 2, 347,873 withdrawal of, requests to cer­ Hawaii-_________ ___ 227,438 182,190 45,248 tain companies to participate Idaho_________ ____ _ 311,157 301,864 9,293 Title 9 ($0.65) Illinois_____-____ 2, 616,209 2, 616,209 in operation of such pool___ 2216 Indiana_______ -___— 1, 568,151 1, 568,151 Title 20 ($0.75) Iowa_______________ 1, 099,724 981,057 118,667 State Department Kansas___________.... 729,998 729,998 Title 24 ($0.75) Kentucky___________ 1, 947,138 1, 947,138 Rules and regulations: Louisiana.-___ ____ — 1, 697,143 1, 697,143 Titles 40-42 ($0.50) Additional compensation in for­ Maine.--______ _____ 441,488 362,454 79,034 Maryland..-.________ 854,199 740,208 113,991 Previously announced: Title 3, 1954 Supp. eign areas; designation of dif­ M assachusetts________ 1, 564,357 1, 564,357 ($1.75); Title 7: Parts 1-209 ($0.60); Title ferential posts____________ 2185 Michigan___________ 2, 361,367 2, 028,192 333,175 Minnesota__________ 1, 332,176 1, 130,194 201,982 18 ($0.50); Title 19 ($0.40); Title 25 Treasury Department Mississippi__________ 2, 184,293 2, 184,293 ($0.50); Titles 30-31 ($1.25); Title 49: Rules and regulations: Missouri_________ ___ 1, 533,597 1, 533,597 Parts 1-70 ($0.60); Parts 91-164 ($0.50); Montana____________ 242,288 217.763 24,525 Values of foreign moneys, 1955_ 2192 Nebraska___________ 546,349 483,723 62,626 Part 165 to end ($0.60) Nevada_______ — ___ 48,371 46,227 2,144 Wage and Hour Division New Hampshire—____ 215,379 215,379 Order from Superintendent of Documents, New Jersey__________ 1, 446,039 1, 156,140 289,899 Notices: New Mexico.--_____ 442,926 442,926 Government Printing Office, Washington New York_____ — ;.
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