Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 58 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, JANUARY 6. 1964 UConn Trustees Pass In-Fighting Characterizes USA New A.S.G. Constitution After ten years in the wind and proposals that they are incomplete Pre-Convention Maneuvers two months on paper, the Associat- and also need some minor editing. ed Student Government can at last For example, the material so far By JACK CARI.SON back Barry Rudolf for the presi- Calder Called Liar lay that they have a constitution— presented to us does not indicate Name throwing. threats and dency of the USA party. The con- Hirschhorn charges Calder with or at least the beginning of one. how our students at the branches "compromises" of one hand wiping vention for the party is to take changing the constitution to make place this Thursday night at 7. On Wednesday, December 18, the will be involved in the Associated the other were disclosed yesterday his choice. Pat Sreehan. eligible. Board of Trustees of the University Student Government, nor how the by high officials in the United Stu- Calder said that Hirschhorn also "If the Constitution does not read of Connecticut passed a resolution Student Senate itself will be organ- dents Association political party said he would announce that his in- as I have said." Hirschhorn ex- recognizing the new Constitution ized and elected. There also appears hierarchy. sistance on a I960 USA Constitu- claimed. "Then I call Calder and of the ASG as official, pending its to be a. s m a 11 number of min- The situation, which was describ- tion was a political maneuver, and Twatchman liars, deceitful politi- refining and completion within one or problems concerning the rela- ed by one member of the party as that that constitution was ficticious. cians, and using means to justify year. tionship of the Associated Student "A farcical mess that will un- (This reporter checked all the is- their own ends." The resolution which the Trustees Government to the Division of Stu- doubtedly do the party no good." sues of the Connecticut Daily Cam- He went on to say that "If they aJopted is as follows: dent Personnel, to the Board of is a result of the now established pus for that year, and was not able want to use the Machiavelian meth- Governors of the Student Union. two schools of USA party thought to find any mention of a new con- od, then let them have the courage The proposals for a new Consti- Yet these imperfections are not of —the Calder and the Hirschhorn stitution for the USA party.) to admit." tution of the Associated Student sufficient importance to overshadow factions. Government have long been eagerly Only One Candidate? The Daily Campus, in an effort the solid achievement embodied in The latest addition to the polit- to find another copy of the consti- awaited by the Board of Trustees. When the Daily Campus con- the proposals as they now stand. ical football which is deflating ra- tution, contacted Don McCollough. We believe in strong responsible tacted Hirschhorn. he admitted to (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) pidly, is the disclosure by Calder, (Continued on Page 4 Col. 1) Student Government, nor how the the charges, but said that his ef- Hirschhorn and Walter Twatcht- ized and elected there also ap- forts were directed towards what end it is necessary to delineate the itnan of a pre-holiday bull - com- promise session during which Joel he now feels "the only legal candi- various fields of responsibility and Committee Seeks date — Barry Rudolf." Former GOP authority. We commend the student Hirschhorn presented to the former who worked on the present pro- Resident Faculty various proposals in an effort to Hirschhorn contends that accord- State Chairman posals for the fine start which they get their support for his choice. ing to the constitution. 1957 or have made in this direction. • Barry Rudolf, for the president of otherwise, the President of the USA Living Unit the USA party. Calder is backing party must be a Junior or better. Here Tomorrow It is apparent to us, as it has To counter-act the lack of candidate Pat Sheehan, of Phi Kap- If this is true. Barry Rudolf would been to the Student Senate and to Edwin H. May. Jr.. Former Con- academic atmosphere at the Uni- pa Tau. be the only official, announced its committee which drew up the gressman and state Republican Party versity the Housing Committee of Hirschhorn Would Renounce candidate. Chairman will speak on the state of the Student Senate is attempting to Calder said that at the session, However, the only copy of the Connecticut Republicanism Tues- establish a men's living unit in which took place on the night of USA Constitution in existence in day. January 7. at 8:00 p.m. in the Publicity which both faculty members and December 10, Hirschhorn said the organization—in the possession HUB Ballroom. students would reside. that he "would renounce everything of Party President Bob Calder — Mr. May's address and the ques- Judy Pease and Anne McKinnon he has said in the past, including states that the "President — shall tion - and - answer period immed- Seekers said that since a student spends so The Method'," if Calder would be at least a Sophomore." iately following are open to every- much of his time in the dormatory one interested. A Meet - May cof- close contact with a faculty mem- fee for Young Republican Club Sought ber would promote a studious at- members will be held at Alpha Delta mosphere. George Soulos Presents Pi following the talk. All publicity chairmen and class The Senators felt that the dorms secretaries who seek more articles Criticizes State Leadership are the place of least pursuit of May has been outspoken in his in the Daily Campus are urged to knowledge. If the students could Piano Recital Tonight attend a special briefing session to- criticism of the present state Re- live in close proximity with facul- George Soulos, a faculty member The "Laude. Fuga e Cavatina" is day at 3 p.m. in HUB 104. ty members they would benefit by of the University of Connecticut one of several of Lombardo's works The session, sponsored by the the intellectual discussions which published by C. F. Peters Corpora- Daily Campus is an attempt to im- Music Department will present a the instructor could promote. tion. It was premiered by Mr. Soulos prove relations with all publicity piano recital at Von der Mehden In addition to sponsoring scholar- at Tangle wood in 1953. chairmen, class secretaries and ly bull sessions they could also en- Hall on the University campus to- After a year in Europe Mr. Lom- those who put an occasional ac- courage more formal events such night at 8:15 p.m. bardo returned to this country to tivity notice in the Daily Campus. as seminars and speakers. Mr. Soulos has been heard in obtain his doctorate in composition, Program This afternoon at 3 p.m. the numerous solo recitals throughout which he received from the Univer- Housing Committee is meeting Daily Campus managing editor, Connecticut and as pianist for the sity of Iowa in June of 1961. He is Eveiyn Marshak, has stated that with Arwood Northby, John Dun- Westbrook Chamber Players and the now teaching at the University of lop, and Sumner Cohen from the every attempt will be made to ex- Second Army Chorus. He has ap- Hartford. Division of Student Housing to dis- peared in many two-piano concerts plain deadlines and other technical Tonight's Program cuss the possibilities of the project. with pianist Sheldon Rosenbaum. requirements. Also offered will be The program for tonight's recital Any interested students are ask- His more recent appearances in- hints on what to put into an article consists of the French Suite No. V ed to contact Miss Pease. Miss Mc- clude performances for the Fine and how to plan a publicity cam- in G Major by Bach. Sonata. Opus Kinnon. or the Student Senate Arts Association of Hartford, and paign. 31 No. 3. in E Flat Major by Office. Placement in the dorm will the Institute of Contemporary Beethoven. Papillions. Opus 2 of (Continued on Page 4 Col. 3 be on a voluntary basis. American Music in Novmber of Schumann: Laude. Fuga e Cavatina 1963. by Mr. Lombardo. and Scherzo in Camera Shy: The recipient of a Bachelor of C Sharp Minor by Chopin. Music degree and Master of Music His works have been performed degree, both with major in piano. both in the United States and Mr. Soulos has studied with Ray- abroad, as at Tanglewood and at the mond Hanson. Leonard Seeber, Gui International Music Festival in Ed May Mombaerts. Moshe Paranov. Harold Bilthoven. Holland. Bauer, and Grant Johanneson. He publican leadership which he feels is now a faculty member at the has been lax in helping local town University of Hartford and the Uni- Senate Elections committees prepare for campaigns, versity of Connecticut. and did not utilize the proper con- Feature Number trols over spending in the last elec- Committee Holds tion, leaving the party with a large A feature number of the program deficit. will be "Laude. Fuga e Cavatina". Public Hearing Most recently May has been a by Robert Lombardo. Mr. I.ombardo The Student Senate Flections leader in a push to oust the present is a composer of International re- Committee will hold a "public hear- Republican leadership in Hartford. pute. He studied in this country with He Mipported that city's "New Re- Aaron Copland and Arnold Fran- ing" today to discuss new election procedures.
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