![Rigged Hilbert Spaces and the Properties of Self-Adjoint Operators in Them']](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Appendix A Rigged Hilbert Spaces and the Properties of Self-Adjoint Operators in them'] A Hilbert space in quantum mechanics, as well as in analysis, arises from completing the space (/J of 'sufficiently good' (for example, smooth and decrea­ sing in infinity) functions with respect to a norm defined by a scalar product. The RHS theory assumes that (/J is the nuclear'] space in which the convergence is defined by a countable system of norms (the rtj)-convergence). If the scalar product (qJ , 1/1) is introduced in (/J continuous relative to the rtj)-convergence, then (/J will not be complete relative to the new convergence in the norm IIqJlI = = J(qJ , qJ) (the r£-convergence). However, (/J can be completed with respect to this new r£-convergence to the Hilbert space £ . The space £ * ofall antilinear functionals on £ is isomorphic to £ itself. The functionals from £ * are also continuous linear functionals on the space (/J c £ . The space (/J* of all linear functionals on (/J turns out to be broader and to include the Hilbert space £. The set of the three spaces embedded densely into each other (A.t) is called the rigged Hilbert space (or the Gel'fand triad). Henceforth in the Appendix we shall use the following notation: small letters g, h, ... denote the vectors from the Hilbert space £ ; the Greek letters qJ, 1/1 , ... denote the vectors from (/J; the capital letters F, R, ... denote the vectors from (/J* . The notation for the scalar product in the sense of RHS (A1) should be understood as follows: (h Ig) is the conventional scalar product in £; h, g E £ ; (qJ IF) = (F I q» is the value of the functional FE (/J* on the vector qJ E (/J (the horizontal bar indicates the complex conjugation). Generally, the quantity (F IG) (where F, G E (/J* , but neither F no G belong to (/J) is not defined. In particular, the norm of the Gamow state in the RHS formalism is not defined. Let a linear operator A be given in £ with the definition domain D(A) :::> (/J such that the operator A*, adjoint of A, is defined in the domain D(A*) :::> (/J . 1) Since Appendix A pertains mainly to Chapter 4, the references here are those from that chapter. 2) For the definition see [22]. APPENDIX A 345 Here, A and A* do not map outside the space cP (i.e. cP is invariant with respect to A and A*): ACP c cP , A*CP c cP . It should be reminded that the operator A* adjoint of A in the Hilbert space is called such an operator that (A*h Ig) = (hi Ag) (A2) at arbitrary 9 E D(A) and hE D(A*) . If A = A* provided D(A) = D(A*), the operator is called self-adjoint. Throughout the space cP* the extension Aofthe operator A is defined by the relation (AF I rp) = (F I A*rp) or (rp IAF) = (A*rp IF) (A3) which must be satisfied for all rp E D(A*) and F E cP* . The extension A+ of the adjoint operator A* may be defined analogously: (A+F I rp) = (F IArp), rp E D(A), FE CP*. (A4) For these extensions it is possible to formulate the generalized problems for the eigenvalues: AR(A) = AR(A) , (A5a) A +L(Ii) = iiL(Ii) (A5b) where the complex number A is called the right eigenvalue of the operator A corresponding to the right generalized eigenvector (GEV) R(A) E cP* ; Ii and L(Ii) are the left eigenvalue and the left GEV of the operator A, respectively. Using the Dirac notation, we can write equations (A5) in a more common manner, whence the meaning of the terms 'right' and 'left' becomes clear: A IR(A) = A IR(A) , (A6a) (L(Ii)1 A = Ii (L(Ii)1 . (A6b) However, it should be remembered that the meaning of these equations must conform to the definitions (A3) and (A4): (A*rp I R(A) = A(rp IR(A), rp E D(A*) ; (A7a) (L(Ii) I Arp) = Ii (L(Ii) Irp), rp E D(A) . (A7b) 346 APPENDIX A IfR(A.) is the right GEV of the operator A belonging to the eigenvalue A., then it proves to be the left GEV ofthe operator A* corresponding to the eigenvalue A. Indeed, we have or i.e. For the self-adjoint operator A = A*, the extensions A and A+ coincide with each other, so any GEV is simultaneously the right vector with the eigenva­ lue A. and the left vector with the eigenvalue A . For the real eigenvalues, in particular, the right and left GEV of the self-adjoint operator are the same. Nevertheless, we retain the differencein the notation (R and L) bearing in mind the continuation of GEV to the complex plane. Furthermore, the right GEV will usually appear in the position of a ket, and the left GEV in the position ofa bra. Generally, the self-adjoint operators in the Hilbert space, e.g. such as the Hamiltonians of physical systems, have not only a discrete, but also a continu­ ous, spectrum; only the eigenvectors of the discrete spectrum belong to Jt1, however. Ifwe use the RHS, we may also treat the (generalized)eigenvectors of the continuous spectrum belonging to (/)*. Moreover, a self-adjoint operator in the RHS has a complete GEV system. The following (Gel'fand-Maurin) nuclear spectral theorem holds [18, 23]: for any self-adjoint operator A in the complex separable Hilbert space Jt1 with the definition domain D(A) there exists a nucle­ ar space (/) E D(A) densely and continuously imbedded in Jt1 which is invariant with respect to A such that the system of generalized eigenvectors of the operator A corresponding to the real eigenvalues from the spectrum a(A) is complete, i.e. for all rp, If/ E cP we get (rp 11f/) = f dp(A.) ~ (rp IRi(A.) (Li(A.) 11f/) . (A8) utA) In fact, this is the conventional spectral expansion of unity expressed in terms of RHS. The sum in (A8) allows for the multiplicity of the spectrum (for example, in the case of a one-particle Hamiltonian, i is a set of quantum numbers of the angular momentum I proper and of its projection m) and the Stieltjes integral taken over the spectrum of the operator A. The physical Hamiltonians have usually a discrete and absolute continuous spectrum APPENDIX A 347 A.. Now, having introduced the Lebesgue measure dPaAA.) = h(A. )dA. , we can write (for simplicity we omit the multiplicity indices (9' I '1') = L ( 9' l.fj) (jj I '1') + j + f(9' I R(A.) (L(A.) I '1') dA. (A9) If where .fj E Jf are the proper eigenvectors ofthe discrete spectrum; R(A.) = L(A.) are the GEV of the continuous spectrum. Going over from (A8) to (A9), we change their normalization in such a way that the weight function h(A.) disappe­ ars. Itshould be remembered again that R(A.) in (A9)coincides with L(A.) because A. E A. is real. Apart from the GEV entering the expansion (A9) and corresponding to the real eigenvalue A. E u(A), there exist other GEV with eigenvalues located both inside and outside the spectrum. In fact, the GEV of the continuous spectrum entering (A9) form an analytic GEV family, i.e. a vector-valued function with the value in (/J*, analytic in the region Q (which includes A.) such that at every A. E Q R(A.) is a GEV and A. is the corresponding eigenvalue. The analyticity of R(A.) means that the function (9' I R(A.) is analytic at any 9' E (/J • Let us examine an isolated singular point A.oof the function R(A.) . From the conventional Laurent expansion of the function (9' IR(A.) the expansion for the GEV arises: (AIO) n= -00 whose coefficients are ~ C = f R(A.) dA. (All) 1 n 21ti (A. - A. t + c o where C is a simple closed and positively orientated curve inside the analyticity region Q of the function R(A.). The integral (All) defines the vector C; E (/J* • The properties of the Laurent series coefficients C; in the expansion of GEV R(A.) of the operator A are similar to the properties of the same Laurent series coefficients in the expansion of the resolvent near its singular points, thereby resulting in (AI2) This follows immediately from (All) and from the weak continuity ofA in (/J*. Thus, if Cn _ 1 = 0, then C; is GEV of the operator A corresponding to A.o. In particular, if A.o is a first-order pole, the first non-zero coefficient is C-1 and 348 APPENDIX A C_2 = o. Therefore, C_1 is a GEV corresponding to the eigenvalue AO' Thus, the first-order-pole residue of the GEV R(A) belonging to continuous spectrum and continued to the complex plane Ais also the GEV of the operator A. This residue in the resonance pole is a Gamow state. Consider the simple example of the Schrodinger equation for spinless partic­ les with central local potential V(r) which behaves 'properly' at the origin and at infinity: V(r) '" (O(r- 3/2+8 ), e > 0; V(r) '" '" (O(r- 3-"), b > O. Any r~O r~oo 2 function 'II(r) E L (1Ii) can be expanded in spherical functions: (A13) and the scalar product is defined as 00 ('III 17J) = r fdr Vilm(r)l7Jlm(r) = r('IIlm I I7Jlm)' lm lm o The functions 'IIlm(r) belong to the Hilbert space L2(R) which is denoted as .Tflm.
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