E1052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2012 American people and I congratulate her on her dent Abraham Lincoln and the restoration of age. Most recently, Irish Echo named Mayor many successes as her country’s representa- the Gosport Regatta allows for recognition of Doherty to the ‘‘40 Under 40’’ for his efforts tive to the U.S. this important historical connection to the Star and outstanding contributions to the Irish- f Island Retreat and Conference Center, on the American community. Isles of Shoals in Rye, New Hampshire. Matt Doherty is a Financial Advisor at Inves- CELEBRATING THE 136TH ANNI- I commend the Board of Directors and the tors Bank. He was previously employed as a VERSARY OF ST. JOHN MIS- Staff of the Star Island Corporation for their Licensed Mortgage Banker and owner of SIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH time and efforts on this restoration, and wish Doherty Mortgage, LLC located in Belmar. He you all the best for continued success in the earned his Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON future. degree in Public Policy from Georgetown Uni- versity. Matt is happily married to Maggie OF TEXAS f Moran. Together, they have two daughters, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN RECOGNITION OF MAYOR MATT Hannah and Claire. Monday, June 18, 2012 DOHERTY Mr. Speaker, Mayor Matt Doherty continues Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. to exemplify outstanding contributions to Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate St. HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Belmar, New Jersey and serves as an out- John Missionary Baptist Church on the historic OF NEW JERSEY standing role model and dedicated leader of occasion of its 136th year anniversary. From IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Irish-American community. The fitting rec- ognition of Irish Man of the Year bestowed by its most humble beginnings in 1876, the Monday, June 18, 2012 church has gown to provide a wealth of spir- the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh is a fitting Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to itual guidance and stewardship to so many in tribute to his outstanding contributions. recognize Matt Doherty, Mayor of Belmar, the Dallas area. f New Jersey. Mayor Doherty is the 2012 recipi- Like the structure that houses its ent of the Friendly Sons of the Shillelagh Irish HEALTH CARE COST REDUCTION congregants today, St. John Missionary Bap- Man of the Year award. Matt is a respected ACT OF 2012 tist Church has been a bedrock of devotion member of Belmar, New Jersey and continues and service to thousands in the community to dedicate his efforts to improving the com- SPEECH OF over the years. The church’s call to action for munity. His commitment to his profession and decades has been ‘‘Where Christianity is a HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ constituents is truly worthy of this body’s rec- business and not a sideline,’’ and so many OF CALIFORNIA ognition. have taken up that call to provide leadership IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 2006, Mayor Doherty was elected to and evangelism to their friends and neighbors. serve on the Borough Council and was re- Thursday, June 7, 2012 I want to acknowledge the church’s current elected in 2009. He proudly served as Bor- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. pastor, the Reverend Bertrain Bailey for his ough Council President and was respected by Speaker, I rise today to discuss my vote on stalwart commitment to outreach in his min- his colleagues and constituents. Matt Doherty H.R. 436, the Protect Medical Innovation Act istry, and the leadership and guidance he has was elected Mayor of the Borough of Belmar, of 2011. As many of my colleagues know, I provided. New Jersey on November 2, 2010. During his helped lead the charge throughout the 2010 Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- tenure as Mayor, Belmar has continued to see healthcare debate to ensure the medical de- lating St. John Missionary Baptist Church on tremendous growth and prosperity. He has vice industry was not overly burdened by the their 136th year in service to God and their also been the catalyst for growth and pros- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act community. St. John Missionary Baptist perity throughout the Borough and an advo- (ACA). During negotiations on the final Church has fed the souls of generations in cate for improvement projects. Of his many healthcare bill, I made it a point to argue that Dallas and the surrounding communities, and notable accomplishments as Mayor, Matt is overly taxing the medical device industry may it in its blessings continue to prosper and often praised for his support of first-respond- would stump innovation, affect patient care grow in the years to come. ers. Mayor Doherty implemented free beach quality and burden an already struggling job f access for all Monmouth County First-Aid and market. When we came together to discuss Fire Department Volunteers throughout health care reform, we agreed that it was nec- IN RECOGNITION OF STAR ISLAND Belmar. He has also required the implementa- CORPORATION AND THEIR SUC- essary for everyone to contribute in order to tion of Mobi-Mats on the beach for ADA-ap- CESSFUL RESTORATION OF THE ensure a successful outcome. That is why I HISTORIC GOSPORT REGATTA proved accessibility. The 9th Avenue pier at fought tirelessly, within my own caucus, to the Belmar Marina has been redeveloped as a make sure the bill was responsible in the way result of Mayor Doherty’s foresight and inge- Congress paid for the legislation. HON. FRANK C. GUINTA nuity. In addition to his capacity as Mayor, As we approach the 2014 deadline of final OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Matt served as ADA coordinator, Harbor Com- implementation for ACA, many uncertainties IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES missioner, and presided as a member of the have arisen from both the general public and Belmar Planning Board. Mayor Doherty is a business community. The Republican Majority Monday, June 18, 2012 passionate and committed leader, whose has addressed this growing concern with an Mr. GUINTA. Mr. Speaker, it is with great unyielding leadership and vision for the future onslaught on key revenue provisions of the pleasure that I congratulate the non-profit Star of Belmar are exemplified through his actions ACA. In fact, they have paid for those repeals Island Corporation for their successful restora- as Mayor. by targeting programs from those individuals tion of the historic Gosport Regatta. Mayor Doherty demonstrates strong ties to who need ACA the most. For that reason, I The Star Island Corporation has owned and the Irish-American community. Matt is a dedi- was forced to vote against H.R. 436, which maintained Star Island for almost 100 years. cated member of the Friendly Sons of the CBO estimated, if enacted, could remove over As part of the National Historic District located Shillelagh of the Jersey Shore and is ap- 350,000 individuals off of health care. Given on the Isles of Shoals, the Corporation was plauded for his commitment. His participation that many of my constituents rely on the desirous of re-creating a historic moment in and contributions to the organization remain, health care benefits provided by the ACA, I time for the benefit of today’s retreats and in part, a reason for the organization’s suc- could not support this bill as written. conferences on the island. Research into the cess. Matt is also a member of the Ancient However, as the full implementation moves 1875 Gosport Regatta, which was held to cel- Order of Hibernians and serves as a trustee forward, I will continue to monitor the effects ebrate the opening of the Oceanic Hotel on for the Inlet Terrace Association in Belmar. In of this legislation on the medical device indus- the island, revealed that the race was won by addition to his recreational and professional try. If the capacity that is anticipated to flood the America, the yacht for which the America’s career, Matt has traveled to Northern Ireland the markets does not become realized, I am Cup is named. The Captain and owner of the multiple times to participate in the ‘‘Bloody ready and willing to work with the medical de- America, General Benjamin Franklin Butler, Sunday March’’ in Derry, Ireland. He has also vice industry to unburden them of any unnec- played a pivotal role in the creation of the visited Ballybriggen, Ireland and continues to essary taxes, while responsibly ensuring that Emancipation Proclamation issued by Presi- proudly represent his Irish culture and herit- the rest of the ACA moves forward. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:51 Jun 19, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.001 E18JNPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 18, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1053 CHRISTI NORRIS acy of RCA for South Jersey and its residents committee member to the First Presbyterian should not go unrecognized. I join all of South Church. As Area Coordinator for Phi Delta HON. SAM GRAVES Jersey in paying tribute to this exceptional or- Kappa, she traveled the western part of Mis- OF MISSOURI ganization. souri encouraging quality education. She has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f also contributed her time and talents to the Monday, June 18, 2012 Calla Varner Board, the Junior League, the TOP COPS—ISSAQUAH PD Flower Society, the St. Joseph Symphony, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I and the Performing Arts Association, among proudly pause to recognize Christi Norris of HON. DAVID G. REICHERT others. With an enthusiastic personality and a Saint Joseph, Missouri. Christi is active in the OF WASHINGTON ‘‘can-do’’ attitude, Diane Watson has become community through her work and has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an outstanding community volunteer and an chosen to receive the YWCA Women of Ex- Monday, June 18, 2012 admired friend to many—all of which she hum- cellence Award for Woman in Support Serv- bly attributes to ‘‘going wherever the Lord ices.
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