Digital Commons @ Georgia Law Press Releases, Media Mentions, Graduates in the Media Archives News & Faculty Highlights 9-1-2011 09/2011 Newsclipping Office ofomm C unications and Public Relations Recommended Citation Office of Communications and Public Relations, "09/2011 Newsclipping" (2011). Media Archives. 15. https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/media_archives/15 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Press Releases, Media Mentions, Graduates in the News & Faculty Highlights at Digital Commons @ Georgia Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Media Archives by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Georgia Law. Please share how you have benefited from this access For more information, please contact [email protected]. CLASS NOTES FIRST PERSON educ;ation and enga!{ernent after wi nning Bringing justice to a the Zurich Classic. Meredith White (BSEd '08, AB '08) of Savannah was foreign land named a vVTOC-TV Top Teacher fclr her work teaching Spanish I and English by Thomas Rawlings {JD '92) II at Benedictine Milita1-y School. Avery Leigh Cox (BFA '09) hel ped install Some days my work feels familiar: the bedroom designed for the Kips Bay discussing the therapy needs of a sexually Decorator Show H ouse, which was on abused ch1ld; organ1zrng train1ng for child display until l'v1ay 26. Cox is a junior forens1c 1nterv1ewers; and working With law­ designer at Amanda N isbet Design. yers to ensure an accused ch1ld molester faces trial. It all feels l1ke the work I've done 2010- 1n Georgia for the past decade as a JUvenile Jaime Bcnator (!\II 'I 0) of Marietta court JUdge and state child advocate. received the U.S. Army N urse Corps Th1s t1me, however, the work IS 1n Spir·it of ursing Award. She was Guatemala City, where I'm spend1ng three nominated by the fac:ully at Georgia years as director of a field office of the Baptist College of N ursing of Mercer lntemat1onal Just1ce Mrssron (IJM). University. Carlye Jean Clark (BSEd IJM brrngs legal representation and rntegrated socral services to vict1ms of '10) of Franldin, · u~nn . , was promoted to oppression, including hurrjan trafficking, bonded labor or child sexual abuse. IJM the position of sports c:oordinator at the lawyers, 1nvestrgators and social serv1ces professionals bring to the victim what is Franklin Family Yl'v1CA. often out of reach for the poor rn the underdeveloped world: JUStice and restoration. For the past frve years in Guatemala, IJM has focused on representing child v1ctrms of sexual abuse. a serious problem w1th an estimated 8,000 or more vic­ GRAD NOTES tims each year. Only 2,500 are officially reported, a fract1on of whrch go to trral. Agricultural and The work can be hearbreaking but also heartwarming. Sometrmes vict1ms are Emcironmental Sciences vindicated, as 1n a case last year Involving one of the 10,000 families who make Oevegowda Gopal (PhD '76), a practic:­ the1r liVIng p1ckrng up usable trash in the Guatemala C1ty dump. Our client fam­ ing veterinarian of j acksonville, Fla., is ily-four chrldren and their mother - suffered years of sexual and physrcal abuse an advisor to the College of Veterinary by the father. Grven relief at last and moved to a safer locatron, that family last fall l'vledicine at the University of Florida in parttcrpated rn his trral and conviction. He was sentenced to 95 years 1n prison. (;aincsvillc, fla. Lance Bolton (BBA Referrals to UM corne most often from the attorney general's office or from '88, M S '95, PhO '97) o( Colorado other nonprofit agenctes such as Doctors W1thout Borders. UM socral workers Springs, Colo., was n<tmcd president of rnterv1ew the child and f(fnily and begin providing social, medtcal and psychological Pikes Peak Community College. Alfred services to the v1ct1ms, r~locat1ng children and fam1hes 1f necessary. "Alfie" Meek (PhD '05) of Lawrencev­ The drrect legal representation of and multidiSCiplinary care for the vrctim ille accepted the position of director IS what makes IJM's effo~s successful. From 2008 through 2010, this small of community innovation services f(J r nonprofit group has been responsible for over one thrrd of all child sexual abuse ( :eorgia Tec:h's Enterprise Tnnov;ltion convictions in metropolitlm Guatemala Crty. The 1ntegrated approach makes up for Jnsti lUte. weaknesses in a system where many public prosecutors are committed to therr 1 work but sometrmes have more than 1,000 cases to manage. Arts and Sciences Still. my colleaguesjhere have faith that the system rs rmprovrng, wrth the Garnett S. Stokes (MS '80, Ph l) country making great strides to strengthen laws against fem1crde, domestic vio­ 'R2) was named provost and executive lence, human traffickrn~and ch ild abuse. With the help of intematronal donors, the vice president for ac:<tdemic affairs at attorney general's office has created 24 hour offices of victrm assrstance and spe­ Florida St<ltc University. The provost cral teams of psychologiSts and med1ca1 professionals who can provide Immediate at FSU is chief ac:ademic officer and the response to a vrctim of ~exual assault or other violent crimes. Both government and second-highest ranking official after the private organizations are responding with increased services to provide the therapy president. Bill Herringdine (MPA '84) and assiStance needed to help v1ct1ms recover therr dignrty and self-worth. Here at of Bogart retired afrcr six years of tcac:h­ IJM, we hope our new capacrty-building and training program will bolster the abrlity ing government and economics at North of the system to respond adequately to these victrms' needs. Oconee High School. AI Panu (PhD '86) o f J'vlabl eton is the vice pr es id ~nt GET MORE of academic affai rs at Gainesville State College. He joined (;ainesvillc Stale's To learn more about uJ, go to www.ijm.org. faculty as division chair of science, 48 GEORGIA MAGAZINE • www.uga.edu/gm '05) of Canton was named a 2011 Mover seat. He works as the sales director for & Shaker by lhe Lilmrry }onmal for her Austin-based Bazaarvoicc. Jadun Mc­ work as a libn1rian at Creek-view Iligh Carthy OD '05) of Atlanta was named School. Anissa Heath Johnson (Ed$ Georgia's 20 12 Teacher of the Yea r. '03) is the principal of Fowl ~ r Drive The Georgia Department of Education Elementary School in Clarkb County. selected McCarthy from 154 teachers Alvetta Peterman Thomas (EdD '04) across the state nominated for the title. of Fayetteville, Ca., was nan ed a Super­ Terri Ryan Stewart (BBA '03, JD '06) woman by Atltmtn Tribrme maga<~,inc. She of Atlanta was chosen to be a member on is president of Atlanta Technical College. the T.E.W i\rlanta Class of 201 2. T. EAD Shannon Hammond (BSEd '95 , EdS is an initiative of Leadership Atlanta, '05) of\~linde r was elected t rbe board the oldest sustained community leader­ of directors of lhe Professiorpl Asso­ ship progmm in the nation. Stewarr is ciation of Ccorgia Ecluc:n orJ. Ginger an associatt: with Athtnta-hased Fisher & Mathis (EdD '05) of Ringgold is the as­ Phillips LLP. sociate vice president of academic affairs al Georgia Northwestern Tef lmical Col­ Public and International Affairs lege's Whitfield Murray campus. Emily W. Bartley Hildreth (DPA '79) is Robinson (AB '03, MEd '0 5 ~ c01nplctcd the clean of Ccorgia State U niversity's her F.SOL certification in Juf . She Andrew Young School of Policy Srudics. is scheduled to teach her (irs ~ class of Valerie Hepburn (PhD '06) of Bruns­ English language learners next school wick was named one of the four 2011 year. Bryan Till (BSEd '01 , MF.d '06) Power ~Tomcn in Georgia by Gemgirr of F~ycneville, N .C., is he;ld football 7i·cnd magnine. Hepburn has served as coach of Cape Fear High Scl~ ool. Craig president of College of Coasta I Georgia Wentworth (EdD '09) of Thomasville since 2009. received the Delta Pi Epsilon Donora) Research Award. 'vVentworrh on the Social Work award for his dissertation, "The Role Capt. PhiJjp S. McRae (MSW 'go) of Coll egiate Sports Participation in of Ft. Stewart is chief of the depart­ Preparing vVomen for Execu ive 1 .cader­ ment of behavioral medicine at Winn ship." Army Community H ospital and is the team commander of National Disaster I :m Response Mental Health 1eam number William B. Wood (RBA '70, jlviBA '75, four of the Office of Force Read iness J D '7 Y) of Grayson moved hi. practice and Deploymcm of the U.S. Public from the Atlanta fim1 of Smith, Gam­ brell and Russell , where he pr: cticed for 2Ryea rs, toT .awrenccville Wood specializes in business law, particularly Compton wins mergers and acquisitions and state and Mexican Open local tax matters. He has alsoten an adjtlnct professor of corporar t<lx at - Eri k Compton (M '02), the UG~ School of Law. ·wade ilkes former UGA golfer and two-time heart Herring OD '83) of Savannah was transplant recipient, won the awarded the Savannah Bar As~ociati o n's Nationwtde Tour's Mexican Open in Robbie Robinson Award as pah of the June. The win made Compton the bar's annual Law Day celebration. W. number two player on the Nat10nw1de Scott Sorrels (JD '84) received the 2011 Tour and most likely ensured he will Silver Buffalo Award, the Boy ~Couts receive his PGA Tour card by year's of America's highest commendation. end. Compton recetved his first heart The award is given to individuals who transplant tn 1992 at age 12 after he contribute noteworthy and cxr ordinary was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.
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