.'ATI, • A.U. ~o. oj .... 1'" Z••••• U u.r .... tit .... ,.... nOClsliD roo,., ~).. ..... •• , II.' ..... ZJ AI lIl" •• ,. CI ••., ,.ea. IUOU, ,.... r... ......,.u. .. ,.. .. ••u. I.. ad ,...... 'BOE8 ••••• u.re ...I.' ..... 1_,. J, ! .,•• , ... \ 1.... 11.110',. OA.OLINt:, JIJ-A ••• , ••• f'" ,.. •.. IOWA: M06t.lT cloudy with ,all ••• .... 11-8, C'" 11-7 , ... C.1 ••••••• "'.11. f.r II... DAILY: IOWAN occaa-aI sbowers &Del. ·.. n.... ,"UEL OIL, •• rl ••••• lit••• ,. ft ••••••••• THE tblllldentonal. '~IU" ...~:~~ '''''' .,.,.. ,hIM ,... ••• fI.. • ••,... Iowa Cit y • ~ M 0 r n I n R ~ • w spa p • r ~~========================~==~~~~~==~~~~~==========~~~==~~~~~.~ ttVE CENTs na AMOOI''ID..... IOWA. ctrY, IOWA SUNDA.Y, MAY 'l:l. lS-iS ... MNO'........ VOLUME XII NUMBER 208 ========~======='~~~~~~========7=~~~~~~==~~==~======~==================~==========~== · . Ok .. F t Big Five Reported AC t Ion on .. "nawo ron Near Agreement Heavy B-29 Bomb Raids ' · t d b H . R · On Velo Voting Issue Res t.rlc e '. Y · eavy aln CommiHeesFaii To Meet Schedule Of Drafting Ch~rter ley Tokyo-in Utter Ruin TOKYO INDUSTRY SUFFERS BLOW 166 Planes SAN FRANCISCO (Af)-An extraordinary session of Blg-Fiv\! statesmen pointed up las~ night e Planes Deslroy George Stoddard, Former SUI Dean, Bombers lag, and a .snag, in the United ~a­ 31 Downed tions conference. But the &reat powers were reported near .;ree­ ment on a statement outlining pol­ Bomb, Rocket AHack icy on the veto voting issue. 30 Jap Ships N::~AI~:~~~d(~:~ _o!.. Un~~~~:~w~~ t~I~~o~~ Lost in Week On Kyushu Airfields Responsible for the lag 11; the board of trustees yesterday se- Stoddard for 17 years was a mem­ fact that conference commlt\ees lected George Din.smore Stoddard, ber of the psychoiogy faculty 0' Japanese Radio .. .,ported by Nimitz failed to meet a schedule callinl Southwest Pacific 47. New York state commissioner the University of Iowa, becoming 'or them to finish by last nighl Air Units Hit Enemy of education, to become the tenth an associate professor in 1928, pro­ Reports Capita GUAM, Sunday CAP)­ their work of drafting various por­ president of lhe University ot llli- lessor in 1929, and head of the nois. department in 1938. He also was Scorched to Graund lItremely heavy r a i Ii s reo tions of the charter for a Dew Oft Asiatic Coast world organization. Stoddard will assume offJce July director of the Iowa child wel!are .. rieted 10th army action all research station from 1928 until G .A If, undny CAP)- The In.. Is provIded b, a con­ MANILA Sunday (AP)-Soulh­ 1, 1946, succeeding Arthur Cutts along the southern Okinawa 1941, and was dean of the gradu­ Tokyo was de cribed today by front yesterday, Fleet Admiral trovenJ amonr little and bl.r na­ west faclfic planes destroyed 30 Willard, who must retire when he reaches the age o( 68 next year, a ate college from 1936 until 1942. the enemy radio a a city laid Chester W. Nimitz announced tloaa over the exlent to wlalc ... each ~nemy ships-one plane aloOf! In Carbondale, Pa., Oct. 8. 189'1, of the BI.r-Flve .halI be elllpow­ university pokes man said. in ruin by B-29 fire bomb raida yesterday. made a sensational bag of 20- Stoddard received his bachelor of ered to veto adloD takell In a Dro­ Since July 1, 1942, Stoddard has Thursday and Saturday but the Wedne&day and Thursday in arts degree at Pennsylvania state He issued a revised report pOlled world IecarL~1 coa.ncU &e been New York commissioner oC college in 1921. lhe diplome of the 21 t bomb r command, while op· that 166 Ja.panese planes were preserve pe&ee. waters of( the Asiatic coast and the education and president ot the University 01 Paris in 1923, and timi tic., reserved j u d g III e n t downed in the enemy's uicidal Secretary of state stettlnius In­ Dutch East Indies. University of the State of New became doctor of philosophy at the until it had the pbotographs to York. attack on American shipping vited RUSSian, British, Chin~ and The blow, reported on today's University of Iowa in 1925. He prove it. and airfields Tbursday night French delegation chiefs to "n un­ commu,nique ot Gen. Douglas Mac­ Actually lhere Is no university hall received honorary degrees A bomber command pok . and Friday. Yesterday's com· usual Saturday night meeting in by that name, but legislation from seven universities and col­ man limited hi. r port, after Arthur, was the heaviest such de­ passed there referred to "univer­ leges. munique reported 111 enemy air­ his penthouse at a hilltop hot.el. reoonnaisanc planes vi ited craft downed. Pre umably they were sum­ livered In the thealer in many sity" a the entire system of edu­ He is married and has five chil­ weeks. cation under state control. dren. Tokyo, to the fact that mono The admiral turlber repOrted moned for a general discussion of troll wind·whipp d fir had IU~ 'lilllnderbol IlrMers from the conference problems, such as the Molli of the ahlJII nnk were engulfed the government and Im­ lI'JD7'l 318th fl.rht.er ,roup, based delay in committees, and to give small fre1,ht.en. Sevtl'al more perial palace areas hit by 4,000 specific a ttention to the thorny • Okinawa., bombed and rocketed were damared. House Approves tons of fire bombs {rom 500 Su­ ~ airfields on Kyushu 1I~nd­ veto question. The spectacular indIvidual per­ Chinese Drive perlortresses yesterday. illlhlra, Mlnka and Kanoya-on TechnlclaDi of tbe four naUoDi Nineteen 0' the big bombers ftW'llllay. sPOnsorln, the conferellele - the formance was turned in Wednes­ Tariff CuHing Bill were lost to unusually heavy anf­ day by a Sevellth fleet reconnais­ The Japanese counterattcked in ,r~",,, ."" BI,-Flve minus France-were ..14 alrcreft fire, making 31 l06l in the , J ,e ... sance Liberator which discovered the Sixth marine division sector to be mavin, aloDl well toward Truman Wins Fight To Relieve two raids thls week. Un0111ciaJ re­ Ftiday night, but were repulsed. complellnr LIle pollcy ..ia~ment a concentration otf southern Bor­ ports 1I~ the destruction of 20 Associated Press Correspondent on the veto. neo. For Added Authority ~nemy interceptors Saturday, half Vern Haugland said 150 NI~ponese FAR EXCEEDING THE WEIGHT 01 bolllbi burled on European tar­ Small nations chalked up 1\ The lone bomber sank seven In Trade Agreements of which may have been "baka" made the assault. Most were killed rets, 8-29 Superforts have made Japanese IndUltry In Tokyo feel the hard-fought victory over the ,reat Creighters and destroyed ight Siapu Militia or suicide rocket bombs, each car­ before they reached marine lines; terrlflo power ot destrue&lon tbey ~. More than 951 of tbe pant powers yesterday In a United Na­ others by setting them alir . Then rying one man. the remainder were slain belore bombers dropped 8,500 toni 01 bolllbi 111 the hI,h1y Important Shlna­ WAS HI N G TON (AP)-Re­ A reconnaissance pilot, Lieut. W. tions conference committee vote to raised Its total to 20 by blotting CHUNGKfNG (AP) - Chinese noon. «awa lector Ihown In the IDiet above. Map allo IIhows routes taken omit from a world charter provis­ out five mo-re ships in nearby ship­ sponding to an emphatic appeai by L. Abbott, Des Moines, who flew by the planes from tbelr bue. In the Marl..... to tbe tar,et area. army forces battled north along below the overcast briefly betore The seventh iniantry position, ion for expelling unruly members. yards. The Japanese built the ship­ President Trum n, house Demo­ China's vulnerable east coast yes­ on the eas~ coast, "developed its YII rds for ltl construction of small crats rode roughshod over Repub­ anti-aircraft lire hiL one engine At the same time, the American terday toward the relief of local and the tall, said: ~i\ions south of Yonabaru," delegation clamped a gag on the wooden cargo vessels. The enemY licans yesterday to vote the execu­ militia locked In fighting with lMUtz said. has placed reliance In such vessel tive board new authority to cut "I saw large masses of fire all I At a Glanc... , I Big Three Meeting airing of discussions aimed at Japanese marine landing parties at over the area and could even see Heavy rains "restrict.ed Ihe clearing from the path of the con­ due to steady shipping losses. tarlfts in reciprocal trading with Siapu, 68 mUes northeast of lib­ movemenL of ,round forces aloDl The dayll,h" attack drew oo1y other nations. {lames they were leaping so ference lhe big issue of absolute, erated Foochow. high." ~ wbole front," he added. The May Be Before July S great-power control over a world II,M antl-aireraft fire ud no air The count On passa,e was 239 Generalissimo Chiang K a 1- Sixth marine ud Seventb J.nlan­ oballenge. Tbe plane', bar In­ However, the weather was so Today~s organization. to 153 as Truman made lhe tariff Shek's veteran lighters, slashing excepUonaily bad that it was im­ Ir7 were the onJy divisions men­ dusted e~hl Ihl.ps of 380 to 1,000 into Japan's continental li1eUne to Deleralet! a\lendln, rou~lne eOI;D' bill the first direct test of his con­ pos$lble to obtain the pictures on tilfned in tbe communique. British Election lo and ve of 1$0 to SOO tons. greseionlll mIlowing on a major Indo..china. at the same time Aircraft of the British Pacific mUtee 10Di "'lkeel abolt' th which to base the only accurate Will Not Cause possibility tba' two chief.
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