Taylor . and 'Hftll cl ... ':' Sta, In MOder·n. Tragedy Ill-Fated• · Lovers Meet Death in University Guild•s ·Dramatic Presentation· of 'Winterset' In a dingy, cramped cellar son), enter the dimly-lit street .are unkind to them-as unkind apartment in a slum district of under the bridgehead in search as Fate has been to Mio through Brooklyn hides the key figure of Garth. As the real killer in his entire life. The disgra·ce of ;, in the drama of "Winterset." 'the hold-up, Trock would be his father's execution has near- Garth Estras (Bob Leestam- sent back to prison if his se- ly destroyed Mio's high ideals per) knows of the innocence of cret were not kept. Judge and ambitions. of Bartolemeo Romagna, who Gaunt (Joe Evans), haunted by Mio finally discovers from has been electrocuted for the the manner in which he had Judge Gaunt's mad ravings that murder of a paymaster. He handled the Romagna case, there really h as been a miscar- has held this secret inside him- came upon the apartment in ri•age of justice; that his father self, not daring to tell anyone his insane wanderings. has been electrocuted an inno- of the innocence of the executed And Mio (Herb Taylor), the cent man. If th e world could man for fear of losing his own son of Bartolemeo Romagna, be informed of this, the name life. convinced that his father has of Romagna could be cleared. The cellar apartment on the been executed unjustly, seeks Trock Estrella, however, has riverbank draws magnetically Garth's testimony, which had no desire to return to prison, principle figures in the Rom- never been called upon in court. nor to die for his crime. Even agna case: On a dark Decem- Instead, he finds in the cellar Shadow cannot be trusted, and ber morning, Trock Estrella apartment the lovely, demure young sister of Garth, Miriam- dies at Track's hand. But Mio (J im Powell) , a recently re- fearlessly starts up the dark ', JOANN HELLA AND HERB TAYLOR a re shown rehearsing a scene leased convict, and his willing ne (Joann Hella.) They real- ize their love, but circumstances riverbank to escape with his from the play 'Winterset.' ( Ph oto by Cliff Moran. ) accomplice, Shadow (Bill Nel- secret. Bullets from the ma - chine guns of Track's men meet him; and Mio is gone. But Miriamne knows-and -r.\ falls across Mio with bullets in iher heart when she makes t/ known to Trock that justice wil! 7~·,tu be done. OFFICIAL PUB LICATI ON OF THE UNIVERS ITY OF M INN ESOTA, DULUTH BR ANCH "Oh, Miriamne and Mio-- know this where you lie, this is the glory of earth-born men Vol. 19 Duluth, Minnesota, February 8, 1952. No. 13 'r'. (Continued on Page 4 ) WINTER SPORTS TO REIGN Stassen 'Declares Truth Can Gala Sno- Week Events Slated Students Vote Today To inaugurate a fun-packed In Mock Primary Cause Communist Collapse schedule of Sno-Week activi- Students will have the op- scene of Winter Sports Day ac- By RON LEMPI ties, a button-selling campaign tivities Friday. These events portunity today to indicate Stassen asserted that "under will get underway next Friday, their choice of presidential can- " If America asserts her af- include a broomball tournament firmative and dynamic leader- the present American policy of followed by a basketball game in both men's and girls' divi- didates in a timely poll being merely containing Communism , Monday night, February 18, at conducted by the STATESMAN ship of the world, using truth sions, and an invitational ski as her best weapon, in ten holding the line and waiting which time UMD will ·play host meet featuring teams from all and the Democratic-Republican for the dust to settle, it is in- to Concordia. The game will forum. years she can cause the collapse colleges in this area. At pres- of Communism without a world evitable that Communism be played at the armory. ent, UMD holds the traveling The ballot is divided into two gains." sections. The first section lists w.ar." Hockey will be served up trophy for this event. Harold E. Stassen, candidate Demanding a change in our Tuesday night when UM1' the names of six candidates domestic and fo reign policies Climaxing the week's activi- and the student is asked to for the Republican presidential tackles th e 179th Interceptor nomin ation , made this pro- and th e "whole mor al tone of ties will be the gala Sno-Ba ll, vote...,.for_on.e. "Th e .second sec- American government," Stassen Squadron-sextet. -A--skati:n:g-- a semi-formal dance to be held phecy before a capacity audi- " party for all students will fol- tion pairs each Republican and ence at a UMD convocation last said that any Republica11 Friday night at the Spalding Democrat against one another. would make a better president low the game at the Curling hotel. Tuesday. club. The reasons behind the bal- t han Mr. Truman. loting are numerous. The chief Yet he struck out at th2 During the square dance- purposes are to give the stu- set for Wednesday night-the "semi-isolationism" of Senator dents an opportunity to express UMDDebat e Tearn Taft as a policy which would King of Sno-Week wiH be Wesley foundation their preferences of presiden- cliosen. The King will be se- allow Communism to gain even tial candidates and to deter- more rapidly than at present. lected on the basis of a beard- mine the popularity of each Leaves for Meet growing contest which started Host to Contere nee Four members of the UMD "American foreign policy candidate. debate squad travel to Moor- must rest on an affirmation of last Monday. Wesley foundation members The ballot is limited to those will be host to the state con- head today and tomorrow for freedom and independence for This leads up to the varsity candidates the committee con- their first inter-collegiate de- peoples throughout the world," show in the auditorium Thurs- ference of the Methodist Stu- sidered to be of major interest dent movement at Endion bate tournament of the season. Stassen declared. Stassen re- day evening. A sparkling pro- in this area. Representatives of the UMIJ lated further that with millions gram will be presented, to be Methodist church next week. The poll will be conducted The conference will start Fri- squad who will debate at the of people chaffing under Rus- topped off by coronation of the on the first floor in Main. Red River Valley tournament sian rule, the Voice of America Sno Queen. day. At this time 120 students from seven Minnesota campuses at Concordia college are John has a "tremendous opportunity Chester Bowl will be the will meet to discuss the theme Folk Lore Display • Brust, Leonard Wheat, Jerry for developing resistance to "Does Christian Living Begin Sonosky and Jerry Christian- Communist domination." Hf> With Me?" · .sen. believes that the Voice of Am- Annual Print Scheduled Tuesday erica program should be re- Students interested in folk The team will debate the fol- Stimulating students' think- lowing: ''Resolved : That the moved from state department Show Opens ing will be Dr . Samuel Nichols, lore will be interested in the U n i t e d States government control, reorganized, and en- Fifty prints by artists of pastor of the Ames Collegiate dramatic display of handmade should a·dopt a permanent pro- larged ten times. reputation make up the annual Methodist church of Ames, figures by Mrs. Hild Hildahl at gram of price and wage con- In regard to foreign economic University of Minnesota invita- Iowa. This church was chosen 8 p. m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, in th e trols." aid, Stassen stated that "any tional show wh\ch started Tues- by a Christian Century poll as Additional members of the sound program to relieive the day and is scheduled to run · one of the 12 outstanding Parish house of St. P.aul's ,Epis- squad are Nancy Rasche, Donna poverty and malnutrition of the through March 2 at the Tweed Protestant churches in the copal church, 1710 East Supe- Unger, Grant Merritt, Fred Nor-- world will be backed up by the Hall art galleries. United States. rior street. een and Vernon Simula. Republicans in Congress." Leestamper Named Cadet ,· Colonel of ROTC Robert E. Leestamper today ics major, as cadet major and Squadron flight leaders in- wears the rank of cadet colonel adjutant completes tJhe three- clude cadet Captains Frank S. man group organization. -0f UMD's Air Force ROTC unit. Benassi, Calvin J. Borgren, Al- All three cadets have been Cadet Colonel Leestamper, designated "distinguished mili- fred S. Diehl, Jr., John H. John- social studies major at UMb tary students." Sermon and son, Robert E. Mangan, Allan and a member of the Minne- Leestamper, in addition, have W. Naslund, Lee A. Opheim, sota National Guard for over qualified for regular commis- Gerald I. Reponen, and· Marvin three years, received his ap- sions in the Air Force. Lee•• G. Wick. pointment last week from Lt. stamper is also a recipient of Designated to be element Col. Louis J. LaBa rre, professor the Chicago Tribune award, leaders are cadet 1st Lieuten- of air science and tactics. As presented annually to an out .. ants Harry E. Brusell, J r., Clif- cadet colonel, he heads the standing third-year ROTC stu- ford M. 'Moran, Harold C. Myr- group staff of the 225-mar, dent. mel, Leslie w. Nummela, Dar- corps, and will lead the unit Leadership of the group's rell Pilipovich, and Curtis J .
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