The latest INSIDE Planning news from for death, Gafcon p12 p4 THE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2013 No: 6201 www.churchnewspaper.com PRICE £1.35 1,70j US$2.20 CHURCH OF ENGLAND THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN 1828 NEWSPAPER Women bishops back on Synod Agenda By Amaris Cole Fittall called this an important forward in a spirit of trust and safeguard, and the Committee openness to one another,” the WOMEN BISHOPS legislation believed this to be their most Vice Chair concluded. could be passed in 2014 if the innovative proposal. The Catholic Group of the Gen- General Synod ‘like the shape’ It is hoped this will pacify those eral Synod are still assessing the of new legislation, Secretary who argued throughout the previ- proposals and considering their General of the General Synod ous legislation that their theologi- reaction to them. said last week. cal views were not being Father Simon Killwick, Chair- During a press briefing ahead respected. man Of the Group said they of the November sessions, The group campaigning for recognise the 'huge amount of William Fittall spoke positively women in the episcopate, work' that has gone into produc- about the new proposals drawn up WATCH, have welcomed the ing the 'comprehensive and by the Steering Group, with the ‘encouraging’ draft legislation. detailed legislative package, work ‘potential’ of seeing them voted WATCH praise the proposals’ which has been costly in spiritual through next year, earlier than simplicity, as well as the Synod’s and emotional terms'. expected. obvious desire to resolve this He said: “Naturally, such a com- He admitted that supporters of ongoing issue as quickly as possi- plex package will need careful women bishops still have anxi- ble. study and prayer by all, rather eties about those who previously “WATCH also supports the rec- than instant responses, and we voted the legislation down, but ommendation of the Group to leg- will comment further in due argues the proposals to be dis- tion before Synod for the first wide range of views.” islate on this issue through a course. However, as important as cussed in November were a ‘new time in November. The legislation itself is ‘shorter Bishops’ Declaration, not an Act the detail of the proposals them- angle’. It has been commended to the and crisper’, but does largely of Synod, and the wholehearted selves, will be the spirit in which Mr Fittall said this was Phase Houses by all but two members of depend on the trust of those with- endorsement of women’s min- they are received and taken for- Four of a long process, which the Steering group, the Rev Paul in the Church to respect the views istry in the five guiding princi- ward - a spirit of reconciliation began in 2000 with the Synod first Benfield, an Anglo-Catholic, and of those who cannot receive the ples,” they say in a press release. and trust, which we believe has debating the subject and the Mrs Susie Leafe, a Conservative ministry of women. The Independent Reviewer been growing this year, by the Rochester Report in 2004. Evangelical, who recorded A Reviewer, acting like an ‘interests’ the Group, recognising grace”. The second phase took the abstentions. ombudsmen, will be in place to the ‘issues and concerns’ of those The General Synod will meet in Synod to 2008, when the principle Mr Fittall said this proves the deal with any complaints about on all sides. London next month, 18 – 20 of women bishops was decided ability of the package to set out a appointments which parishes Anne Stevens, Vice Chair of November, and will spend on. way to ordain women to the epis- believe a bishop hasn’t acted in WATCH, said: “It’s good to see Wednesday discussing the draft From 2009 to the ‘way it ended, copate with a wider amount of accordance with the house of draft legislation that is so clear legislation. which you all remember’, brings support than has been seen previ- Bishops declaration promising and concise, and we look forward Members will also hear from the Synod to this place, Mr Fittall ously. protection. to a day of great national rejoicing the Board of Education on the said, speaking of Phase Four as He said:”This is an approach The independent reviewer can when women are finally made Church School of the Future, and the next step, and a positive one. based on principle rather than be contacted by anyone who bishops.” from the new Chair of the Busi- The Steering Committee, which rules, grace rather than law.” Mr believes their theological persua- She expressed her gratitude on ness Committee, the Revd Canon was larger than normal and was Fittall went on: “This is the first sion has not been considered in behalf of the group for the work of Sue Boys, who will move the composed of 10 members who time since the discussion of an appointment. the Steering Committee. Report. And Synod will also vote voted for women bishops in 2012 women bishops started in 2000 Bishops could therefore be dis- “The Bishops’ Declaration on the possibility of nominations and 5 who voted against, are that a complete package has been ciplined for violating the declara- offers people on all sides of the for the 2015 Synodical elections to bringing their proposed legisla- agreed by people with such a tion to this protection. debate a new opportunity to move be undertaken my email. JAMES CATFORD 7 • COMMENT 7 • LETTERS 8 • ANDREW CAREY 10 • CLERGY MOVES 14 • ALAN EDWARDS 15 • PAUL RICHARDSON 16 2 www.churchnewspaper.com Friday November 1, 2013 News Inside... J John to teach how to preach The original Church newspaper By Amaris Cole enthuse people with Christian values, and to own lectures, he also sneaked into other News . .1-4 help them with practical issues, such as how people’s, “because I wanted to learn more PREACHING IN England is bad, J John to be a good parent, spouse or employee. and study more”. Comment claims. “People are struggling with life,” he says. “Jesus spent 30 years preparing for three 9-a-day . .6 The famous evangelist spoke out ahead of The 20 minutes that church leaders have years of ministry, so we can at least spend Leader . .7 a preaching festival organised by St John’s to preach to a congregation is precious, and three years studying for our own ministry,” James Catford . .7 Theological College, as part of their 150- they need to make sure that people haven’t John believes. Letters . .8 year anniversary, saying that clergy are forgotten what the message was by Sunday As part of the Festival, being presented Hope 2014 . .9 missing a valuable opportunity. lunch, he goes on. under the title “God’s Word to the City”, a Church Army . .9 In an interview with The Church of Eng- The preacher realises that clergy today series of events are planned to take place at Andrew Carey . .10 land Newspaper, John said sermons needed have many pressures on them, but warns three Nottingham churches – St Nic’s, Cor- Whispering Gallery . .10 to be more accessible. that having too many stokes in the fire will nerstone and Trent Vineyard. The organis- Books . .11 “In the last 33 years I have gone up and just put the fire out. ing team also includes Talbot Street down the country: north, south, east, west, “If we don’t live by priorities, we live by Christian Centre. so you could say that I am a peripatetic min- pressure.” The Festival launches on Friday 15 ister. The preacher is returning to the Notting- November with an evening led by J John “I have probably engaged with more ham College where he studied himself. specifically for church leaders, both lay and churches than a lot of people in the Church “Even this morning as I walked in, I felt ordained, at Trent Vineyard. because of what I do, and while I would say quite choked because I am remembering He hopes that leaders will be reminded of there are lots and lots of positives, I don’t when I was here in 1978,” he said. things they already know but have forgot- think preaching is very good at all.” “I couldn’t get enough of it,” he added, ten, reinforce what they already know and Arts and Media . .11 John argues the job of a minister is to recalling how he not only attended all his will learn something new. Janey Lee Grace . .12 Crossword . .12 Danish queen marks Anglican parish restoration The Record Classifieds . .13 Queen Margrethe II of church, built with the memorial. CMS . .13 Denmark joined the Bish- assistance of Queen In his sermon Dr. Row- Clergy Moves . .14 op of Gibraltar in Europe, Alexandra, the consort of ell noted the generosity of Spiritual Director . .15 the Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Row- Edward VII and Princess the congregation in its Sunday Service . .15 ell in the re-dedication of of Denmark. The 20 Octo- support for the project Alan Edwards . .15 St. Albans Anglican ber celebration marked hoping those present Paul Richardson . .16 Church in Copenhagen the completion of repairs would "keep this forever People . .16 last week. In 2012 the to the church's victorian in the imagination of the Milestones . .16 church began a campaign stained glass windows and thoughts of the heart of Next week’s news . .16 to restore the 125 year old its Queen Alexandra thy people." Social justice must guide Christianity, Canadian crozier stolen Canterbury tells the Porvoo Churches By George Conger encrusted with semi-precious stones.
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