Weather I *.d temperature H. Sunny Todmy today wltk a high in the 70s. Qaar tonight with a low In the 24,825 Ms. Tomorrow tunny with a high {Red Bank Area J In the 70a. Sunday, moitly fair Copyright—Th« Red Bank Register,. Inc., 19B5. and a little warmer. DIAL 7414010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL 8R NO 49 U«uts duly. Itondu Uirou|B FTIdiy. Second elm Pomn FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1865 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Irwin Hits Howard on U.S. Grants FREEHOLD — Monmouth County Freeholder Director Jo- "I wonder if the congressman knows of our many firsts: with the result that the county had lost opportunities since 1961 The congressman, who had a leading role in floor manage- aeph C. Irwin disputed yesterday a statement by Rep. James First in vocational education, first in a county-wide sewer for federal grants. ment of the legislation, signed the letter to Mr. Irwin with one , J. Howard that the freeholders have yet to adopt an economic study, first with planning board activity, first in industrial pro- Mr. Irwin spoke after learning of the newspaper report of the pens President Johnson had used in signing the bill into development program to qualify for federal grants. motion, and first lowest in per capita costs for general county but before actually receiving Mr. Howard's letter. law. government." ~ In his letter, which explained Die new law.and offered as- "I want to make certain that our county ... is right up "I don't think he knows what he's talking about," said the sistance, Mr. Howard said: front in the receiving line," he wrote. Republican freeholder of the Democratic congressman. Mr. Irwin's verbal assault followed publication of a letter "Monmouth County does not now have a county-wide eco- Commented Mr. Irwin: "How does he think we qualified for federal assistance for from Mr. Howard to the freeholder director in relation to the nomic development program that was approved under the area '"Monmouth County is in the front line of so many things it aeawalls and bridges and highways -amounting to several mil- new Public Works and Economic Development Act which .development act.of 1961 even though it is still designated a re- would make his head swim." llons of dollars. makes $3.2 billion available. development area. The freeholder said the board is aware that a local com- "We know how to run the government of Monmouth County One county newspaper chose to say the congressman's "I suggest you consider undertakiner4kii g a county-wide develop- mittee Is to be appointed to oversee the program envisioned and I think the board of Freeholders is doing an excellent job. letter had accused the freeholders of failing to adopt a plan ment program . ." in the new act and said prompt action will be taken. Initial County Library Cost Exceeds Original Estimates By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON When the freeholders an- feet each, and would be simi- It was decided upon in June holders conferred with James W. FREEHOLD - Initial con- nounced a decision tbree months lar in cost. when the freeholders could not Mancuso, architect for a proposed struction plans for the first of ago to build two libraries in the Actually, the buildings the ar- agree on the location for a single new wing to the 10-year old Mon- two Monmou* County libraries next two yean, one in the coast- chitect plans would provide about building and were persuaded that mouth County Court House. were completed yesterday with al area and the other at Free- 23,000 square feet for the coastal there was sufficient public need Indications are, informed a cost estimate in excess of hold, Mr. Irwin had speculated region library, to be erected first for now, and would be in the sources said, that this building $650,000. This is between 20 and the. total construction cost would in the Eatontown-Shrewsbury near future, for two buildings. will cost in the neighborhood of 35 per cent above earlier specu- be between $600,000 and Jl mil- area, and 24,000 square feet for Cost of a central library had $2 million. lation by the Board of Freehold- lion. the Freehold "headquarters" li- been put at $600,000. Though it had been earmark- srs. It wai contemplated, he said, brary. • Conference Held ed in the county's capital build- Daniel Briggs, project director that the two buildings would be The two-library plan replaced In another county construction ing program for construction in for the architect, Howell Shea of equal size, about 25.000 square one for a central library. development yesterday, the free- (See LIBRARY, Page 3) Associates, Philadelphia, pre- sented drawings and the cost out- line at a special closed meeting of the Board of County Library Commissioners. Commissioners had expected to confer with the Board of Free- holders to get an okay on plans, and possibly to receive 'word of the site location. But such a con- MIDGE OPENING — Freeholder Director Joseph C Irwin, second from '-t, snip* ference didn't come off. Freeholder Director Joseph C. ribbon yesterday opaning -fha new $1.3 miltron Pleasure Bay Bridge. Shown alio, Ufr Irwin aaid the board did not FREEHOLD - Possibility of tnent of a $74,826 balance, plus tried in to right, art Freeholder Marcut Daly, Oetanporf; Mayor Edward C. Wilton, ST., and plan to meet with the commis- a speedy amicable end to litiga- started a suit to block Housing court and shown to be errone- acting long Branch Mayor Michael Celli. Bridge connects Long Branch and Ocean- sioners and that a heavy agenda tion, involving the Long Branch ous." of other business at a freehold- Housing Authority - and' City ance upon promises which have grounds of a "conflict of in- Two of the original plaintiffs port. • • ' "'..,. .. .v .•' 1 ; ers' conference prevented any Councilwomaiv Lucy J. Wilton not been ifulfilled." terest, ' in the "conflict" suit, Mrs. Mary lengthy discussion of the library evaporated here yesterday. Didn't Happen She said that the plan which Richards, and Emil Stalder, .have topic. Superior Court Judge .Herbert . It had been bis hope, he said, she had been asked to approve since withdrawn, leaving Fred Mr. Briggs had told newsmen Horn set .aside a ftwweek old that all aspects of the mutti- to • end the c«3e would have had Marra, chairman of the Civic two weeks ago that he wquld ..j-' .._^. .,., • .t, authority sided controversy would be Jth^'conflict tfjtoftfest" suit and Organization for Municipal Action have t report ready for county ' payment wound up at once and that Mr (COMA) to carry on. " • officials by yesterday. He said of $191,000 plus interest,: for order -had been predicted on the "I didn't believ*," the said, The Housing Authority, once thin tfiit hi ifttctld to be ad- three.properties taken from Mrs. belief, that this would occur. "that 1 would drop my suit with- named as a. defendant in the vised of the site so that, an ap- Wilson'and her husband, Harry tt didn't happen, Mrs. Wilson out receiving public apology, and suit, has joined Mr. Marra as plication for federal construction J. Wilson, in .1983. said later, because she refused also I believed that the charge. a plaintiff against the Wilsons. funds may be completed before He announced that his order to sign releases dropping a suit of 'conflict of Interest' against In Mrs. Wilson's counterclaim the deadline of Sept. IS. two. weeks ago scheduling psy-for damages, against three Long me, having received such wide for. damages to her reputation OCEANPORT — Freeholder Director Jo- Mayor Edward C. Wilson, Sr, represented and good name, she has named seph C, Irwin cut a ribbon yesterday, open- this borough at the ceremonies. He was ac- all three plaintiffs plus John ing the new $1.3 million Pleasure Bay span companied by Councilmen . Felix Foggia, Schulz, executive director of the to the public. Franklin Ingram and Clement V. Sommers. Housing Authority., Appearing with Mr. Irwin were the other Long Branch Mayor Vincent Mazza was Return to Court members of the county board and officials represented by Councilman Michael G. Celli. Judge Horn directed that the from Long Branch and this borough. He was accompanied by Councilmen Edgar N. Wilsons return to court $45,000 The bridge replaces the 70-year-old Dinkelspiel and Donald Phillips. P'easure Bay bridge, which was closed to which they received last week traffic last year due to its dilapidated condi- Also in attendance were former Freehold- under one part of his order. Mrs. er Abram D. Voorhees, the engineers, Morris, sion in Funds Probe Wilson said she had already tion. The first vehicle to cross the span after Donald and Herbert Goodkind and Robert, used that money to pay creditors HOLMDEL -All officers of dedication ceremonies was driven by William Richard and Herbert Bossert, construction secretary and business agent for —The local's petty cash ac-suspended. He has not actually (See WILSON, Page 2). contractors. Local 470 of the Printers Spe- the local, came expectation of count of $6,000, worked for Lily-Tulip,; he said, Dermont of 79 Maida Ter., Middietown. , cialty and Paper Products Union, vindication then. since elected to his post with the He was operating a vehicle owned by Mon- Each of the representatives congratulated Mr. Tufo stressed that the fig- which represents workers of Lily- Mr. Tufo asserted that an au- local, becoming a full-time em- mouth Workshop, Red Bank, and was en route the Freeholders on completion of the project ures are approximate, adding' No Register Tulip Cup Corp., have been sus- ^ the local's financial ac- ployee of it.
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