Visit us on the Web at http:/~.uiowa.edul-dlyic:MarV Tlll',d.l\', luh' l.i, l'Ni ' .~. ..' !i ;.,:' ·'.1.k I',. ..~ .• 1. ... '1;: 10\\.1 City's Mornin~ Ne\\sllolpl'r . : " :!'i( ., ~J..J 4' r ... I .. :... '\ .......~ • .I;;,r; ~j I l J · ~ theD! \\ \\ .11l111\.1.t ·tllI: dh ' "11 .' ......................................... Gable opts for year--Iong leave GABLE IS TIWLY Dan Gable's health and want to continue with that situation. I Moret Zalesky takes over. Page 10. Gable's can write books about losses like that.~ obsession with his team family reacts. Page 6. Thm Brands will move up a spot to become Zalesky's top assistant. Terry were key factors in his include an assortment of joint ail­ Brands will be the second assistant decision to take a year off. ments, were a mlljor factor in his deci­ and Lincoln Mcllravy will serve as the end sion to step down. He said he hopes to team's volunteer assistant. By James Kramer spend more time with his wife and four The announcement had been expect­ The Daily Iowan daughters. ed since last week when several aft.er he ended his colle. reports outlined Gable's plan for a Dan Gable's perfectionism brought But what may have pushed Gable won a World "ampl. past his threshold was the agony of year· long break from coaching. In 1971, and montiu him to unprecedented heights, but left Gable said his family supported his him with enough pain to drive him defeat. Early in his speech Monday, II tltI in th hi hJy-eompet. Gable listed a Dumber of Iowa decision, with the exception of his Tournam nt In th ovlet from coaching. youngest daughter, nine year-old And chances are, he won't be back. wrestlers who failed to win national titles. He said it has become more and Mackenzie, who wants to experience Gable, Iowa's wrestling coach for 21 Iowa wrestling like her older sisters. Brian RayfThe Daily Iowan seasons, announced his decision Mon· more difficult to handle frustration. "Those are young men that never Aside from himself, Gable said the Iowa wrestling coach Dan Gable gestures while day to take a one-year leave of absence. person who would best understand the After 15 NCAA titles and 21 Big Ten reached the pinnacle," Gable said, who announcing his plans to take a year off from the had a 355-21-5 dual record. "Stuff like plan would be his mother, Katie, who croWDS, the program will be turned died in 1994. wresding team Monday. Assistant coach Jim Zalesky, a over to assistant coach Jim Zalesky. that eats at me every day. former UI wrestler, was named acting head coach. Gable's health problems, which "It bothers me, and I'm not sure 1 See GABLE, Page 5 Fitly's 1011 down Tony BM (above) and Fitzpatrlck's lost Brad Lohaus and ActIve EndNvorslleplc-Kroeger Supreme Court Reallors , 99-88 In other action, Kent Summit Street fire McCausland and Imprinted Sportswear won thett first game since QPen ng nloht SIt sto­ ry, Pe111D. hears Shaw issue ., son County Attorney disqualified to The Iowa Supreme Court is present the matter of the death of Eric (lit' inItio! scheduled to hear arguments Shaw to the Johnson County grand jury," Johnston wrote in his statement in the Shaw case t9flay. to the court. Johnston could not be reached for By Scott Lester comment Monday because he was The Daily Iowan preparing for the case. The issue of who should present the Brammers said it is the authority of Eric Shaw shooting case to the 1997 the county attorney to call for a grand grand jury will make its way to the jury hearing, unless there is a conflict Iowa Supreme Court today. of interest, which some have said In a hearing scheduled for 9 a.m. in exists in Johnson County Attorney J. Des Moines, Iowa City attorney Joseph Patrick White's case. Johnston and "White has conflict of interests and Assistant Attor- should have ney General Brid- This" has little to do with the removed himself get Chambers • d th fE' Sha I' C h ··d will present their tragic ea 0 nc w. t S .rom t e case, S81 positions. Cham- on the issue ofJU' dges' authority. Osha Gray David- be behalf f son, a member of the Dr. G (1boYI) says the m IOns 0\ re, on 0 Bob Brammlrs Committee for Jus- the state, will spokesperson for the tice and Account- people WIIO 11M turned 'lNl'I from lap water argue that Judge ffl ate oMnQ up I primaIy source 01 fluoride - Miranda MeyerfThe Daily Iowan William Eads Attorney General's 0 ce ability in the Death th. public· health $~stem's main weapon The garage behind 910 S. Summit st. caught fire early Monday morning destroying it com­ overstepped his "Of Eric Shaw aQaIt\St IooIfI decay, Grimes tells his patients pletely along with the mini van and motorcycle inside. The total damage is estimated at authority when (CJADES). "He said bottltd r Is probably OK for grownups. $20,000. he ordered the grand jury to hear the already he has made up his mind, now ·But 1I1Iley'" into g 'ng their kids bottled about Shaw case. he says he can be impartial - that's • rd dISCOUrage Ihtm." "dory, ... 3. The state's argument is on legal ludicrous." points of the authority of the court, the White previously recommended that grand jury and the prosecution, said the 1996 grand jury Dot investigate the Fireman injured, garage, Bob Brammers, spokesperson for the Shaw case. White has since modified Attorney General's office. his position, Brammers said, and "This has little to do with the tragic believes the Shaw case should be vehicles damaged in blcize death of Eric Shaw," Brammers said. heard by the next grand jury. "It's OD the issue of judges' authority." White would not comment on today's while extinguishing the fire. Brammers said the state will argue case and said the the purpose of the A fire By Jenn Snyder that Eads exceeded his authority in three Supreme Court hearing is to look at The Daily Iowan Neighbor Jeanne Thompson, who Monday has a shed just feet from the burned ways: directing the grand jury to investi- the legality of Judge Eads' decision. Neighbors say a smoldering ciga· garage, had little property damage. gate, disqualifying the county attorney Eric Shaw was shot by Iowa City caused rette may have caused an early- She said she owes her good fortune and appointing a special prosecutor. Police Officer Jeffrey Gillaspie on Aug. morning garage fire that injured one to the direction of the wind. The red Johnston will argue that Eads' order 30 while talking on the phone at his $20,000 of firefighter and left several vehicles glow of the fire woke her up early was appropriate. father's business, Iowa Vending, 1132 damage and landscaping " Monday morn- "The court correctly found the John- See SHAW HfARlNG, Page 5 and ecorched Monday. ing. At around 4 It __11..1....._L-. "It was really •••.•••••.•••...•..•.••.•..............................................•........•..grrmdjury injured a .m., fire con- was I~y ..~y. freaky," Thomp- surned the garage J~ann8 Tho~psOn son said. AprIl 1: Eads one fire­ behind 910 S. Summit Street neighbor Another neigh- TIMELINE Oct. 3: Johnson County Attorney J. Patrick names Joseph White recommended that the 1996 grand Johnston to be mcutlOllw fighter. Summit St., dam- , bor, who wished [ Bulldlnl aging neighbors' , to remain anony- rjury not investigate the Shaw case. special prosecutor. vehicles and landscaping. The garage mous, said she was worried about her August. 1996 October March,1997 SOX C Ilu caused evacuation of the W8.1 completely destroyed along with home during the blaze, but fire om­ ite EnglllMl1no 8 ildlng lor approximately two its contents, which included a 1987 cials were on the scene before the fire August 30: Eric ---1 March 3,1997: Judge ~ Mln:h 7: Eads hoUri Monda~ . Chevy mini-van and a motorcycle. could spread. None of her vehicles Shaw was shot Wlillam Eads Intervened received the UI ,,"lor Ken Kaufman was mixing IIMc Neighbol'8' vehicles had melted tail- were damaged. and killed by and called for the Shaw Lapplication tor d Royals acid nd IcohoIloo quICkly nd In too hgh lights from the severe heat. Iowa City Fire Department officials Iowa City Pollee case to go to the 1997 order to empan- of concentrabon n the fumes lormed, Firefighter Crovln Justice was estimate the damage at about Officer Jeffrey grand jury with a special el the grand jury. Iowa C RrI Department CaplJln Jerry treated and released at Mercy Hospi- $20,000. Greer said the cause of the Gillaspie. prosecutor to present the BlWIIId tals for beat exhaustion. Fire investi- fire is und'etermined because of facts. rd 12th Kau!mao ed Public _ around 6 p.m. gator Brian Greer said heat elthaus· severe destruction at the scene of the • lflii ICFD !rut well diSpatChed to the scene tion often occurs when a rU'efighter blaze. The pro pert)! owners were • B iO Incident was mnor, but the becomes overheated or dehydrated unavailable for comment. S In a row ICFD w forced to b .wIndow to the room In order to vent the fumes Antique dealers shed .:~:: Replac ng lht window could co I up to $50(). bullh. window Is under warran~ , Blank 1IkI . light on lamp fraud "' • (1<1 n) took the PIlCaUtlon 10 call City High student dies in car accident Public Solftty,· Id Professor Dave Reth­ Lindsay By Will Valet "It's n~t the way things should be, to Cora/ville residents both counts.
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