WEDNESDAY; JUNE 17, 1970 PAGE FORTY jRanrljp0tpr lEitytitng Most Manchester Stores Ppen Tonight Vhtit 9 O^Clock A- The two Masonic Lodges will Jaycee of the Year honors Tolland County Twin Mothers Committee Seeks Ways Aboiit Town Join for breakfast and church went to Curtis G. (Kltl fjognn. Club will meet tonight at 8:16 ■service June 21, which Is St. 033B Center St., at the An- at United Congregational Average Dally Net Presa Run Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Jones DR. JOHN Y CRECAN John's Sunday. Manchester nual Installation Banquet of the -Church in Tolland. Mrs. Alice for The Week Bnded The Weather To Improve Budp^et Form of 115 Main St. were guests of Ixidge of Masons is host for the Greater Ha'rtford Jaycees, Mop of the Community Child June 13, 1070 Showers, thunderstorms, con­ honor at a 60th wedding anni­ 7:30 breakfast. TTie lodges will June 6. The Connecticut Jay- Guidance Clinic will speak on Natureopathi^^^ysician tinuing Into forenoon Friday, A. cltl*ens committee appoint- the amount of niftijey, to re- versary party Sunday at the attend the 9 a.m. service at cccs Three Outstanding Young parent-child relations of twins. strong, gusty winds likely. To­ ed by Town Manager Robert qu^t from the town home of their daughter and Emanuel Lutheran Church. Men Banquet, chaired by Logan, For further Information on the night's low 65 to 70. Tomorrow’s son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 15,840 Welsa has undertaken to make The functional budget system Those members not attending was also named Conjmlttee of club contact M^rs. Marshall El- Has Moved His To high In 80s. is "tied to the purpose of the Charles Robinson of 4 Eleanor brcakfnst are asked to meet the Year. Lo)S;an has been a mer or Mrs. Thomas Hall, both Manchester— City of Village Charm the town budget easier to un­ C-DAP agency,” Town Man­ Dr., Vernon. Their granddaugh­ in front of the church at 8:45 member' of the Greater Hart- of Tolland. 53 SCHALLER ROA^x derstand. The committee met ager Weiss said, "because its al­ ter and her husband, *Mr. and a.m. ford Jaycees since July, 1909 ___ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 220 for the first time’Monday night lows for long range planning." Mrs. Jerry Lee of Troutvllle. ----- and has ser\’cd on many of its MANCHESTER. CONN.' (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1970 (Glasslfled Advertising osi Page S5) PRICE TEN CENH and decided to attack the prob­ Dr. Sullivan strongly favored Vn., were among the guests. Marine I-ance Cpl. Peter J. committees. Jehovah's Witnesses will hold the concept which he termed group discussions of a Bible aid lem in two ways. Oshewski, son of Mr. and Mrs. "innovative.” It would help The commlsslon.s on member­ Joseph J. Oshewski of 101 Oliver Miss Mary-Burton Miller of tonight at 7:30 at 18 Chambers Telephone 643-4850 leirst, the budget could be avoid "across the board slash­ ship, evangelism and missions Rd., was promoted to his pres­ 62 Duval St. was honored re- St., 281 Woodbrldge St., 726 N. simplified . with mechanical es" that might hurt a good of South United Methodist ent rank while serving with the cently for her 150 hours of vol- Main St., lal in Manchester; BY APPOINTMENT ONLY changes in the format, the type program in a department, the Church will meet tonight at 7:30 Flrst Marine Division id Viet- untary service at the Newlng- and 144 Griffin Rd., In South Voting Age Bill Puts of printing, ^nd the size of paper university of Hartford econo- at the church. nam. , ton Children's Hospital Wlndaor. ITT Merger Effective mist said. * Secondly, the committee de- The committee was enthu- Cong Cut Major Roads Pressure on Nixon NEW YORK (AP) — International Telephone and Tele­ clded to study a new approach siastic about the idea and de- graph Corp. announced today that Its acquleltllon of Hartford called a functional program cided to get more Infdrmation WASHINGTON (AP) — A him under the same pressure Fire Insurance Co. is effective. \ budget. The new system would about it. The group agreed that bold bit of strategy by Senate that» Mansfield's strategy ap­ The exchange of stock will produce the largest corporate make far-reaching changes in the town could use both sys- Democratic Licader Mike Mans­ plied to the House -accept the merger In U.S. history. the present item by item de­ terns together at the same time field has helped Congress pass a bill on both counts or risk fur­ partment budget. until the functional budget is generatlon'gap-brldglng bill that More than 96 per cent of the outstanding common stock of ther alienation of the ' nation’s Hartford Fire has been voluntarily t'ehdered, ITT said. Under The committee members sug­ better understood. lowers the voting age to 18. youth and Its blacks. To Cambodian Capital the terms of the agreement, only 80 per cent was needed to gested a number of ideas to im­ The committee members also If the provision becomes law Nixon has said he supports prove the format so that the felt that the Board of Educa­ ALL THESE WAYS TO A make the merger effective. The exchange involves about and is upheld by the coprts, it the 18-ye.ar-old vote, but only $1.5 billion In Hartford Fire stock. ^ Board of Directors could find tion would not be included at would add an estimated 10 mil­ though a constitutional amend­ PHNOM PENH, Cam­ ITT’s offer of one share of ITT cumulative preferred stock needed Information quickly and first because that board uses lion youths between 18 and 21 to ment, not by nstmple act of bodia (AP) — Enemy easily. The committee was ap- money for its programs from a those eligible to vote In federal, for each share of Hartford Fire common had been scheduled to Congress. He also has opposed expire Wednesday, but has been extended to June 29. troops severed two more pointed last month to recom- lump sum approved by the state and local primary and extending the 1965 Voting Rights mend changes after the Board Board of Directors, “ Additional shares are still being received and accepted un­ major highways out of general elections. Act, which applies mainly to repeatedly complained that the Weiss added, though, that'^he der the offer,” said the ITT statement. Phnom Penh today, cut­ seven Southern states, on budget was confusing. felt the Board of Education By a 272-132 vote the House However, ITT and Hartford Fire still face a contempt of ting traffic between the grounds It Is regional legisla­ '^ e group agreed that as would be included eventually be- Wednesday accepted the 18- court hearing next Tuesday In connection with an attempt by threatened capital and ^ i - tion. mvich ^information as possible ®*iuse so many programs under dress or sport shirts year-old vote provision as part consumer crusader Ralph Nader to block the merger. gon and isolating a large of a Senate-passed bill that al.so At the end of Wednesday’s shouliiliji be on one page, and that the city budget have an educa­ Cambodian force at the continues the 1965 Voting Rights brief but emotional debate. Nader maintains that the companies should be held In con­ all thbhb figures for town depart­ tional impact. tempt of court for proceeding with the merger while his suit military headquarters Act for five more years. House GOP Leader Gerald R. ment should be In the same Those present Monday night was pending In Superior Court In Hartford. town of Kampong Cham. elected Robert Filler as chair­ House approval sent the pack­ Ford spoke of Nixon’s past op­ place. Nader claims the merger is not In the best interest of Hart­ Highway 1, leading to Saigon, man and Robert Franklin as 2 for $5 age to President Nixon, putting position and raised the possibili­ The budget would be easier to 2.59 ty the President might let the ford Fire stockholders and that State Insurance Commissioner was cut by Viet Cong and North secretary of the committee. understand also, the group de­ bill become law without signing William R. Cotter acted Illegally In approving It. Vietnamese troops about 38 cided, It lists of figures and ex­ Other committee members in­ It. There had been earlier spec­ miles south of Phnom Penh, planations of the figures _were clude Thomsa Ferguson, Wil­ Take year's off Dad's appearance with a said travelers who tried to use liam Sleith, Beldon Schaffer, ulation of a veto. on facing pages. The present wordrobe of young "now" dress shirts like Congressmen the road. and Walter Moriisey. these. Permanent press Dacron-cotton fabrics, Civil rights groups were budget uses only one side of Potentially more aerlous was in r^ew collar styling, bright solid colors, alarmed when the Senate, at a page. the cutoff on a second highway bold striped effects—seen everywhere on Mansfield’s insistence, tied the Other suggestions 'were that In State Back near Skoun, 88 miles northeast style-conscious men. Blue, golds, browns. 18-year-oId voting proposal to Britons Go to Polls two books be printed with cross Size s 1 4 H to 17. of the capital. This Is the only P A N D A Sets the bill extending the Voting references or that sections of LONDON (AP) — In clear, lesser parties ranging from the land route to the provincial and Rights Act.
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