UNITHD BANK OF INDIA STRESSED ASSET MANAGEMENT BRANCH No.40, 1St floor, Geetha Mansion, Bangalore-560009, Ph-080-22343326, 22343671. E=_Auction Sale Notice (Terms and conditions) SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY MORTGAGED T0 THH BANK UNDER THE SECURITISATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST ACT, 2002. In exercise of powers under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 and security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 and pursuant to the possession of secured assets of the borrower taken by the Authorised officer for recovery of the secured debts of Rs.31,86,108/-as on 31.10.2019 with further interest and expenses and other charges, the Bank acting through the Authorized Officer has decided to put up for e-auction the mortgaged property on "AS IS W]HERE IS AND AS IS WHATEVER IS BASIS". The details of the secured assets/immovable properties mo a e 0a)Nameofthert Borrower andoutstandingduesforrecoveryofwhichpropertyisbeingsold.b)Dateofdemandnotice.c)Dateofpossessionnotice.d)Claimamountasperdemandnotice. dt thebankfortherecove ofsecureddebtsisasunder: Location & details of the property ,ReservePrice(Rs.) forB-Schedulepropertyonly. EMD(Rs.) for a-Schedulepropertyonly. a) i) Mr.Rohan Rana,S/O-Mr.Madhusudan Rana, Particulars of the mort a ed ro erties Schedule-A No-5, 2nd Floor,loth Cross, All the piece and parcel of the property Ejipura, Bangalore~ 560047.ii)Mrs.L.K.MarinaRongmei,No-5,2ndFloor, lothbearing converted land in SY no.5/4 (formerly portion of a converted land baring survey no. 5/4 of Devarachikkanahalli village, Begur Cross, Ejipura, Bangalore-560047. hobli, Bangalore south taluk, vide conversion certificate Bearing official memorandum Rs.31,86,108/- as on31.10.2019 No.BDS.ALN.SR.(S)401/2002-03 dated 04-07-2003 issued by special DC Bangalore district, Bangalore) situated b) 04.07.2017c)05.05.2018d)Rs.25,97,382/-I1 Devarachikkanahalli, Begur, Bangalore presently with in the revenue administrative jurisdiction of BBMP, Bommanahalli zone having katha bearing no.643/629/5/4, measuring 32 guntas (34,848 square feet) along with an approach private road measuring 30 feet wide from West to east and including all rights, privileges and 'appurtenances there to and bounded froforfug¥=%&Ga On: Easte by: Gundu Thopu West by: remaining land in No.5/4, road and private property. North by: private layout and road South by: Patel Appama Reddy private Schedulap All¥=f the piece and parcel of flat no.424 Rs.18,25,000/-Rs.1,82,500/- in 4th floor having super built up area of 854 square feet with an undivided share of 193 square feet with right title and interest in the land and th; one hall , one kitchen, two bed rooms, 2 toilets come bathroom with 1 car parking in the stilth floor being part of apartment building known as Prabavathi heaven on schedule A with RCC framed structure, concrete block masony, main door teak frame and steam breach., veneered flush and room doors Salwood with water proof flush attached, power coated aluminum windows with glass and safety grill, Ceramic flooring etc and bounded on: East by: corridor West by: flat no.423 North by: private property South by: garden. Property in the name of Mr. Rohan Rana & Mrs.Marina Rongmei. Bid Multiplier. )Rs.10,0oo,- Inspection of the Property 07.12.2019, 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM Last date for submission of online application for Bid 13.12.2019, till 4.00 PM with EMD hims&Conditio±EL *GST applicable as per Govt rule 1. e-Auction will take place on 16.12.2019, at 11.30 AM to I.30 PM with unlimited extension of 5 minutes each. i supervision of the Authorized officer of the Bank. 3. e-Auction Tender Document containing online e-Auction bid form, Declaration, general terms and conditions of online auction sale are available in the portal of M/S.CI India Pvt.Ltd„ service provider. Intending participants may dounload relevant documents from the website www.bankeauctions.com or may get in touch with the Service Provider CI India Pvt.Ltd, contact No.7291981124/25/26 or 9900711744, e-mail: kamataka@cl india.com. 4. For participating in e-auction sale, the intending bidders should register their details with the Service Provider CI India Pvt.Ltd, well in advance and get the User ID and password. Only the password may bechangedonreceivingit.Intendingbiddersshallholdavalide-mailaddress. 5. Bid form along with EMD shall be submitted to, United Bank of India, Stressed Asset Management Branch, on or before the last date mentioned above. The Bid Form and EMD received late for any reason whatsoever will not be entertained. Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders withoutassigninganyreasonwhatsoever.BidForm,TermsandConditionofSalecant)eobtainedfrom the Bank also. 6. The EMD shall also be remitted through NEFTRTGS in to the credit of A/c No.18320125001020 of STRESSEI) ASSET MANAGEMENT BRANCH, No.40, Geetha Mansion, lst floor, Bangalore- 560009, IFSC Code UTBI0A88875 or through DD/PO drawn in favour of United Bank of India, payable at Bangalore. 7. Bid form without EMD shall be rejected sumlnarily. 8. Online auction will start automatically on and at the time mentioned above. 9. Auctionthidding will be only online bidding through the portal provided by CI India Pvt.Ltd, Service providers. 10.Thepropertywillnotbesoldbelowthereserveprice.Thepropertyshallbesoldtothehighestbidder. The successful bidder shall deposit 25% of sale price irrmediately less EMD or not later than the next workingdayandthebalanceamountofsalepriceof75%tobepaidonorbeforethefifteenthdayof confirmation of sale or such extended period (as may be agreed upon in writing between the purchaser and the secured creditor, in any case not exceeding three months). 11. The successful bidder shall have to deposit 25% of the bid/sale amount less EMD i-ediately or not later than the next working day through NEFTflITGsroD/PO to the following Account No. 18320125001020. The successful bidder shall have to deposit balance 75% of the bid amount through NEFTnITGSDD/PO to the above account. 12. In case of default in payment of sale price or any pat thereof within the period(s) mentioned herein above,theEMDand/orinitialdeposit(s)asthecasemaybe,shallbeforfeitedandthepropertyshallbe sold again through auction. The highest bidder / successful purchaser will have no right on the said property. 13.Thesalecertificatewillbeissuedinfavourofthepurchaser(asperBidform)only,afterpaymentof entire sale price amount. 14.Thepropertyisbeingsoldas"ASISWHEREISANDASISWHATEVERISBASIS".Thepurchaser shouldmaketheirouninquiriesregardinganystatutoryliabilities,arrearsofpropertytax,claimsetc.by themselves before making the bid. 15.The highest bidder in the e-auction immediately on closure of auction process should submit/send the final price qToted by him by email to United Bank of India. The highest bidder should also send a conflrmation email to service provider after getting the email from "Cl" team of service provider after completion of auction, for getting declared as highest bidder in the auction. 16. The Authorized Officer is not bound to accept the highest bid or any or all bids and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids or cancel, postpone the e-auction without assigning any reason thereof. 17. The successful purchaser would bear all the charges/fees/expenses payable for conveyance such as stamp duty, additional stamp duty, registration fee etc. as applicable as per laws of Government of India and State of Kamataka and other Authorities. 18. All statutory/non statutory dues, taxes, rates, assessments, charges, fees etc. owing to anybody will be the responsibility of the buyer only. 19. All persons participating in the e-auction should submit his/their sufflcient and acceptable proof of his/their identity, residence and authority and also copy of PAN/TAN cards etc. The bidders shall upload scamed copies of PAN card and proof of residential address, while submitting the e-tender. The bidders other than individuals shall also upload proper mandate for e-bidding. 20. The publication of 30 days' notice as required under Rule 8(6) & 6(2) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the above borrower/guarantors was made on 10.12.2018. This sale notice is a fifth sale notice hence a notice of rifteen days is given as per the requirement of the SARFAESI Rules. 21. Neither UBI nor Service provider will be responsible for any lapses/failure on the part of the bidder, in such cases. To ward off such contingent situations, bidders are requested to make all necessary arrangements/ alternatives such as back-up power supply whatever required. For further details regarding inspection of the property/e-auction, the intending bidders may contact the Branch Head, STRESSED ASSET MANAGEMENT BRANCH, No.40, Geetha Mansion,1St floor, Bangalore- 560009, Ph-080-22343326, 22343671. Place: Bangalore unltfflRlit\HRliRlmHnlEra Date: 29.11.2019 United Bank of India.
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