ColdCold PressedPressed Canola:Canola: AA BiodieselBiodiesel OptionOption PaulPaul PorterPorter && DerekDerek CromptonCrompton [email protected] & [email protected] DepartmentDepartment ofof AgronomyAgronomy && PlantPlant GeneticsGenetics 2008 North Central RC&D Conference – March 11, 2008 ‘Recharging RC&Ds through Renewable Energy’ Rochester MN OnOn--farmfarm crushingcrushing ofof oilseedoilseed cropscrops && utilizingutilizing thethe oiloil andand mealmeal OutlineOutline 1. CrushingCrushing oilseedsoilseeds forfor oiloil && mealmeal (industrial(industrial vs.vs. onon--farmfarm )) 2. OnOn--farmfarm oilseedoilseed pressespresses (expellers)(expellers) 3. TheThe oiloil 4. BiodieselBiodiesel fromfrom oiloil 5. TheThe mealmeal 6. IssuesIssues OilseedOilseed CropsCrops SoybeanSoybean CanolaCanola SunflowerSunflower %% oiloil inin seedseed 20%20% 40%40% 40%40% %% mealmeal inin seedseed 80%80% 60%60% 60%60% IndustrialIndustrial scalescale oilseedoilseed processing:processing: OilseedOilseed Oilseed Press Expeller OilOil MealMeal (w/ oil) Solvent Extraction MealMeal OnOn--farmfarm oilseedoilseed processing:processing: OilseedOilseed Oilseed Press Expeller OilOil MealMeal (w/ oil) Solvent Extraction MealMeal OilseedOilseed SeedSeed Oilseed Press OilOil MealMeal Biodiesel Processor UtilizeUtilize BiodieselBiodiesel FeedFeed EnergyEnergy OilOil LivestockLivestock SourceSource OnOn--farmfarm oilseedoilseed presses:presses: KometKomet 1,1, 22 oror 44 screwscrew presspress (OEKOTEC)(OEKOTEC) GermanyGermany KernKern KraftKraft GermanyGermany TäbyTäby PressPress SwedenSweden ChineseChinese ChinaChina GoyumGoyum IndiaIndia KOMETKOMET ScrewScrew OilOil ExpellerExpeller DD85GDD85G--D85D85--1G1G AA TwoTwo ScrewScrew Press.Press. OEKOTECOEKOTEC IBGIBG MonfortsMonforts –– GermanyGermany KernKraftKernKraft TäbyTäby PressPress ChineseChinese PressPress CanolaCanola generalitiesgeneralities andand assumptions:assumptions: 11 bubu == 5050 lbs.lbs. AssumeAssume aa yieldyield ofof 2020 bubu/ac/ac oror 1,0001,000 lbs/ac.lbs/ac. TheThe twotwo--screwscrew KometKomet presspress cancan processprocess aboutabout 1,0001,000 lbslbs ofof seedseed (or ~1 ac) perper day.day. CanolaCanola seedseed containscontains ~~ 40%40% oil,oil, andand thethe presspress cancan extractextract aboutabout 75%75% ofof thatthat oil.oil. CanolaCanola oiloil andand mealmeal productionproduction perper day:day: 1,0001,000 lbslbs ofof canolacanola pressedpressed perper day.day. 700700 lbslbs ofof canolacanola meal.meal. 300300 lbslbs ofof canolacanola oil.oil. [1,000 lbs * .40 (%oil) * .75 (%efficiency) =] 300300 lbslbs ofof canolacanola oiloil [300 lbs * 7.5gal/lbs =] oror 4040 gallonsgallons ofof biodieselbiodiesel (half as much soybean biodiesel) KimKim OddenOdden in Wisconsin Seed Auger (fall 2006) Seed Hopper PVC Downspouts Gutter for oil Oilseed Press Meal Auger Oil Tank 350 gallons Meal Tank 150 gallons KraigKraig LeeLee –– Wannaska,Wannaska, MNMN TonyTony && Erik,Erik, summersummer 20072007 KraigKraig LeeLee –– Wannaska,Wannaska, MNMN OilOil settlingsettling totestotes UMCUMC –– Crookston,Crookston, JanuaryJanuary 20082008 KOMETKOMET ScrewScrew OilOil ExpellerExpeller DD85GDD85G--D85D85--1G1G SeedSeed ScrewScrew MealMeal (or Press Cake) OilOil PressPress ControlControl Parameters:Parameters: 1. VariableVariable speedspeed controlcontrol 2. SelectionSelection ofof thethe presspress screwscrew 3. TemperatureTemperature ofof presspress headhead 4. SelectionSelection ofof mealmeal nozzlenozzle sizesize TwoTwo screwscrew oilseedoilseed presspress capacity:capacity: TheThe amountamount ofof seedseed processedprocessed inin aa dayday isis dependentdependent onon volumevolume andand testtest weight,weight, notnot seedseed size.size. TheThe drierdrier thethe inputinput material,material, thethe higherhigher thethe extractionextraction capacitycapacity ofof thethe machine.machine. OilseedOilseed SeedSeed Oilseed Press OilOil MealMeal Biodiesel Processor UtilizeUtilize BiodieselBiodiesel FeedFeed EnergyEnergy OilOil LivestockLivestock SourceSource OilseedOilseed oiloil =>=> crudecrude vegetablevegetable oiloil oror straightstraight vegetablevegetable oiloil (SVO):(SVO): 11.. SellSell it:it: a.a. ForFor humanhuman consumption.consumption. b.b. ForFor conversionconversion toto biodiesel.biodiesel. (contract manufacturing of biodiesel) 22.. UseUse itit directly.directly. 33.. MakeMake biodieselbiodiesel fromfrom it.it. OilseedOilseed oiloil =>=> Filter oil !!! 22.. UseUse itit directly.directly. a.a. BurnBurn itit asas aa replacementreplacement forfor heatingheating fuelfuel (fuel(fuel oil).oil). b.b. UseUse itit inin aa dieseldiesel engine.engine. c.c. UseUse itit inin aa ‘modified’‘modified’ dieseldiesel engine.engine. FilteredFiltered oilseedoilseed oiloil asas anan energyenergy source:source: OilOil burners:burners: KingBuiltKingBuilt (Eau(Eau Claire,Claire, WI)WI) www.KingBuilt.comwww.KingBuilt.com Filter oil !!! FilteredFiltered oiloil fuelingfueling dieseldiesel enginesengines withwith aa twotwo tanktank system:system: -- HeatHeat upup engineengine (with(with dieseldiesel oror biodiesel)biodiesel) -- ThenThen startstart usingusing filteredfiltered crudecrude oiloil -- BeforeBefore turningturning offoff engine,engine, useuse dieseldiesel Filter oil !!! FilteredFiltered oilseedoilseed oiloil directlydirectly fuelingfueling specialspecial tractors:tractors: DeutzDeutz tractorstractors Deutz – which already manufactures engines specially designed for operation with 100% RME biodiesel – simplifies farmer fuel requirements still further with its “Natural Fuel Engines” fully guaranteed for fuelling with crude, unprocessed vegetable oil. Certain Deutz Fahr tractors and a new Fendt model will be launched with the pioneer engines which range from 80hp to 330hp. Filter oil !!! http://www.gminsidenews.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55897 BeBe AwareAware:: TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof MinnesotaMinnesota CenterCenter forfor DieselDiesel ResearchResearch IsIs veryvery criticalcritical andand skepticalskeptical ofof directlydirectly usingusing oilseedoilseed oiloil inin dieseldiesel engines.engines. “Many“Many researchresearch studiesstudies havehave shownshown itit justjust doesn’tdoesn’t work.”work.” FuelMeisterII Dual biodiesel processor system Makes biodiesel from SVO or WVO. Makes Azure Biodiesel 40 gallons Company per batch. Sully, Iowa MakingMaking biodieselbiodiesel fromfrom vegetablevegetable oil:oil: ((transesterificationtransesterification reactionreaction ofof vegetablevegetable oil)oil) Vegetable Oil + Methanol Æ Biodiesel + Glycerol (catalyst) ~40 gallons + ~8 gallons Æ ~40 gallons + ~8 gallons (2 lbs KOH) Triglyceride + 3 Methanol Æ 3 Methyl Esters + Glycerol (catalyst) The volume of biodiesel produced will be about equal to the input volume of vegetable oil. The catalyst is not consumed in the reaction, and is removed in the glycerol and wash water. TransesterificationTransesterification reactionreaction ofof vegetablevegetable oil:oil: Triglyceride + 3Methanol Æ 3Methyl Esters + Glycerol (catalyst) O O || || CH2-O-C-R1 CH3-O-C-R1 | | O O CH2-OH | || || | CH2-O-C-R2 + 3 CH3OH Æ CH3-O-C-R2 + CH - OH | (KOH) | | O O CH2-OH | || || CH2-O-C-R3 CH3-O-C-R3 ComparisonComparison ofof fuelfuel propertiesproperties Oil Viscosity Cloud Cetane Heat Weight Heat point number energy density energy (cS) (oF) (BTU/lb) (lb/gal) (BTU/gal) Soybean 35 24 38 17,035 7.6 129,500 Soy ester 5 34 45 17,260 7.7 132,900 Sunflower 33 23 37 17,035 7.6 129,500 Sunflower ester 5 34 49 16,366 7.3 119,500 Canola 37 25 37 17,072 7.6 129,700 Canola ester 6 50 54 17,390 7.2 125,200 Crambe 54 50 44 17,404 7.5 130,500 #2 Diesel 3 5 47 19,494 7.1 138,400 http://extension.missouri.edu/explore/agguides/agengin/g01990.htm Canola Meal (AURI) 9,667 BiodieselBiodiesel Issues:Issues: QualityQuality controlcontrol && ASTMASTM D6751D6751 standardsstandards SafetySafety –– handlinghandling ofof methanolmethanol andand KOHKOH EnvironmentalEnvironmental issuesissues –– wastewaste water,water, emissionsemissions GlycerolGlycerol glutglut –– whatwhat toto dodo withwith itit EconomicsEconomics && EconomyEconomy ofof scalescale BiodieselBiodiesel standardsstandards AmericanAmerican SocietySociety ofof TestingTesting andand MaterialsMaterials ASTMASTM DD 67516751 InternationalInternational standards:standards: ENEN 1421414214 (describes(describes thethe minimumminimum requirementsrequirements forfor biodieselbiodiesel thatthat hashas beenbeen producedproduced fromfrom canolacanola (rapeseed)(rapeseed) fuelfuel stockstock (also known as R.M.E. or rapeseed methyl esters) (See wikipedia for actual standards.) BiodieselBiodiesel standardsstandards TheThe standardsstandards ensureensure thesethese importantimportant factorsfactors inin thethe fuelfuel productionproduction processprocess areare satisfied:satisfied: CompleteComplete reaction.reaction. RemovalRemoval ofof glycerol.glycerol. RemovalRemoval ofof catalyst.catalyst. RemovalRemoval ofof alcohol.alcohol. AbsenceAbsence ofof freefree fattyfatty acids.acids. LowLow sulfursulfur content.content. OilseedOilseed mealmeal OilseedOilseed mealmeal isis NOTNOT allall thethe same:same: ‘Pressed’‘Pressed’ oilseedoilseed mealmeal hashas moremore oiloil thanthan ‘solvent‘solvent extracted’extracted’ oilseedoilseed meal.meal. ‘‘Pressed’Pressed’ oilseedoilseed mealmeal hashas moremore energyenergy thanthan ‘solvent‘solvent extracted’extracted’ oilseedoilseed meal.meal. ‘‘Pressed’Pressed’ oilseedoilseed mealmeal hashas moremore valuevalue thanthan ‘solvent‘solvent extracted’extracted’ oilseedoilseed
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