USOO9588123B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,588,123 B2 Lundquist (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 7, 2017 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR IN Al-Okab, R.A., et al., (2008) New electrophilic coupling reagents VTRO DAGNOSTIC TESTS INCLUDING for spectrophotometric determination of residual chlorine in drink ZWITTERONIC SOLUBLIZATION ing water and environmental samples in micellar medium of REAGENT cetylpyridinium chloride, Journal of Molecular Liquids 137: 110 115. Andrews, P.C., and Krinsky, N.I. (1982) Quantitative determination (71) Applicant: SurModics IVD, Inc., Eden Prairie, of myeloperoxidase using tetramethylbenzidine as substrate. Anal MN (US) Biochem. 127:346-350. Bos, E.S., et al. (1981) 3.3".5.5"—Tetramethylbenzidine as an Ames (72) Inventor: Sean Lundquist, Chaska, MN (US) test negative chromogen for horse-radish peroxidase in enzyme immunoassay. J. Immunoassay. 2: 187-204. (73) Assignee: SURMODICS IVD, INC., Eden Frey, A., et al. 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A composition for a 4,778,757 A 10, 1988 Teshima et al. colorimetric assay can be prepared that includes an aromatic 2004/02196.20 A1 11/2004 Mayer amine chromogenic Substrate and a Zwitterionic solubiliza tion reagent that is N.N.N-trimethylglycine (betaine). The FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Zwitterionic Solubilization reagent is highly useful as a EP 1 213 358 6, 2002 non-encapsulating solubilization reagent and provided faster JP 2012-100654 5, 2012 kinetics and increased dye content of an aromatic amine WO WO-2011121305 A2 * 10, 2011 ............... A61K 9/08 chromogenic Substrate in an enzymatic reaction. In turn, this can result in improvements in detection of an analyte in a OTHER PUBLICATIONS sample and also can increase the sample throughput. The aromatic amine chromogenic substrate and N.N.N-trimeth Volpe et al., “3.3',5,5'-Tetramethylbenzidine as electrochemical ylglycine solubilization reagent can be used in assays Such Substrate for horseradish peroxidase based enzyme immunoassays. as ELISAs in order to provide a more accurate and faster A comparative study.” published Jun. 1998.* detection of analytes in a biological sample. Ryan et al., “Thermostabilized chemical derivatives of horseradish peroxidase.” published Jun. 1994.* 6 Claims, No Drawings US 9,588,123 B2 1. 2 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR IN amount of analyte present. Here, the presence of a large VTRO DAGNOSTIC TESTS INCLUDING amount of analyte can result in a more intense color. For ZWITTERONIC SOLUBLIZATION kinetic analysis, the time required before the appearance of REAGENT a color (reaction time) is inversely proportional to the amount of analyte present. Here, the presence of a large The present non-provisional Application claims the ben amount of analyte can result in a rapid reaction. The con efit of commonly owned provisional Application having Ser. centration of analyte in test samples can be calculated from No. 61/978.331, filed on Apr. 11, 2014, entitled COMPO a standard curve. SITIONS AND METHODS FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOS Some problems associated with colorimetric analysis are TIC TESTS INCLUDING ZWITTERIONIC SOLUBILI 10 that colorimetric reagents can have chemical properties ZATION REAGENTS, which Application is incorporated causing them to exhibit poor Solubility in assay composi herein by reference in its entirety. tions. Excipient components intended to improve solubility characteristics can potentially interfere with one or more FIELD aspects of the assay. Such interference can yield results that 15 do not accurately reflect the amount of analyte in the sample The disclosure is directed to compositions and methods or can significantly slow the reaction time. for in vitro diagnostic and in vitro colorimetric tests. SUMMARY BACKGROUND Generally, the disclosure is directed to compositions, kits, Research and diagnostic procedures benefit from rapid, and methods for determination of an analyte in a sample accurate, and qualitative and/or quantitative determinations which use an aromatic amine chromogenic Substrate and a of substances (“analytes') that are present in biological Zwitterionic solubilization reagent for the chromogenic Sub samples, such as biological tissues or fluids, at low concen strate that is N.N.N-trimethylglycine (betaine). Experimen trations. For example, the presence of drugs, narcotics, 25 tal studies associated with the disclosure found that N.N.N- hormones, steroids, polypeptides, prostaglandins or infec trimethylglycine is highly useful as a non-encapsulating tious organisms in blood, urine, saliva, dental plaque, gin solubilization reagent and provided faster kinetics and gival crevicular fluid, or other biological specimens is desir increased dye content of an aromatic amine chromogenic ably determined in an accurate and rapid fashion for Suitable substrate in an enzymatic reaction. The N.N.N-trimethyl diagnosis or treatment. 30 glycine provides an advantage over encapsulating reagents In many cases, an analyte is identified in a sample using that, despite improving chromogenic Substrate solubility, a compound that specifically recognizes the chemical fea can slow down kinetic activity. tures of the analyte. Often, monoclonal antibodies specific Accordingly, one aspect of the disclosure is directed to a for one or more chemical epitopes on an analyte are used. In kit with components for performing a colorimetric assay. other cases, oligonucleotides that are specific for gene 35 The kit comprises an aromatic amine chromogenic Substrate, transcripts (e.g., mRNA analytes) can be used to assess gene such as a benzidine chromogenic substrate like 3,3',5,5'- expression in a cell-containing sample. tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), and a Zwitterionic solubiliza The complex formed between the antibody (or oligo tion reagent that is N.N.N-trimethylglycine. nucleotide) and analyte can be detected by a variety of In the kit, the aromatic amine chromogenic Substrate and known methods. The most commonly used methods employ 40 the N.N.N-trimethylglycine can be separate or in mixture. a signal generating moiety of Some type which is either The aromatic amine chromogenic Substrate is capable of already attached to the antibody foligonucleotide, or forming a chromogenic reaction product detectable using becomes attached to the antibody/oligonucleotide through colorimetric analysis in a method using the kit components. further reaction. For example, in the formation of a complex The kit can optionally include other components like one or of biotin with avidin, the complex may be detected using a 45 more redox compounds, such as peroxidases, peroxidase label on either the avidin or biotin molecule. Such a label Substrates, oxidases, and oxidase Substrates, which can be may be a radioisotope or an enzyme conjugated to the avidin used to convert the chromogenic Substrate into the chro or biotin. Alternatively, the avidin-biotin complex might be mogenic reaction product. Another optional kit component detected by further reaction with a labeled molecule which is an analyte binding member, such as an antibody, capable is specific to either or both parts of the complex. It is 50 of specific recognition of an analyte of interest in a biologi commonly known to do the same with antigens and their cal sample. Other optional components in the kit include corresponding antibodies. vessels, such as multiwell plates, in which the colorimetric During an analysis procedure, the specific binding ligand analysis can be carried out and the chromogenic reaction of interest (Such as an antigen from an infectious agent) is product read using spectrophotometric equipment. The kit often detected using colorimetric, fluorescent, or chemilu 55 can also include instructions for carrying out the colorimet minescent signals resulting from reaction of the enzyme ric assay. label with its corresponding Substrate.
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