Taylor University Pillars at Taylor University 2005-2006 (Volume 93) The Echo 10-14-2005 The Echo: October 14, 2005 Taylor University Follow this and additional works at: https://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-2005-2006 Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Taylor University, "The Echo: October 14, 2005" (2005). 2005-2006 (Volume 93). 8. https://pillars.taylor.edu/echo-2005-2006/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Echo at Pillars at Taylor University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2005-2006 (Volume 93) by an authorized administrator of Pillars at Taylor University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Set for Extra! success Extra! Seniors' Disney X-Games set goes to prove THEECHO good use exciting OCTOBER 14, 2005 T AYLOR UNIVERSITY SINCE 1915 - VOLUME 93, NO. 8 Resnet weathers Fire destroys dorm BY CHRISTIANNA LUY & storm J ORDAN ZANDI the fi re has not been deter- cluded wallets, keys and building was extensive, but Schultz residents met with mined. medicines. the insurance policy pro- Dodge and other student BY CHRISSIE THOMPSON Saturday morning was not “It was crazy because may- By Saturday afternoon resi- vides for restoration of the development staff on Thurs- CONTRIBUTOR an average morning at Tay- be two to three minutes after dence life staff had identifi ed building to full use at current day to explore solutions for lor University’s Fort Wayne we had all gotten out, we saw places in other residence building code requirements. students without insurance. Three weeks ago freshman campus. Instead of sleeping fi re coming out of the top of halls for students to live. “We are cooperating fully They also discussed whether Bethany Saxe tried to connect past noon, students in Schul- the door where we had just Students' personal pos- with all aspects of the inves- deductibles should be sup- to Taylor’s wireless network. tz Residence Hall awoke at come through,” Schultz resi- sessions are not covered by tigation,” Dean of Students ported to meet immediate Unfortunately she received 5:45 a.m. to a fi re. Thank- dent Jeremiah Larkin said. Taylor’s insurance. Taylor's Dr. Randall Dodge said. material needs. Everything is an ominous notice: Campus fully, only 22 of the 35 male Sherri Harter, associate student handbook states stu- It could take up to four on a case-by-case basis. Manager had quarantined residents and one staff mem- vice president for advance- dents need their own insur- weeks before the insurance Campus offi cials are still her computer. ber were in the dorm. All es- ment, said, “God’s hand of ance policy. This is true for evaluation is complete. Pres- unclear about whether it is Saxe’s laptop was one of caped unharmed. protection was on the resi- the Upland campus as well. ently a target date for the re- better to renovate the dorm about 15 percent of student “There’s heavy fi re dam- dents of Schultz Hall. We are In fact, the Red Cross has building can be made. or rebuild it. Dodge said the PCs unnecessarily quaran- age on the fi rst fl oor, which is extremely thankful he guid- generously provided stu- Wednesday's chapel offer- fl oor and wall joists appear tined when Taylor’s Syman- a sub-basement level,” Fort ed the campus safety offi cer dents with vouchers for ing amassed $1,134 for the to be in fairly good shape tec server failed. The server Wayne Fire Department’s and residence life staff to clothing and toiletries. Also, 35 residents. According to for a 100-year-old building. could not tell Campus Man- Bob Amber said. “The sec- discover the fi re early, before the Taylor University Fort Dodge, the donations will be Renovating the dorm would ager, an online component ond fl oor has moderate fi re any personal injury was suf- Wayne bookstore is work- go to the student emergency require a massive overhaul, that verifi es virus protection damage and heavy smoke fered.” ing with students to replace fund. In addition, a van full potentially requiring handi- on student PCs, whether damage. The third fl oor has Later in the day students classroom materials and text- of clothing donated by Up- capped accessibility, new students’ Symantec Antivi- heavy smoke damage.” were allowed to grab only books. land students was delivered room sizes, closet sizes and rus programs were working. Currently, the start of personal items. These in- The damage done to the Thursday evening. doors. Campus Manager therefore quarantined the computers in question. “It was very inconvenient,” Alumni fl ood campus Saxe said. “Thankfully, [In- formation Technology (IT)] fi xed it themselves.” BY STEPHANIE SNIDER during the event. ASSOCIATE EDITOR T.J. Higley, client services “I think one of the best manager, said IT staff re- Although this weekend parts was seeing alumni run sponded by manually allow- seemed ordinary to most the 5K and recognizing how ing quarantined computers Taylor students, it was a time much they truly enjoyed be- network access. Staff also re- to remember for hundreds of ing with fellow alumni,” moved the antivirus require- alumni. sophomore Tamara Shaya ment for computers register- “Homecoming is a time said. “It was really neat to ing to the network. when Taylor alumni return be a part of that and to know Ordinarily, Campus Man- to their beloved campus to one day I’ll have the oppor- ager verifi es the correct in- reminisce and reconnect with tunity to do the same.” stallation of Symantec Anti- their Taylor classmates,” Alumni enjoyed meeting virus on student PCs. It scans Paula Davis, associate direc- the Habeckers, who are also computers for perceived tor of alumni relations, said. Taylor graduates. A welcome spyware and viruses. After “That’s exactly what hap- home concert was held on the scan, Campus Manager pened last weekend.” Friday in honor of the Ha- quarantines infected PCs, During Homecoming beckers. without Symantec Antivi- Weekend alumni returned to “More important was the rus, with the wrong version Taylor for 13 class reunions. excitement felt across the or with a corrupt Antivirus Traditional events included campus from all areas for our program. the Hall of Fame Induction new president, Dr. Eugene Rob Linehan, associate Dinner, an alumni brunch, a Habecker, and his dear wife, vice president for informa- 10-year chorale and sounds Marylou,” Board of Trust- tion technology, said Cam- reunion, a football game and ees member Don Jacobsen pus Manager is still scanning the Bell Tower Classic. (‘53) said, “Their warmth, for virus activity. The failed Unlike years past, howev- spiritual commitment and server means students’ anti- er, this year’s events includ- leadership capability, even virus programs are not auto- ed a parade. The parade’s after a very short period of matically updating. theme was “Catch the Spir- Photo by Amy Wood time, has had a very positive "A student’s antivirus it.” Twelve groups followed Brother and sister wings Third East Olson and Third East Wengatz march in Saturday's Homecom- impact on the entire Taylor will work today, but it’s not Vayhinger Circle, distribut- ing parade. Their parade attire consisted of matching green jackets the wings designed together. community.” The parade was the fi rst of its kind at a Taylor Homecoming. Twelve parade entries included campus checking in with the man- ing candy to eager bystand- Those in the alumni offi ce professional departments, dorms, extracurricular activites and sports teams. aged server to get updates,” ers along the way. Senior expressed excitement for this Linehan said. Jess Cuthbert organized the weekend’s success. Students should run Live parade for the Homecoming years,” Cuthbert said. “We students and alumni will par- Another main event, the “God truly poured out his Update weekly to download cabinet. are hoping that this will be ticipate in the coming years. 5K walk/run, started at the blessings on Taylor Univer- recent virus information. “It was exciting to be a part the fi rst of many parades at I know it could develop into Zondervan Library. Students sity during Homecoming The new Symantec server of the fi rst parade in over 30 Taylor and that many more a great Taylor tradition.” won prizes at a raffl e held 2005!” Davis said. will arrive in a few weeks. Until then IT is using a tem- porary server, testing re- confi guring all campus PCs when the new server arrives. Higley is encouraged by the success the tests that in- volves running a 30-second utility attached to an e-mail. Students will receive this e- mail when the new server ar- rives and will need to recon- fi gure PCs for the server. Linehan emphasis on guarding PCs from viruses is a new trend. “Five years ago, we didn’t spend this kind of money in virus protection,” he said. The prevalence of new vi- rus strains, created for rea- sons that range from chal- lenge and notoriety to malice and espionage, has caused universities to safeguard computers. “We’re trying to focus on Photo by Allise Goldsmith Photo by D.J. Horton the vast majority of students The Habecker's homecoming reception Friday night included a Junior Christy Morgan runs in the annual Homecoming 5K walk/run early Saturday morning. Alumni, that don’t have problems,” recitation of the Gettysburg Address. The evening was a success students and staff gathered in front of the Zondervan Library at 8:00 a.m. Some were dressed in Higley said. “We’re trying to with performances by the Taylor Chorale, Sounds, Jazz band, and professional running gear while others came in a simple T-shirt and shorts.
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