UUlMWtCllUUI STATE LIBRARY Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 OONNLCacW o o VOL. LXIX. NO. 16 STORRS. CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 "We're Getting An 85 Cent Refund" C Life Sciences Open House J I-* Features Faculty Research South Hall Sixth Floor: ft Zoologists, entomologists, bac- hibit is the Zoology Department's w teriologists and botanists will live animal colonies (Including display their special research in- most of Connecticut's native rep- terests and tools on this Home- tiles) , and a series of cellular Upside- Down Oubliette JO coming Weekend from 1 to4p.m. biology experiments. Some 20 laboratories, manned by Members of the Bacteriology various faculty members and Department, meantime, will BY LONNIE CHURCHILL They discovered on arrival that The mysterious Mr. Wooley graduate students will be open to unfold experiments which show the two wings, sections A and B himself has been a "tremendous the public. The Open House, which how minute micro-organisms- Apparently a mysterious Mr. were closed because of repairs help to us. He several times has is the first planned at the huge $4- grow, including how one organism Wooley and Miss Noftsker, wo- to the floors and ceilings due explained what Is going to happen mllllon building, is sponsored by might antagonize another and how men's affairs, deserve credit in to the complicated Galvanic Ac- and has been very kind to us." the Life Sciences Club. certain antibiotics inhibit some straightening out a scandalous tion. No one is sure just who Mr. Among the special attractions types of bacteria. room switching at South Hall's Until Thursday, all twenty Wooley Is, but he is described will be the University's 100- Among the sophisticated equip- sixth floor. girls have been in the dark as as being "some big wig". specimen collection of Connecti- ment to be displayed by bac- Twenty girls arrived at school to their exact status and what the He, in addition to Miss Noftsker cut mamals. Amateur ornitho- teriologists will be the "ultra- at the beginning of this semester next move would be. has been instrumental in correct- logists and youngsters alike will phot," a microscope which takes with the expectations they would Phyllis O'Grady, a sixth floor ing a good deal of the mess be Interested in the sizable bird pictures of tiny organisms. Ex- be living In South Hall Center- resident said that "nobody on the sixth floor of South Hall. exhibit which includes species periments involving various section. They had also paid $15 bothered telling us what was Miss O'Grady said she learned from throughout the world. types of blotic control will be for private baths on the sixth going on. Until we saw Miss yesterday that the University had Also scheduled for public ex- exhibited, as well as an unusual floor. Noftsker Thursday, we didn't three choices In deciding what "gaseous autoclave" used to know what was going to happen to do with the 20 girls this sterilize plastic materials. Coeds Prepping to us." summer. Five Finalists The botanists will open the doors She added that with the repairs Apparently they could 1) make Vie For Coveted to their green houses and show off going on it was impossible to them commute, 2) drop out of a number of experiments which For 14th Renewal study between 8 and 5. 'The school, or 3) give them rooms Queen's Title they are conducting. 9 Jack Hammers are going all on a condemned floor. Serving as guides and hostesses Of 'Derby Day day. I tell you, its no problem If given a choice, Miss O'Grady Five girls, selected for their at the open house will be under- getting up at 8 a.m. with a said she would have commuted. poise, personality, and appear- graduates drawn from the various UConn coeds gather In Hawley pneumatic drill coming through She added however, it would be ance, have been chosen finalists life science programs. your wall]' impossible for some of the other In the Homecoming Queen Field tomorrow to celebrate Sigma Chi Alpha's fourteenth Miss O'Grady said that today, girls because of distance. Contest. Chosen from a total of all the 20 girls are to be moved thirty-five girls, Marge McCann, Dean Trecker's annual "Derby Day". To describe her feelings toward Derby Day, a women's track and into A and B wings from the the South Hall situation, Miss Karen Kolesar, Melanie Lapsis, center section. Both the wings i O'Grady said she is "personal- Avis Ashapa, and Judy Boeke field day, was first introduced to Book Translated the Connecticut Campus in 1951 were previously closed for re- ly disgusted". She said she comprise the Queen's Court from pairs. whose ranks a Queen for Home- with the help of the Sigma Chi could see no reason why the Into Portuguese Chapter at the University of She added that the A and B university could not have re- coming Weekend wUlbg chosen. sections do not have private baths The judges for the event are "How to Work with Groups," Rhode Island. A Sigma Chi tra- paired the building during the dition at many colleges and un- "so the University will be giving summer. Dr. Stanley Wedberg, Bacteri- a book by Dean Harlelgh B. us between $.85 and $1.00 refund ology Department, Mr. Thomas Trecker of the University of Co- iversities, Derby Day is the only She was told that It was Im- Fraternity sponsored University for the three weeks In the wings." possible. South Hall is used for Ahem, Manager of the Student nnecticut School of Social Work, The girls are presently paying Union, Mr. Robert Miller, Stu- has been translated into Por- tradition. conferences. The Derby will begin with a the regular rate for rooms on She said that "the university dent Personnel, and Mr. Walter tuguese for use In Brazil. a condemned floor. Burr, Animal Industries. All are Publisher of the foreign lan- parade led by the Brothers of Is for students I Not for Con- Sigma Chi Alpha. Beginning at It seems that all 20 girls have ferences!" alumni board members. Also guage edition of Dean Trecker's complaints as to the living con- Judging was Toby Kimball, Presi- volume Is Llvrarla Agir Editors Grange Hall, the parade will Also she said she learned that proceed to South Hall, South Cam- ditions. They expressed there the university has known of the dent of the Class of '65. of Brazil. The Translation was was very little privacy. "At The participating girls first met provided in connection with a pus, West Campus, and Hillside, condition at the dormitory since picking up participants from each least we're finding out what co-ed last January. with their judges at a coffee held U. S. Information Agency pro- living Is like." Apparently there Monday, October 5, at Sigma Phi gram. house along the way, and finally "They fixed hillside Dorm" she terminating at Hawley Armory are six or seven men in the said, "Why couldn't they have Epsllon, where they also got a This is the second work by Dean halls all the time singing or chance to meet the other contest- Trecker to be translated for where the contests will begin. The done the same for South Hall?" Derby features women (Fresh- listening to the world series. All is not a loss, however. ants and their escorts. Each girl social work specialists overseas. Miss O'Grady added that up spoke with the judges individ- His "Social Group Work - Prin- men, Sophomores, Juniors, and Miss O'Grady said the "work- to yesterday, the rooms the girls men have done a marvelous Job ually who later chose five from ciples and Practices," is avail- Seniors) in contests of "athletic skill and prowess". were to move into were in de- in cleaning up today. There their number to compete for the able in Japanese, Spanish, plorable condition. Apparently final honor of becoming Home- Turkish and Italian, as well as Such events as a pie throwing are no more beams or holes there had been no attempt to ready in the wings. But the dust Is coming Queen. English. contest where contestants throw three pies at a human target, a the rooms by cleaning them. terrible. It's all over the place. A second coffee was held Dean Trecker has written ex- She said the floor had arranged last night at Chi Phi for the tensively in the field of social kissing contest, and the egg bop And the celling lamps are hang- a meeting with miss Noftsker ing by their wires." finalists and their escorts, Tim welfare administration and has wnere one contestant, the "horse", will have an egg tied to to see what she could do to In addition, she said that If Kevers, Chairman of Home- producted considerable research straighten out the condition. coming, Toby Kimball, Larry on the operation of social agen- her head and her partner, the there were ever a fire, it would Miss Noftsker, she added, was be doubtful If we could get out. Reed, Dag Hultgreen, and Brian cies, with special stress on board rider, will carry a sock filled more than a help. "She arranged The stairways are blocked off Mahoney. and staff relationships. with flour in order to break the egg on the opponents' heads, are that the rooms be cleaned up and for repairs, and the elevator some of the many scheduled for found out what was going on for Is shut down during a fire." the day. us." .
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