Trinity Library Title Catalog Class: Title: Author: 616.8 Ing `End of memory : a natural history of aging and Alzheimer's Ingram, Jay 745 One 101 things to do for Christmas O'Neal, Debbie 745 One c.2 101 things to do for Christmas O'Neal, Debbie Int One 107 questions children ask about prayer Undesignated Pri Ele 11th commandment : wisdom from our children Undesignated Pri Dee 14 cows for America Deedy, Carmen Agra 289.7 Goo 20 most asked questions about the Amish and Mennonites Good, Merle 236.25 Wie 23 questions about hell Wiese, Bill Pri Bre 3 little dassies Brett, Jan 226.5 Luc 3:16 : the numbers of hope Lucado, Max 616.8 Mac 36-hour day : a family guide to caring for persons with Alzheim Mace, Nancy 230.41 Lut 40-Day journey with Martin Luther Luther, Martin Pri Seu 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Seuss, Dr. 364.15 Sla 57 bus Slater, Dashka 248.4 McK 99 1/2 ways to fix your life, labor and love McKinley, Mike Pri Pot 99 plus one Pottebaum, Gerard Pri Mon A is for ark Monroe, Colleen Pri Sti ABC Bible characters Stifle, J.M. Pri Sti ABC Bible stories Stifle, J.M. Pri Sti ABC book about Christmas Stifle, J.M. Pri Sti ABC book about Jesus Stifle, J.M. 220 Abc ABC's of the Bible Undesignated 370.1 Lew Abolition of man Lewis, C. S. 222 Fei Abraham Feiler, Bruce 920 Lin Abraham Lincoln Trueblood, Elton Pri Riv Abraham: Man of Faith Rives, Elsie Int Cre Absolutely normal chaos Creech, Sharon F Ale Absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian Alexie, Sherman 920 Pog Abundance of blessings Pogainis, Ina 1/13/2020 Page 1 of 115 Class: Title: Author: 818.54 Nor Acedia & me Norris, Kathleen Int Hun Across five Aprils Hunt, Irene Int Hun Across five Aprils Hunt, Irene 305.89 Bra Across many mountains Brauer, Yangzom Pri Gre Action Jackson Greenberg, Jan 225.6 Bar Acts of the Apostles Barclay, William Pri Kea Adam Raccoon and the flying machine Keane, Glen Pri Mar Adam, Adam, what do you see? Martin, Bill, Jr. Pri Gir Adoption is for always Girard, Linda 263 McC LP Advent : prepare ye the way of the Lord McConnell, Molly Pri Sch Advent storybook Schneider, Antoine F Cro Adventures in two worlds Cronin, A. J. Int Sor Adventures of B.J., the amateur detective Sortor, Toni Int Try Adventures of Opal and Cupid Tryon, Thomas Int Twa Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark Pri Adl Africa calling, night time falling Adlerman, Daniel Pri Mos After-school monster Moss, Marissa Pri Dey Agate Dey, Joy Morgan Int Cho Al Capone does my shirts Choldenko, Gennifer Int Key Alabama moon Key, Watt 813.54 Mic Alaska Michener, James A. Int Jus Alberic the wise Juster, Norman F Coe Alchemist Coelho, Paulo 333.72 Lor Aldo Leopold; a fierce green fire Lorbiecki, Marybeth Pri Hed Alfie Heder, Thyra Pri Sha Alice the fairy Shannon, David Int Rey All American boys Reynolds, Jason 362.1 Hoo All dogs have ADHD Hoopmann, Kathy 261 Mye All God's children and blue suede shoes Myers, Kenneth A. 305.2 Elk All grown up and no place to go Elkind, David Pri Ryl All in a day Rylant, Cynthia 1/13/2020 Page 2 of 115 Class: Title: Author: 920 Dee All of the women of the Bible Deen, Edith 253 Mit All our losses, all our griefs : resources for pastoral care Mitchell, Kenneth Int Con All rise for the honorable Perry T. Cook Connor, Leslie Pri McC All small McCord, David 590 Can All the animals of the Bible lands Cansdale, George Pri Ham All the colors of the earth Hamanaka, Sheila F Doe All the light we cannot see Doerr, Anthony F Doe c.2 All the light we cannot see Doerr, Anthony 220.9 Loc All the men of the Bible Lockyer, Herbert F Ali All the paths of the Lord Alig, Vincent Pri Mac All the places to love MacLachlan, Patricia 220.8 Wal All the plants of the Bible Walker, Winifred Int Gif All the way home Giff, Patricia Reilly Pri Bry All things bright and beautiful Bryan, Ashley 249 Bat All through the day, all through the year Batchelder, David Pri Luc All you ever need Lucado, Max Int Nap Alligator bayou Napoli, Donna Jo Int Bau Almost home Bauer, Joan LP F Chi Aloha quilt Chiaverini, Jennifer Int Mah Along the river Mah, Adeline Yen Pri Edw Alphabeasts Edwards, Wallace Pri Fle Alphabet under construction Fleming, Denise 283.09 Tay Altar in the world Taylor, Barbara Brown F Bro Altered states Brookner, Anita Int Loo Alvin Ho, allergic to girls, school, and other scary things Look, Lenore 306.8 Wri Always daddy's girl Wright, H. Norman Pri Men Always remember Meng, Cece 616.8 Str Alzheimer's : making sense of suffering Strecker, Teresa Pri Col Am I a color too? Cole, Heidi Int Ven Amazing animal groups Venino, Suzanne 230.03 Nor Amazing grace Norris, Kathleen 1/13/2020 Page 3 of 115 Class: Title: Author: 362.7 Koz Amazing grace Kozol, Jonathan Int Gra Amazing Grace Granfield, Linda 920 New Amazing grace; John Newton's story Pollock, John 220.85 Gui Amazing truths : how science and the Bible agree Guillen, Michael Int Mos Amelia's notebook Moss, Marissa 291.09 Alb America, religions and religion Albanese, Catherine Int Yan American born Chinese Yang, Gene Luen 973.2 LaP American Jezebel LaPlante, Eve Int Haf American Muslim teenager's handbook Hafiz, Dilara 970 Woo American nations Woodard, Colin F Adi Americanah : a novel Adichie, Chimananda 973.93 Ame America's heroes: inspiring stories of courage ... Undesignated Pri Rav America's white table Raven, Margot Int Sch Amigo Schweitzer, Byrd Pri Amm Amish Christmas Ammon, Richard 261.8 Fis Amish peace : simple wisdom for a complicated world Fisher, Suzanne 305.48 Sto Amish women : lives and stories Stoltzfus, Louise 508.7 Rog Among the leaves : a collection of outdoor essays Rogers, George Int Yat Amos Fortune, free man Yates, Elizabeth 248.4 Mar Anatomy of grace Marty, Peter 939.4 Bro Ancient Egyptians and their neighbors Broida, Marian Pri Hic And God created squash : how the world began Hickman, Martha W. Int Gel And God cried too Gellman, Marc 242.5 Len And it was good L'Engle, Madeleine Pri Tud And it was so Tudor, Tasha Int Kru And now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph 232 Luc And the angels were silent; Six hours one Friday; No wonder th Lucado, Max 248.8 Chi Andrew, you died too soon Chilstrom, Corinne F McC Angel McCullough, Colleen Pri Pat Angel & the donkey Paterson, Katherine Int And Angel to watch over me Anderson, Joan 1/13/2020 Page 4 of 115 Class: Title: Author: Pri Wan Angels and all children Wangerin, Walter Int Tro Angels and donkeys Trocme, Andre Int Ani Animal architects Undesignated 796.42 Beh Animal keepers Behnke, Donn Pri Den Animal stories Denison, Carol 641 Kin Animal, vegetable, miracle Kingsolver, Barbara Pri Wie Animals at the manger Wiemer, Rudolf Int Asi Animals of the Bible Asimov, Isaac Pri Car Animals, animals Carle, Eric Pri Car Animals, animals Carle, Eric Pri Del Ann Elizabeth signs with love Dellinger, Annette E. 289.8 Fra Ann the Word Francis, Richard F Tol Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo Int Kee Anna Sunday Keehn, Sally M. Int Pre Anne Frank : a hidden life Pressler, Mirjam 920 Fra Anne Frank, beyond the diary : a photographic remembrance Verhoeven, Rian Int Mon Anne of Green Gables Montgomery, L. M. Pri Mil Annie and the old one Miles, Miska 813.52 Nel Annotated cat under the hats of Seuss and his cats Nel, Philip 284.1 Lut Annotated Luther, v. 4 : pastoral writings Luther, Martin 306.8 Pip Another country : navigating the emotional terrain of our elder Pipher, Mary Int Ler Antarctica Lerangis, Peter 242 Pet Anybody can be cool ... but awesome takes practice Peterson, Lorraine Int Bas Anything but typical Baskin, Nora Raleigh 229 Goo Apocrypha : an American translation Goodspeed, Edgar F Asc Apostle Asch, Sholem 225.9 Bis Apostle : travels among the tombs of the twelve Bissell, Thomas 152.4 Luc Applause of heaven Lucado, Max 248.4 Mey Approval addiction: overcoming the need to please everyone Meyer, Joyce 220.9 Mag Archaelogy of the Bible Magnusson, Magnus 220.9 Cor Archaeology of the Bible : book by book Cornfeld, Gaalyah 1/13/2020 Page 5 of 115 Class: Title: Author: Int Blu Are you there God? It's me, Margaret Blume, Judy 306.87 Ila Are your parents driving you crazy? Ilardo, Joseph Pri McD Arrow to the sun McDermott, Gerald Pri Wie Art and Max Wiesner, David 306.9 Zun Art of condolence Zunin, Leonard M. F Ber Art of mending Berg, Elizabeth F Ste Art of racing in the rain Stein, Garth 745.67 Sin Art of the Saint John's Bible : the complete reader's guide Sink, Susan 248.8 Wan As for me and my house Wangerin, Walter 155.9 Dar As I journey on Dardis, Sharon 920 Boy As I live and breathe Boyd, Malcolm Int Mus Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions Musgrove, Margaret 248.6 Lan c.2 Ask, thank, tell : improving stewardship ministry in your congre Lane, Charles 643.1 Bry At home Bryson, Bill F Kar At home in Mitford Karon, Jan F Bal At home on Ladybug Farm Ball, Donna 616 Jay At wit's end Jay, Jeff Int Mac Athlete vs. mathlete Mack, W. C. 270.6 Dow Atlas of the European Reformations Dowley, Tim F Ran Atlas shrugged Rand, Ayn F McE Atonement McEwan, Ian Int Car Attack of the turtle Carlson, Drew 070.92 Wal Audition: a memoir Walters, Barbara 920 Hep LP Audrey Hepburn :an intimate portrait Maychick, Diana Int Wil Aurora County All-stars Wiles, Deborah Pri Sch Autumn : an alphabet acrostic Schmur, Steven F Cha Avenged Chander, A.
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